Bulletin of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V P Astafiev
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Published By Kspu Named After V.P. Astafiev


S.V. Saryglar ◽  

Statement of the problem. The article deals with the problem of visualization in teaching mathematics using animated drawings. The purpose of the article is to present the analysis of the experimental work on computer animation in the GeoGebra environment as a means of improving mathematical education at school. Research methodology. The methodological foundations of the research include activity-based, informational and visual approaches to teaching mathematics, a synthesis of the author’s work experience in testing computer animation at school. Research results. The results of the experimental work confirmed the expediency of using computer animation in the process of teaching algebra in the 7th grade (educational activity of students increased, as well as interest in research work and quality of mastering mathematical knowledge and skills). Conclusion. The use of computer animation in math lessons at school increases the level of understanding and assimilation of mathematical knowledge by providing clear illustrations of mathematical concepts and statements. The analysis of experimental work using the animation capabilities of computer environments shows an increase in the technological equipment of modern mathematics teachers, which help them achieve higher educational results.

M.P. Aleshina ◽  

Statement of the problem. A fairly large number of requirements are presented to a graduate of a teacher training college. One of them is competence in information technology (hereinafter IT). This should be taught to students not only during computer science lessons, but also in the disciplines of the general education cycle, such as mathematics. Insufficient development of the methodology for using IT in mathematics lessons, some shortcomings in the use of digital technologies complicate the implementation of IT in the educational process. This article considers the role of IT in solving educational and research problems in mathematics; reveals the advantages and disadvantages of blended learning; the ways of eliminating these shortcomings with the help of the methodology for solving educational and research problems are outlined; the requirements to the formulation of educational and research tasks, which would contribute to the formation of skills in the use of IT, have been determined. The purpose of the article is to formulate the requirements to the formulation of an educational and research problem during blended learning in Mathematics among students of teacher training colleges. The research methodology consists of the analysis and systematization of documents in the field of secondary vocational education, research works on this topic, and the author’s own experience in teaching mathematics to students of a teacher training college. Research results. In the course of the analysis, the following results are presented: – the role of IT in solving educational and research problems in mathematics is determined; – the advantages and disadvantages of blended learning are revealed; – ways to eliminate the shortcomings of blended learning using the methodology for solving educational and research problems are outlined; – the requirements for the formulation of educational and research tasks, which would contribute to the formation of skills in the use of IT, are determined. Conclusion. The analysis carried out in the course of the study made it possible to formulate the requirements to the formulation of educational and research problems during blended learning in Mathematics among students of teacher training colleges.

L.A. Novopashina ◽  
E.G. Grigoryeva ◽  
D.V. Kuzina ◽  
Yu.A. Cherkasova ◽  

Statement of the problem. The authors consider the assessment of teachers’ professional deficits as a key problem. The expanded interpretation of deficits and assessment systems interfere with the real qualitative professional level of teachers and do not allow them to predict, plan and implement the necessary actions and activities that are aimed at professional development. The purpose of the article is to construct a typology of professional teacher deficits based on cluster analysis in the context of municipalities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Methodology (materials and methods). The article was prepared with the support of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Foundation for the Support of Scientific and Technical Activities in the framework of the project “Comprehensive study of professional deficits and difficulties among teachers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. The authors define professional deficits as a disadvantage (limitation) in professional competence that hinders the effective implementation of professional actions. Based on a questionnaire survey of 3,375 teachers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a typology of professional deficits is built using factor and cluster analysis. Research results. Empirically, 13 groups of municipalities have been identified for which an appropriate profile has been established for 15 factors. The obtained profiles characterize each combined group by the professional deficits of teachers who are differentiated relative to clusters. Conclusions. The results obtained significantly specify the connections and establish latent stable characteristics. The revealed typology shows the characteristic features of the model of professional teacher deficits in the context of municipalities. The use of the data obtained contributes to the development of a qualitative system for improving the qualifications of teachers.

