dispersion coefficient
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Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2270
Julien Gornay ◽  
Edouard Plasari ◽  
Jean-François Portha ◽  
Pierre-Alexandre Glaude ◽  
Francis Billaud ◽  

The material described in this article deals with waste conversion into energy vectors by pyrolysis, steam cracking, or oxidation of liquid biomass, carried out at small to medium scale. The design of a bench-scale experimental setup devoted to gas phase kinetic data generation in a tubular reactor under laminar regime close to plug flow is detailed based on a very simple approach. Validation of the designed bench-scale setup was successfully carried out within the context of octanoic acid pyrolysis by generating kinetic data with satisfactory measurement repeatability and material balances. The key to this positive result is that axial dispersion coefficient is much smaller in gas-phase than in liquid-phase, thus allowing the designed small sized tubular reactor to be close to the plug flow reactor. Such a feature of the axial dispersion coefficient is not well known by the wider public. Besides, octanoic acid was selected as surrogate for carboxylic acids because of their key role in various industrial applications (combustion of ethyl biodiesel; production of biofuel and biosourced chemicals).

Ana F. Nadal ◽  
José M. Díaz Lozada ◽  
Gonzalo P. Barbero Medina ◽  
Karen M. Moro ◽  
Mariana N. Melchiorre ◽  

The objective of the present work was to determine the value of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient (DL) of the Chicamtoltina stream (Alta Gracia) by means of two different techniques, in order to compare the values obtained. The first technique consisted of applying a developed formula that includes a detailed description of hydrodynamic parameters obtained by gauging with a hydroacoustic instrument, while the second technique consisted of injecting a conservative tracer, using the same approach as the non-ideal chemical reactor theory of flow with dispersion. This work was carried out at low flow conditions (dry period) and at high flow conditions (wet period). It was found that, either for high flow or low flow, the values of the dispersion coefficient obtained by both techniques have good agreement, fitting better in the dry period than in the wet period. Due to the fact that frequent gauging campaigns are carried out in this stream, it is concluded that with similar flow characteristics and morphology of the section, the gauging data can be used to determine the DL coefficient, in order to incorporate reliable data that can be applied to pollutant transport models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Philippe Gouze ◽  
Alexandre Puyguiraud ◽  
Thierry Porcher ◽  
Marco Dentz

Hydrodynamic dispersion process in relation with the geometrical properties of the porous media are studied in two sets of 6 porous media samples of porosity θ ranging from 0.1 to 0.25. These two sets of samples display distinctly different evolutions of the microstructures with porosity but share the same permeability trend with porosity. The methodology combines three approaches. First, numerical experiments are performed to measure pre-asymptotic to asymptotic dispersion from diffusion-controlled to advection-controlled regime using Time-Domain Random Walk solute transport simulations. Second, a porosity-equivalent network of bonds is extracted in order to measure the geometrical properties of the samples. Third, the results of the direct numerical simulations are interpreted as a Continuous Time Random Walk (CTRW) process controlled by the flow speed distribution and correlation. These complementary modeling approaches allow evaluating the relation between the parameters of the conceptual transport process embedded in the CTRW model, the flow field properties and the pore-scale geometrical properties. The results of the direct numerical simulations for all the 12 samples show the same scaling properties of the mean flow distribution, the first passage time distribution and the asymptotic dispersion vs. the Péclet number than those predicted by the CTRW model. It allows predicting the asymptotic dispersion coefficient D* from Pe = 1 to the largest values of Pe expected for laminar flow in natural environments (Pe≈ 4,000). D*∝Pe2−α for Pe≥Pecrit, where α can be inferred from the Eulerian flow distribution and Pecrit depends on porosity. The Eulerian flow distribution is controlled by the distribution of fractions of fluid flowing at each of the pore network nodes and thus is determined mainly by the distribution of the throat radius and the coordination number. The later scales with the number of throats per unit volume independently on the porosity. The asymptotic dispersion coefficient D* decreases when porosity increases for all Péclet values larger than 1 due to the increase with porosity of both α and the flow speed decorrelation length.

Lithosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (Special 4) ◽  
Zhi Dou ◽  
Songxuan Tang ◽  
Xueyi Zhang ◽  
Richeng Liu ◽  
Chao Zhuang ◽  

Abstract Fractured rocks in the subsurface are ubiquitous, and the dynamics of mass transfer in fractured rocks plays an important role in understanding the problem in engineering geology and environmental geology. In this study, the influence of shear displacement on fluid flow and solute transport in a 3D rough fracture was investigated. A 3D self-affine rough fracture was generated using the modified successive random addition (SRA) technology, and three sheared fractures with different shear displacements were constructed based on the mechanistic model. A direct numerical model based on the Navier-Stokes equation and the advection-diffusion equation was developed to solve the fluid flow and the solute transport. The results showed that shear displacement had a significant influence not only on the fluid flow but also on the solute transport. A global measure of the spatial variability of the flow velocity showed that the heterogeneity became weaker with decreasing shear displacement. All measured BTCs deviated from the Gaussian profile and exhibited the typical anomalous behaviors, such as the long tail and the early arrival. Although the best-fitted results of the advection-dispersion equation (ADE) model and mobile-immobile model (MIM) were generally consistent with those of the BTCs, the MIM was more capable than the ADE model for characterizing the shear-induced anomalous behavior of the BTCs. It was found that the mass exchange process between the immobile and mobile domains was enhanced in the sheared fractures while the fraction of the advection-dominant mobile domain decreased as the shear displacement increased. Furthermore, the deviation of the Taylor dispersion coefficient from the fitted dispersion coefficient by the ADE model and MIM in the sheared fractures was confirmed due to the influence of shear displacement.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 3168
Marek Sokáč ◽  
Yvetta Velísková

Experiments focused on pollution transport and dispersion phenomena in conditions of low flow (low water depth and velocities) in sewers with bed sediment and deposits are presented. Such conditions occur very often in sewer pipes during dry weather flows. Experiments were performed in laboratory conditions. To simulate real hydraulic conditions in sewer pipes, sand of fraction 0.6–1.2 mm was placed on the bottom of the pipe. In total, we performed 23 experiments with 4 different thicknesses of sand sediment layers. The first scenario is without sediment, the second is with sediment filling 3.4% of the pipe diameter (sediment layer thickness = 8.5 mm), the third scenario represents sediment filling 10% of the pipe diameter (sediment layer thickness = 25 mm) and sediment fills 14% of the pipe diameter (sediment layer thickness = 35 mm) in the last scenario. For each thickness of the sediment layer, a set of tracer experiments with different flow rates was performed. The discharge ranges were from (0.14–2.5)·10−3 m3·s−1, corresponding to the range of Reynolds number 500–18,000. Results show that in the hydraulic conditions of a circular sewer pipe with the occurrence of sediment and deposits, the value of the longitudinal dispersion coefficient Dx decreases almost linearly with decrease of the flow rate (also with Reynolds number) to a certain limit (inflexion point), which is individual for each particular sediment thickness. Below this limit the value of the dispersion coefficient starts to rise again, together with increasing asymmetricity of the concentration distribution in time, caused by transient (dead) storage zones.

Mohsen Nasrabadi ◽  
Ali Mahdavi Mazdeh ◽  
Mohammad Hossein Omid

Abstract This paper concerns the cadmium sorptive effects by river bed sediments on longitudinal dispersion coefficient in an open-channel flow via experimental and numerical study. For this purpose, a circular flume was used with mean diameter of 1.6 m and a width of 0.2 m. The adsorbing bed was considered as a thin layer of the sediment particles with mean diameter of 0.53 mm and three sediment concentrations of 3, 12, and 20 gr/lit. To determine the sorption parameters of the sediments, some experiments were conducted with three cadmium concentrations of 150, 460, and 770 ppb. Then, the dispersion experiments were carried out with and without the bed sediments with the same cadmium concentration as the sorption experiments. A numerical model was then developed to solve the advection-dispersion equation with considering the sorption term by river bed sediments. The longitudinal dispersion coefficients were estimated by comparing the experimental and numerical breakthrough curves. The results showed that, with increasing the sediment concentrations, the sediment sorption rate increased and the longitudinal dispersion coefficient decreased by about 38, 36 and 33 percent, respectively, for cadmium concentrations of 150, 460 and 770 ppb. In addition, by increasing the cadmium concentrations, the changes in the longitudinal dispersion coefficient are decreased. Furthermore, a relationship was developed using non-dimensional longitudinal dispersion as a function of the new parameter of sorption ratio. From a practical point of view, the results of this study demonstrated that, at the presence of riverbed sediment, the cadmium is longitudinally dispersed with more delay in comparison with no sediment at the river bed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Dong Li ◽  
Xin Chen ◽  
Chengquan Wei ◽  
Peng Li ◽  
Jianlin Zhao

