adequate description
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Mashchenko A.-M.A.

The purpose of the scientific reconnaissanceis the investigation of the influence of the most commonly used but yet insufficiently studied type of phraseological units modification – expansion – on the functioning of phraseological units in an advertising text. Its tasks are to identify the characteristic features of words-expanders, their influence on the semantics of transformed expressions and on the change of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics as compared to the original ones.The tasks fulfillment and the goal achievement became possible owing to the use of the methods relevant for this study: phraseological identification, phraseological description, adequate description of lexicographic type as a sort of component analysis and contextual analysis.This study is based on sampling from advertising texts of popular German-language magazines which contains 75 modified phraseological units including expressions with complicated, but not reinterpreted meaning.The results of the analysis of this material show that phraseological units of advertising text are most commonly expanded by means of adjectives and adverbs. Being in close correlation with the noun of phraseological unit, the expanders-definitions also become its integral part and direct a reader’s attention to the important features of advertised subject. The same function is characteristic of the words-expanders forming attributive compound words with a noun of phraseological unit. The modifiers mentioned above have different influence on denotative and connotative peculiarities of phraseological unit.Unlike expander-definitions, expanders-adverbials are syntactically connected not with one of the components of phraseological unit, but with this unit as an integral whole and thus belong to the nearest surrounding of phraseological unit and not to its composition. The level of emotiveness and expressiveness of modification depends on the characteristics of expander.The number of adverbs-expanders is considerably less as compared to adjectives, they have close syntactic connection with phraseological unit or one of its constituent parts, and most commonly specify or modify its connotative features.Advertisement creators reach the brightest transformations by means of expanding proverbs and adding unexpected continuation to the expressions which are familiar to each representative of linguistic community.The review of the investigated phraseological units in quantitative and qualitative aspects demonstrates, on the one hand, an increase of the number of connotative multipliers in the marginal majority of modifications, which is an indicator of meaning narrowing, and on the other hand, the positive meaning of the most of these multipliers which make a pleasant impression on a recipient, which is an indicator of meaning improvement.Conclusions. The analysis indicates that the expansion of phraseological units changes in a definite way the denotative and connotative characteristics of phraseological units in advertising and significantly enhances the impact on a recipient.Key words: modification, transformation, extension, word-expander, extensional, connotative factor, narrowing of word meaning, improvement of word meaning. Метою наукової розвідки є дослідження впливу найпоширенішого, але недостатньо вивченого виду модифікації фразеологізмів – експансії – на функціонування фразеологічних одиниць у рекламному тексті. Її завдання полягають у виявленні характерних особливостей слів-розширювачів, їх впливу на семантику трансформованих виразів, на зміну їх кількісних та якісних характеристик у порівнянні з вихідними.Виконання завдань та досягнення мети стало можливим завдяки застосуванню релевантних для цього дослідження методів: фразеологічної ідентифікації, фразеологічного опису, адекватного опису лексикографічного типу як різновиду компонентного аналізу та контекстологічного аналізу.Дослідження побудоване на матеріалі вибірки із рекламних текстів популярних німецькомовних журналів, яка складається з 75-ти модифікованих фразеологізмів включно з виразами з ускладненим, але непереосмисленим значенням.Результати аналізу цього матеріалу показують, що фразеологічні одиниці рекламного тексту найчастіше розширюються за допомогою прикметників та прислівників. Маючи тісний зв’язок із іменником фразеологізму, розширювачі-означення теж стають його складовою частиною і скеровують увагу читача на важливі якості рекламованого предмета. Таку ж функцію виконують і розширювачі, які утворюють атрибутивні складні слова з іменником фразеологізму. Названі модифікатори по-різному впливають на денотативні та конотативні особливості фразеологізму.На відміну від розширювачів-означень, розширювачі-обставини синтаксично пов’язані не з однією із складових фразеологічної одиниці, а з цією одиницею як єдиним цілим і тому належать до найближчого оточення фразеологізму, а не до його складу. Ступінь емотивності та експресивності модифікації залежить від особливостей розширювача.Прислівники-розширювачі значно поступаються за своєю чисельністю прикметникам, мають тісний синтаксичний зв’язок із фразеологізмом або з однією з його складових частин і, як правило, уточнюють або модифікують його конотативні особливості.Найбільш яскравих трансформацій автори реклами досягають за допомогою розширення прислів’їв, додаючи до знайомих кожному представникові мовної спільноти виразів неочікуване продовження.Розгляд досліджуваних фразеологізмів у кількісному та якісному аспектах свідчить, з одного боку, про зростання кількості конотативних множників у переважної більшості модифікацій, що є показником звуження значення, а з другого – про позитивне значення більшості цих множників, які справляють приємне враження на реципієнта, що є показником поліпшення значення.Висновки. Проведений аналіз дав можливість переконатися в тому, що експансія певним чином змінює денотативні та конотативні особливості фразеологізмів реклами і значно посилює вплив на реципієнта.Ключові слова: модифікація, трансформація, розширення, слово-розширювач, екстенсіонал, конотативний множник, звуження значення, поліпшення значення.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (2) ◽  
pp. 022006
E D Shakiryanov

