speech situation
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Yoqubova Sevara Baxtiyorovna

This article examines vulgarism and dialectisms, which are considered to be elements of vulgarity in personal correspondence. In the linguistic examination conducted in anonymous cases, the form, frequency, and pragmatic content of the use of non-literary elements also play a leading role in determining the age of a person. The article examines the pragmatic direction, communicative purpose, frequency of use of non-literary elements in the correspondence of individuals aged 17-27 on average, and concludes. A survey was also conducted among school-age students to study the influence of the family environment on the use of non-literal lexical elements in a child’s speech. The nature of the use of non-verbal elements in personal correspondence depends on neurological, psychological, and sociological factors. Unethical behavior can also be related to a person's emotional state. Some personal correspondence uses obscene lexical elements, some positive and some negative. Speech situation and communicative purpose also played an important role in the use of non-literary lexical items.

2021 ◽  
pp. 90-98

Целью статьи является рассмотрение вербальных средств выражения страха / испуга, описание особенностей употребления междометных единиц в зависимости от речевой ситуации. В статье мы обратились к истории возникновения междометия Æллæх!, этимологически восходящего к вокативу Аллах, к исследованию контекстов его современного употребления, что позволяет предложить комплексное описание данной единицы. Методом контекстного анализа были исследованы и расклассифицированы осетиноязычные тексты (более 100 примеров употребления). Семантическое описание междометия строилось с привлечением материала толковых и аспектных словарей осетинского языка. В результате проведенного исследования проиллюстрирован процесс образования междометия Æллæх! из этимологически родственного вокатива Аллах; предложена классификация контекстов употребления междометия; выявлены вербальные и невербальные характеристики эмоционального поведения человека в состоянии испуга. Особое внимание обращено на исследование синонимических отношений представленного междометия. Изложенные в статье результаты исследования помогут создать модель описания междометных выражений разных типов, характеризующих эмоциональное состояние говорящего. Работа может быть полезна в практике преподавания осетинского языка, а также в теории и практике перевода. The purpose of the article is to consider the verbal means of expressing fear / fright, to describe the features of the use of interjective units depending on the speech situation. In the article, we account for the history of the interjection Ællæh!, etymologically dating back to the vocative Allah, to the study of the contexts of its modern use, which allows us to offer a comprehensive description of this unit. By the method of contextual analysis, the Ossetian-language texts were studied and classified (more than 100 examples of usage). The semantic description of the interjection was built using the material of explanatory and aspect dictionaries of the Ossetian language. As a result of the conducted research, the process of formation of the interjection Ællæh was illustrated from the etymologically related vocative Allah; a classification of interjection use contexts is proposed; verbal and non-verbal characteristics of a person's emotional behavior in a state of fright are revealed. Special attention is paid to the study of synonymous relations of the presented interjection. The research results presented in the article will help to create a model for describing interjective expressions of different types that characterize the emotional state of the speaker. The work can be useful in the practice of teaching the Ossetian language, as well as in the theory and practice of translation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 173
Asep Purwo Yudi Utumo

Dalam berkomunikasi sehari-hari seorang penutur perlu memperhatikan adanya situasi tutur. Maksud dari sebuah tuturan dapat dipahami dan diidentifikasi oleh mitra tutur karena adanya situasi tutur. Selain itu, situasi tutur juga mempengaruhi penutur untuk menentukan ragam bahasa yang sesuai digunakan ketika tuturan itu terjadi. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan perbedaan berkomunikasi Presiden Jokowi dalam  situasi  tertentu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode simak dan catat. Hasil temuan penelitian ini adalah pola tuturan Presiden Jokowi dalam situasi resmi dengan mitra tutur, yaitu pemimpin negara, wartawan, dan atau masyarakat melalui media massa menggunakan tindak tutur lokusi, ilokusi, dan performatif. Produk tindak verbal dari tuturan tersebut adalah penggunaan ragam bahasa formal. Pola tuturan Presiden Jokowi dalam situasi tidak resmi dengan mitra tutur, yaitu rakyat secara langsung menggunakan tindak tutur perlokusi. Produk tindak verbal dari tuturan tersebut adalah penggunaan ragam bahasa santai. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat agar semakin memperhatikan tuturan yang digunakan agar tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman. Selain itu, masyarakat juga perlu memperhatikan penggunaan ragam bahasa dalam situasi tutur tertentu.Kata kunci: Tindak tutur, situasi tutur, ragam bahasa, ragam formal, ragam santai In daily communication, a speaker needs to pay attention to the existence of a speech situation. The meaning of a speech can be understood and identified by the speech partner because of the speech situation. In addition, the speech situation also influences the speaker to determine the appropriate variety of language used when the speech occurs. This study describes President Jokowi's communication differences in certain situations. This research uses descriptive analysis method. The method of collecting data in this study used the observation and note method. The findings of this study are the speech patterns of President Jokowi in official situations with speech partners, namely state leaders, journalists, and / or the community through the mass media using locusive, illocutionary and performative speech acts. The product of the verbal act of the speech is the use  of various formal languages. President Jokowi's speech patterns in informal situations with speech partners, namely the people directly use perlocution speech acts. The product of the verbal act of the speech is the use of a variety of casual language. The benefit  of  this research is to increase public awareness in order to pay more attention to the utterances  used in order to avoid misunderstandings. Apart from that, people also need to pay attention to the use of various languages in certain speech situations.Key words; Speech act, speech situation, language variety, formal variety, casual variety

