theoretical context
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2022 ◽  
Yuanfei Pan ◽  
Xiaoyun Pan ◽  
Lucas Del Bianco Faria ◽  
Bo Li

Herbivory degree and the ratio of generalist to specialist herbivores have long been treated as two important but independent factors in shaping the evolution of plant defense. However, this assumption of independency is poorly supported and has resulted in great controversy in explaining the patterns of plant defense. Here we investigated the possible interaction between herbivory degree and generalist-to-specialist ratio using a cost-benefit model of defense evolution in plants. Our results showed that, with increasing generalist herbivore proportion, plant defense investment increases when herbivory degree is low and decreases when herbivory degree is high. These results provide the first theoretical support for the interactive effect of herbivory degree and ratio of generalist/specialist affecting plant defense, which integrate many of the previous results (e.g. latitudinal patterns of plant defense and defense evolution of invasive plants) and put them into a more general theoretical context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-255
Tariq Saeed ◽  
Dong Qian Li ◽  
Muhammad Asim ◽  
Muhammad Akram Zaheer

Since the inauguration of CPEC as a plan to reconstruct the olden road between Kashgar and Gwadar, Pakistan is also experiencing socio-industrial impacts at the macro level. In fact, Chinese industries have built such a technical structure within the Pakistani markets that largely affects the nature of the masses. Likewise, socio-cultural life including the business environment in Pakistan has also been rapidly affected by the Chinese arrival. Therefore, by collecting primary sources from Pakistani and Chinese ministries regarding Chinese imports towards Pakistan; the study examines how it is encircling daily route life along with human nature. At the same time, consultation with different organizations and think tanks assists the study in practically investigating the socio-industrial impacts of CPEC within the theoretical context of structural anthropology in different regions of Pakistan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (28) ◽  
pp. 5
Richard Romancini ◽  
Maria de Fátima Morina ◽  
Flavio Chiari Oliveira

O artigo descreve duas experiências de uso do Role-Playing Game (RPG), ou Jogo de Interpretação de Papéis, no ensino remoto emergencial (ERE). A discussão sobre o ERE e o tema dos jogos e educação é o contexto teórico do trabalho, que busca, a partir dos estudos de caso das práticas, apontar aspectos que podem contribuir para uma utilização produtiva do RPG no ensino remoto. Conclui-se, entre outros pontos, que é importante que o docente tenha bom conhecimento da forma do RPG, assim como das tecnologias que serão utilizadas no contexto didático, podendo optar por atividades mais voltadas à experiência de um jogo previamente elaborado ou ao desenvolvimento de um, com os alunos.RPG in remote learning: process and product, experiences with Literature and sports practiceAbstractThe article describes two experiences using the Role-Playing Game (RPG) in emergency remote teaching (ERT). The discussion about ERT and the theme of games and education is the theoretical context of the work, which seeks, from the case studies of practices, to point out aspects that can contribute to a productive use of RPG in remote learning. It is concluded, among other points, that it is important that the teacher has good knowledge of the RPG form, as well as the technologies that will be used in didactic context, and may choose activities more focused on the experience of a previously elaborated game or on the development of one, with the students.Keywords: RPG; games; education; technologies; remote teaching.

Stefano Gensini

We reproduce in what follows the last writing published in life by G.W. Leibniz (1646-1716) on linguistic topics. Together with other works by scholars of the time, Leibniz’s essay served as an introduction to an important collection of versions of the Pater noster in many different languages (Chamberlayne ed. 1715). In his critical remarks, the philosopher not only summarises his main ideas about the importance and method of linguistic comparison, but also integrates them with interpretative insights from neighbouring fields, such as numismatics, archaeology, and the history of writing systems. The editor’s commentary gives information on the historical and theoretical context in which Leibniz writes and on the numerous authors and works mentioned in the text.

Viacheslav Lymar

The study concerns the consideration of creativity in the light of the main philosophical studies of this concept. The activity of the creative process practically proves the presence of freedom in human existence. Views on creativity reflect the attitude of a particular thinker to the question of the opposition of freedom and predestination in general. The polemical moments concerning creativity are considered and the ways of their decision are offered. In particular, two opposing views on the work of Plato and Aristotle are studied, where human talent presupposes divine inspiration (Plato) or, accordingly, only personal efforts. Nikolai Berdyaev tries to resolve the controversy between Aristotle and Plato by combining their views. He endows man with divine properties and thus indicates the source of creativity in the middle of man himself. Philip Hefner gives the individual the status of “co-creator” and puts forward the theory that man is called to improve and complete God’s creation. The study also focuses on the content and purpose of creativity. Creativity for the sake of creativity itself, which Albert Camus wrote about, was criticized by M. Berdyaev, and he offered his vision of this issue: creativity for the sake of a universal goal. Camus’ views were generally shared by A. Bergson. In connection with this last controversy, the actualization of Hryhoriy Skovoroda’s doctrine of “related work” is proposed and the expediency of this actualization is argued. Our domestic philosopher originally balances the pessimism of Camus’s work and Berdyaev’s enterprising approach. Skovoroda supports his conclusions with accurate practical examples. Reasoned conclusions about the need to update the teachings of G. Skovoroda on creativity and «related work» are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-44
Jonas Svensson

This article analyses clusters of Muslim responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in a theoretical framework provided by the cognitive science of religion. The responses include theological reflections on the origin, nature, and religious significance of the disease, religious justifications for restrictions on communal worship, apologetics in the light of COVID-19, and how aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic relate to issues of purity, impurity, and contagion. This article places the responses in a wider theoretical context that contributes to explaining their emergence as cultural representations, and, as a consequence, may promote further comparative research into responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in other religious traditions. 

Hylarie Kochiras

This chapter focuses on Newton’s ideas about matter and bodies in connection with traditional questions about nature and structure, also examining an important crossover into his quantitative approach. It begins with his early proclivity for ontologically prior parts and atomism itself, then considering their effect upon his ideas about natural kinds; his composition theory; and his explanatory shift from the aether to forces. His most metaphysical account of body, articulated in De gravitatione and belonging to a broader account of substance, is then examined. Rather than employing a substratum, the account reduces bodies solely to powers and attributes, which themselves establish material dimensionality. The penultimate section examines a crossover of some matter-theoretic ideas into the Principia’s very different theoretical context, where they threaten his argument for universal gravitation. It shows that his unjustified assumption of matter’s inertial homogeneity derives from his old atomist commitments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
pp. 685-692
Adam David Henze

This article explores the “daemons” that many university students face by exploring Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein in a creative way. Using a poetic method called “erasure,” the author of this article cut fragmented descriptions of Victor Frankenstein, and stitched them together to craft a poem about the need for self-care in the university setting. The poem includes a preface to provide some theoretical context and background information on Frankenstein.

2021 ◽  
pp. 175-181
Christopher Terepin

Recordings made in the early part of the twentieth century suggest a great deal of historical diversity in musicians’ attitudes to ensemble performance. The ensemble style of the Czech (formerly Bohemian) String Quartet, traces of which were captured on record in the 1920s, offers an intriguing example of an approach to “togetherness” that is strikingly unlike that of our own time. Drawing on their recording of the Lento movement of Dvorak’s famous String Quartet in F Op.96, this case study investigates aspects of the Czech Quartet’s unusual ensemble playing, and in particular the way they combine expressive asynchrony with coordinated, large-scale shaping strategies. By situating these practices in aesthetic and theoretical context, this chapter shows how the evidence of early recordings might contribute valuable nuance to our understanding of the conventions of (good) ensemble performance.

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