Abstract In this paper, a computer model of the block three-dimensional free-radical polymerization of 1,6-Hexanediol Diacrylate (HDDA) is proposed. The model of the reaction system is based on an ideal mixing reactor. The reaction process is modeled by the Monte Carlo method. Accounting for the diffusion inhibition of the reaction is described using the free volume model. An adequate description of the experimental data of the calculated conversion rate curve is obtained. The nature of the change in the rate constant of the growth reaction with increasing conversion is shown.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 1-23
Claude Muller

The present paper retraces some results of my own investigations, among other authors, on such questions as negation, levels of analysis of sentences, and internal structure of NPs, after years of research in the field. It suggests some possible paths of further investigations, among others: thus, negation needs a multi-levels of analysis, including an enunciative component; syntax requires an adequate description of informative value of items, and the internal composition of determiners in French remains an open question.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-146
Jawad A. Mizher ◽  
Atheer H. Ali

A total of 14 specimens of Cobia Rachycentron canadum (L.) were caught from Iraqi marine waters during the period from October 2019 till May 2020. Two parasitic helminths (One species each of nematode and acanthocephalan) were isolated from alimentary canal of the cobia. These are the adults of Iheringascaris inquies (Linton, 1901) Deardorff & Overstreet, 1980 and Serrasentis sagittifer Linton, 1889. The record of these worms, from this fish, is considered as the first record in Iraq. Adequate description of both I. inquies and adult S. sagittifer from cobia for the first time in the Arabian Gulf is given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 294-308
A.M. Fayans ◽  

The ability to operate with knowledge is based on the use of relevant concepts, their designations and descriptions. The latter, presented in a brief form, are the essence of definitions that adequately reflect the meaning embedded in this knowledge, and its features largely determine further logical constructions. Traditionally, descriptions are built on the basis of concepts related to the signs and connections inherent in the object of attention. The literature offers a description of concepts in the context of the context-semantic paradigm. The article attempts to consider not only the wellknown, but all potentially possible ways of forming an adequate description of the semantic content of concepts, using the version of the transdisciplinary approach proposed at the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This option involves the identification and systematization of knowledge within the framework of a holistic structure. The procedure for forming a description that reveals the meaning of knowledge is considered as a method for solving the corresponding problem. Logical procedures that establish the origin of concepts and make it possible to indicate their place in a holistic structure, to determine the attainable boundaries of formalization in the formation of the desired descriptions and, consequently, the potential possibilities of realizability of strong artificial intelligence are described.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (19) ◽  
pp. 5625
Michał Bembenek ◽  
Rafał Kudelski ◽  
Jan Pawlik ◽  
Łukasz Kowalski

The current scientific literature lacks an adequate description of hardware used to machine timber. Traditional woodworking and metals fabrication consists of tungsten carbide (TC) inserts. In this work, the authors investigate the influence of cutting tool geometry on the resulting surface roughness of timber samples. A variety of wood types were used in these studies to provide broad information on the correlation between the cutting tools used and resulting surface morphology. The cutting tools were prepared on a computer numerical control (CNC) lathe and roughness average (Ra) and average maximum peak to valley height of the profile (Rz) parameters were measured by contact stylus. The tip radius of the TC inserts used was determined to be the most significant factor that impacted Ra and Rz. In summary, we found that the tip radius of the TC insert was inversely proportional to the roughness level, indicating that a flatter TC insert cutting end results in a smoother wood surface.

Anna Klassen

AbstractWhat is the adequate terminology to talk about animal behaviour? Is terminology referring to mental or emotional states anthropomorphic and should therefore be prohibited or is it a necessary means to provide for an adequate description and should be encouraged? This question was vehemently discussed in the founding phase of Ethology as a scientific discipline and still is. This multi-layered problem can be grasped by using the concept of methodological signatures, developed by Köchy et al. (2016c). It is designed to analyse and systematically compare animal research approaches by examining their common parameters. By examining the works of Konrad Lorenz (1903–1989) and Nikolaas Tinbergen (1907–1988), this paper offers new insights both on a methodological and theoretical level. Methodologically, the application of the concept of methodological signatures is illustrated; theoretically, the principles of Classic Ethology are analysed. My aim is to illustrate how the problem of scientific access to animal subjectivity was addressed in the history of Ethology by analysing statements about animal sentience. For this purpose, I will first outline the general discussion about animal subjectivity and the tension between anthropomorphism and empirical adequacy. I introduce my own theoretical and methodological framework before presenting an analysis of Lorenz’ and Tinbergen’s methodological signatures. Thereby, I show how the question of terminology is deeply embedded in a network of epistemological, methodological and ontological concepts and establish key characteristics in regard to ethological approaches to animal subjectivity. Finally, I shed light on the possibility of using this typology to examine current frameworks of animal welfare research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Bima Pratama Fauzi Putra ◽  
Wiwik Widyo Widjajanti ◽  
Annisa Nur Ramadhani

