doctor of philosophy
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (32) ◽  
pp. e13366
Iuliia Pinkovetskaia

This research aimed to assess the indicators that characterize the number of teaching staff at universities and other higher education institutions (HEIs) in the regions of Russia. These indicators were: (1) the number of teachers per thousand working-age residents of each of the regions, (2) the average number of teachers per HEI in the region, (3) the proportion of teachers who have a Doctor of Science (DSc) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in the number of teachers working in HEIs in the region, and (4) the number of students per teacher working in HEIs. We used official statistical information of 82 regions of Russia. We found that, on average, there are slightly more than two teachers working in HIEs per thousand working-age residents. The average number of teachers per HIE in Russia is 158. In universities, the average number of students per teacher is more than 20. The proposed methodological approach and the obtained results are a scientific novelty, since the assessment of regional characteristics of the number of teaching staff in the regions of Russia has not been carried out before.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 728-732
Esa-Jussi Salminen ◽  
Dmitry Anatolyevich Efremov

The article is devoted to Jorma Luutonen, the well-known researcher of the Finno-Ugric languages, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Volga Region Languages Research Sector of the Turku University. The article considers his scientific and creative activities, highlighting his contribution to the development of Finno-Ugric studies, primarily to the study of the languages of the Volga region. His research interests also include Turkology, contrastive linguistics, lexicography, and the creation of digital language corpora. The name of the Finnish linguist is known not only throughout Finland, but also far beyond its borders.

L.D. Todoriko ◽  
O.V. Pidverbetska ◽  
O.Ya. Pidverbetskyi ◽  
N.I. Zorii ◽  
Ya.I. Toderika

During postgraduate studies, future PhDs must master a wide range of teaching and research skills that meet global and European academic standards. In particular, candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy must acquire theoretical knowledge that is sufficient to produce new ideas, solve complex problems in the field of professional and/or research and innovation, acquire universal research skills, including oral and written presentation of their own scientific results, application of modern information technologies in scientific activity, organization and carrying out of educational employments, management of scientific projects and/or introduction of offers concerning financing of scientific researches, registration of the intellectual property rights. Objective — to summarize information about the relevance of the discipline «Presentation and imple­mentation of the results of the own scientific research» and highlight practical approaches to its teaching. Materials and methods. Analysis and generalization of information on current documents governing the educational process for applicants for the degree of «Doctor of Philosophy» in medical specialties, and literature sources on the presentation and implementation of dissertation research. Results and discussion. The discipline «Presentation and implementation of the results of the own scientific research» is an important component of the preparation of graduates of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 22 «Health». As part of the study of this discipline, students learn the concept of innovation process and innovation of the scientist, get acquainted with the basics of protection of the results of their own research and modern aspects of patent information search technologies, gain skills in presenting the results of the own research using various forms of new information technologies and implementation in the practice of health care and educational process of the results of the own research. Conclusions. Assimilation of theoretical material and practice of the practical part of the program of the discipline «Presentation and implementation of results of the own scientific research» provides acquisition by postgraduate students of corresponding integral, general and special competences and formation of integrative final program results of training necessary for further professional activity of the future doctor of philosophy.

Serhii Lytvyn ◽  
Viktoriia Dobrovolska

The purpose of the article is to highlight the role of information support in the study, identify stages of research and collection of scientific information, identify its sources, determine the possibilities of access and usage by researchers of the World Wide Web and the environment of digital civilization in research work for Ph.D. students. The methodology of the research consists in the application of general scientific and special research methods, in particular, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, generalization and abstraction, review-analytical, classification, terminological, description and comparison, which allowed revealing the status and role of information support for the research activity. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the generalization of knowledge concerning the role of information support, systematization of sources and stages of search as well as a collection of scientific information. It has been proven that the efficiency and speed of searching for scientific information with unlimited possibilities of access and use are provided by the global Internet and the active formation of the environment of digital civilization, primarily electronic libraries and digital archives. It has been confirmed that an important role in terms of the search and analysis of the structure and dynamics of arrays as well as flows of scientific information belongs to scientometrics, which is carried out by scientific databases. The most authoritative of the ones are Web of Science and Scopus. Conclusions. Scientific information enriches the idea of scientific communication in general and provides new qualitative opportunities in the context of the research. The search for scientific information is carried out in libraries, through library and information institutions, national services of scientific and technical information, the Internet, electronic libraries, digital archives. The ability to promptly find and process the necessary information on the research topic while applying modern information technology is incredibly valuable for applicants for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and a responsible stage of scientific research. Keywords: information support of research work, postgraduate studies, training of doctors of philosophy, search and collection of scientific information, Internet, an environment of objects of digital civilization.

