basic school
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2021 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Aistė Elijio ◽  
Agnė Goberytė-Meškauskienė

In the context of the world health crisis, distance learning which before that was rarely used in Lithuania became practically universal, causing a number of challenges. Trying to respond to some of them, we started exploring possible advantages of between-subject integration in more effectively using on-line time and increasing interest and motivation of students. The article deals with integrating mathematics and arts in distance learning in basic school. Integrated lesson was created for grade 9, and its results and student reflection showed possibilities presented by such type of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-237
Irina V. Levchenko ◽  
Polina A. Merenkova

Problem and goal. The problem of insufficient substantive provision of training of primary school students in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is considered. The goal is to identify and describe the basic didactic elements within the content modules, as well as to identify the intrasubject and intersubject connections that are realized in the course of teaching the elements of AI in the main school. Methodology. A set of methods was used: analysis of international experience (USA, China, England, Germany, Israel, Russia); analysis of documents defining requirements for the implementation of basic educational programs; analysis of textbooks; research of ready-made software solutions applicable in the process of teaching the basics of AI to primary school students; reflection of the content of the knowledge gained. Results. The study made it possible to identify learning opportunities in the field of AI for students starting from grade 5, regardless of the availability of teaching hours allocated for compulsory informatics education, due to the variability of general education. An analysis of informatics textbooks for basic school showed that teaching the basics of AI should be implemented taking into account intrasubject connections with informatics. This approach will make it possible to carry out a supporting, expanding or propaedeutic function of teaching AI elements in relation to the main course of informatics. In the process of forming meaningful modules for teaching the elements of AI to primary school students, starting from grade 5, didactic elements were identified, the development of which must be organized taking into account interdisciplinary connections with general education disciplines. The content of educational material in the field of AI should be mastered through the most expedient types of activity in the context of the system-activity approach, which will allow to form personally significant know- ledge and skills of students, to develop their creative abilities. Conclusion. The results of the study made it possible to substantiate the expediency of teaching the elements of AI to primary school students, starting from grade 5. Various options for including in the basic school curriculum issues related to the basics of AI, taking into account the existing experience of teaching schoolchildren in the field of informatics, were identified.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 270-299
Celina A.A.P. Abar ◽  
José Manuel Dos Santos Dos Santos ◽  
Marcio Vieira de Almeida

Majed Khaleel Salem Majed Khaleel Salem

This study aimed to identify the reality of using electronic management from the point of view of school principals of basic stage in Deir Alla Directorate – Jordan in light of the Corona Pandemic. The study used the descriptive and analytical method; the study sample consisted of (36) principals in the basic schools of Deir alla ; (100%) of the study population. To achieve the objectives of the study we used the questionnaire to measure the degree of the reality of the use of electronic management, the findings of the study were: the reality of the use of electronic management on a total average (4.10 out of 5), a high degree (high), and at the level of fields The field of training and qualification of school staff got the highest average (4.17), and the readiness of infrastructure and medium equipment (4.10) and thirdly: the role of the school principal in supporting electronic administration, with an average of (4.06) and the practice of basic school principals for strategic planning; Average (4.03) and all are rated (High), and The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the use of electronic management In light of the corona pandemic, from the point of view of basic school principals in Deir Alla the Directorate of Education due to the variable of (gender, educational qualification and experience), while the results revealed the existence of a difference according to the variable of job experience for 10 years and more, The study recommended the necessity of holding courses and seminars for school principals and organizing scientific meetings to enlighten them about contemporary issues related to laws and instructions with electronic administration, and on the mechanism of their implementation and planning, and to provide incentives for principals and administrators to encourage them to deal with e- learning and follow up teachers and students.

Helin Puksand ◽  
Krista Uibu

Rahvusvahelise PISA võrdlusuuringu fookuses oli 2018. aastal funktsionaalne lugemisoskus, mille hindamisel kasutatakse eri situatsioonidel põhinevaid ja eri tüüpi tekste ning mille ülesanded nõuavad eri kognitiivsete protsesside rakendamist. Siinse uurimuse eesmärk oli kirjeldada poiste ja tüdrukute ülesannete sooritust teksti iseloomustava situatsiooni ja tekstitüübi ning ülesande lahendamisel eeldatava kognitiivse protsessi alusel. Uurimusest selgus, et tüdrukud lahendasid ülesandeid poistest paremini kõigi kriteeriumide alusel. Teksti situatsioon on suhtlussfäär, kuhu autentne tekst kuulub. Selle järgi edestasid tüdrukud poisse kõige rohkem töösituatsiooniga ülesannetes. Tekstitüüpide võrdluses avaldus suurim sooline erinevus tüdrukute kasuks dialoogilistel tekstidel põhinenud ülesannete lahendamisel. Selle põhjal, milliseid kognitiivseid protsesse lugemine aktiveerib, lahendasid tüdrukud poistest paremini ülesandeid, kus oli vaja esitada sõnasõnalist tähendust ning teha järeldusi teksti sisu ja vormi põhjal. Kõige väiksem erinevus ilmnes ülesannetes, mis eeldasid konflikti avastamist ja käsitlemist ning info kvaliteedi ja usaldusväärsuse hindamist. Nende ülesannete sooritusprotsent oli väike nii poistel kui tüdrukutel. Uurimuse tulemused võimaldavad anda õpetajatele ja õppematerjalide koostajatele soovitusi, millele õpilaste lugemisoskuse arendamisel tähelepanu pöörata ja missuguseid lugemisülesandeid kasutada.  Summary

