Mitra Sriwijaya: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
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Published By Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Sriwijaya


2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-72
Josef Christianto ◽  
Michael Dendi Tinggogoy ◽  
Sendi Gunarto ◽  
Tony Tedjo ◽  
Yelmima Kadera

Abstract: Church leaders are one of the main reasons that decide the church will be successful or not. Church leaders nowadays are requested to operate their leadership in such a way to answer every problems that happen on these days. One of the problems faced today is the lack of job opportunities as a result of the ongoing pandemic. The church as a social institution is asked to play an active role in helping to overcome this problem. Therefore we need a leadership style that is able to overcome these problems. In this paper, I will use a qualitative method by reviewing various literature sources to find a leadership style that fits the current context. Entrepreneur leadership style is one of many leadership styles that can be an option to solve any problems that churches are facing nowadays. Entrepreneur leadership style will create many jobs dan surely is going to solve this problems that happen during this pandemic Abstrak: Pemimpin gereja merupakan salah satu alasan utama yang menentukan berhasil atau tidaknya sebuah gereja. Pemimpin gereja masa kini diminta untuk menjalankan kepemimpinannya sedemikian rupa untuk menjawab setiap permasalahan yang ada saat ini. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini adalah adalah minimnya ketersediaan lapangan pekerjaan sebagai dampak dari pandemi yang sedang terjadi. Gereja sebagai salah satu lembaga sosial diminta untuk berperan aktif membantu mengatasi hal tersebut. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan sebuah gaya kepemimpinan yang mampu mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Dalam tulisan ini penulis akan menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengkaji berbagai sumber literature untuk menemukan gaya kepemimpinan yang sesuai dengan konteks masa kini. Gaya kepemimpinan entrepreneur adalah salah satu gaya kepemimpinan yang dapat dijadikan opsi untuk mengatasi berbagai macam permasalahan dalam gereja pada masa kini. Gaya kepemimpinan entrepreneur akan membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru dan tentu saja akan membantu menyelesaikan masalah yang sedang dihadapi di masa pandemi ini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Vasika Hananti ◽  
Bambang Subandrijo

Abstract: Harvey J. Sindima observed Liberation Theology as it flourished in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the United States. The social situation in that society has some similarities in Luke's community. According to Philip Francis Esler's research, Luke's theology seeks to answer the social situation in Luke's community, especially regarding the relationship between the rich and the poor. This study aims to review Sindima's review of Liberation Theology based on Philip Francis Esler's thoughts on the relationship between rich and poor in Luke's Gospel. In Sindima's writings, the involvement of the rich has not been found as an effort to minimize the suffering of the poor. In this study, the author uses an analytical method. The result is that the good news for the poor in Liberation Theology is in line with the good news in Luke's Gospel. Moreover, in Luke's Gospel the liberation of the poor is not only the responsibility of the poor themselves as in the Theology of Liberation in Sindima's description, but also the responsibility of the rich as part of a sharing community.  Abstrak: Harvey J. Sindima mengamati Teologi Pembebasan yang berkembang di Amerika Latin, Afrika, Asia, dan Amerika Serikat. Situasi sosial dalam masyarakat tersebut memiliki beberapa kesamaan dalam komunitas Lukas. Menurut penelitian Philip Francis Esler, teologi Lukas berupaya menjawab situasi sosial dalam komunitas Lukas, terutama menyangkut hubungan orang kaya dan orang miskin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau uraian Sindima tentang Teologi Pembebasan berdasarkan pemikiran Philip Francis Esler berkenaan dengan hubungan orang miskin dan kaya dalam Injil Lukas. Dalam tulisan Sindima masih belum ditemukan keterlibatan orang kaya sebagai upaya meminimalisir penderitaan orang miskin. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode analitis. Hasil tinjauan ini adalah bahwa kabar baik bagi orang miskin dalam Teologi Pembebasan sejalan dengan pemberitaan kabar baik dalam Injil Lukas. Lebih dari itu, dalam Injil Lukas pembebasan terhadap orang miskin bukan hanya menjadi tanggung jawab orang miskin itu sendiri sebagaimana dalam Teologi Pembebasan dalam uraian Sindima, tetapi juga merupakan tanggung jawab orang kaya sebagai bagian dari komunitas yang saling berbagi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-56
Ruth Betty Panjaitan

