local truncation error
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Xuqiong Luo ◽  
Na Yang ◽  
Qingshan Tong

In this paper, a singularly perturbed convection–diffusion equation is studied. At first, the original problem is transformed into a parameterized singularly perturbed Volterra integro-differential equation by using an integral transform. Then, a second-order finite difference method on an arbitrary mesh is given. The stability and local truncation error estimates of the discrete schemes are analyzed. Based on the mesh equidistribution principle and local truncation error estimation, an adaptive grid algorithm is given. In addition, in order to calculate the parameters of the transformation equation, a nonlinear unconstrained optimization problem is constructed. Numerical experiments are given to illustrate the effectiveness of our presented adaptive grid algorithm.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
E.O. Tuggen ◽  
C.E. Abhulimen

Abstract In this article, a new kind of finite difference scheme that is exponentially fitted, inspired from Fourier analysis, for a fourth space derivative was developed for solving diffusion problems. Dispersion relation and local truncation error of the method were discussed. Stability analysis of the method revealed that it is conditionally stable. Compared to the corresponding fourth order classical scheme in the literature, the proposed scheme is efficient and accurate. Mathematics Subject Classification (2020): 65M06, 65N06. Keywords: Exponential fitting, Finite difference, Local truncation error, Heat equations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 59
Musa Ahmed Demba ◽  
Higinio Ramos ◽  
Poom Kumam ◽  
Wiboonsak Watthayu

An optimized embedded 5(3) pair of explicit Runge–Kutta–Nyström methods with four stages using phase-fitted and amplification-fitted techniques is developed in this paper. The new adapted pair can exactly integrate (except round-off errors) the common test: y″=−w2y. The local truncation error of the new method is derived, and we show that the order of convergence is maintained. The stability analysis is addressed, and we demonstrate that the developed method is absolutely stable, and thus appropriate for solving stiff problems. The numerical experiments show a better performance of the new embedded pair in comparison with other existing RKN pairs of similar characteristics.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 950
Denis Butusov

Developing new and efficient numerical integration techniques is of great importance in applied mathematics and computer science. Among the variety of available methods, multistep ODE solvers are broadly used in simulation software. Recently, semi-implicit integration proved to be an efficient compromise between implicit and explicit ODE solvers, and multiple high-performance semi-implicit methods were proposed. However, the computational efficiency of any ODE solver can be significantly increased through the introduction of an adaptive integration stepsize, but it requires the estimation of local truncation error. It is known that recently proposed extrapolation semi-implicit multistep methods (ESIMM) cannot operate with existing local truncation error (LTE) estimators, e.g., embedded methods approach, due to their specific right-hand side calculation algorithm. In this paper, we propose two different techniques for local truncation error estimation and study the performance of ESIMM methods with adaptive stepsize control. The first considered approach is based on two parallel semi-implicit solutions with different commutation orders. The second estimator, called the “double extrapolation” method, is a modification of the embedded method approach. The introduction of the double extrapolation LTE estimator allowed us to additionally increase the precision of the ESIMM solver. Using several known nonlinear systems, including stiff van der Pol oscillator, as the testbench, we explicitly show that ESIMM solvers can outperform both implicit and explicit linear multistep methods when implemented with an adaptive stepsize.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 13187-13209
Xumei Zhang ◽  
Junying Cao

<abstract><p>In this paper, we construct a high order numerical scheme for Caputo nonlinear fractional ordinary differential equations. Firstly, we use the piecewise Quadratic Lagrange interpolation method to construct a high order numerical scheme for Caputo nonlinear fractional ordinary differential equations, and then analyze the local truncation error of the high order numerical scheme. Secondly, based on the local truncation error, the convergence order of $ 3-\theta $ order is obtained. And the convergence are strictly analyzed. Finally, the numerical simulation of the high order numerical scheme is carried out. Through the calculation of typical problems, the effectiveness of the numerical algorithm and the correctness of theoretical analysis are verified.</p></abstract>

Aaron M. Krueger ◽  
Vincent A. Mousseau ◽  
Yassin A. Hassan

Abstract The method of manufactured solutions (MMS) has become increasingly popular in conducting code verification studies on predictive codes, such as nuclear power system codes and computational fluid dynamic codes. The reason for the popularity of this approach is that it can be used when an analytical solution is not available. Using MMS, code developers are able to verify that their code is free of coding errors that impact the observed order of accuracy. While MMS is still an excellent tool for code verification, it does not identify coding errors that are of the same order as the numerical method. This paper presents a method that combines MMS with modified equation analysis (MEA), which calculates the local truncation error (LTE) to identify coding error up to and including the order of the numerical method. This method is referred to as modified equation analysis methd of manufactured solutions (MEAMMS). MEAMMS is then applied to a custom-built code, which solves the shallow water equations, to test the performance of the code verification method. MEAMMS is able to detect all coding errors that impact the implementation of the numerical scheme. To show how MEAMMS is different than MMS, they are both applied to the same first-order numerical method test problem with a first-order coding error. When there are first-order coding errors, only MEAMMS is able to identify them. This shows that MEAMMS is able to identify a larger set of coding errors while still being able to identify the coding errors MMS is able to identify.

Aaron M. Krueger ◽  
Vincent A. Mousseau ◽  
Yassin A. Hassan

Abstract The Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) has proven to be useful for completing code verification studies. MMS allows the code developer to verify that the observed order-of-accuracy matches the theoretical order-of accuracy. Even though the solution to the partial differential equation is not intuitive, it provides an exact solution to a problem that most likely could not be solved analytically. The code developer can then use the exact solution as a debugging tool. While the order-of-accuracy test has been historically treated as the most rigorous of all code verification methods, it fails to indicate code “bugs” that are of the same order as the theoretical order-of-accuracy. The only way to test for these types of code bugs is to verify that the theoretical local truncation error for a particular grid matches the difference between the manufactured solution (MS) and the solution on that grid. The theoretical local truncation error can be computed by using the modified equation analysis (MEA) with the MS and its analytic derivatives, which we call modified equation analysis method of manufactured solutions (MEAMMS). In addition to describing the MEAMMS process, this study shows the results of completing a code verification study on a conservation of mass code. The code was able to compute the leading truncation error term as well as additional higher-order terms. When the code verification process was complete, not only did the observed order-of-accuracy match the theoretical order-of-accuracy for all numerical schemes implemented in the code, but it was also able to cancel the discretization error to within roundoff error for a 64-bit system.

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