compound words
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 430
Jaehong Kim ◽  
Hosung Woo ◽  
Jamee Kim ◽  
WonGyu Lee

With the development of information and communication technology, countries around the world have strengthened their computer science curriculums. Korea also revised the informatics curriculum(The name of a subject related to computer science in Korea is informatics.) in 2015 with a focus on computer science. The purpose of this study was to automatically extract and analyze whether textbooks reflected the learning elements of the informatics curriculum in South Korea. Considering the forms of terms of the learning elements mainly comprised of compound words and the characteristics of Korean language, which makes natural language processing difficult due to various transformations, this study pre-processed textbook texts and the learning elements and derived their reflection status and frequencies. The terms used in the textbooks were automatically extracted by using the indexes in the textbooks and the part-of-speech compositions of the indexes. Moreover, this study analyzed the relevance between the terms by deriving confidence of other terms for each learning element used in the textbooks. As a result of the analysis, this study revealed that the textbooks did not reflect some learning elements in the forms presented in the curriculum, suggesting that the textbooks need to explain the concepts of the learning elements by using the forms presented in the curriculum at least once. This study is meaningful in that terms were automatically extracted and analyzed in Korean textbooks based on the words suggested by the curriculum. Also, the method can be applied equally to textbooks of other subjects.

Mashchenko A.-M.A.

The purpose of the scientific reconnaissanceis the investigation of the influence of the most commonly used but yet insufficiently studied type of phraseological units modification – expansion – on the functioning of phraseological units in an advertising text. Its tasks are to identify the characteristic features of words-expanders, their influence on the semantics of transformed expressions and on the change of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics as compared to the original ones.The tasks fulfillment and the goal achievement became possible owing to the use of the methods relevant for this study: phraseological identification, phraseological description, adequate description of lexicographic type as a sort of component analysis and contextual analysis.This study is based on sampling from advertising texts of popular German-language magazines which contains 75 modified phraseological units including expressions with complicated, but not reinterpreted meaning.The results of the analysis of this material show that phraseological units of advertising text are most commonly expanded by means of adjectives and adverbs. Being in close correlation with the noun of phraseological unit, the expanders-definitions also become its integral part and direct a reader’s attention to the important features of advertised subject. The same function is characteristic of the words-expanders forming attributive compound words with a noun of phraseological unit. The modifiers mentioned above have different influence on denotative and connotative peculiarities of phraseological unit.Unlike expander-definitions, expanders-adverbials are syntactically connected not with one of the components of phraseological unit, but with this unit as an integral whole and thus belong to the nearest surrounding of phraseological unit and not to its composition. The level of emotiveness and expressiveness of modification depends on the characteristics of expander.The number of adverbs-expanders is considerably less as compared to adjectives, they have close syntactic connection with phraseological unit or one of its constituent parts, and most commonly specify or modify its connotative features.Advertisement creators reach the brightest transformations by means of expanding proverbs and adding unexpected continuation to the expressions which are familiar to each representative of linguistic community.The review of the investigated phraseological units in quantitative and qualitative aspects demonstrates, on the one hand, an increase of the number of connotative multipliers in the marginal majority of modifications, which is an indicator of meaning narrowing, and on the other hand, the positive meaning of the most of these multipliers which make a pleasant impression on a recipient, which is an indicator of meaning improvement.Conclusions. The analysis indicates that the expansion of phraseological units changes in a definite way the denotative and connotative characteristics of phraseological units in advertising and significantly enhances the impact on a recipient.Key words: modification, transformation, extension, word-expander, extensional, connotative factor, narrowing of word meaning, improvement of word meaning. Метою наукової розвідки є дослідження впливу найпоширенішого, але недостатньо вивченого виду модифікації фразеологізмів – експансії – на функціонування фразеологічних одиниць у рекламному тексті. Її завдання полягають у виявленні характерних особливостей слів-розширювачів, їх впливу на семантику трансформованих виразів, на зміну їх кількісних та якісних характеристик у порівнянні з вихідними.Виконання завдань та досягнення мети стало можливим завдяки застосуванню релевантних для цього дослідження методів: фразеологічної ідентифікації, фразеологічного опису, адекватного опису лексикографічного типу як різновиду компонентного аналізу та контекстологічного аналізу.Дослідження побудоване на матеріалі вибірки із рекламних текстів популярних німецькомовних журналів, яка складається з 75-ти модифікованих фразеологізмів включно з виразами з ускладненим, але непереосмисленим значенням.Результати аналізу цього матеріалу показують, що фразеологічні одиниці рекламного тексту найчастіше розширюються за допомогою прикметників та прислівників. Маючи тісний зв’язок із іменником фразеологізму, розширювачі-означення теж стають його складовою частиною і скеровують увагу читача на важливі якості рекламованого предмета. Таку ж функцію виконують і розширювачі, які утворюють атрибутивні складні слова з іменником фразеологізму. Названі модифікатори по-різному впливають на денотативні та конотативні особливості фразеологізму.На відміну від розширювачів-означень, розширювачі-обставини синтаксично пов’язані не з однією із складових фразеологічної одиниці, а з цією одиницею як єдиним цілим і тому належать до найближчого оточення фразеологізму, а не до його складу. Ступінь емотивності та експресивності модифікації залежить від особливостей розширювача.Прислівники-розширювачі значно поступаються за своєю чисельністю прикметникам, мають тісний синтаксичний зв’язок із фразеологізмом або з однією з його складових частин і, як правило, уточнюють або модифікують його конотативні особливості.Найбільш яскравих трансформацій автори реклами досягають за допомогою розширення прислів’їв, додаючи до знайомих кожному представникові мовної спільноти виразів неочікуване продовження.Розгляд досліджуваних фразеологізмів у кількісному та якісному аспектах свідчить, з одного боку, про зростання кількості конотативних множників у переважної більшості модифікацій, що є показником звуження значення, а з другого – про позитивне значення більшості цих множників, які справляють приємне враження на реципієнта, що є показником поліпшення значення.Висновки. Проведений аналіз дав можливість переконатися в тому, що експансія певним чином змінює денотативні та конотативні особливості фразеологізмів реклами і значно посилює вплив на реципієнта.Ключові слова: модифікація, трансформація, розширення, слово-розширювач, екстенсіонал, конотативний множник, звуження значення, поліпшення значення.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
Nargiza Ergashbayevna Yuldasheva ◽  
Sanobar Tursunboyevna Yusupova ◽  
Mukhtorjon Yakubovich Bakhtiyarov ◽  
Malika Abduvaitovna Abdujabborova ◽  
Nilufar Abdurashidovna Abdurashidova

