solar module
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Murizah Kassim ◽  
Fadila Lazim

<span>This paper presents an intelligent of single axis automatic adaptive photovoltaic solar module. A static solar panel has an issue of efficiency on shading effects, irradiance of sunlight absorbed, and less power generates. This aims to design an effective algorithm tracking system and a prototype automatic adaptive solar photovoltaic (PV) module connected through </span><span>internet of things (IoT). The system has successfully designated on solving efficiency optimization. A tracking system by using active method orientation and allows more power and energy are captured. The solar rotation angle facing aligned to the light-dependent resistor (LDR) voltage captured and high solar panel voltage measured by using Arduino microcontroller. Real-time data is collected from the dynamic solar panel, published on Node-Red webpage, and running interactive via android device. The system has significantly reduced time. Data captured by the solar panel then analyzed based on irradiance, voltage, current, power generated and efficiency. Successful results present a live data analytic platform with active tracking system that achieved larger power generated and efficiency of solar panel compared to a fixed mounted array. This research is significant that can help the user to monitor parameters collected by the solar panel thus able to increase 51.82% efficiency of the PV module.</span>

Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 267
Jessica Barichello ◽  
Paolo Mariani ◽  
Fabio Matteocci ◽  
Luigi Vesce ◽  
Andrea Reale ◽  

An optimization work on dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) based on both artificial and natural dyes was carried out by a fine synthesis work embedding gold nanoparticles in a TiO2 semiconductor and perfecting the TiO2 particle sizes of the scattering layer. Noble metal nanostructures are known for the surface plasmon resonance peculiarity that reveals unique properties and has been implemented in several fields such as sensing, photocatalysis, optical antennas and PV devices. By embedding gold nanoparticles in the mesoporous TiO2 layer and adding a scattering layer, we were able to boost the power conversion efficiency (PCE) to 10.8%, using an organic ruthenium complex. The same implementation was carried out using a natural dye, betalains, extracted from Sicilian prickly pear. In this case, the conversion efficiency doubled from 1 to 2% (measured at 1 SUN illumination, 100 mW/cm2 under solar simulation irradiation). Moreover, we obtained (measured at 0.1 SUN, 10 mW/cm2 under blue light LED irradiation) a record efficiency of 15% with the betalain-based dye, paving the way for indoor applications in organic natural devices. Finally, an attempt to scale up the system is shown, and a betalain-based- dye-sensitized solar module (DSSM), with an active area of 43.2 cm2 and a PCE of 1.02%, was fabricated for the first time.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 822
Emiliia Iakovleva ◽  
Daniel Guerra ◽  
Pavel Tcvetkov ◽  
Yaroslav Shklyarskiy

The problem of increasing the efficiency of existing power plants is relevant for many countries. Solar power plants built at the end of the 20th century require, as their shelf lives have now expired, not only the replacement of the solar modules, but also the modernization of their component composition. This is due to the requirements to improve the efficiency of power plants to ensure the expansion of renewable energy technologies. This article presents a technical and economic analysis of the choice of solar power plant modernization method, which consists of (1) a method for calculating the amount of power generation; (2) the modeling of solar power plants under specific climatic conditions; (3) the analysis of electricity generation using different types of PV modules and solar radiation trapping technologies in Matlab/Simulink; and (4) the technical and economic analysis of a 2.5 MW solar power plant in the Republic of Cuba (in operation since 2015), for which four different modernization options were considered. All the scenarios differ in the depth of modernization; the results of the analysis were compared with the existing plant. The results of the study showed that the different modernization scenarios respond differently to changes in the inputted technical and economic parameters (cost per kWh, inflation rate, losses, and power plant efficiency). The maximum NPV deviations among the considered scenarios are: a 1% increase in inflation reduces NPV by 2%; a decrease in losses from 20% to 10% increases the NPV by 2.5%; a change in cost from EUR 0.05 to EUR 0.1 increases the NPV by more than 3.5 times. The dependence of the economic results was also tested as a function of three factors: solar module efficiency, inflation, and the price per 1 kWh. It was found that the greatest influence on the NPV of the proposed model is the price per 1 kWh. Based on this analysis, an algorithm was developed to choose the most effective scenario for the conditions of the Republic of Cuba for the modernization of the existing power plants.

