narrative criticism
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2021 ◽  
pp. arabic cover-english cover
د. لؤي عمر محمد بدران

تسعى هذه الدراسةُ إلى تتبعِ أثرِ اللغةِ العربيةِ في تدوين ثلاثةِ علوم، وهي: (الجغرافيا، والطب، والفيزياء)، مُتبعةً في ذلك المنهج (الوصفي التحليلي) في عرض مادة الدراسة. وقد جَاءَ تفصيلُ القول في علم الجغرافيا على التوزيع الكمّي للظاهرة اللغويّة، وتبيان أثر المكان الجغرافيّ في التنوّع اللهجي الذي يبرزُ خيرَ ما يكونُ ويُطمَحُ إليه في الأطالس اللغويّة، وفي أدب الرحلات، ولا سيما أدب ابن بطوطة الذي كان تكَأة الباحث (تحفة النظّار). وفي الطبّ يتوقّفُ الباحثُ عند ما ألّفه العربُ في الطبّ، وأفادَ منه العلمُ الحديثُ، كما أفادَ منه الأوروبيّون، وتعريب تدريس الطبّ في الجامعات أسوة بالجامعات السورية، مع ذكر نماذج من كتب الطبّ التي أضحت عُمدة، نحو: (الطب النبوي لابن قيّم الجوزيّة، والحاوي لأبي بكر الرازي، والقانون في الطب لابن سينا). وأما علمُ الفيزياء فقد أفادَ الباحث من مصطلحات، نحو: (الفراغ، والزمن، والركود، والجريان، والمزامنة، والمسافة، وغيرها) في بنية اللغة النصيّة التي طغت في النسيج الروائي بعامّة، ولا سيّما عند الأدباء المغاربة، وفي النقد الروائي الذي اغتنى بهذه المصطلحات، مع التدليل بأمثلةٍ دالّةٍ من منجز الدكتور/ كمال أبو ديب في هذا الشأن. الكلمات المفتاحية: (تدوين، اللغة العربية، الجغرافيا، الطب، الفيزياء). Abstract: The current study aims at investigating the impact of Arabic language on documenting three sciences, namely geography, medicine and physics; in which the descriptive analytical approach was used to clarify this issue. Regarding geography, the researcher provided a detailed discussion of the quantitative distribution of the linguistic phenomenon and showed the effect of the geographical location on linguistic diversity that is highly proven and indicated in the linguistic atlases and travel literature, especially the literature of Ibn Battuta (Tuhfat al-nazar), which was the support and the pillar for the researcher. Regarding medicine, the researcher was satisfied with mentioning what the Arabs wrote about medicine, which has benefited the modern science and the Europeans as well. He also mentioned the Arabization of the medicine teaching in universities in a similar way to the Syrian universities, together with mentioning examples of the medicine books that became key pillars and references, such as (The Prophetic Medicine or Al-Tibb al-nabawī) by Ibn Qayyim al- -Jawziyyah, (Al-Hawi) by Abu Bakr al-Razi and (Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb) by Ibn Sina. Regarding physics, the researcher stated some terms in the structure of the text language, such as Space, Time, Stagnation, flow, synchronization, distance and others that dominated the novels in general, especially among the Moroccan writers and the narrative criticism that was enrich in these terms. The researcher demonstrated this through mentioning proves and relating examples to this issue from (Jdliah Alkhfa'a Waltjli) book authored by prof. Kamal Abu Deeb. Keywords: (Documenting, Arabic, Geography, Medicine, Physics).

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 430-451
Cornelis Bennema

Abstract The discipline of cognitive narratology applies insights of cognitive linguistics to narrative analysis. This study seeks to demonstrate the value of cognitive narratology by exploring the role of the reader and the extent of the reader’s knowledge in constructing characters. While traditional narrative criticism often limits itself to the world of the text, cognitive narratology recognizes that the reader’s knowledge from other texts and the real world also contributes to the construction of characters. This study will show that the extent of the reader’s literary and social knowledge of a text affects the construction of characters. As a case study, we will examine the calling of Peter in the canonical Gospels and show how four readers with varying degrees of knowledge will arrive at different constructions of Peter’s character.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 282-297
R.F. Bhanu Viktorahadi ◽  
Busro Busro

