national instrument
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2021 ◽  
pp. 3-6
Rachel Gibson

Part 1 includes the following: Suggestions for Teachers provides strategies for how to responsibly teach and include the music into curriculums. Themes discussed include cultural contexts, authentic transmission practices, honoring song histories, Indigenous Music, and culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies. Living Traditions: Children’s Music in Guatemala and Nicaragua reviews children’s music traditions and singing cultures in these two countries. Overview: Central America, Guatemala, and Nicaragua includes brief summaries of the region’s geography, climate, languages, national instrument, demographics, and economies. Fieldwork Locations describes the sites where songs were learned to set the scenes for repertoire. Biographies, which are written by the informants and presented in English, Spanish, and Kaqchikel, are included to learn about the lives of the musicians who shared music for this book.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Sumantri Hatmoko Hatmoko ◽  
Kussigit Santosa Santosa ◽  
Giarno Giarno Giarno ◽  
Dedy Haryanto Haryanto ◽  
Mulya Juarsa Juarsa ◽  

In the activities of the Pratama Insinas, Ministry of Higher Education technology research in 2018, PTKRN BATAN built a testing facility that simulates a passive cooling system on the reactor core when there is a loss of outside power. The test facility is the Passive-02 System Simulation Facility (FASSIP02).In FASSIP-02 there are several parameters that need to be measured, one of which is temperature. In the measurement of temperature using a K type Thermocouple Connected to the National Instrument 9178 and 9213 modules that use computer programming with LabVIEW software. Temperature measurements need to be characterized.Characterization of type K thermocouples was carried out using thermobaths, 30 type K thermocouples, standard thermocouples,National Instrument modules 9178 and 9213 with computer programming displays using LabVIEW software. The method used for characterization oftype K thermocouples is a fixed temperature comparison method where the results of the temperature control of thermobath is 30-90 ͦC compared with the results of measurements from the type Kthermocouple and standard thermocouple. From the difference of the copper-wrapped junction tip thermocouple without the copper-wrapped and standard thermocouple produces a small error value, so the use of copper as a thermocouple junction end wrapper can be used as a temperature measurement FASSIP-02.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 26-30
Mesak F. Noya ◽  
Abdul Hadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Circular Helmholtz Resonator dengan variasi jumlah Mononec pipa kapiler terhadap Supercharging yang digerakan elektromotor. Penelitian eksperimenal ini dilakukan dengan 6 variasi Mononeck yang dipasang secara longitudinal up side down. Piezotronics, National Instrument dan Matlab digunakan untuk mengakuisisi data menjadi lebih akurat. Hasil pengukuran selisih rata-rata tekanan output dan input menyatakan bahwa Circular Helmholtz Resonator berpengaruh terhadap tekanan udara keluaran yang merupakan tekana udara input motor diesel.

2021 ◽  
Trinh Quang Duc

In this chapter, discussions about the applications based on LabVIEW with a typical open embedded system such as Arduino. Instead of the applications with use of National Instrument hardware, an user can build an low-cost microcontroller-based system which user interface and procedure designed in LabVIEW. Recently, Arduino-based applications are one of interested developments, the embedded system is designed with the low-cost microcontroller of ATMEGA2560 and easy to program with IDE (Interface Development Environment). However, the difficulties of Arduino-based applications are user interface design while LabVIEW is an excellent utilities for the panel designs. The limitation of some LabVIEW applications is the requirements from combination with high performance NI hardwares. Under interactions between LabVIEW and IDE library designed by Arduino, the low-cost system can be easily built for experiments or prototype designs.

Natalia Khmel ◽  
Olga Berdnykova

The purpose of the article is an exposure of specific translation and interpretation of vocal creations of Baroque epoch for bandura, pointing of basic principles of transformation of original text in the context of synthesis of vocal and instrumental party. The research methodology consists in the application of the comparative method in music, a structural-historical method that allows outlining the stages of formation and functioning of specific features of the Baroque era in the present.  A special place takes methods of system analysis and synthesis for the study of the means of transformation in vocal-instrumental works of past centuries in the process of transformation and translation, as well as the method of generalization for the formation of conclusions.  This methodological approach helps to reveal the basic principles of translation of vocal and instrumental works of past centuries, in particular the Baroque era for voice accompanied with the bandura. The scientific novelty lies in the definition of the basic means (canons) of textural-timbre transformation, transformation of vocal-instrumental works of the Baroque period, on the example of the ancient aria «Solo per voi tra mille» from the cantata «Pastorella vaga bella» by G.F. Handel, which plays an important role in expanding the bandura vocalist's repertoire and enriches the potential of the Ukrainian national instrument. Conclusions. Thus, based on the above musical-theoretical analysis of the ancient aria «Solo per voi tra mille» from the cantata «Pastorella vaga bella» by G.F. Handel, we conclude that the translation of Baroque works for bandura and their inclusion in the pedagogical and concert repertoire bandura singer proves that the interpretation of works of past centuries on the bandura significantly expands the repertoire of the bandura singer and enriches the potential of the Ukrainian national instrument, revealing its timbre and technical capabilities, which deserves the attention of experts and requires further analysis and study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Hendrianto Husada ◽  
Samsurizal Samsurizal

