proton release
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Rana Hussein ◽  
Mohamed Ibrahim ◽  
Asmit Bhowmick ◽  
Philipp S. Simon ◽  
Ruchira Chatterjee ◽  

AbstractLight-driven oxidation of water to molecular oxygen is catalyzed by the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) in Photosystem II (PS II). This multi-electron, multi-proton catalysis requires the transport of two water molecules to and four protons from the OEC. A high-resolution 1.89 Å structure obtained by averaging all the S states and refining the data of various time points during the S2 to S3 transition has provided better visualization of the potential pathways for substrate water insertion and proton release. Our results indicate that the O1 channel is the likely water intake pathway, and the Cl1 channel is the likely proton release pathway based on the structural rearrangements of water molecules and amino acid side chains along these channels. In particular in the Cl1 channel, we suggest that residue D1-E65 serves as a gate for proton transport by minimizing the back reaction. The results show that the water oxidation reaction at the OEC is well coordinated with the amino acid side chains and the H-bonding network over the entire length of the channels, which is essential in shuttling substrate waters and protons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
pp. 3507
L. Michel Espinoza-Fonseca

The calcium pump (sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, SERCA) plays a major role in calcium homeostasis in muscle cells by clearing cytosolic Ca2+ during muscle relaxation. Active Ca2+ transport by SERCA involves the structural transition from a low-Ca2+ affinity E2 state toward a high-Ca2+ affinity E1 state of the pump. This structural transition is accompanied by the countertransport of protons to stabilize the negative charge and maintain the structural integrity of the transport sites and partially compensate for the positive charges of the two Ca2+ ions passing through the membrane. X-ray crystallography studies have suggested that a hydrated pore located at the C-terminal domain of SERCA serves as a conduit for proton countertransport, but the existence and function of this pathway have not yet been fully characterized. We used atomistic simulations to demonstrate that in the protonated E2 state and the absence of initially bound water molecules, the C-terminal pore becomes hydrated in the nanosecond timescale. Hydration of the C-terminal pore is accompanied by the formation of water wires that connect the transport sites with the cytosol. Water wires are known as ubiquitous proton-transport devices in biological systems, thus supporting the notion that the C-terminal domain serves as a conduit for proton release. Additional simulations showed that the release of a single proton from the transport sites induces bending of transmembrane helix M5 and the interaction between residues Arg762 and Ser915. These structural changes create a physical barrier against full hydration of the pore and prevent the formation of hydrogen-bonded water wires once proton transport has occurred through this pore. Together, these findings support the notion that the C-terminal proton release pathway is a functional element of SERCA and also provide a mechanistic model for its operation in the catalytic cycle of the pump.

2021 ◽  
Noriyo Mitome ◽  
Shintaroh Kubo ◽  
Sumie Ohta ◽  
Hikaru Takashima ◽  
Yuto Shigefuji ◽  

In FoF1-ATP synthase, proton translocation through Fo drives rotation of the c-subunit oligomeric ring relative to the a-subunit. Recent studies suggest that in each step of the rotation, key glutamic acid residues in different c-subunits contribute to proton release to and proton uptake from the a-subunit. However, no studies have demonstrated cooperativity among c-subunits toward FoF1-ATP synthase activity. Here, we addressed this using Bacillus PS3 ATP synthase harboring c-ring with various combinations of wild-type and cE56D, enabled by genetically fused single-chain c-ring. ATP synthesis and proton pump activities were significantly decreased by a single cE56D mutation and further decreased by double cE56D mutations. Moreover, activity further decreased as the two mutation sites were separated, indicating cooperation among c-subunits. Similar results were obtained for proton transfer-coupled molecular simulations. Simulations revealed that prolonged proton uptake in mutated c-subunits is shared between two c-subunits, explaining the cooperation observed in biochemical assays.

Chang Cui ◽  
Brandon L. Greene ◽  
Gyunghoon Kang ◽  
Catherine L. Drennan ◽  
JoAnne Stubbe ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 56 (84) ◽  
pp. 12849-12852
Dongdi Zhang ◽  
Hui Li ◽  
Chen Li ◽  
Zehao Wang ◽  
Tao Li ◽  

A single polyoxometalate cluster with controllable and reversible proton release/absorption capability (∼40 per molecule) in its aqueous solution is presented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 160
Alfons Penzkofer ◽  
Arita Silapetere ◽  
Peter Hegemann

The retinal photocycle dynamics of the fluorescent voltage sensor QuasAr1 (Archaerhodopsin 3 P60S-T80S-D95H-D106H-F161V mutant from Halorubrum sodomense) in pH 8 Tris buffer was studied. The samples were photoexcited to the first absorption band of the protonated retinal Schiff base (PRSB) Ret_580 (absorption maximum at λmax ≈ 580 nm), and the retinal Schiff base photoisomerization and protonation state changes were followed by absorption spectra recordings during light exposure and after light exposure. Ret_580 turned out to be composed of two protonated retinal Schiff base isomers, namely Ret_580I and Ret_580II. Photoexcitation of Ret_580I resulted in barrier-involved isomerization to Ret_540 (quantum yield ≈ 0.056) and subsequent retinal proton release leading to Ret_410 deprotonated retinal Schiff base (RSB). In the dark, Ret_410 partially recovered to Ret_580I and partially stabilized to irreversible Ret_400 due to apoprotein restructuring (Ret_410 lifetime ≈ 2 h). Photoexcitation of Ret_580II resulted in barrier-involved isomerization to Ret_640 (quantum yield ≈ 0.00135) and subsequent deprotonation to Ret_370 (RSB). In the dark, Ret_370 partially recovered to Ret_580II and partially stabilized to irreversible Ret_350 due to apoprotein restructuring (Ret_370 lifetime ≈ 10 h). Photocycle schemes and reaction coordinate diagrams for Ret_580I and Ret_580II were developed and photocyle parameters were determined.

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