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-243
Margus Pedaste ◽  
Veronika Kalmus ◽  
Katariina Vainonen

Uuring keskendus digipädevuse empiiriliselt eristatavate dimensioonide kirjeldamisele ja nende hindamiseks sobivate küsimuste leidmisele, tuginedes EU Kids Online’i küsitluse ja Eesti katselise digipädevuse tasemetöö andmetele. Kahe andmestiku põhjal eristati üheksa digipädevuse dimensiooni: digivahenditega operatsioonide tegemine, digimaailmas suhtlemine, digimaterjalide loomine, digisisu programmeerimine, hinnang digikeskkondades toimetulekule, võrdlev hinnang digipädevusele, digimaailmas seaduslik toimetamine, digimaailmas enese ja teiste kaitsmine ning digihoiakud. Dimensioonide eristamiseks loodud faktormudeleid iseloomustavad head sobitusastme näitajad ja mõõdukad korrelatsioonid faktorite vahel. Iga dimensiooni kirjeldamiseks leiti vähemalt kolm küsimust, mis sobivad ka uute küsimuste koostamise aluseks. Edasistes uuringutes on vaja hinnata 1) dimensioone tasakaalustatud arvu küsimustega ning 2) iga küsimuse keerukust ja õpilaste eristamise võimet.  Summary

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Kenneth Asamoah-Gyimah

Assessment results can be a guide to instruction, and they can ensure that the prescribed curriculum is well covered. When assessment data are used as a means of making appropriate instructional adjustments for improvement, teaching and learning progresses. The study examined basic school teachers’ perception and use of assessment data. Cross-sectional survey design was used for the conduct of the study. Hundred and fifty (150) teachers within the Central region of Ghana were sampled from twenty (20) basic schools using systematic sampling procedure. A two-dimensional questionnaire was adapted, validated and used for the collection of research data. The data to provide answers to the study question were analysed using descriptive statistics, specifically, percentages and frequencies. The hypothesis was tested using Partial Least Square structural equation modelling approach. Findings revealed that in practice, basic school teachers use assessment data to plan instruction, evaluate students’ learning progress, determine curriculum strands to emphasize during teaching sessions and also to evaluate instructional effectiveness for the academic year. The study further showed that teacher perception about assessment significantly predict assessment data use. The study recommends that, tertiary institutions that train teachers must continue to place much emphasis on the teaching of ‘assessment in schools’ to deepen prospective teachers’ knowledge and utilization of assessment data for sustenance of positive ‘assessment data use practices’ in Ghana basic schools.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Yousif Mousa Alobaid Ahmed ◽  

Background: Tinea capitis (TC) or scalp ringworm is common in pediatric population with reported rates of infection ranging from 4% to 15 % .T.rubrum is rarely reported in countries with a temperate climate . There is always hair loss with varying degrees of scaling and erythema [1-3]. Objectives: To identify the role of soil, plant & sewage in transmission of ringworm of scalp infection. This study was carried out on Kosti basic school students who suffering from ringworm of scalp (fungal infection) in White Nile state at Sudan in 2020. Methodology, Data Analyses and Results: Due to preservation of this fungal infection among school children in Kosti basic school students, a total of fifty specimens collected from different sources to determine the source of this infection in the area of study, twenty five students who suffering from ring worm of scalp and twenty five from soil, sewage, water and trees in the period between January – December -2020.The samples collected by scraping the scalp by surgical blade and removing the hair with needle and forceps from the peripheral lesion and gathered in filter paper and closed tightly,10% KOH was used to clarify and keratinized tissues. Trees samples were collected by washing the tree’s leaves and with all soil, sewage, water were collected into container. All samples were cultured on sabouroad dextrose agar medium for one week at room temperature. After growth, lactophenol cotton blue staining was used to identify depending on the colonial morphology under microscope and tolook for color, septate, aseptate hyphae, macro, micro conidia and spores. The results showed that there was 68% of isolates from soil, sewage, water and trees were matched to scalp isolates. The soil is significant one of these when Chi-square (X2) was used (P value = 0.027) that means, the source of infection among students may be due to soil transmission. Conclusion and Recommendation: Our results highlight the epidemiology of fungal infection of Kosti basic school students. Further studies are necessary to verify these findings considering the relatively high rate of fungal infection to cover all expected area with similar observation.

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