Abstract: Death is certainty for all living things. Even though the death sentence, but humans are very afraid of death and always try to avoid death. Even if the emergency condition of the congregation is critical, it is still not ready to face death, so it only needs to be healed physically. As an addition the makes the writer interested in doing pastoral care for canggregations who are not ready to death. Pastoral care uses interviews with five family members who are in critical condition and their family. This pastoral assintance uses the functions of sustaining and reconciling. This pastoral care can help fighy the pain. Then they will be reconciled by being able to help him. They can receive treatment for physicaly healing and also spiritual healing. Pastoral care is given to sick family members, families and also the medical team. How can the family enjoy a eternal life. Abstrak: Kematian adalah kepastian bagi semua makhluk hidup. Walaupun kematian kepastian, tetapi manusia sangat takut terhadap kematian dan selalu mencoba menghindar dari kematian. Kondisi keadaan jemaat yang kritis sekali pun tetap belum siap menghadapi kematian, maka berusaha hanya untuk sembuh secara fisik. Keadaan seperti inilah yang membuat penulis tertarik untuk melakukan pendampingan pastoral kepada jemaat yang belum siap menghadapi kematian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara kepada lima jemaat yang dalam kondisi sakit kritis dan kepada keluarganya. Pendampingan pastoral ini menggunakan fungsi Menopang (sustaining) dan mendamaikan (reconciling). Pendampingan pastoral ini menopang jemaat untuk menerima kondisi sakitnya. Maka mereka akan dapat didamaikan dan dapat memahami kehendak Tuhan dalam hidupnya. Mereka akan dapat menerima pelayanan untuk kesembuhan fisik dan juga kesembuhan rohani mereka. Pendampingan pastoral ini diberikan kepada jemaat yang sakit, keluarga dan juga tim medis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-85
Eko Kurniawan Wibowo

Abstract: Indonesia is a plural state. Not only ethnicity, race and group, but also plural in religion where religious plurality is also a separate problem. The problem of religious plurality raises many problems that cause friction in life together. The linguistic cultural approach offered by George A. Lindbeck provides an alternative for relations for believers of diverse religion. Lindbeck's offer consistently provides space for the identity of the believer's faith without having to equate with the faith of other religions. Likewise, consistently provide space for appreciation for other religious faiths. Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan Negara yang sangat plural. Tidak hanya suku, ras dan golongan tetapi plural juga dalam agama dimana pluralitas agama juga menjadi persolan tersendiri. Persoalan pluralitas agama tersebut menimbulkan banyak permasalahan yang menimbulkan gesekan dalam kehidupan bersama. Pendekatan kultural linguistik yang ditawarkan George A Lindbeck memberikan alternatif bagi relasi bagi pemeluk agama yang sangat majemuk tersebut. Tawaran Lindbeck tersebut tetap memberikan ruang bagi identitas iman umat, tanpa harus menyamakan iman pribadi dengan iman liyan. Pun, tetap memberikan ruang apresiasi bagi iman agama yang lain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-35
Apolos Dwi Kristantyo

Abstract: This article aims to describe the healing ministry as a form of urgent pastoral care during the Covid 19 pandemic. This search aims to find concepts or forms of healing ministry in the Bible and the thoughts of the scholars about church healing services. That since the beginning of 2020 until now, many people have been exposed to the covid 19 virus, making them sick, difficult and suffering. This situation calls the church to perform healing ministries. Abstrak: Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan tentang healing ministry atau pelayanan kesembuhan sebagai salah satu bentuk pelayanan pastoral yang mendesak pada masa pandemi Covid 19. Penelusuran ini bertujuan untuk menemukan konsep atau bentuk-bentuk pelayanan kesembuhan dalam Alkitab dan pemikiran-pemikiran para ahli tentang pelayanan kesembuhan gereja. Bahwa sejak awal tahun 2020 hingga kini, banyak masyarat yang telah terpapar viruis covid 19, sehingga sakit, susah dan menderita. Keadaan yang demikian ini memanggil gereja untuk melakukan pelayanan kesembuhan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-65
Mangara Pakpahan