Ya.M. Yanchenko ◽  

Statement of the problem. The subculture of hip-hop was formed among the African-American population of the United States during a period of poor socio-economic situation. These conditions for the development of hip-hop build a system of values and knowledge, which acts as the foundation of the discursive space of hip-hop. Hip-hop discourse unfolds around the basic concepts of racism, violence and bragging. The concept of bragging is based on the consequences of living conditions in the segregated society of the United States, when African Americans did not have the opportunity to possess certain goods which are available to the white population. After the restrictions having been lifted, high-priced goods have become an element of hip-hop discourse participants’ system of values. The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize the linguistic means of representing the concept of bragging as one of the basic concepts of hip-hop discourse. The methodology of the research is the analysis and summary of works about the basic concepts on the basis of which the discourse is built. Research results. In the article the most common linguistic means of implementing the concept of bragging are identified. The analysis of the song texts of the hip-hop discourse shows that the studied concept is represented mainly through lexical means. Conclusions. The most common ways of representing the concept of bragging are the lexemes of the semantic fields “jewelry” and “financial well-being”. In addition, precedent names are important for the nomination of companies that produce high-value goods, which represent the attributes of success for the participants of the hip-hop discourse. The concept of bragging acts as a basic concept of hip-hop discourse and reflects the specifics of hip-hop discourse. It also determines the perception of the surrounding world by subculture participants.

A.D. Vasilyev ◽  

Statement of the problem. The collection of phraseological units makes up a noticeable part of the lexicon. Phraseologisms, due to their expressiveness, are often used to give texts a greater expressive effect. A special place belongs to phraseological unity, capable of acting both as stable and as free phrases. Literature review. The use of such potentials as the basis of pictorial technique was considered by many linguists: V.V. Vinogradov, N.M. Shansky, A.I. Fedorov, D.N. Shmelev et al. The purpose of this article is a multifaceted analysis of the use of phraseological unit “to pull somebody’s leg” in fiction and journalistic texts of a number of Russian writers. Research results. On the example of the use of phraseological unity “to pull somebody’s leg” in a number of works, it is established that these phenomena are of an intertextual nature. It is advisable to consider specific phenomena related to this issue in a somewhat broader manner and in different aspects. Such an approach reveals not only a certain mutual similarity, but also the purely individual techniques of the original author, as well as the role of specific episodes in the explication of the probable intentions of the entire work as a whole. Conclusions. As a result of the study, there is noted the variability of the likely author’s intentions, the immanent pictorial potential of the phrase “to pull somebody’s leg”.

O.V. Boguslavskaya ◽  
E.V. Osetrova ◽  

Statement of the problem. This work is devoted to the study of the linguistic image of a Russian woman politician – a special type of public image that attracts the attention of both the mass addressee and the professional expert community. The very concept of “linguistic image” is used in many social and scientific practices, being of great interest for modern humanitarian knowledge – imageology, linguistics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, advertising, public relations, etc. Within the field of linguistic image, as well as in the linguistic theory of linguistic personality, the aspect of the subjective component of public speech, the so-called “author in the text”, has always been highlighted as a separate aspect. This is interconnected not only with anthropocentrism as a universal scientific idea of ​​the 21st century, but also with the global process of mediatization of all spheres of human activity. The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the subjective component of the linguistic image of a woman politician in the context of public social and speech activity. The methodology (materials and methods). The methodology of the analysis undertaken is based on the provisions and ideas of imageology, the theory of linguistic personality and linguistic semantics, in the context of which descriptive-analytical and comparative methods were used, as well as the method of semantic text analysis. The research material included the texts of public speeches and statements of 2016–2018, belonging to two representatives of modern Russian politics – Maria Zakharova and Natalia Poklonskaya. Research results. In the speeches of M. Zakharova and N. Poklonskaya, the description of social-speech communication corresponds to one language model and is presented in three aspects: 1) space (where?), 2) participants (who?), and 3) metascenarios of social-speech communication (what is happening?). In the texts of these women politicians, this semantic model is filled with its own content, which has general and specific elements that characterize their public images in different ways. Russia is described as a common communicative space for the activities of political subjects, despite the fact that for M. Zakharova the Ministry of Foreign Affairs turns out to be a specific medium of communication, and for N. Poklonskaya these are the State Duma, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Crimea. The common thing is that both speakers inscribe their own communicative activity in a threefold structure, where the main participants are a) the speaker himself, b) his associates and c) his opponents. In the contexts of M. Zakharova, the listed participants are embodied in roles: a) “Me” as “an intermediary” or “a moderator”, b) “We” as “diplomats”, as “teammates”, or a subject of the “conciliar” type (Russia, Moscow, diplomatic corps);in the contexts of M. Poklonskaya – a) “Me” as “a stateswoman” or “a prosecutor”, and also b) “We” as “prosecutors”, as “associates” and as “trustees”, respectively. As for the opponents, in both cases the set is practically the same: USA or the Ukrainian. The content of the described model is complemented by the so-called metascripts, which represent the social-speech situation in a new way and have a different functional purpose in every statement. Conclusion. The linguistic image of M. Zakharova is more objectified and restrained, in fact merging with the typical diplomatic image, while the image of N. Poklonskaya is more emotional and subjective, reinforced by the characteristic features of speech spontaneity and directness. At the same time, both images, framed by the modus of involvement and team goal-setting, organically fit into the space of the professional communication.

