scholarly journals Regeneration Status and Importance of Hyphaene thebaica L. (Doum Palm) and Associated Species in Tekeze Riverine Vegetation of the North Western Zone of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

Kiros Abay ◽  
Kahsu Gebretsion

Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate the regeneration status and importance of Hypahene thebaica L. and associated species in Tekeze riparian vegetation of the North western zone of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.  Study Design: Systematic sampling technique. Place and Duration of Study: The study was carried out along Tekeze riverine vegetation, northern Ethiopia between January 2015 and March 2015. Methodology: Three transects (one and two transects on the right and left side of the Tekeze River, respectively) were laid. The distance between the two transects on the left side of the river was 200 m. Along the transects, 30 plots were established systematically at intervals of 100 m to collect vegetation data. Results:  Eighteen plant species belonging to 12 families were recorded. Fabaceae was found to be the dominant family in the study area and were represented by five species, which contributed to 27.7% of the total species documented, whereas nine families were represented by one species each. The overall density of the study area was 70.97 individuals/ha. Hyphaene thebaica was the second abundant species with 16.13 individuals/ha, and contributed 22.7% to the total density of the riparian vegetation. The total basal area of plants was 1.03 m2 ha-1. Hyphaene thebaica was ranked third and accounts for 12.6% of the total basal area with 0.13 m2 ha-1. The species was the most frequent with 17.02%, followed by Ricinus communis and Balanites aegyptiaca. Balanites aegyptiaca (53.52%), H. thebaica (52.37%) and Ricinus communis (51.76%) were the three most important species. Conclusion: More mature trees were documented than saplings and seedlings, indicating “poor’’ regeneration status for the riparian vegetation. Hyphaene thebaica has shown “fair’’, while most species were found to have “poorly’’ or “no’’ regenerating. Hence a sound management plan is urgently required to sustainably utilize and conserve the riverine vegetation. 

Brianna G. Clynick

Assemblages of fish associated with exposed and sheltered sides of breakwaters and adjacent rocky reefs were sampled at coastal marinas on the north-west coast of Italy. Contrary to expectations, assemblages associated with the exposed side of artificial breakwaters did not differ from those at adjacent natural rocky reefs. Assemblages of fish associated with the sheltered side of breakwaters did, however, differ from adjacent rocky reefs and, to a lesser extent from the exposed side of the breakwaters. The internal sheltered side of marinas supported fewer species than did the external breakwaters and adjacent reefs and lacked common reef-associated species, such as Chromis chromis and Oblada melanura. In contrast, they supported greater numbers of new recruits of the sparid, Diplodus vulgaris.

Nuru Mohammed

Aim: This study was conducted to assessing woody plant composition, population structure and regeneration status in lowland exclosure (EX) of Northern Ethiopia. Study Design: Investigation of parameters was undertaken from 71 plots with size of 20 m x 10 m laid systematically along transect lines for vegetation data. These 200 m2 plots were used for assessment of trees with DBH >5 cm. Small quadrats of 4 m*4 m (16 m2) nested within the bigger plots was laid at the four corners and center of each plots. These were used for measuring seedling and sapling individuals. To analyze species diversity, population structure and regeneration status of woody plants were by computing abundance, density, basal area, Importance value index (IVI) and using Shannon-Weiner diversity and evenness indices. Results: According to vegetation survey result, a total of 23, 17 and 26 woody species were recorded, at Kara, Erba and Shektekli exclosures (EXs), respectively. While 8, 7 and 5 species of woody plant were in open grazing land (OGL). The total mean densities of all woody plants were found to be 1530, 1480 and 2999 individual’s ha-1 at Kara, Erba and Shektekli in EXs. Conclusion: The study suggested that the regional government have to considering EXs as useful for restoration or rehabitation strategy in the region, the vegetation in all the EXs in the study sites have a higher species composition, diversity, density, increment of basal area and regeneration woody plants than OGL, as a result of management differences in EXs. However, there are also variation on species composition, diversity, density increment of basal area and regeneration woody plants among exclosures having similar age and altitude for instance the species recorded in Erba site is lower than with other of EXs, This could be due to among local site characteristic variation and high grazing happen before Ex establishment exists. Therefore, we need to apply soil and water conservation, enrichment planting with indigenous tree species and strengthen local management institution in effectively protect the exclosure.