Abstract. E-sport is a completion to play video games which are generally conducted between professional players. In Surabaya, game players are increasing every day since there was a news about various games which were entering to the E-sport branch in Asie Games in 2018. But, increasing of technology development does not support with adequate facilities. It is a reason to build and design Gamer Community Center in Surabaya. Parents concern to their children who like to play games and the bad effects of games were the main problems. Parents and society ignorance about E-sport, as well as Surabaya government hasn't taken apart in the development of E-sport, was a problem which must be resolved. The presence oof designing and planning Gamers Community center was hoped that it will able to provide insight to the E-sport world to the society and it is able yo develop E-sport in Surabaya.  This study used qualitative and survey methods, so, the researcher obtained adequate description of the design and the theme was metaphorical which was focused to the forms that reflect a function. It was also supported by gamer's adaptive macro concept which made the function and gamers' characteristics. Land arrangement of micro concept and forms used abstract metaphor combined with micro concept of hi-tech space. It would make an area become unique, comfortable, and capable to develop E-sport in Surabaya. It is hoped by using this design, the parents won't be worry to their children when their children love to play game. Because game becomes as a profession. Keywords: zE-sport, Surabaya, Community, Gamers, Metaphors, Game Abstrak. E-sport adalah kompetisi bermain video game, yang pada umumnya dilakukan antara para permian profesional. Jumlah Gamer yang ada di Surabaya kian hari kian bertambah sejak adanya berita tentang berbagai judul game masuk kedalam cabang e-sport di Asian Game 2018. Namun, meningkatnya perkembangan teknologi dan minat masyarakat terhadap e-sport, tidak didukung dengan fasilitas yang memadai. Kekawatiran orang tua terhadap anak yang gemar bermain game serta dampak buruk yang ditimbulkan terhadap anak, dirasa menjadi permasalahan utama. Ketidak tauan para orang tua dan masyarakat tentang e-sport, serta belum ikut andilnya pemerintah Surabaya dalam perkembangan e-sport, merupakan suatu permasalahan yang harus di selesaikan. Dengan hadirnya Perencanaan dan Perancangan Pusat Komunitas Gamer di Surabaya ini, diharapkan mampu memberikan wawasan tentang dunia e-sport kepada masyarakat serta dapat mengembangkan e-sport yang ada di Surabaya. Menggunakan metode kualitatif   dan survey, sehingga diperoleh gambaran tentang desain yang cukup memadai dalam perancangan, dengan tema metafora yang berfokus pada bentukan yang mencerminkan suatu fungsi. Hal ini juga didukung dengan konsep makro adaptif gamer yang lebih mendekatkan fungsi dengan sifat para gamer, mikro konsep tatanan lahan dan bentuk yang menggunakan metafora absrak dipadukan dengan konsep mikro ruang hi-tech dirasa akan menjadikan suatu  kawasan yang unik, nyaman dan tentu saja mampu mengembangkan serta memajukan E-sport yang ada di Surabaya. Diharapakan dari hasil rancangan ini maka tidak ada lagi kekawatiran orang tua tentang kegemaran anak akan game, karena game kini juga bisa menjadi profesi. Kata Kunci: E-sport, Surabaya, Komunitas, Gamer, Metafora. Game

Vladimir V. Egorov ◽  
Andrei V. Siamionau ◽  
Andrei D. Novakovskii ◽  
Yauhen B. Akayeu

A description for the ligand function of the tetrathiocyanatozincate selective electrode, has been proposed, using a multi-species approach model. This model takes into account simultaneous phase-boundary, diffusion-controlled, processes of ion exchange between tetrathiocyanatozincate, thyocyanate and foreign ions unable to form zinc complexes, as well as distribution of the neutral zinc complex between phases, partial decomposition of quaternary ammonium tetrathiocyanatozincate salt and stepwise complex formation processes in water phase. The model is based on solving the system of equations describing several interphase and intraphase equilibria, assuming that diffusion flows of all membrane and solution components at the phase boundary are stationary. It provides the adequate description of tetrathiocyanatozincate selective electrode in solutions of the ligand, foreign ions and mixed solutions of the above, and predicts the effect of zinc chloride concentration in the sample solution upon electrode function slopes, lower detection limits and selectivity coefficients.

Dmitry Yu. Murzin ◽  
Johan Wärnå ◽  
Heikki Haario ◽  
Tapio Salmi

AbstractKinetic analysis of the gas-phase and liquid phase hydrogenation of toluene to methylcyclohexane on Ni catalysts was performed. For complex reaction mechanisms comprising several kinetically significant steps, nonlinear regression, while giving an adequate description of experimental data, leads to kinetic parameters which are poorly defined. The approach based on Bayesian statistics allows identification of the values of such parameters which are the most statistically probable.

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