This article describes compound nouns in English and Uzbek, their specific pragmatic aspects. Although the problem of compound nouns in linguistics has been studied by many linguists, there are many unsolved problems in comparing compound words in languages ??and analyzing them from a pragmalinguistic point of view. The compound word, which has a special place in the richness of language vocabulary, is in fact a convenient way of naming in simple terms the concepts of events that take place in reality, of existing objects. Hence, it can be concluded that the study of semantic, grammatical and syntactic features of language alone is not enough. As a result, the field of "pragmatics" has found its place in linguistics, having its own goals and objectives. In addition, the article also uses analysis from examples from the literature to reveal the pragmatic nature of compound words. However, scientific examples have shown that no sign is a leading factor in determining the nature of compound words.

Elena Shevchenko ◽  
Olga Prokhorova ◽  
Igor Chekulay ◽  

The article deals with cognitive models underlying the process of plant categorization by the speakers. Having analyzed 200 names of herbs and flowers in English, the authors differentiated three cognitive models, which the phytonyms categorization is based on: metaphoric, metonymic and propositional. It is shown that "the codes of culture", or in other words, well-known realia, are used as sources for nomination; on their basis typical cognitive models are formed. Since the names of flowers and herbs in the English language are mostly compound words, the identified cognitive models are described taking into account the action of the cognitive word-formation mechanisms of proverse and reverse. The first mechanism structure of a phytonym presupposes the direct order of compound-word components as a result of the initial word-combination integration. This word building mechanism is typical of the compound structures "adjective / verb + noun". The reversive mechanism represents the inner structure of a phytonym as a result of reverse transformation of the word-combination initial components. This type of mechanism is characteristic of the phytonyms created on the basis of the structures "noun + noun", "noun + ' + noun". The article describes the models of proverse and reverse structuring, which are typical of English phytonyms. The prospects of the research are to study the cognitive models and mechanisms underlying plant nomination in a comparative aspect based on the material of several languages.

2021 ◽  
Mahmoud Medhat Elsherif ◽  
Jon Catling

Age of acquisition (AoA) is a measure of learning experience and a strong predictor of lexical retrieval. According to the integrated view, the AoA effect results from the development of semantic representations and the mappings between these representations. This has not been considered in morphologically complex words. The integrated account predicts that the AoA effect should be larger in tasks requiring greater semantic processing and any AoA effects should be shown in the early processes of word recognition. The present study investigates these predictions in compound words, which differ from monomorphemic words in terms of ease of mapping and semantic processes in lexical retrieval. Forty-eight participants completed a compound lexeme segmentation (CLS) task, in which participants named either the head or modifier depending on the number above the compound word, to establish how semantics are involved in processing the head and the modifier. The results demonstrated that semantics influenced the naming of the modifier to a greater extent than the head, with the AoA effect being larger in the modifier than the head. Our findings provide evidence that aligns with the multiple origins of AoA effects in the language processing system.

2021 ◽  
Yasutoshi Moteki

Abstract This paper quantitatively explains research trends in postwar administrative studies in Japan using statistical analyses of nearly 40 years of article titles from Public Administration Review Quarterly, from its first issue (1978) to the 165th issue (2019). Co-occurrence network analysis and correspondence analysis revealed changes in research interests. There was substantially more research on administrative reforms through the post-war Showa and Heisei eras. The configuration figures of correspondence analysis can be interpreted to mean that the first dimension concerns administrative reforms; the second dimension concerns historical events/administrative systems; and the third dimension concerns evaluations and Kaizen. Co-occurrence network analysis showed that the studies during the Showa era (1978–1988) could be partly characterized by the two extracted compound words: the United States and the United Kingdom. Japan became a feature of studies of public administration during the Heisei era (1989–2018). These features are basically consistent with the previous quantitative studies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 120-129
L. G. Azmaiparashvili

Basing on the data of Georgian and Avar languages and their dialects, the article discusses some similarities that are confirmed in compound word formation (compound words which denote collectively ‘parents’, ‘siblings’, ‘spouses’, ‘domestic cattle’, ‘insects’, somatisms, compound words denoting ‘rainbow’), in phonosemantic vocabulary; In adverbs, adjectives, verbs derived from nouns (‘tiny hair’, ‘color’, ‘way’); In deverbative nominals, collocations and phrasemes (‘engaged girl’, ‘talking’, ‘lie’, ‘paying attention’).

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