E.E. E.E. Katysheva ◽  

Statement of the problem. Reforming of the professional education system required by conscious choice of secondary school graduates wishing to start their independent life quickly and which guarantees successful start of their career, is connected with corresponding changes in substantive, technological and competence aspects. Blue-collar and white-collar qualifications become popular among young people. The labor market sets new requirements for graduates of secondary vocational schools and this defines the range of professional competences of future intermediate-level managers. The purpose of article is to define psychological and pedagogical bases of formation of communicative competence in future intermediate-level managers. Methodology of research consists of a competent and systematic approach as a basis for structuring of future intermediate-level managers professional competences; State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Training in 16.0631.01 Car Mechanics; Federal State Education Standard requirements to the curriculum for training qualified employees. Research results. Composition of competences (general and professional competences) of future intermediate-level managers is identified and substantiated. The main causes of the communication problems are stated: shortcomings in secondary vocational education; inconsistencies of terms in requirements for general competence in the Federal State Education Standard and Car Mechanic Professional Standard. Conclusion. Article defines psychological and pedagogical foundations for development of communicative competences in future car mechanics during learning mathematics. Teacher issues related with choosing a form of collaboration with students in math class are identified.

E.A. Chereneva ◽  
L.M. Safonova ◽  
V.Yu. Potylicina ◽  
D.V. Cherenev ◽  

Statement of the problem. Globally aging populations, with the number of elderly people growing at a faster rate than other population groups, are increasing their share of the total population in virtually all countries. Knowledge of the needs of elderly people is necessary to determine the optimal forms of work with them and the choice of those types of social services that they need especially. In senior age, the occurring personality modification is characterized by a diverse set of qualities that are rarely found in one person. Therefore, there is a need to consider the approaches of psychological and pedagogical support and those factors that affect the lifestyle of people in advanced age and successful aging. Materials and methods include the principle of a systematic approach and methodological unity of the biological and psychosocial in the formation of human mental pathology (B.G. Ananiev; B.F. Lomov; M.M. Kabanov; Yu.L. Nuller; V.M. Vorobiev; L.I. Wasserman); the principle of determinism, the principle of the unity of consciousness and activity (S.L. Rubinstein; A.N. Leontiev); the principle of system approach (V.A. Ganzen). There were also theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept by Russian psychologists G.S. Abramova, E.F. Rybalko and M.D. Aleksandrova, as well as fundamental methodological provisions on the unity of consciousness and activity, on the development of psyche in activity (L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, etc.). Research results. Theoretical and experimental research systematized the conditions and factors that predetermine successful aging and the targets of preventive work. The presented research results make it possible to increase the effectiveness of complex measures aimed at increasing the proportion of successful aging. The studies have identified the factors that determine successful aging and the targets of prevention work. Successful aging is multifaceted and includes preventing disease and disability, maintaining high physical and cognitive functions, and constant participation in social and industrial activities. Conclusion. The presented research results will supplement the data on psychological and pedagogical support of the elderly and create prerequisites for the development of effective comprehensive measures aimed at increasing the proportion of successful aging.