Kseniia Trofymchuk

Kseniia Trofymchuk. Contemporary Theopoetics And Religious-philosophical Discourse in The Works of Ivan Bahrianyi. Thesis submitted for Doctor of Philosophy degree in specialization 041 – Theology. – National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2021.

2021 ◽  
Wendy Yee Tong

<p>It is currently unknown to what extent encyclopaedias are cited in academic research in New Zealand. To provide preliminary findings on the use of encyclopaedias in university research and offer some evidence relating to the use of collaborative encyclopaedias in academic research, a quantitative empirical study of citations of encyclopaedias in 147 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Dissertations from the University of Auckland was made. Results included finding citations to encyclopaedias made up a very small (n = 23, or 0.1% in 2007; n = 62, or 0.3% in 2008) proportion of total citations. Of these, traditional style encyclopaedias were more frequently (61%) used than collaborative (39%) style encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia and the Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education. Wikipedia, a general, collaborative, and on-line format encyclopaedia, received the highest number of citations (n = 32). By subject, Computer Science and Statistics listed the highest number of 14 citations to Wikipedia; Engineering (Software, Mechanical and Electrical and Electronic) had 8 Wikipedia citations; English, French, Political Studies and Theology received 9 citations; and Nursing included one citation to Wikipedia. With the widely known concerns expressed about the suitability of citing Wikipedia at any level of academic research, it is surprising that this study found (albeit small) a measurable level of citations to Wikipedia in PhD dissertations in New Zealand. The results of this study may be useful to university librarians and faculties in training students before they begin research for higher degrees.</p>

2021 ◽  
Wendy Yee Tong

<p>It is currently unknown to what extent encyclopaedias are cited in academic research in New Zealand. To provide preliminary findings on the use of encyclopaedias in university research and offer some evidence relating to the use of collaborative encyclopaedias in academic research, a quantitative empirical study of citations of encyclopaedias in 147 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Dissertations from the University of Auckland was made. Results included finding citations to encyclopaedias made up a very small (n = 23, or 0.1% in 2007; n = 62, or 0.3% in 2008) proportion of total citations. Of these, traditional style encyclopaedias were more frequently (61%) used than collaborative (39%) style encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia and the Encyclopaedia of Philosophy of Education. Wikipedia, a general, collaborative, and on-line format encyclopaedia, received the highest number of citations (n = 32). By subject, Computer Science and Statistics listed the highest number of 14 citations to Wikipedia; Engineering (Software, Mechanical and Electrical and Electronic) had 8 Wikipedia citations; English, French, Political Studies and Theology received 9 citations; and Nursing included one citation to Wikipedia. With the widely known concerns expressed about the suitability of citing Wikipedia at any level of academic research, it is surprising that this study found (albeit small) a measurable level of citations to Wikipedia in PhD dissertations in New Zealand. The results of this study may be useful to university librarians and faculties in training students before they begin research for higher degrees.</p>

2021 ◽  
Kajol K Patel ◽  
Parth A Patel

There remains a limited understanding of the characteristics of academic leaders within neurology departments, despite similar research in other fields. This investigation characterized the demographics, academic background, and scholarly productivity of United States (U.S.) neurology department chairs. Here, 131 chairs at Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-certified neurology programs were identified. Publicly accessible demographic and academic data available online were collected in March 2021. Among the 131 neurology chairs analyzed, 84.7% were male. On average, these faculty were 60.5 years old and were appointed at a mean age of 52.0 years. 74.8% of chairs graduated from an American medical school, although a notable proportion of department heads received medical training internationally. A substantial cohort also acquired an additional graduate degree, of which Doctor of Philosophy (PhD; 22.1%) and master's degree (21.4%) were most common. 82.4% completed a post-residency fellowship, which were most frequently in vascular neurology (24.1%) and clinical neurophysiology (17.6%). The mean h-index, m-quotient, and lifetime NIH grant funding received were 39.2 ± 29.4, 1.2 ± 0.8, and $20,021,594 ± $31,861,816, respectively. No between-gender differences were observed. Overall, neurology chairs are predominantly male, most often completing fellowships in vascular neurology or clinical neurophysiology. Research productivity is a notable component of these chairs' careers, although certain programs place less emphasis on these metrics. Finally, substantial effort remains to address disparities in female representation at this leadership position. These findings serve as a benchmark to evaluate demographic trends among neurology department chairs.

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