dipole mode
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2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-59
Adikusuma Bimaprawira ◽  
Hasti Amrih Rejeki

Intisari Jawa Timur merupakan wilayah yang memiliki variasi curah hujan yang dipengaruhi oleh fenomena cuaca global dan regional seperti Dipole Mode, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Intertropical Convergence Zone, Madden Julian Oscillation, dan monsun. Topografi yang beragam juga menjadi faktor yang memengaruhi curah hujan di daerah Jawa Timur. Berbagai indeks digunakan untuk melihat aktivitas-aktivitas fenomena cuaca tersebut, seperti DMI untuk aktivitas Dipole Mode, NINO 3.4 untuk aktivitas ENSO, Indeks RMM untuk aktivitas MJO, WNPMI dan, AUSMI untuk aktivitas monsun. Pada penelitian ini digunakan analisis spektral dengan menggunakan metode Fast Fourier Transform untuk melihat periodisitas indeks masing-masing terhadap periodisitas curah hujan dari data 11 pos hujan yang terbagi menjadi 6 pos hujan daerah pesisir dan 5 pos hujan daerah pegunungan. Hasil dari penyeragaman periodisitas fenomena cuaca dengan curah hujan antara lain Dipole Mode (periodisitas 18 bulan), ENSO (periodisitas 18 dan 40 bulan), dan MJO (periodisitas 2 dan 3 bulan). Fenomena yang memengaruhi curah hujan di daerah pesisir maupun pegunungan secara dominan adalah fenomena monsun dengan diikuti ITCZ. Fenomena lain yang memengaruhi di daerah pesisir antara lain dominan MJO, serta fenomena ENSO dan Dipole Mode yang memengaruhi daerah Lamongan, Bunder, dan P3GI dengan kecenderungan lebih kuat pada fenomena Dipole Mode. Sementara itu, fenomena yang memengaruhi hujan di daerah pegunungan secara dominan adalah ENSO. Adapun fenomena lain yang memengaruhi hujan di daerah pegunungan antara lain fenomena MJO di daerah Tosari, serta daerah Kebon Teh Wonosari yang memiliki kecenderungan dipengaruhi oleh fenomena Dipole Mode meskipun pengaruhnya tidak signifikan.   Abstract East Java is a region whose variations in rainfall are influenced by global and regional weather phenomena such as Dipole Mode, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Intertropical Convergence Zone, Madden Julian Oscillation, and monsoons. Diverse topography is also a factor affecting rainfall in the area of East Java. Various indices are used to observe the activities of the weather phenomenon, such as DMI for Dipole Mode activities, NINO 3.4 for ENSO activities, RMM Index for MJO activities, as well as WNPMI and AUSMI for monsoon activities. In this study, spectral analysis was used by utilizing the Fast Fourier Transform method to see the periodicity of each index against the periodicity of rainfall from the 11 rainwater data points, which were divided into 6 coastal data points and 5 mountainous data points. Uniformity of weather phenomena with rainfall result among others Dipole Mode (18 months periodicity), ENSO (18 and 40-month periodicity), and MJO (2 and 3-month periodicity). Phenomena that affect rainfall in coastal and mountainous areas predominantly are monsoon, followed by ITCZ. Other phenomena affecting the coastal area include MJO dominant, and the ENSO and Dipole Mode phenomena that affect the Lamongan, Bunder, and P3GI regions with a stronger tendency to the Dipole Mode phenomenon. Another phenomenon that influences rain in the mountainous area is dominantly ENSO, while other phenomena include MJO phenomena in the Tosari area and Kebon Teh Wonosari region which has a tendency to be influenced by the Dipole Mode phenomenon despite the insignificant effect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-234
O.P. SINGH ◽  