Abstract. The emergency situation due to the Covid-19 pandemic has forced Catholics to worship by attending online mass. Although it is seen as a quick and responsive solution for the Church, many have questioned the efficacy or usefulness of online mass as a means and sign of God's salvation for His people. This paper provides an explanation of the efficacy of online mass as a sacrament of salvation by using the text Mark 5:25-34 about a haemorrhaging woman suffering who received miracles of healing after touching the garment of Jesus. This study was conducted by Narrative Criticism with the Exegetical Symbol Analysis approach. The analogy of the miracle of healing obtained by touching the robe of Jesus provides an understanding that the efficacy of online mass as a sacrament of salvation continues to work even though it is not experienced directly or in distance.Abstrak. Kondisi darurat akibat pandemi Covid-19 memaksa umat Katolik beribadah dengan mengikuti misa secara online. Walaupun dipandang sebagai solusi cepat dan tanggap Gereja, banyak yang mempertanyakan efikasi atau daya guna misa online sebagai sarana dan tanda keselamatan Tuhan bagi umat-Nya. Tulisan ini memberi penjelasan tentang efikasi misa online sebagai sakramen keselamatan dengan menggunakan teks Markus 5:25-34 tentang perempuan penderita pendarahan yang memeroleh mukjizat penyembuhan setelah menyentuh jubah Yesus. Metode yang digunakan adalah Kritik Naratif dengan pendekatan Eksegese Analisis Simbol. Analogi mukjizat penyembuhan yang diperoleh hanya dengan menjamah jubah Yesus memberikan pemahaman bahwa efikasi misa online sebagai sakramen keselamatan tetap bekerja walaupun tidak dialami secara langsung alias berjarak.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-25

This article examines the role of “gifts” and “giftedness” in two recent novels about Occupy Wall Street, Barbara Browning's The Gift and Caleb Crain's Overthrow. Together these novels explore how projects designed to offset the effects of neoliberal individualism very often end up replicating, rather than disrupting, aspects of capitalist exchange: the authors temper their own utopian impulses by interrogating the factors which prevent systemic change, such as individual complacency and governmental intervention. The article considers the cycle of gift giving launched by Browning's narrator, a project which falters because her understanding of economization is inadequate, and because she refuses to take account of her own class position. Crain's group of young Brooklynites believe that mind reading draws people together and prevents social isolation. While the vagueness of their aims can be taken as an implied narrative criticism of their impractical plans, the reason they abandon the project is because it encroaches on the government's surveillance programme, which identifies them as security threats.

2021 ◽  
Hanne Løland Levinson

This is the first book to systematically investigate the texts in the Hebrew Bible in which a character expresses a wish to die. Contrary to previous scholarship on these texts that assumed these death wishes were simply a desire to escape suffering, Hanne Løland Levinson employs narrative criticism and conversation analysis, together with diachronic methods, to carefully hear each death-wish text in its literary context. She demonstrates that death wishes embody powerful, multi-faceted rhetorical strategies. Grouping the death-wish texts into four main rhetorical strategies of negotiation, expression of despair and anger, longing to undo one's existence, and wishing for a different reality, Løland Levinson portrays the complex reasons why characters in the Hebrew Bible wish for death. She concludes that the death wishes navigate the tension between longing for death and fighting for survival - a tension that many live with also today as they attempt to claim agency and autonomy in life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 497-518
Piotr Blajer

The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14) contains an enigmatic expression παρ’ ἐκεῖνον (v.14) which conveys the final judgment on the characters. It is not entirely clear whether it should be interpreted in a comparative or exclusive sense. The present study aims to examine the way the narrator presents the two characters of the parable, the Pharisee and the tax collector, as well as the content of their prayers. Narrative criticism suggests that although both interpretations (comparative and exclusive) are possible it might be better to construe παρ’ ἐκεῖνον with a distinctive value. In fact, the new condition of the tax collector is different from his previous one and clearly distinguishes him from the condition of the Pharisee. In other words, the application of the narrative method suggests to translate the enigmatic complement παρ’ ἐκεῖνον in such a way that it makes visible the difference existing between the two characters.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Rannu Sanderan ◽  
Yohanes Krismantyo Susanta