Virtual instrumentation  is a new technology that combines hardware  and software computer technology which replace instrument traditional in measurement so that more efficient and accurate.  One of the softwares that is used within building a virtual instrumentation is made by National Instrument and called  Labview .Combination electronics digital hardware   and software labview build an instrument that can do measurement  as needed withquite cheap  investatment  .In this case Laptop and Labview is used to display temperature and Humidity that are captured by arduino system in the display that is easy to see .   Wihin this article writer do researching about monitoring temperature and humidity  using labview with Arduino system for preventing fire disaster. The sensor used to measure temperature and humidity is DHT11 and the microcontroller used is Arduino Un.  The monitoring humidity and tenperature are did at Laboratory of Industrial Electronic STT PLN Jakarta. The results of this study are monitoring temperature and humidity can be done continuously with the Virtual Instrumentation System. Early detection of fire hazard occurs when the temperature change is monitored, the value rises and the humidity value decreases in a very short period of timeABSTRAK:Instrumentasi virtual adalah suatu  teknologi baru yang menggabungkan teknologi perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak komputer menggantikan alat ukur tradisional dalam pengukuran agar lebih efisien dan akurat. Salah satu perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalam membangun suatu instrumentasi virtual adalah perangkat lunak buatan perusahaan National Instrument yang disebut Labview. Penggabungan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak Labview bisa membentuk alat ukur yang bisa melakukan pengukuran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang diinginkan dengan investasi biaya yang tidak mahal. Dalam hal ini Laptop dengan Labview berfungsi untuk menampilkan hasil penangkapan data temperatur dan kelembaban oleh Sistem Arduino dalam bentuk tampilan yang mudah  dilihat. Dalam artikel ini penulis melakukan penelitian mengenai pemantauan temperatur dan kelembaban  untuk pencegahan bahaya kebakaran. Sistem tersebut digunakan  sebagai pendeteksi dini bahaya kebakaran. Sensor yang digunakan untuk mengukur temperature dan kelembaban udara adalah DHT11 dan mikrokontroler yang digunakan adalah arduino uno.   Pemantauan temperatur dan kelembaban dilakukan di Laboratorium Elektronika Industri STT PLN Jakarta. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pemantauan temperatur dan kelembaban dapat dilakukan secara terus menerus dengan Sistem Instrumentasi Virtual. Pendeteksian dini bahaya kebakaran terjadi saat adanya perubahan temperatur  yang dipantau nilainya  semakin naik  dan nilai  kelembaban yang semakin turun  dalam kurun waktu yang  sangat singkat.

Umesh Persad ◽  
Keivi Howard ◽  
Jorrel Bisnath

The steelpan (steel drum) is the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago. Over the years, there have been various innovations in the design of the steelpan, including new electronic versions. This paper presents an addition to the family of digital steelpan instruments in the form of a low-cost roll-up digital steelpan (similar to a roll-up piano or roll-up drum kit). The idea as conceptualized is to have a flexible surface with solid steelpan notes following the traditional circle of fifths pattern. The playing surface could then easily roll up for transport and storage. The design of the roll-up digital steelpan is presented together with results on initial testing with musicians. Plans for further development of the product are also discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-238
Kelly Kaufhold

Controversies over racism and xenophobia during and after the campaign of President Donald Trump contributed to big increases in media consumption—and racist incidents. This study examines whether and how much news media consumption mitigates perceptions of 12 measures of attitudes about race and immigration, using a national instrument of 64,600 cases. Selective exposure played an outsized role in media consumption during this election cycle and was highly predictive of partisan attitudes, which predicted attitudes on race and immigration. News media use—especially newspaper use—does soften attitudes about race and immigration, although it is not as predictive as party identification.

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