Hanna Kutsak

Background. Being in a certain language environment, a person accumulates language resources, correlates them with the realities of objective reality on a subconscious level, as well as with the communicative intention and being used analogy, models the nominative unit. The appearance of the new name is based on the so-called “finished material”, that is the word-forming means and word-forming models which are available in the language.Purpose. To describe the role of analogy in the creation of derived nominative units in language and speech against the background of modern trends of verbalization of the realities of the surrounding actuality.Methods. The abstraction and descriptive-analytical methods were used to study the role of analogy in the verbalization of the realities of actuality.Results. The use of analogies is influenced by various factors: usually when the nominators use language actively to create according to a known wordforming model a name for a new concept or to offer an expressive name to an existent name of a known reality in a particular speech situation. Sometimes the analogy is used due to lack of speech experience to fill the nominative gap in a certain communicative situation.Depending on the nominative intention of the speaker and the corresponding models-samples it is possible to define kinds of applicable analogies: proper-nominative, associative, expressive, situational-compensatory, situational-correlative, nominative-adaptive.Discussion. The analogy often accompanies the process of verbalization of the realities of objective actuality, makes it simpler, systematizes, unifies the nominative resource of the modern Ukrainian language. The perspective of the research is to identify the most productive sample structures, according to which the nominative process takes place in different onomasiological categories.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Clemens Harten ◽  
Matthias Meyer ◽  
Lucia Bellora-Bienengräber

Purpose This paper aims to explore drivers of the effectiveness of risk assessments in risk workshops. Design/methodology/approach This study uses an agent-based model to simulate risk assessments in risk workshops. Combining the notions of transactive memory and the ideal speech situation, this study establishes a risk assessment benchmark and then investigates real-world deviations from this benchmark. Specifically, this study models limits to information transfer, incomplete discussions and potentially detrimental group characteristics, as well as interaction patterns. Findings First, limits to information transfer among workshop participants can prevent a correct consensus. Second, increasing the required number of stable discussion rounds before an assessment improves the correct assessment of high but not low likelihood risks. Third, while theoretically advantageous group characteristics are associated with the highest assessment correctness for all risks, theoretically detrimental group characteristics are associated with the highest assessment correctness for high likelihood risks. Fourth, prioritizing participants who are particularly concerned about the risk leads to the highest level of correctness. Originality/value This study shows that by increasing the duration of simulated risk workshops, the assessments change – as a rule – from underestimating to overestimating risks, unraveling a trade-off for risk workshop facilitators. Methodologically, this approach overcomes limitations of prior research, specifically the lack of an assessment and process benchmark, the inability to disentangle multiple effects and the difficulty of capturing individual cognitive processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (10) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Хуршида Ботировна Кадирова ◽  

This article is devoted to the phenomena of exchange of euphemistic and dysphemic units in the process of literary translation on the example of the Uzbek and Russian languages, which analyzes some of the causes of these problems. In it, euphemisms and dysphemisms occupy places on both sides of the synonymous row, and their place on the axis of the positive and negative poles is illustrated by examples. It is also argued that synonymous euphemisms have a hierarchy in their composition and that euphemistic units that were previously tabooed have turned into dysphemisms. The author emphasizes the importance of the skill of a translator who understands the mental culture and tries to preserve the spirit of the source language in the target language. Key words: euphemism, dysphemism, literary translation, speech situation, seme, source language, target language, taboo, synonymous row, change

2021 ◽  
pp. 266-273
Наталья Юрьевна Моспанова ◽  
Наталья Владимировна Буренкова ◽  
Инна Евгеньевна Крамарева