Abstract; This article discusses the meaning of wings according to the book of Ruth in an authentic purpose.  By using the narrative methods, in more deeply, this research is intend to examine the basic motive why Ruth uses the word of wings in order to ask Boaz to spread his wings on Ruth. On the other hand, Ruth did not belong to God’s covenant nation. The perspective of the theory of narrative criticism used in this research is to look at the biblical narrative by referring to the analysis of the book of Ruth and its parts of the book as a complete literary work. The aim of this method is focusing on the storyteller or narrator, plot and scene, as well as repetition and keywords, characters, atmosphere, and point of view. The narrative analysis in the results of this paper not based on the author but merely on the text. So that readers can find out the values ​​and theological views conveyed through the text. The result of research on the meaning of wings in this text is Yahweh's own wing (2:12) as a place for Ruth to take refuge. In fact, Ruth was already under God's wing, because she had previously had a strong belief in becoming the covenant people of Yahweh.  Hoped that this study can make a theological contribution in studying the God’s sovereignty towards all nations. Abstrak; Artikel ini membahas tentang makna sayap dalam dalam kitab Rut sesuai konteks yang otentik. Dengan metode naratif, riset ini hendak mengkaji secara lebih dalam motif dasariah, mengapa Rut memakai kata sayap dalam rangka meminta kesudian Boas agar mau mengembangkan sayapnya atas Rut. Padahal Rut tidak tergolong bangsa perjanjian Allah. Perspektif teori kritik naratif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini hendak melihat narasi Alkitab dengan mengacu pada analisa terhadap kitab Rut dan bagian-bagian kitab sebagai sebuah karya sastera yang utuh. Metode ini hendak mengarahkan fokus pada pencerita atau narrator, alur/plot serta adegan, juga pengulangan dan kata kunci, tokoh, suasana, dan sudut pandang. Setelah dikerucutkan lebih tajam, maka analisa naratif dalam hasil tulisan ini bukan pada penggubahnya tetapi ada teks. Sehingga pembaca dapat mengetahui nilai-nilai dan pandangan teologi yang disampaikan melalui teks yang diselidiki. Hasil penelitian tentang makna sayap dalam teks ini adalah sayap Yahweh sendiri (2:12) sebagai tempat bagi Rut untuk berlindung. Sejatinya, Rut sudah berada di bawah sayap Tuhan, karenya ia sebelumnya telah memiliki keyakinan kuat akan masuk menjadi umat perjanjian Yahweh. Diharapkan agar studi kepustakaan ini memberi sumbangsih teologis dalam mengkaji kedaulatan Allah bagi seluruh bangsa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-55
Yola Pradita

David was a clever king, great at war, correct in making decisions, sincere and loyal. However, the writer book of 2 Samuel did not consider King David to be a great dan perpect king in his leadership. David had a week point too, so that David’s sin was told frankly. This study aims to interpret David weakness in the story of David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11: 1-27) through the method of narrative criticism, then it can be provide relevance for today's life. The result of the narrative criticism that has been done is David disregarded God's law in using his power, even he was sleeping with Bathsheba, the Uriah wife’s. Bathsheba and the other characters in the narrative are only supporting figures representing small people to criticize David's power. The results of this interpretation can be relevant for Christian leaders today. This text means that everything we are doing must be in accordance with God's perspective. A Christian leader in his power must be under God's law, because a leader is an example and role model for many people. Daud adalah seorang raja yang pandai, hebat dalam peperangan, tepat dalam mengambil keputusan, tulus dan setia. Namun, penulis kitab 2 Samuel tidak menganggap raja Daud sebagai raja yang hebat dan sempurna dalam kepemimpinannya. Daud juga mempunyai titik kelemahan sehingga dosa Daud pun diceritakan dengan terus terang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaknai kelemahan Daud dalam kisah Daud dan Batsyeba (2 Samuel 11:1-27) melalui metode kritik naratif, kemudian direlevansikan bagi kehidupan masa kini. Hasil dari kritik naratif yang sudah dilakukan adalah Daud tidak menghiraukan hukum Allah dalam menggunakan kekuasaannya, ia tidur dengan Batsyeba, istri Uria. Batsyeba dan tokoh lain dalam narasi hanyalah tokoh pendukung yang mewakili orang-orang kecil untuk mengkritik kekuasaan Daud. Hasil penafsiran ini dapat direlevansikan bagi para pemimpin Kristen masa kini. Teks ini bermakna bahwa segala sesuatu yang dilakukan harus sesuai dengan perspektif Allah. Seorang pemimpin kristen dalam kekuasaannya harus berada di bawah hukum Allah, sebab seorang pemimpin adalah teladan dan panutan bagi banyak orang.

Edson M. Nunes Jr.

Abstract: This paper analyzes the text of Judges 3:12-30. The reason is that the presence of irony in Judges 3:12-30 has been disputed in recent articles. Using narrative criticism and intertextuality as methodology, this paper shows that the cumulative effect of literary features, and Moab-Israel relationship background, results in irony. Key-words: Book of Judges; Moab-Israel; Narrative Criticism; Irony; Food.

Edson M. Nunes Jr.

Abstract: This paper analyzes the text of Judges 3:12-30. The reason is that the presence of irony in Judges 3:12-30 has been disputed in recent articles. Using narrative criticism and intertextuality as methodology, this paper shows that the cumulative effect of literary features, and Moab-Israel relationship background, results in irony. Key-words: Book of Judges; Moab-Israel; Narrative Criticism; Irony; Food.

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