The northeast monsoon season (October-December) contributes a substantial percentage of annual rainfall over Tamilnadu. The present paper describes a method for prediction of northeast monsoon rainfall (NEMR) over Tamilnadu on smaller spatial scale, i.e., district-level with sufficient lead time. Tamilnadu has been divided into ten homogeneous clusters of districts and the predictions are made for each cluster with lead times of two and one months using Indian Ocean dipole mode (IODM) index. A stronger western pole of IODM during August-September is associated with enhanced northeast monsoon activity over most of the districts of Tamilnadu. The predictions on the basis of regressions developed from NEMR and IODM index data have been validated for six years from 1997-2002. For many districts the mean errors between actual (realized) and predicted rainfall are within ±10%. Hence, using IODM index, it is possible to predict the NEMR activity over most of the districts of Tamilnadu with a lead time of two months, with only exception of NEMR over Kanyakumari which is not significantly correlated to IODM phenomenon.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-51

Abstract The dominant mode of the interannual variability in the frequency of extreme high-temperature events (FEHE) during summer over eastern China showed a dipole mode with reversed anomalies of FEHE over northeastern and southern China. This study found that the interannual variability of this dipole mode underwent an interdecadal increase after the early 1990s. The anomalous atmospheric circulation responsible for the FEHE dipole mode was associated with the air-sea interaction over the western tropical Pacific and North Atlantic. Due to the weakened correlation between the SST in the tropical Pacific and in the Indian Ocean after the early 1990s, a meridional atmospheric wave train induced by the anomalous SST around the Maritime continent (MCSST) was intensified during 1994–2013, which was also contributed by the increased interannual variability of MCSST. However, under the influence of the anomalous SST in the Indian Ocean concurrent with the anomalous MCSST, the meridional wave train was weakened and contributed less to the dipole mode during 1972–1993. In addition, the dipole mode was associated with the atmospheric wave trains at middle-high latitude, which were different during the two periods and related to different air-sea interaction in the North Atlantic. The interannual variability of the dipole mode induced by the associated SST anomalies in the North Atlantic during 1994–2013 was significantly larger than that during 1972–1993. Therefore, the interannual variability of the dipole mode was increased after the early 1990s.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (23) ◽  
pp. 7330
Yingke Ji ◽  
Binbin Wang ◽  
Liang Fang ◽  
Qiang Zhao ◽  
Fajun Xiao ◽  

On-chip exciting electric modes in individual plasmonic nanostructures are realized widely; nevertheless, the excitation of their magnetic counterparts is seldom reported. Here, we propose a highly efficient on-chip excitation approach of the magnetic dipole mode of an individual split-ring resonator (SRR) by integrating it onto a photonic crystal nanocavity (PCNC). A high excitation efficiency of up to 58% is realized through the resonant coupling between the modes of the SRR and PCNC. A further fine adjustment of the excited magnetic dipole mode is demonstrated by tuning the relative position and twist angle between the SRR and PCNC. Finally, a structure with a photonic crystal waveguide side-coupled with the hybrid SRR–PCNC is illustrated, which could excite the magnetic dipole mode with an in-plane coupling geometry and potentially facilitate the future device application. Our result may open a way for developing chip-integrated photonic devices employing a magnetic field component in the optical field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-172

Utilizing the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM) and Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) data for the period 1960-2002 the relationships between the IODM and monsoon onset over Kerala and rainfall distribution over the country have been studied. It has been found that stronger/weaker western pole during April-May is associated with delayed/early monsoon onset over Kerala. Stronger eastern pole during March-April seems to be associated with enhanced seasonal (June-September) rainfall over peninsular India. The IODM index of July-August can provide good indications of summer monsoon activity over peninsular India during the withdrawal phase of the  monsoon, i.e., during September.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 268
Rahul Jayaraman ◽  
Donald W. Kurtz ◽  
Gerald Handler ◽  
Saul Rappaport ◽  
George Ricker

