light nuclei
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2022 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
Ch. Elster ◽  
M. Burrows ◽  
R. B. Baker ◽  
S. P. Weppner ◽  
K. D. Launey ◽  

K. A. Bugaev ◽  
O. V. Vitiuk ◽  
B. E. Grinyuk ◽  
P. P. Panasiuk ◽  
N. S. Yakovenko ◽  

Here, we develop an original approach to investigate the grand canonical partition function of the multicomponent mixtures of Boltzmann particles with hard-core interaction in finite and even small systems of the volumes above 20 fm3. The derived expressions of the induced surface tension equation of state (EoS) are analyzed in detail. It is shown that the metastable states, which can emerge in the finite systems with realistic interaction, appear at very high pressures at which the hadron resonance gas, most probably, is not applicable at all. It is shown how and under what conditions the obtained results for finite systems can be generalized to include into a formalism the equation for curvature tension. The applicability range of the obtained equations of induced surface and curvature tensions for finite systems is discussed and their close relations to the equations of the morphological thermodynamics are established. The hadron resonance gas model on the basis of the obtained advanced EoS is worked out. Also, this model is applied to analyze the chemical freeze-out of hadrons and light nuclei with the number of (anti-) baryons not exceeding 4. Their multiplicities were measured by the ALICE Collaboration in the central lead–lead collisions at the center-of-mass energy [Formula: see text] TeV.

2021 ◽  
Yi-An Li ◽  
Dong-Fang Wang ◽  
Song Zhang ◽  
Yugang Ma

Abstract A systematic study on forward-backward (FB) multiplicity correlations from large systems to small ones through a multi-phase transport model (AMPT) has been performed and the phenomenon that correlation strength increases with the centrality can be explained by taking the distribution of events as the superposition of a series of Gaussian distributions. It is also found that correlations in the η - Φ plane can imply the shape of event. Furthermore, long range correlations originate from the fluctuations associated with the source information. FB correlations allow us to decouple long range correlations from short range correlations, and may provide a chance to investigate the $\alpha$-clustering structure in initial colliding light nuclei as well. It seems the tetrahedron $^{16}$O + $^{16}$O collision gives a more uniform and symmetrical fireball, after that emits the final particles more isotropically or independently in the longitudinal direction, indicating that the forward-backward multiplicity correlation could be used to identify the pattern of $\alpha$-clustered $^{16}$O in future experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
E A Bogomolov ◽  
G I Vasilyev ◽  
W Menn

Abstract Analysis of the isotopic composition of nuclei in galactic cosmic rays (GCR) in the orbital experiment of the PAMELA collaboration makes it possible to study the problems of the origin and propagation of cosmic rays in the Galaxy. The data of the PAMELA magnetic spectrometer, due to their high statistical and methodological accuracy, ensured significant progress in the study of the isotopic composition of light nuclei from H to Be in GCR in the energy range ~ 0.1-1 GeV/nucleon and for the first time made it possible to estimate the contribution to GCR of Local Interstellar Sources (LIS) from close (∼ 100 pc) of recent (~ million years) supernova explosions. To date, the isotopic composition of beryllium nuclei in GCR has been measured only for 7Be./9Be, 10Be/9Be ratios in the energy range of ∼ 100 MeV/nucleon in the space experiments IMP 7/8, Voyager, Ulysses, ACE/CRIS and for 10Be/9Be in balloon experiment with a superconducting magnet ISOMAX-98 for energies 0.2-1.0 and 1.1-2.0 GeV/nucleon. In this work, using flight data PAMELA 2006-2014, on the rigidity of the detected nuclei and their velocity (time-of-flight analysis and ionization losses in the multilayer calorimeter of the instrument), a new analysis of the isotopic composition of beryllium nuclei in the energy range of ~ 0.1-1.4 GeV/nucleon has been carried out. The results of isotopic analysis of beryllium nuclei in GCR (spectra 7Be, 9Be, 10Be and 7Be/9Be, 10Be/9Be - ratio depending on the rigidity and energy of nuclei) in comparison with the existing measurement and calculation data will be presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
M. Waqas ◽  
G. X. Peng ◽  
Fu-Hu Liu ◽  
Z. Wazir

AbstractThe transverse momentum spectra of light nuclei (deuteron, triton and helion) produced in various centrality intervals in Gold–Gold (Au–Au), Lead–Lead (Pb–Pb) and proton–Lead (p–Pb) collisions, as well as in inelastic (INEL) proton–proton (p–p) collisions are analyzed by the blast wave model with Boltzmann Gibbs statistics. The model results are nearly in agreement with the experimental data measured by STAR and ALICE Collaborations in special transverse momentum ranges. We extracted the bulk properties in terms of kinetic freezeout temperature, transverse flow velocity and freezeout volume. It is observed that deuteron and anti-deuteron freezeout later than triton and helion as well as their anti-particles due to its smaller mass, while helion and triton, and anti-helion and anti-triton freezeout at the same time due to isospin symmetry at higher energies. It is also observed that light nuclei freezeout earlier than their anti-nuclei due to the large coalescence of nucleons for light nuclei compared to their anti-nuclei. The kinetic freezeout temperature, transverse flow velocity and kinetic freezeout volume decrease from central to peripheral collisions. Furthermore, the transverse flow velocity depends on mass of the particle which decreases with increasing the mass of the particle.

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