candidate dissertation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (10) ◽  
pp. 4-12
Akhmadali Askarov ◽  
Behzod I. Isabekov ◽  
Ubaydulla M. Ismoilov ◽  

This article examines the origin of ancient catacomb-type graves, about its erroneous use at one time in relation to the graves of the Zamanbaba culture based on the historiography of Soviet archeology. At one time, V.A. Gorodtsov also mistakenly called the undercut graves catacomb, as evidenced by his graphic drawings. Our further studies of real catacomb graves on the territory of the Akhangaron Valley showed what a catacomb-type grave is, its internal structure and the time of its appearance in Central Asia. Unfortunately, Russian colleagues-archaeologists, without delving into the internal structure of catacomb-type graves, repeat the terminological errors of Soviet historiography, as evidenced by the candidate dissertation of Yu.G. Kutimova “The origin and ways of spreading the catacomb burial rite in Central Asia (based on the materials of the burial grounds of the Bronze Age) to which the authors' self-critical approach to determining the time of the appearance of the catacomb device of graves is devoted, also criticizes Russian colleagues in the interpretation and interpretation of archaeological sources of Central Asia in the Soviet conservatism historiography

S. B. Bogdanov ◽  
V. A. Aladina ◽  
S. N. Kurinniy ◽  
A. V. Polyakov ◽  
A. N. Blazhenko ◽  

The article describes the life path of a famous Kuban surgeon Vkadimir K. Krasovitov. The historical aspects of the creation of full-layer skin plasty technique according to Krasovitov are presented, the relevance of its use in our days is analyzed, and the development of new types of skin autoplastics is presented. In addition, the author describes the history of candidate dissertation of V.K. Krasovitov's, as well as the monograph ‘Primary plastic surgery with rejected skin flaps’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (5) ◽  
pp. 29-35
N. V. Avdeeva ◽  
I. V. Sus

The purpose of research. Currently, the problem of plagiarism is quite relevant and affects the scientific and educational spheres. Thus, the experts of the Russian State Library have organized special research, and they are issuing a series of articles devoted to that activity. Within the framework of fighting plagiarism and other negative phenomena, it becomes necessary to highlight mostly wide-spread problems of reference-arrangement for research papers, and to outline possible solutions for them. We will consider this issue in the first article of the series.Materials and methods. In order to achieve the aforementioned target the article uses the results of the plagiarism tests for research papers carried out by the Russian State Library with the help of specially designed software “Antiplagiat.RSL”.Results. The common defects of research papers are: inclusion of fictitious sources into the reference list, lack of homogeneity in reference arrangement, inadequate references to the groups of sources, quoting the derivative sources instead of the original one, spreading false information because of blind copying other researchers’ mistakes. Plagiarism tests carried out over scientific texts helped to identify the most frequent incorrect borrowings (overlapping wording of conclusions and generalizations, the same sentences used for describing results and methods, as well as word – for – word reproduced literature reviews). The documents revealed to become sources for such plagiaristic borrowings would often be works of research advisors and other authoritative specialists, candidate dissertation theses close in theme or structure, earlier publications of authors themselves, including those written in co-authorship.Conclusion. Numerous flaws are made by emerging authors due to the lack of knowledge, that is why students’ and post-graduates’ efficient training in work with GOST state standards as well as the quality of educational and methodological literature in research-paper writing would be of use. The article offers ways of improvement for research publication arrangement and specialized software products destined to make reference arrangement automatic.

2020 ◽  
pp. 34-40
Л. Лучка

The research deals with creating a diverse reader image of an intellectual personality of a historian. V.K. Yakunin started his reading career as a student of Dnipropetrovsk State University in the 1960’s. During his studies he constantly visited the scientific library. It was at this time when he first became acquainted with rare and valuable editions on historical subjects. The reading experience of the historian is about 60 years. While writing his Candidate dissertation (1972) and PhD thesis (1990), he worked with a significant number of sources and literature, and he also used interlibrary loan services. He was a high-level bibliographer, he constantly searched and selected carefully new books of political and historical content. V.K.Yakunin began to collect his own library from the late 1960s. The analysis of his reader cards from the departments of scientific literature and fiction shows that scientist V.K. Yakunin paid primary attention to documents, book sources and periodicals. He perfectly knew the works of foreign historical science classics. He was interested in memoir literature. Psychological and art literature was not ignored by the scientist. The historian always turned to classical works and editions of contemporary Ukrainian writers. V. K. Yakunin’s private library totals about 2000 copies in Ukrainian, Russian and German. It has been stored in the Scientific Library since 2017. Each copy of the professor’s book collection received the stamp «Professor V.K. Yakunin’s Library». The chronological limits of the book collection cover the 20th – the beginning of the 21st century. Most publications are books of social and humanitarian directions. He was interested in the history of the 20th century: political history, public opinion, World War II, history of Nazism, the Ukrainian national movement. Memories held a special place in the book collection. Ways of acquisition to the Library: donations and purchasing. The historian was surrounded by books during his life. Thus, the value of the book collection of Professor V.K. Yakunin is in the presence of a large number of publications that give an idea of the state of book publishing in Ukraine and Russia and indicate the high intellectual level of its owner.