This research is intended to give attention to members of the congregation, especially women (wives) victims of Domestic Violence (Domestic Violence) in the HKBP church, especially HKBP Duren Sawit. Cases of domestic violence experienced by women as victims greatly affect their personal lives and relationships to others. Women victims of domestic violence suffer physical and psychological injury. This happens as a result of the violence and suffering experienced. Based on this the authors conducted research and provide assistance through pastoral assistance that is sustaining, reconciling and healing. Supporting is to strengthen women victims of domestic violence who are experiencing a crisis so that they do not dissolve in their sadness, disappointment and fear. Reconciling is helping women victims of domestic violence build and renew their relationships with God and others. Healing is overcoming the damage suffered by women domestic violence, returning to wholeness and leading it to a better direction. Sampling was carried out for five female congregation (wife) victims of domestic violence at the HKBP Duren Sawit church. Pastoral assistance from the Duren Sawit HKBP church to victims of domestic violence has never been done well and seriously. This makes the congregation of victims of domestic violence despair because of the violence and suffering they experienced, thus making it stay in a feeling of confusion and fear. As a result there are congregation victims of domestic violence who actually go outside the church, to seek protection in the hope of receiving strength and recovery. Crisis counseling is a form of service that the church can do to women victims of domestic violence, so that they can experience strengthening, reconciliation, and healing from the violence and suffering experienced.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-119
Rumantoh Sibarani

ABSTRACT Pastoral Care For Elderly at The Church of HKBP Letare Ciledug. This research is intended to give attention to elderly members of the church at the HKBP Letare Ciledug. HKBP Letare Ciledug is only 11 years old, but many of it’s members are elderly.  Seen from an increasingly old age, physical and mental conditions that are declining, experiencing many crises and problems. The elderly crave ther ettention of those closest to them, especially from the church. The authors conducted research and want to provide servis through pastoral assistance that is sustaining and nurturing. The function of sustaining is to help elderly people who are sick or injured in order to survive overcoming the conditions experienced. Function of nurturing is to help the elderly develop the potential given by God to overcome the problems. Sampling was carried out for five elderly members of the church at the HKBP Letare Ciledug. The five members of the congregation interviewed represented the elderly congregation, having different struggles and problems, but had the same problem: limited mobility and activity due to illness and an aging body. This struggle has not been touched by Church service.   With pastoral care services, through sustaining and nurturing, whic is done in the form of  Group Counseling, by : Ministry of Word and Sacrament, Sermons, Prayer and Whorship, able to help elderly to mature and accept their life problems. In the future, church services to the elderly will develop and advance in the church of HKBP Letare Ciledug.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-38
Krisda Mahdalena Sinaga