Методом капиллярного электрофореза изучен качественный состав и количественное содержание органических кислот в соках и виноматериалах из винограда сортов Ркацители и Молдова, выращенных в экологических условиях равнины и предгорья северо-западной зоны Дагестана. Идентифицировано восемь компонентов: винная, лимонная, молочная, муравьиная, уксусная, щавелевая, яблочная и янтарная кислоты. Превалировали винная и яблочная кислоты, которые, как и уксусная, содержались во всех опытных образцах. Количество обнаруженных органических кислот составляло от 0,01 (молочная и янтарная) до 3,31 г/дм3 (винная). Их наибольшая общая массовая концентрация определена в соке из винограда сорта Ркацители – 5,3 г/дм3. Отмечено, что суммарное содержание этих компонентов в образцах соков и виноматериалов из винограда сортов Ркацители и Молдова незначительно зависит от высоты места произрастания винограда над уровнем моря. Этот природный фактор обусловливает различия в соотношениях кислот, особенно при формировании их пулов в виноматериалах. Органические кислоты, обнаруженные в исследованных образцах продуктов переработки винограда, способны влиять на появление неординарных нюансов цвета, вкуса и аромата, повышающих качество шампанских вин и коньяков. The qualitative composition and quantitative content of organic acids in juices and wine materials from grapes of Rkatsiteli and Moldova grown under the ecological conditions of the plains and foothills of the North West zone of Dagestan were studied by the method of capillary electrophoresis. Eight components are identified: wine, lemon, dairy, ant, acetic, oxalic, apple and amber acids. The amount of the found organic acids was 0,01 (dairy and amber acids) – 3,31 g/dm3 (wine acid). Their highest general mass concentration is defined in juice from Rkatsiteli – 5,3 g/dm3. It is noted that the total content of these components in the samples of juice and wine materials from grapes of Rkatsiteli and Moldova slightly depends on the height of your growing grapes above the sea level. This natural factor causes differences in ratios of acids, especially when forming their pools in wine materials. The organic acids found in the studied products of processing made from Rkatsiteli and Moldova grapes are capable to influence emergence of the extraordinary nuances of color, taste and aroma increasing quality of sparkling wines and cognacs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-71
Md Younus Mia ◽  
Md Ramjan Ali ◽  
Shimul Roy

The study was conducted to compare the rate of change of selective climatic variables such as annual maximum and minimum temperature, annual total rainfall and annual average humidity among the three different climatic sub-regions (Western zone, northwestern zone and north-eastern zone) of Bangladesh. Annual averages of climatic parameters were calculated to analyze the trend lines, variation and change rate of climatic parameter during the study period. Five years moving average rainfall and humidity were also determined. It was observed that change rate of annual maximum temperature and annual average maximum temperature both were highest in north-eastern zone at the rate of 0.048 and 0.046°C per year, respectively. Highest annual minimum temperature change rate (0.003°C per year) was also found in the north-eastern zone but highest annual average minimum temperature change rate (0.034°C per year) was found in the north-western zone. Average annual rainfall was decreasing insignificantly in all the three climatic sub-regions whereas the highest change rate (21.50 mm per year) was observed in the north-eastern zone of Bangladesh. Highest annual average humidity change rate (0.113% per year) was found in the north-western zone of Bangladesh and five years moving average of annual average humidity was increasing at the highest rate of 0.132% per year in the north-western zone of Bangladesh.Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. 29(1): 63-71, June-2016

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Abel Gebre ◽  
Afework Mulugeta

