positive meaning
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Eensi Nurye Friza ◽  
Sulisti Afriani ◽  
Nurzam Nurzam

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service and location on customer satisfaction at the Andespar Manna Bengkulu Selatan Shop. The sampling technique is accidental sampling technique. The data was collected using a questionnaire and the analytical methods used were multiple linear regression, determination test and hypothesis testing. Multiple regression results show the equation Y = 10.878 + 0.444X1 + 0.364 X2+3.784 The resulting regression direction is positive, meaning that the more service and location variables increase, the customer satisfaction will also increase. The coefficient of determination value is 0.852. This means that X1 (service) and X2 (location) have a contribution to customer satisfaction (Y) of 85.2%, while the remaining 14.8% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Overall, the results of the t-test have a significant value less than 0.05, so it can be interpreted that X1 (service) and X2 (location) have a significant influence on customer satisfaction (Y) partially or individually. The results of the F test have a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. Because the significance level below 0.05 indicates that together X1 (service) and X2 (location) have a significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y).

Kurniati Karim

This study aims to determine the effect of price on purchasing decisions at Cafe ABC in Pekanbaru. This study uses quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to collect primary data. A total of 99 respondents became the sample in this study.Found Based on the results of simple linear regression analysis obtainedThe coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a positive relationship between price and purchase decisions. The better the price, the better the purchase decision, it is also found that there is a significant effect between the price on the purchase decision

Nafilaturif'ah Nafilaturif'ah ◽  
Mohamad Irham Poluwa

This study is conducted in order to know the collocations of ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ as well as to explore the lexical meaning of those collocations. Corpus-based approach is employed in this study since the sole source of the data is the corpus data. Qualitative research method is used in order to find the hypotheses from the corpus data which is taken from Sketch Engine. The results demonstrate that the collocations of two node words are dissimilar in the categorization. ‘healthy’ node word indicates that three major semantic preferences are associated with it - human, animal, disease. On the contrary, the semantic preferences of ‘unhealthy’ node word are diverse. Thus, the classification is based on the meaning of the collocations. The collocations with negative meaning occur more frequently than those with positive meaning. It is due to the fact that they use the prefixes –in and –un which create the opposite meaning of the original word. Therefore, the negative semantic prosody is more frequently found the two node words – ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 56-72
Oleh Yaremenko ◽  

Information technology and the formation of the global market have led to such destructive a complication of the environment, which generates global imbalances, the negative effects of conflict, reducing the level of institutionalization of the world economy, narrowing the time horizon of rational choice. This stimulates the search for alternatives to excessive complexity and conflict of development. The way out of this situation is localization based on the reproduction of identities. The desired effect of localization is the institutional provision of a more balanced distribution of resources / benefits of globalization, on the one hand, and the distribution of its risks and uncertainties, on the other. Identity is seen as the extreme level of structure of society, which is responsible for the integrity of social behavior of subjects as elements of the system. The acceptable level of complexity of the global system is achieved in the ways of optimal localization. The basis of such localization is the recognition of the positive meaning of the identity factor, which generates different risk assessments, different time horizons of decision-making and different criteria for effective participation in globalization. The institutional mechanisms for the smart-localization of global development are economic sovereignty, institutional protection of the national producer, and social protection of the population. As a result, the global system has a choice of options to respond to challenges from uncertainty and threats. Globalization as unification and standardization is a more risky path because it limits variability and prevents the use of alternative cost estimation methods.

Viviane Déprez ◽  
Jeremy Daniel Yeaton

While it has long been assumed that prosody can help resolve syntactic and semantic ambiguities, empirical evidence has shown that the mapping between prosody and meaning is complex (Hirschberg & Avesani, 2000; Jackendoff, 1972). This paper investigates the prosody of ambiguous French sentences with multiple potentially negative terms that allow two semantically very distinct interpretations—a single negation reading involving so-called negative concord (NC), and a double negative reading (DN) with a positive meaning reflecting a strictly compositional interpretation—with the goal to further research on the role of prosody in ambiguities by examining whether intonation can be recruited by speakers to signal distinct interpretations of these sentences to hearers. Twenty native speakers produced transitive sentences with potentially negative terms embedded in contexts designed to elicit single-negation or double-negation readings. Analysis regarding the F0 and the duration of the utterances revealed distinct prosodic profiles for the two readings, confirming previous evidence that speakers can produce characteristic acoustic cues to signal intended distinctive meanings (Kraljic & Brennan, 2005; Syrett, Simon, & Nisula, 2014). Our results reveal that NC readings feature a focused subject and a deaccented object, in contrast to DN readings where both the subject and the object were independently focused. They do not relate DN to contradiction but link negative meaning with focus on French negative concord items (NCI). The paper discusses the implications of these findings for theoretical approaches to NC and outlines further questions for the syntax-prosody interface of these constructions.

Mashchenko A.-M.A.