Статья посвящена поиску путей развития коммуникативной компетенции будущих педагогов в образовательном процессе в вузе. Одним из таких путей может стать совершенствование процесса языковой подготовки студентов, формирования общих и профессионально значимых умений и навыков речевого поведения. В статье определены компоненты языковой компетенции как основы коммуникативной компетенции, направления языковой и речевой подготовки, описаны способы и приемы формирования коммуникативных умений будущих педагогов, в том числе, с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий в процессе изучения лингвистических дисциплин. Таким образом, коммуникативная компетенция включает в себя не только высокий уровень знания и владения языковыми средствами, но и коммуникативной (и речевой) ситуацией: определение всех ее компонентов, планирование речевого взаимодействия в зависимости от конкретных условий общения (места и времени), коммуникативных намерений, личности коммуникаторов (возраста, статуса, особенностей восприятия информации и т.д.), реализацию плана, использование приемов гибкого реагирования, подыгрывания или оказания противодействия и т.д. С этой целью предлагаются задания аналитического и конструктивного характера: анализ художественных текстов (изучается речевая ситуация и взаимодействие ее участников), моделирование различных коммуникативных ситуаций (родительское собрание, собеседование при приеме на работу, встреча-знакомство и т.д.), ролевые игры. Важную роль здесь играет умение инициировать общение, выслушать, найти общие точки взаимодействия, проявить эмпатию, эмоционально окрашивать диалог, быть внимательным и гибким, адекватно реагировать на реплики собеседника и т.д. Все это способствует формированию не только коммуникативных, но и личностных качеств будущих специалистов. The article is devoted to the search for ways to develop the communicative competence of future teachers in the educational process at the university. One of these ways may be to improve the process of language training of students, the formation of general and professionally significant skills and skills of speech behavior. The article defines the components of language competence as the basis of communicative competence, the directions of language and speech training, describes the ways and techniques of forming the communicative skills of future teachers, including using information and communication technologies in the process of studying linguistic disciplines. Thus, communicative competence includes not only a high level of knowledge and proficiency in language means, but also a communicative (and speech) situation: the definition of all its components, the planning of speech interaction depending on the specific conditions of communication (place and time), communicative intentions, personality of communicators (age, status, features of information perception, etc.), the implementation of the plan, the use of flexible response techniques, playing along or countering, etc. For this purpose, tasks of an analytical and constructive nature are offered: analysis of literary texts (the speech situation and the interaction of its participants are studied), modeling of various communicative situations (parent meeting, job interview, meeting-acquaintance, etc.), role-playing games. An important role here is played by the ability to initiate communication, listen, find common points of interaction, show empathy, emotionally color the dialogue, be attentive and flexible, respond adequately to the interlocutor's remarks, etc. All this contributes to the formation of not only communicative, but also personal qualities of future specialists.

2021 ◽  
Vol 02 (09) ◽  
pp. 73-75
Fotima Bakhromovna Akhrarova ◽  
The Usa ◽  

The American variant of English has been very thoroughly described by many prominent scholars both in this country and in the USA. In this book, however, we shall try to follow the conception introduced by A.D. Shweitzer in his sociolinguistic approach to the treatment of contemporary speech situation in America.

O.K. Pelivan

The given article presents an experimental phonetic investigation, which deals with a comprehensive analysis of English-language formal and informal conflict dialogues. It focuses on the study of various types of the investigated conflict dialogues intonational structure.The basic criteria of the practical material classification are: 1) the degree of relations formality between the collocutors and 2) politeness/impoliteness. According to these criteria the investigated conflict dialogues were classified as formal polite, formal impolite, informal polite and informal impolite. The recorded speech was investigated with the help of computer and statistical analyses which allowed to reveal those elements of prosody which actualize politeness/impoliteness in various types of the investigated conflict dialogues. The prosodic means that most clearly differentiate the investigated dialogical units are the pitch and intensity  range, the pitch peaks, the average syllable duration, the average duration of the emphatic centre, the pause volume, types of pauses between the key remarks. The pitch and intensity peaks that coinside with the emphatic centre of a dialogical unity are greatly important for actualizing emphasis. The speech of collocutors who try to remain polite in a formal conflict situation is characterised by a normal tempo with the tendency to slowing down, a mid  loudness, a mid pitch range that is due to the formal and official speech situation that forces the interlocutors to follow status subordination. An impolite formal conflict is characterized by a greater degree of emotionality than a polite formal one, as collocutors do not always follow the rules and standards of a formal situation behaviour being rude and harsh with their speech partners. At the prosodic level it  is expressed by a faster tempo, a greater loudness and a wider pitch range  than in the polite formal communication. The polite informal conflict communication is more emotional and natural than the polite formal one, but less emotional and natural than the impolite informal one. On the one hand  the informal situation gives complete freedom to choose emotions and ways of  their realization but on the other hand the desire to be polite in order  not to offend the speech partner forces the collocutors to restrain their negative feelings in the polite formal conflict communication. The impolite informal conflict is the most emotional and uncontrolled. Expressiveness and uncontrollability in the impolite informal conflict are caused by the the speech situation informality, unwillingness and no need to restrain, complete freedom of choice of verbal and nonverbal means. At the prosodic level this type of conflict interaction is characterised by a high loudness, an accelerated tempo and a wide pitch range of the voice. The conducted  research enabled us to state that conflict dialogical discourse represents a peculiar type of speech with a specific prosodic structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-157
Penka Valcheva ◽  

The article discusses the basic concept in the theory of speech activity. The ratio of the four phases in the structure of speech activity to the system for development of creative storytelling in preschool age is analyzed. The significance of the imaginary communicative-speech situations for the natural motivation of the children’s speech activity and the orientation in the communication situation is considered. Describes the pedagogical tools used to build the communicative-speech situation and the requirements it must meet in order to motivate children’s creative storytelling. Guided by the theory of speech activity and the peculiarities of the imaginary communicative-speech situation, the author derives methodical algorithms of creative storytelling in preschool age, which, develop in unity the verbal-creative and communicative-speech skills of children.

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