Abstract We present two new rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars, TIC 198781841 and TIC 229960986, discovered in TESS photometric data. The periodogram of TIC 198781841 has a large peak at 166.506 day−1 (1.93 mHz), with two nearby peaks at 163.412 day−1 (1.89 mHz) and 169.600 day−1 (1.96 mHz). These correspond to three independent high-overtone pressure modes, with alternating even and odd ℓ values. TIC 229960986 has a high-frequency triplet centered at 191.641 day−1 (2.218 mHz), with sidebands at 191.164 day−1 (2.213 mHz) and 192.119 day−1 (2.224 mHz). This pulsation appears to be a rotationally split dipole mode, with sideband amplitudes significantly larger than that of the central peak; hence, both pulsation poles are seen over the rotation cycle. Our photometric identification of two new roAp stars underscores the remarkable ability of TESS to identify high-frequency pulsators without spectroscopic observations.

2021 ◽  
Bin Liu ◽  
Ma-Long Hu ◽  
Yi-Wen Zhang ◽  
Yue You ◽  
Zhao-Guo Liang ◽  

Abstract We theoretically study the near-field couplings of two stacked all-dielectric nanodisks, where each disk has an electric anapole mode consisting of an electric dipole mode and an electric toroidal dipole (ETD) mode. Strong bonding and anti-bonding hybridizations of the ETD modes of the two disks can occur. The bonding-hybridized ETD can interfere with the dimer's electric dipole mode and induce a new electric anapole mode. The anti-bonding hybridization of the ETD modes can induce a magnetic toroidal dipole (MTD) response in the disk dimer. The MTD and magnetic dipole resonances of the dimer form a magnetic anapole mode. Thus, two dips associated with the hybridized modes appear on the scattering spectrum of the dimer. Furthermore, the MTD mode is also accompanied by an electric toroidal quadrupole mode. The hybridizations of the ETD and the induced higher-order modes can be adjusted by varying the geometries of the disks. The strong anapole mode couplings and the corresponding rich higher-order mode responses in simple all-dielectric nanostructures can provide new opportunities for nanoscale optical manipulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2015 (1) ◽  
pp. 012170
E Zanganeh ◽  
M Song ◽  
M Korobkov ◽  
A Evlyukhin ◽  
A Miroshnichenko ◽  

Abstract The main challenge in near-field wireless power transfer systems is the increase of power transfer efficiency. It can be achieved by reducing ohmic or radiation losses of the resonators included in the system. In this paper, we propose and investigate numerically a non-radiating near-field wireless power transfer system based on transmitter and receiver implemented as dielectric disk resonators. The transmitter and receiver geometrical parameters are numerically optimized to operate at the frequency of non-radiating state of high refractive index dielectric resonators instead of magnetic dipole mode. Under the non-radiating state, we determine the frequency with almost zero radiation to the far-field. We numerically study the wireless power transfer efficiency as a function of operation distance between the transmitter and receiver and demonstrate that the higher efficiency compared to magnetic dipole mode can be achieved at non-radiating state for a fixed distance due to suppression of the radiation loss.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (19) ◽  
pp. 10595
Vasanthan Devaraj ◽  
Jong-Min Lee ◽  
Ye-Ji Kim ◽  
Hyuk Jeong ◽  
Jin-Woo Oh

We reveal the significance of plasmonic nanoparticle’s (NP) shape and its surface morphology en route to an efficient self-assembled plasmonic nanoparticle cluster. A simplified model is simulated in the form of free-space dimer and trimer nanostructures (NPs in the shape of a sphere, cube, and disk). A ~200% to ~125% rise in near-field strength (gap mode enhancement) is observed for spherical NPs in comparison with cubical NPs (from 2 nm to 8 nm gap sizes). Full-width three-quarter maximum reveals better broad-spectral optical performance in a range of ~100 nm (dimer) and ~170 nm (trimer) from spherical NPs as compared to a cube (~60 nm for dimer and trimer). These excellent properties for sphere-based nanostructures are merited from its dipole mode characteristics.

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