Background. Anemia affects the lives of more than 2 billion people globally, accounting for over 30% of the world’s population. Anemia is a global public health problem occurring at all stages of the life cycle but the burden of the problem is higher in pregnant women particularly in developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in north western zone of Tigray, northern Ethiopia.Methods. A facility based cross-sectional study was employed. A systematic random sampling procedure was employed to select 714 pregnant women who were attending antenatal clinics in health facilities found in the study area from April to May 2014. The data was entered and analyzed using Epi-info version 3.5.1 and SPSS version 20.0 statistical software, respectively. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with anemia among the study participants. All tests were two-sided andpvalue < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results. The overall prevalence of anemia (hemoglobin < 11 g/dL) among the pregnant women was 36.1% (95% CI = 32.7%–39.7%) of which 58.5% were mildly, 35.7% moderately, and 5.8% severely anemic. In pregnant women, rural residence (AOR = 1.75, 95% CI = 1.01–3.04), no education/being illiterate (AOR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.03–2.37), absence of iron supplementation during pregnancy (AOR = 2.76, 95% CI = 1.92–5.37), and meal frequency of less than two times per day (AOR = 2.28, 95% CI = 1.06–4.91) were the independent predictors for increased anemia among the pregnant women.Conclusions. Anemia was found to be moderate public health problem in the study area. Residence, educational status, iron supplementation during pregnancy, and meal frequency per day were statistically associated with anemia among the pregnant women. Awareness creation and nutrition education on the importance of taking iron supplementation and nutritional counseling on consumption of extra meal and iron-rich foods during pregnancy are recommended to prevent anemia in the pregnant women.

1977 ◽  
Vol 18 (79) ◽  
pp. 309-314 ◽  
Stefan Hastenrath

Abstract During a field survey in High Semyen, northern Ethiopia, two moraine complexes were mapped, the lower one extending down to around 3 750 m. Glacial morphology is best developed in the north-western and western quadrants. Moraines are deeply weathered and carry abundant vegetation. For Mounts Badda, Cilalo, Cacca and Enguolo in southern Ethiopia, possible moraines are inferred from air photographs; there are indications for more pronounced glaciation in the western quadrant, and moraines seem to extend further down than in High Semyen. Highest moraines at Mount Elgon in northern Kenya/ Uganda were found to below 3 600 m. Major moraine complexes in the mountains of Ethiopia and East Africa suggest some spatial correlation in elevation and appearance, but absolute dates are absent.

Agriculture is most important part for living people. Crop prediction analysis is more useful analysis to choose the particular crop for cultivation in particular season. In this paper, a hybridization technique that is Artificial Bee Colony with weighted based Fuzzy Clustering algorithm was proposed to predict a district which produces a most high yield in the north western zone of Tamilnadu in that particular district. North western zone of Tamilnadu consist four districts such as Dharmapuri, Krishnagiri, Namakkal and Salem. In this research work the proposed algorithm shows that the district in the north western zone of Tamilnadu which yields high production of particular crop for that particular season. In north western zone of Tamilnadu, Crop prediction analysis consider as high yield area, moderate yield area and low yield area as district wise. The Experimental result shows that hybridized artificial bee colony with weighted based fuzzy clustering algorithm yields better performance than other clustering algorithm like k-means and kmedoids with high accuracy.

1977 ◽  
Vol 18 (79) ◽  
pp. 309-314 ◽  
Stefan Hastenrath

AbstractDuring a field survey in High Semyen, northern Ethiopia, two moraine complexes were mapped, the lower one extending down to around 3 750 m. Glacial morphology is best developed in the north-western and western quadrants. Moraines are deeply weathered and carry abundant vegetation. For Mounts Badda, Cilalo, Cacca and Enguolo in southern Ethiopia, possible moraines are inferred from air photographs; there are indications for more pronounced glaciation in the western quadrant, and moraines seem to extend further down than in High Semyen. Highest moraines at Mount Elgon in northern Kenya/ Uganda were found to below 3 600 m. Major moraine complexes in the mountains of Ethiopia and East Africa suggest some spatial correlation in elevation and appearance, but absolute dates are absent.

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