2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Noor Jamel Kadia ◽  
Emad T. Hashim ◽  
Oday I. Abdullah ◽  

In this work, the analysis of performance of two types of photovoltaic (PV) (Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) technologies were achieved out under under Iraqi (Baghdad)climate conditions. The elevation of the selected site is 9 m above ground level. The experimental work covered the eight commercially available PV technologies. The two technologies that employed in this work are, Amorphous Silicon (a-Si) and Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS). The total period of the experimental work was 7 months, and the data were analyzed simultaneously. Special attention is given to the influence of temperature and solar radiation the performance of the PV modules. Where, it was proposed a simple I-V curve test for PV modules. The results showed that the proposed system successfully experimentally extracted I-V curves of the selected two PV modules (amorphous and CIGS solar modules). The maximum values of power (Pmax) at solar radiation intensity 750 W/m² are 2.742 W, and 2.831 W for amorphous silicon and copper indium gallium di-selenide respectively. This is occurred because the lowest solar module operating temperature (19 oC and 17 oC for solar radiation 750 and 1000 W/m2 respectively) and ambient temperature (7 oC) and for Jan., 2021 than other months. Consequently, the same behavior for the two modules at solar irradiance 1000 W/m2 with the highest power value; 2.680 W, and 3.198 W of amorphous silicon and copper indium gallium di-selenide respectively. Furthermore, the minimum values of power (Pmax) at solarradiation intensity 750 W/m² are 2.530, and 2.831 for amorphous silicon and copper indium gallium di-selenide respectively because we have the highest solar module operating temperature (57 oC, and 55 oC respectively) and ambient temperature (45 oC) for April, 2021 than other months. Consequently, the same behavior for the two modules at solar irradiance 1000 W/m2 with the highest power value; 2.680 W, and 3.198 W of amorphous silicon and copper indium gallium di-selenide respectively. The highest efficiency can be notes for CIGS solar module with a value 7.3%, while the lowest one is 5.5% for amorphous solar module.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-110
Ricki Ananda ◽  
Muhammad Amin

Abstract: Garden lighting from a sun source utilizes a series of joule thieves so that the lighting of the garden lights at night is bright. This research method uses a quantitative method because it must be tested on each module so that it finds that there are three types of module systems to be combined, the booster or joule electronic thief module, the supply media solar module circuit, and finally, the control system with the Arduino nano board. The solar module used is a 1-watt solar module with 1n4004 diodes, which will convert the heat of sunlight into voltage. The voltage will be sent via the IC TP4056 input, the output from the IC TP4056 will charge the 18650 battery, which aims to ignite the booster circuit on the 12 W lamp, or the 3.7VDC input from the 18650 battery capable of turning on the 12W/220VAC led light. While the controller is connected to the LDR sensor and relay when the user makes the command, LDR > 800 of the provisions, the relay position from NC becomes open, or during the day, the relay will be in the NC position and turn off the 12W light in the booster circuit, while at night the relay will remain in the no position, so that it will connect the booster circuit voltage and turn on the 12W lamp (LDR < 800).Keywords: booster circuit; campus park lighting; solar panels  Abstrak: Penerangan taman dari sumber matahari memanfaatkan rangkaian joule thief agar penerangan lampu taman pada malam hari terang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dikarenakan harus diuji coba pada tiap modul, sehingga mendapati ada tiga jenis sistem modul yang akan digabungkan, modul elektronika rangkaian booster atau joule thief, rangkaian modul surya media pensuplly, dan terakhir sistem controller dengan board arduino nano. Modul surya yang digunakan modul surya 1 watt dengan dioda 1n4004, akan mengubah panas cahaya matahari menjadi tegangan . Tegangan akan dikirimkan melalui input IC TP4056, output dari IC TP4056 akan mengisi baterai 18650 yang bertujuan sebagai penyala rangkaian booster pada lampu 12 W, atau input 3.7VDC dari baterai 18650 mampu menyalakan lampu led 12W/220VAC. Sementara controller terhubung kesensor ldr dan relay, ketika perintah yang dibuat oleh user, ldr > 800 dari ketentuan, posisi relay dari nc menjadi open, atau siang hari, relay akan diposisi nc dan mematikan lampu 12W pada rangkaian booster, sementara jika malam hari relay akan diposisi no, sehingga akan menghubungkan tegangan rangkaian booster dan menyalakan lampu 12W (ldr < 800).  Kata kunci : panel surya, penerangan taman, rangkaian booster. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11929
Amer Malki ◽  
Abdallah A. Mohamed ◽  
Yasser I. Rashwan ◽  
Ragab A. El-Sehiemy ◽  
Mostafa A. Elhosseini