The purpose of the scientific reconnaissanceis the investigation of the influence of the most commonly used but yet insufficiently studied type of phraseological units modification – expansion – on the functioning of phraseological units in an advertising text. Its tasks are to identify the characteristic features of words-expanders, their influence on the semantics of transformed expressions and on the change of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics as compared to the original ones.The tasks fulfillment and the goal achievement became possible owing to the use of the methods relevant for this study: phraseological identification, phraseological description, adequate description of lexicographic type as a sort of component analysis and contextual analysis.This study is based on sampling from advertising texts of popular German-language magazines which contains 75 modified phraseological units including expressions with complicated, but not reinterpreted meaning.The results of the analysis of this material show that phraseological units of advertising text are most commonly expanded by means of adjectives and adverbs. Being in close correlation with the noun of phraseological unit, the expanders-definitions also become its integral part and direct a reader’s attention to the important features of advertised subject. The same function is characteristic of the words-expanders forming attributive compound words with a noun of phraseological unit. The modifiers mentioned above have different influence on denotative and connotative peculiarities of phraseological unit.Unlike expander-definitions, expanders-adverbials are syntactically connected not with one of the components of phraseological unit, but with this unit as an integral whole and thus belong to the nearest surrounding of phraseological unit and not to its composition. The level of emotiveness and expressiveness of modification depends on the characteristics of expander.The number of adverbs-expanders is considerably less as compared to adjectives, they have close syntactic connection with phraseological unit or one of its constituent parts, and most commonly specify or modify its connotative features.Advertisement creators reach the brightest transformations by means of expanding proverbs and adding unexpected continuation to the expressions which are familiar to each representative of linguistic community.The review of the investigated phraseological units in quantitative and qualitative aspects demonstrates, on the one hand, an increase of the number of connotative multipliers in the marginal majority of modifications, which is an indicator of meaning narrowing, and on the other hand, the positive meaning of the most of these multipliers which make a pleasant impression on a recipient, which is an indicator of meaning improvement.Conclusions. The analysis indicates that the expansion of phraseological units changes in a definite way the denotative and connotative characteristics of phraseological units in advertising and significantly enhances the impact on a recipient.Key words: modification, transformation, extension, word-expander, extensional, connotative factor, narrowing of word meaning, improvement of word meaning. Метою наукової розвідки є дослідження впливу найпоширенішого, але недостатньо вивченого виду модифікації фразеологізмів – експансії – на функціонування фразеологічних одиниць у рекламному тексті. Її завдання полягають у виявленні характерних особливостей слів-розширювачів, їх впливу на семантику трансформованих виразів, на зміну їх кількісних та якісних характеристик у порівнянні з вихідними.Виконання завдань та досягнення мети стало можливим завдяки застосуванню релевантних для цього дослідження методів: фразеологічної ідентифікації, фразеологічного опису, адекватного опису лексикографічного типу як різновиду компонентного аналізу та контекстологічного аналізу.Дослідження побудоване на матеріалі вибірки із рекламних текстів популярних німецькомовних журналів, яка складається з 75-ти модифікованих фразеологізмів включно з виразами з ускладненим, але непереосмисленим значенням.Результати аналізу цього матеріалу показують, що фразеологічні одиниці рекламного тексту найчастіше розширюються за допомогою прикметників та прислівників. Маючи тісний зв’язок із іменником фразеологізму, розширювачі-означення теж стають його складовою частиною і скеровують увагу читача на важливі якості рекламованого предмета. Таку ж функцію виконують і розширювачі, які утворюють атрибутивні складні слова з іменником фразеологізму. Названі модифікатори по-різному впливають на денотативні та конотативні особливості фразеологізму.На відміну від розширювачів-означень, розширювачі-обставини синтаксично пов’язані не з однією із складових фразеологічної одиниці, а з цією одиницею як єдиним цілим і тому належать до найближчого оточення фразеологізму, а не до його складу. Ступінь емотивності та експресивності модифікації залежить від особливостей розширювача.Прислівники-розширювачі значно поступаються за своєю чисельністю прикметникам, мають тісний синтаксичний зв’язок із фразеологізмом або з однією з його складових частин і, як правило, уточнюють або модифікують його конотативні особливості.Найбільш яскравих трансформацій автори реклами досягають за допомогою розширення прислів’їв, додаючи до знайомих кожному представникові мовної спільноти виразів неочікуване продовження.Розгляд досліджуваних фразеологізмів у кількісному та якісному аспектах свідчить, з одного боку, про зростання кількості конотативних множників у переважної більшості модифікацій, що є показником звуження значення, а з другого – про позитивне значення більшості цих множників, які справляють приємне враження на реципієнта, що є показником поліпшення значення.Висновки. Проведений аналіз дав можливість переконатися в тому, що експансія певним чином змінює денотативні та конотативні особливості фразеологізмів реклами і значно посилює вплив на реципієнта.Ключові слова: модифікація, трансформація, розширення, слово-розширювач, екстенсіонал, конотативний множник, звуження значення, поліпшення значення.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105566562110550
Bruna Costa ◽  
Danielle McWilliams ◽  
Sabrina Blighe ◽  
Nichola Hudson ◽  
Matthew Hotton ◽  