Yu.S. Davydochkina ◽  
M.V. Safonova ◽  

Statement of the problem. Article presents an overview of theoretical positions and studies devoted to the formation of students’ motivation, considered as certain human actions aimed at achieving a goal, as well as being one of the conditions for successful self-organization. The purpose of the article is to characterize the features of the motives of educational activity among students from cadet schools and Mariinsky female gymnasiums, depending on the level of self-organization. Research methodology. Theoretical and methodological basis of research includes the following approaches: a systematic approach: the principle of consistency, the principle of development (L.I. Antsyferova, B.A. Drummers, I.V. Blauberg, B.F. Lomov, E.G. Yudin, etc.), activity-based approach: the principle of determinism, the principle of unity of consciousness and activity (K.A. Abulkhanova, A.G. Asmolov, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, V.D. Shadrikov, etc.), and subject-developmental approach: the principle of balance between individual and the public (a. Adler, A. Maslow, K. Rogers, K.A. Abulkhanova, S.L. Rubinstein, E.A. Sergienko, L.V. Slobodchikov, etc.). The study involved 920 students of the cadet and female gymnasium education system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory aged 12 to 17. The research was based on the regional state educational organizations with the specialized name “cadet (sea cadet) corps” and the regional state educational organizations of the Mariinsky female gymnasium, as well as the regional state autonomous educational institution “Regional boarding school for work with gifted children “Cosmonautics School”. We used the following for diagnostics: the “Methodology for diagnosing the type of school motivation” in high school students by E. Lepeshova, and “Methodology for diagnosing personal time disorganizers” by O.V. Kuzmina. Statistical data processing included comparison of samples and analysis of the interdependence of features. To compare the samples, the Mann Whitney U-test was used, the correlation analysis was based on the calculation of the Spearman correlation coefficient. Research results. The key reasons leading to unproductive organization of the activity of students in cadet schools and Mariinsky gymnasiums are emotional tension and emotional apathy. Organizational disorganizers associated with the lack of skills in planning, setting priorities, ability to work on one problem for a long time, desire to postpone duties. Internal motives of learning related with knowledge, self-development, self-realization are noted in a small number of students. There is a high level of motivation associated with awareness of social need for education, prestige of education in a family, with approval of parents. The motives associated with the approval of teachers, classmates, and the prestige of studying in the classroom are mostly presented at a low level. The value-semantic disorganizers of time and emotional apathy have direct interrelationships in all other parameters of personal disorganizers. Conclusion. Understanding the interrelationships of the parameters of personal time disorganizers and the key motives of adolescents will increase the overall level of self-organization among students and help competently organize psychological work during the educational process in closed educational institutions.

Yu.S. Bushlanova ◽  

Statement of the problem. Often, due to the lack of knowledge about the world of professions, the divergent influence of the family, school and the media in matters of professional identification, the lack of high-quality professional information, the lack of practical experience in professional activities, high school graduates cannot accurately determine the stages of further education, that is, build an individual educational route of professional identification. To increase the efficiency of the process of professional identification of a high school graduate, assistance is required not only in choosing a profession, but also in finding resources to develop and implement an adequate educational and professional scenario, as well as in training in the independent use of these resources. Today’s digital technologies are of help. The purpose of the article is to present (reveal) the capabilities of the digital educational and methodological complex “School skills. Pro Professions” in the work on vocational guidance and professional identification of high school students in an interactive environment. The methodological basis of the study includes the works by E.A. Klimov, N.S. Pryazhnikov, S.N. Chistyakova and other Russian and foreign researchers (S. Fukuyama, J. Golland, E. Bern). Professional identification of a person is defined as a conscious process of building a personal professional plan when choosing a profession on the basis of analysis, assessment of the internal resources of the subject of choice, correlation with the requirements of the profession, as well as the readiness of the person for professional choice. Professional identification is connected with the formation of components of the psychological system of professional formation and realization of personality on the basis of knowledge/self-knowledge and assessment/self-assessment of social and professional requirements, conditions of professionalization and individual capabilities of the subject of work. Research results. The article reveals the possibilities of the digital educational and methodological complex “School skills. Pro Profession” in the work on vocational guidance and professional identification of high school students in an interactive environment. Digital Educational and Methodological Complex (DEMC) is presented as a structured set of educational tools, electronic normative and educational documentation, a set of electronic educational resources, information and communication technology tools and automated systems containing interconnected content and intended for joint use by participants for effective training in programmes for the development of soft skills, as well as studying up educational subjects, courses, disciplines on professional identification in the context of digital transformation of the educational process. Conclusions. The introduction of information technologies in such a field of development of high school students as a choice of a future profession creates conditions for strengthening the integration of educational and subject areas with extracurricular practice, additional education, strengthening the specialized training of schoolchildren on the basis of variability of programmes, taking into account their interests, inclinations, abilities and demands of the labour market, gaining practical experience for a reasonable choice of a training profile, which ensures the effectiveness of high school students building an individual route of professional identification.

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