school of athens
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Al-Farabi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 87-100
A. Kuranbek ◽  
T. Orazkhan ◽  

The article analyzes the work of the outstanding Kazakh poet Otezhan Nurgaliev and the ideas of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger about the power of words and the essence of poetry in his work “On Poets and Poetry. Hölderlin. Rilke. Trakl ” on the basis of theoretical and methodological research in domestic science and world philosophy, it is also assessed whether the prerequisite for the emergence of language and the basis of the beginning of being is poetic. In the poet’s poems and reflections, the subtext of symbols and poetic images related to the spiritual being and social reality of society are traced, their significance in understanding the realities of modern society and modernity are determined. In the collection of poems «School of Athens» Otezhan Nurgaliev opened to Kazakh readers the wisdom of world philosophy and the ancient era from a new side in the language of poetry, which is close to its national reality. This approach was mastered by the poet through world philosophy and literature, as well as oriental culture, national spirituality, turkic traditions, and folk wisdom published at that time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 877-882
Livia Archibugi

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-243
Frode Larsen

At the center of the School of Athens, Raphael painted Plato with a face similar to that of Leonardo da Vinci. In this article I argue that the likeness was intentional, and that Raphael’s fresco contains a set of references to the book De Divina Proportione, to which Leonardo contributed with drawings of polyhedrons. De Divina Proportione was written by Leonardo’s friend and teacher of mathematics, Luca Pacioli, and contains arguments for raising the status of the art of painting, similar to the arguments found in Leonardo’s Paragone. Pacioli and Leonardo thought painting should be regarded as a liberal art, due to the painters' use of mathematical principles. In the article, I show how Plato with the face of Leonardo is part of a set of allusions to these arguments found in The School of Athens.

Labrini Rontogiannis

Education is continuously changing and constantly adapting to philosophies and methods, even more so in the world of educational technology. The author's own professional path has taken her from chalk and blackboard, to advanced tools adapted to promote learning in both synchronous and asynchronous environments. Most recently in the last months, teachers all over the world were asked to become virtual teachers; teachers scrambled to convert their face-to-face classrooms into a virtual environment overnight. This sudden change from face-to-face to online learning was unprecedented and will have long lasting effects on K-12 education for many years to come. This chapter will outline the journey that was taken to convert a face-to-face class into the virtual environment at the American Community School of Athens, Greece.

Myrtia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 35 ◽  
pp. 161-175
Pablo Rodríguez Valdés

En el ámbito de la filosofía neoplatónica de Proclo el Diádoco, representante destacado de la escuela de Atenas, la figura de la diosa Hécate es de una importancia fundamental, ya que se configura como elemento central de la tríada noérica que separa el Intelecto paterno del demiúrgico, del que manan la Virtud y el orden material de las cosas. Este planteamiento bebe directamente de los oráculos caldeos, un compendio fragmentario de respuestas divinas recopilado en época de Marco Aurelio (segunda mitad del siglo II), en el que Hécate aparece como diosa profética y de sumo poder. Para llegar a comprender cómo una entidad que nunca formó parte del panteón olímpico más extendido en época clásica o helenística llegó a ser uno de los seres más poderosos en la Antigüedad tardía, hace falta estudiar el complejo y rico proceso de asimilación y convergencia que experimentó con otras divinidades, gracias, sobre todo, a los cultos orientales y mistéricos y a la expansión del helenismo por el territorio egipcio. Así pues, el objeto del presente artículo es revisar la evolución del papel de la diosa Hécate desde una perspectiva diacrónica, estableciendo como límites el siglo VIII a.C. y elIV d.C. Si bien analizaremos los diversos testimonios literarios y epigráficos en los que sea mencionada, el centro de atención serán los Himnos órficos y el Papiro Mágico IV 2785- 2890, que permiten conocer de primera mano el proceso de asimilación producido. In the context of the Neoplatonic philosophy of Proclus the Successor, a prominent representative of the school of Athens, the figure of the goddess Hecate is of fundamental importance, since it is configured as a central element of the noeric triad that separates the paternal Intellect from the demiurgic, from which the Virtue and the material order of things flow. This approach drinks directly from the Chaldaean oracles, a fragmentary compendium of divine responses compiled at the time of Marco Aurelio (second half of the second century), in which Hecate appears as a prophetic goddess of great power. In order to understand how an entity that was never part of the most widespread Olympic pantheon in Classical or Hellenistic times became one of the most powerful beings in Late Antiquity, it is necessary to study the complex and rich process of assimilation and convergence that it experienced with other divinities, thanks,above all, to the oriental and mystical cults and the expansion of Hellenism through the Egyptian territory.Thus, the purpose of this article is to review the evolution of the role of the goddess Hecate from a diachronic perspective, setting the eighth century B.C. as limits, and the fourth A.D. Although we will analyze the various literary and epigraphic testimoniesin which it is mentioned, but the focus will be the Orphic Hymns and the Magic PapyrusIV 2785-2890, which allow us to know first hand the assimilation process produced.

2020 ◽  
pp. 117-131
Nicholas Mee

Filippo Brunelleschi was a pivotal figure in the Renaissance. He designed and constructed the dome of the cathedral in Florence whose size has only been surpassed using modern building materials. Even more influential was his invention of single-point perspective as a technique for producing geometrically realistic paintings. His methods were disseminated by Alberti and developed by painters such as Paolo Uccello and Piero della Francesca. Chapter 12 provides a simple explanation of how a perspective grid is constructed and discusses examples of its use, including Raphael’s School of Athens.

Svetlana Prokhorenkova

Color symbolism in the works by Raphael and Mozart has not been studied thoroughly enough yet due to the complexity of this topic. The basis for the analysis of Raphael’s and Mozart’s creative approaches was G.V. Chicherin’s method, aimed at revealing common and different aspects in them. The researcher has discovered internal relations between works of various kinds of art, between art and philosophy more than once. Famous poets and composers (A. Pushkin, J.W. Goethe, F. List) and also art experts and philosophers have studied Raphael’s and Mozart’s creative ideas and wrote fundamental works dedicated to various aspects of the artist’s and composer’s artwork. According to J.W. Goethe’s and F. List’s studies, Raphael’s and Mozart’s creations appear to be congenial. Romantic poets and artists took up Goethe’s and List’s ideas and developed them in their own fashion. E.T.A. Hoffmann was the first to pay attention to color symbolism in Mozart’s works, and the coloration of Raphael’s paintings influenced K. Bryullov. In the 20th century, G.V. Chicherin and H. Abert made their contribution to investigating a possible interrelation between Raphael’s and Mozarts’ works of art. In the article, the author considers an interpretation of the color on the fresco «The School of Athens» by Raphael and also in the songs and operas by Mozart.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1786-1797
Tassos Karampinis

In this article, the author presents Robotics-based learning interventions and the experiences at 56th Junior High School of Athens within the RoboESL Erasmus project; as well as a teaching approach using Educational Robotics. The RoboESL project aims to exploiting the potential of robotics for developing extra-curricular constructivist learning activities in schools that will help children at risk of failure or Early School Leaving (ESL) practice and develop their creativity skills, raise self-esteem, motivate their interest in schooling, and finally encourage them towards staying at school. During the implementation, students worked in a constructionist learning environment and were engaged in team activities. The author runs the project for two consecutive school years using EV3 Lego Mindstorms and participated in dissemination events organizing workshops where the students participated in the program taught elementary school pupils.

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 720-724
Spyros N. MICHALEAS ◽  
Lazaros VLADIMIROS ◽  
Aristeidis DIAMANTIS ◽  

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