Objectives Previous literature finds that having a child with a cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P) may pose social and emotional challenges for parents. For parents of children born during the Covid-19 pandemic, such challenges may be heightened. Further, novel demands brought about by the pandemic could have caused additional hardships. The aim of this study was to describe the impact of the pandemic on new parents through qualitative exploration of their experiences. Design Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 parents of children born in the United Kingdom with CL/P between January and June 2020, around the start of the pandemic. Data were analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Results Three themes, with sub-themes, were identified. The first theme, “ Changes to Healthcare: The Impact of Restrictions and Reduced Contact”, discussed the impact of the pandemic on perinatal care, the care received from the specialist CL/P teams, and parents’ experiences of virtual consultations. The second theme, “Family Functioning During the Pandemic”, covered parental anxiety, fathers’ experiences, and social support. The third theme, “ Surgical Prioritisation: Delays and Uncertainty”, addressed changes to surgical protocols, coping with uncertainty, complications associated with delayed surgery, and how parents created positive meaning from this period. Conclusions A range of increased and additional psychosocial impacts for parents were identified, along with several coping strategies, utilization of social support, and the positive aspects of their experiences. As the pandemic continues, close monitoring of families affected by CL/P remains imperative, particularly for those at risk of emotional distress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Azade Safa ◽  
Mohsen Adib-Hajbaghery ◽  
Mahboubeh Rezaei ◽  
Marzieh Araban

Abstract Background After losing their child, elderly parents look for a meaning in this phenomenon. This meaning comes out from their experiences, and their responses to and actions in life are shaped based on this meaning. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of “understanding the meaning of losing a child in older adults.” Methods This qualitative study was conducted using conventional content analysis method. Using semi-structured face-to-face interviews, data were collected from 15 older adults who had experienced of losing their adult child. Data analysis was performed according to the steps proposed by Graneheim and Lundman, 2004. To prove the trustworthiness of the data, credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability were used. Results The age range of participants was between 61 and 83 years and 73.3% of them were female. The two main categories of “tasting the bitter flavor of life” and “searching for a positive meaning in losing a child” together with the theme of “finding hope in the heart of darkness” were extracted from the participants’ experiences. Conclusions Despite the grief of losing a child, which had cast a dark shadow over the parents’ lives, the child’s liberation from worldly sufferings, his/her presence in a better world, and being hopeful about the grace of God had caused the elderly parents to find hope in the heart of darkness. After identifying the parents with a deceased child, they should be helped through psychological counseling and care of the healthcare team so that they can adapt to this situation by finding a positive meaning in losing their child.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Megan E. Speer ◽  
Sandra Ibrahim ◽  
Daniela Schiller ◽  
Mauricio R. Delgado

AbstractFinding positive meaning in past negative memories is associated with enhanced mental health. Yet it remains unclear whether it leads to updates in the memory representation itself. Since memory can be labile after retrieval, this leaves the potential for modification whenever its reactivated. Across four experiments, we show that positively reinterpreting negative memories adaptively updates them, leading to the re-emergence of positivity at future retrieval. Focusing on the positive aspects after negative recall leads to enhanced positive emotion and changes in memory content during recollection one week later, remaining even after two months. Consistent with a reactivation-induced reconsolidation account, memory updating occurs only after a reminder and twenty four hours, but not a one hour delay. Multi-session fMRI showed adaptive updates are reflected in greater hippocampal and ventral striatal pattern dissimilarity across retrievals. This research highlights the mechanisms by which updating of maladaptive memories occurs through a positive emotion-focused strategy.

Lina Yuniarti ◽  
Ermy Wijaya ◽  
Yesi Indian Ariska

The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of emotional intelligence and organizational commitment on employees’ performance at the Department of Labor and Transmigration of Seluma Regency. The sample in this study was 52 employees at the Department of Labor and Transmigration of Seluma Regency. The data was collected using a questionnaire and the analytical methods used were multiple linear regression, determination test and hypothesis testing. The results of multiple regressions show that the equation Y = 6.045 + 0.419 X1 + 0.458 X2. The result of regression direction is positive, meaning that the higher emotional intelligence and organizational commitment variables, the higher the employees’ performance will also be. The value of the coefficient of determination is 0.595. This means that X1 (emotional intelligence) and X2 (organizational commitment) have a contribution to performance (Y) of 59.5% while the remaining 40.5% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. Overall, the results t test has a significant value is less than 0.05, so it can be interpreted that X1 (emotional intelligence) and X2 (organizational commitment) have a significant influence on performance (Y) partially or individually. The results of the F test have a significant value of 0.000 < 0 ,05. Because the level of significance below 0.05 indicates that X1 (emotional intelligence) and X2 (organizational commitment) have a significant influence on performance (Y).

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