The spatiotemporal vector Airy-Circular Airy Gaussian vortex wave packet is constructed by solving the (3 + 1)D Schrodinger equation in free space. The wave packet can simultaneously autofocus in space and time by setting the appropriate initial pulse velocity υ and the initial position of the main lobe T0. This kind of wave packet has low intensity before focusing, but the intensity at focus is about 80 times of the initial plane intensity. Our results may have potential applications in particle manipulation, laser processing, and other fields. Furthermore, the influence of the third-order dispersion coefficient on the evolution trajectory, the focus position, and the main peak intensity at the focus of the focusing pulse vector field is analyzed. The results show that the change of the initial velocity, the initial position, and the third-order dispersion coefficient can accurately control the evolution trajectory and the focus position, while the main peak intensity at the focus can only be controlled by adjusting the third-order dispersion coefficient. This means that the pulse vector light field can be manipulated precisely for precise processing by adjusting the third-order dispersion effect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Philippe Garteiser ◽  
Gwenaël Pagé ◽  
Gaspard d’Assignies ◽  
Helena S. Leitao ◽  
Valérie Vilgrain ◽  

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of multifrequency MR elastography for grading necro-inflammation in the liver. Fifty participants with chronic hepatitis B or C were recruited for this institutional review board-approved study. Their liver was examined with multifrequency MR elastography. The storage, shear and loss moduli, and the damping ratio were measured at 56 Hz. The multifrequency wave dispersion coefficient of the shear modulus was calculated. The measurements were compared to reference markers of necro-inflammation and fibrosis with Spearman correlations and multiple regression analysis. Diagnostic accuracy was assessed. At multiple regression analysis, necro-inflammation was the only determinant of the multifrequency dispersion coefficient, whereas fibrosis was the only determinant of the storage, loss and shear moduli. The multifrequency dispersion coefficient had the largest AUC for necro-inflammatory activity A ≥ 2 [0.84 (0.71–0.93) vs. storage modulus AUC: 0.65 (0.50–0.79), p = 0.03], whereas the storage modulus had the largest AUC for fibrosis F ≥ 2 [AUC (95% confidence intervals) 0.91 (0.79–0.98)] and cirrhosis F4 [0.97 (0.88–1.00)]. The measurement of the multifrequency dispersion coefficient at three-dimensional MR elastography has the potential to grade liver necro-inflammation in patients with chronic vial hepatitis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1691-1698
Hongzhe Liu ◽  
Kai Tong ◽  
Ziyi Zhong ◽  
Gang Wang

To explore the effect of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) drug-loaded nanoparticles (H2S-NPs) on the mTOR/STAT3 signaling pathway in rats and its mechanism on repair of spinal cord injury (SCI), a new H2S-NP (G16MPG-ADT) was prepared and synthesized. The rats were selected as the research objects to explore the mechanism of SCI repair. The G16MPG-ADT NPs were evaluated by average particle size (APS), dispersion coefficient (DC), drug loading content (DLC), drug loading efficacy (DLE), in vitro release (IV-R), and acute toxicity (AT). It was found that G16MPG-ADT nanoparticles had a uniform particle size distribution with a unimodal distribution, with an average particle size of 186.5 nm and a dispersion coefficient of 0.129; within the concentration range of 8~56 μg/L, there was a good linear relationship with the peak area; and the release rate of the nanoparticles within 16 h~32 h was higher than 50%. G16MPG-ADT NP injection treatment was performed on rats with SCI. Western blotting (WB) and immunofluorescence staining were adopted to analyze the expression levels of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT3) protein and the growth of neurites. It was found that G16MPG-ADT can increase mTOR and STAT3 protein levels and promote nerve growth after SCI. Finally, the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan locomotor rating (BBB) score was to evaluate the recovery effect of rats after treatment. It was found that the recovery effect was excellent after G16MPG-ADT treatment. In summary, G16MPG-ADT has a good effect on SCI repair in rats and can be promoted in the clinic.

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