The use of metaheuristics in estimating the exact parameters of solar cell systems contributes greatly to performance improvement. The nonlinear electrical model of the solar cell has some parameters whose values are necessary to design photovoltaic (PV) systems accurately. The metaheuristic algorithms used to determine solar cell parameters have achieved remarkable success; however, most of these algorithms still produce local optimum solutions. In any case, changing to more suitable candidates through elephant herd optimization (EHO) equations is not guaranteed; in addition, instead of making parameter α adaptive throughout the evolution of the EHO, making them adaptive during the evolution of the EHO might be a preferable choice. The EHO technique is used in this work to estimate the optimum values of unknown parameters in single-, double-, and three-diode solar cell models. Models for five, seven, and ten unknown PV cell parameters are presented in these PV cell models. Applications are employed on two types of PV solar cells: the 57 mm diameter RTC Company of France commercial silicon for single- and double-diode models and multi-crystalline PV solar module CS6P-240P for the three-diode model. The total deviations between the actual and estimated result are used in this study as the objective function. The performance measures used in comparisons are the RMSE and relative error. The performance of EHO and the proposed three improved EHO algorithms are evaluated against the well-known optimization algorithms presented in the literature. The experimental results of EHO and the three improved EHO algorithms go as planned and proved to be comparable to recent metaheuristic algorithms. The three EHO-based variants outperform all competitors for the single-diode model, and in particular, the culture-based EHO (CEHO) outperforms others in the double/three-diode model. According the studied cases, the EHO variants have low levels of relative errors and therefore high accuracy compared with other optimization algorithms in the literature.

Ahrum Jeong ◽  
Jae Myung Choi ◽  
Hyun‐Jae Lee ◽  
Gee‐Yeong Kim ◽  
Jong‐Keuk Park ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13053
Abdelhady Ramadan ◽  
Salah Kamel ◽  
Mohamed H. Hassan ◽  
Marcos Tostado-Véliz ◽  
Ali M. Eltamaly

The global trend towards renewable energy sources, especially solar energy, has had a significant impact on the development of scientific research to manufacture high-performance solar cells. The issue of creating a model that simulates a solar module and extracting its parameter is essential in designing an improved and high performance photovoltaic system. However, the nonlinear nature of the photovoltaic cell increases the challenge in creating this model. The application of optimization algorithms to solve this issue is increased and developed rapidly. In this paper, a developed version of eagle strategy GBO with chaotic (ESCGBO) is proposed to enhance the original GBO performance and its search efficiency in solving difficult optimization problems such as this. In the literature, different PV models are presented, including static and dynamic PV models. Firstly, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed ESCGBO algorithm, it is executed on the 23 benchmark functions and the obtained results using the proposed algorithm are compared with that obtained using three well-known algorithms, including the original GBO algorithm, the equilibrium optimizer (EO) algorithm, and wild horse optimizer (WHO) algorithm. Furthermore, both of original GBO and developed ESCGBO are applied to estimate the parameters of single and double diode as static models, and integral and fractional models as examples for dynamic models. The results in all applications are evaluated and compared with different recent algorithms. The results analysis confirmed the efficiency, accuracy, and robustness of the proposed algorithm compared with the original one or the recent optimization algorithms.

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