Perkembangan masyarakat Indonesia menuju masyarakat yang maju secara ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi menuntut perubahan-perubahan terjadi di dalam keluarga. Perubahan masyarakat mempengaruhi perubahan dan perkembagan setiap individu dalam keluarga. Orang tua sebagai pemimpin dalam keluarga lebih banyak berada di luar rumah untuk mengembangkan karir dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup keluarga. Wanita lebih memilih mengembangkan karir di bidang pekerjaannya daripada menjadi ibu rumah tangga. Dampaknya anak-anak kurang bahkan tidak mendapat waktu dan perhatian yang cukup dari orang tua. Artinya anak-anak kurang atau tidak mendapat pendidikan yang memadai dari orang tua. Beberapa waktu belakang ini, perubahan terjadi di masyarakat Indonesia. Indonesia mengalami pademik virus-19 yang mengubah banyak hal termasuk sistem dan tempat pekerjaan. Lembaga atau perusahaan pada umumnya mengisyaratkan agar kegiatan atau pekerjaan dilakukan di rumah. Orang tua merupakan salah satu unsur dari lembaga atau perusahaan dapat mengerjakan pekerjaan di rumah. Inilah moment yang tepat bagi orang tua untuk mendidik anak-anak secara khusus bagi perkembangan iman mereka dan sekaligus orang tua tetap dapat melakukan pekerjaan serta mengembangkan karir mereka. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif-analisis. Penulis mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis konsep pendidikan anak menurut Lawrence O. Richards berdasarkan  tulisannya yang sudah diterbitkan. Selajutnya penulis akan memaparkan implementasi bagi perkembangan iman anak. Implementasinya yang diperoleh berdasarkan konsep Lawrence O. Richards tentang pendidikan anak adadah pertama, keluarga merupakan wadah komunitas iman  bagi perkembangan iman anak-anak. Kedua, untuk mengembangkan iman anak-anak maka orang tua sebagai pendidik utama perlu memiliki wawasan tentang anak dari sisi Alkitab dan sisi psikologi. Ketiga, Alkitab sebagai bahan/kurikulum pengajaran perlu disampaikan atau diterjemahkan oleh orang tua secara kreatif kepada anak-anak sesuai dengan tingkat perkembangannya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Hendro Setiawan

The latest Pope Francis encyclical entitled "On The Fraternity and Social Friendship" (Fratelli Tutti) was signed on October 3, 2020. This encyclical emerged as the world was struggling against the Covid 19 pandemic. This encyclical is considered a universal proposal and is proposed to improve the world. Global phenomena in the form of: social injustice, environmental damage, ineffective handling of the pandemic, and various other major problems, considered by the Pope as urgent to be reflected and renewed. Through this encyclical, the pope invites all parties, all religions, even atheists, to work together in creating a better world for everyone. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Pope Francis has reflected on the pandemic as a universal call to strengthen human fraternity. Pope invites all parties during the pandemic, to think about and prepare for a better world in the context of humanity. The world after the pandemic must be a world that is more welcoming to everyone without exception. It is hoped that a world that is more humane and in solidarity will be able to overcome the problems of humanity before The pope's initial thoughts are contained in his eight letters compiled in a book entitled Life After The Pandemic. The encyclical "On The Fraternity and Social Friendship" (Fratelli Tutti), which emerged afterward, is a concrete form of the pope's thinking about what is needed to reform the world today. What is the proposal like? Is it really relevant to renew the world? How can this be realized?

Todo Sirait

ABSTRACT This research is intended to give attention to members of the congregation after marriage. Everyone would want tobe happy life through marriage. However, in the course of time there were so many problems they faced. It could be that the problem is caused because they have not yet inherited. It could also be through the presence of a third person in a marriage so that it can cause problems of married couples with psychological, socio-cultural, economic and religious impacts. Based on this problem the pastor wants to make research and provide help through pastoral care after marriage that is atonement and nurturing. What is meant by reconciliation is a married couple trying to rebuild peace relations with God and fellow human beings. The real foundation of the atonement ministry lies in Christ atoning work (2 Corinthians 5:19). What is meant by nurturing is to enable a married couple to develop the potential that God has given them throughout their life's journey with all the valleys, peaks, and terrain. When husband and wife have reconciled, they can develop the potential for mutual love and forgiveness. Sampling was conducted in 5 cases of marriage in the Petukangan HKBP church. Pastoral care for members of the congregation after marriage has not been optimal and has not even been done. Even though they are in the middle of the church. pastoral care is carried out at the time of marriage preparation and after marriage there is no more post-marital pastoral care services. Relevant pastoral care for members of the congregation after marriage at the Petukangan HKBP is reconciling and nurturing. there are so many forms and ways of pastoral care that are commonly known. but in this paper the authors choose another way that is through marriage enrichment or coaching husband and wife through a husband and wife retreat retreat whose purpose is to fertilize the marriage so that the marriage can be intact and sustainable until death separates them.

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