A. Yushko ◽  
D. Chizhov

roblem setting. Due to the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the conduct of the anti-terrorist operation (2014-2018), the operation of the Joint Forces (from 2018 until now), the temporary occupation of certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, new entities needing social protection (forced displaced persons, citizens of Ukraine who remained in the occupied territories, ATO participants, OUF, family members of victims of such operations, etc.), and there was an urgent need for legal regulation of public relations with these entities. State rulemaking in this area is often haphazard, spontaneous, contradictory, which, as a result, does not allow it to achieve its overriding goal of ensuring adequate social protection for people. In such circumstances, the study of the problems of legal regulation of social and legal protection of ATO / OUF participants as a special subject of such relations is quite relevant. Target of research is to identify problems in the legal regulation of relations on social protection of ATO/OUF participants, as well as to prepare proposals for improvement of legislation in this area. Analysis of recent researchers shows that scientists’ attention to the selected problem is updated. Candidate Dissertation of D. A. Chizhov is devoted to the study of the legal mechanism of ensuring social protection of a person in conditions of military conflict in Ukraine. The legal status of an internally displaced person as a subject of social security law has been studied and analyzed in her dissertation I. S. Basova. Some issues of legal regulation of social protection of military personnel in the area of ATO are also outlined in the scientific works of such researchers as D. Aleksandrov, A. L. Beykun, V. S. Venediktov, O. I. Yermakov, N. V. Fist, S. S. Lukash, O. M. Levchuk, A. Ya. Radizvidlo, D. O. Tzedik, A. A. Shire. Article’s main body. Based on a detailed analysis of scientific works, regulations, statistics in this field, the article concludes that it is advisable to introduce a unified approach to the regulation of social protection of ATO/OUF members and their families and to propose to systematise existing numerous legislation into a single regulatory and legal framework. an act (law) that would cover all aspects of such protection. Conclusions and prospects for the development. On the basis of the above, it was concluded that it is possible to develop and adopt a new regulatory act (law) that would determine the legal status of ATO/OUF participants, equals persons, their families, and consolidate their rights, ensure the creation of proper living conditions , the provision of benefits, benefits and social guarantees in the course of employment in accordance with training and health. In addition, it is proposed to change the approach to establishing the status of a combatant, to introduce several categories of combatants depending on certain criteria (period of service, its duration, area of service), which will differentiate benefits, benefits and social guarantees to such persons.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (16) ◽  
pp. 207-224
Denis Kashuba

Introduction. In recent years, there has been indefatigable interest of scholars in the concerto genre, and that can be proven by constantly appearing research article and dissertation, devoted to it. For example, in 2017 and 2019 candidate dissertation [Ph. D] have been published, that illuminated previously obscure pages of, respectively, French tradition of this genre, embodied in concertos for various instruments with orchestra by C. Saint-Saëns, and AustroGerman of the first decades of XIX century (including those by J. N. Hummel, I. Moscheles, F. Ris). Expansion of the knowledge about this genre in historical aspect is accompanied by refinements and changes of viewpoints on its essence, that allows, in particular, to comprehend the phenomenon of intersection of different traits of a symphony, a concerto and an ensemble in composers’ activity of XX – beginning of XXI century. A presumption is made, that between these stated genres there is some kind of interlocutor, that is dialogism. At the same time, it is noted, that various types of a dialogue in given work do not lead inevitably to some “mix” or ambivalence, but can contribute to realisation of the potential of the concerto genre. The last one can be applied to the Piano concertos by J. Brahms. Objectives. The goal of the given article is to reveal signs of chamberness in genre-stylistic field of Piano concertos by Johannes Brahms. Results and discussion. In spite of widely disseminated opinion that they belong to predominately orchestral type or even are “symphonies with piano obligato” (Kuznetsov, 1980; Beyer, 1897), they reveal influence of another essential characteristics of the genre, including chamberness. This can be explained either by classicism of J. Brahms’s composer style, who has always orientated towards tradition of his times or by integrativity, that is an iconic trait of late-Romantic music. The examples are given of grand-scale symphonic conceptions deriving from primal ensemble ideas. It is noted, that while the understanding of the genre’s nature remains stable, in each Concerto the proportion of symphonism, concertoness and chamberness is singular due to a significant time interval passing between them and noticeable difference in level of composer’s maturity. Both Concertos reveal the following attributes of chamberness: frequent usage of separate orchestra groups, eventual appearance of “ensemble of soloists” on the background of certain groups or without any accompaniment, significant dramaturgic role played by solos of the piano either slightly supported by sparse instruments while their parts are rather scattered or absolutely unaccompanied. It is stressed that regarding playing piano one should not equate one performer with one part as there are parts of right and left hands and dialogues appearing between them (Polskaya, 2001). On the other side, mono-pianistic expression doesn’t necessarily coincide with a monologue, as self-comprehension of a personality can be marked by a significant dialogism and even conflict (Misitova, 2004). The Piano concertos by J. Brahms can serve as an example for the last observation as appearances of the soloist (chiefly, solo) create additional thread of dramaturgy, sometimes governing the development of music and its images. In the First concerto, given its allusions to the Baroque era, one can discern frequent usage of chamber, sometimes exclusively string orchestra. It is pointed out that initial image of Maestoso, that is supposed to be portrayed by sonority of the accentuated brass group as it has tremendous and formidable mood, is in fact embodied by strings with occasional illuminations of another groups. In Adagio the archi section also plays the leading role, being in dialogue with two bassoons in the first orchestral episode, later entering compassionate dialogue with the piano. In both movements the full orchestra is used only in the climactic moments, often with the soloist involved. And the Finale is the only movement where the semantics of the competition and festivities of the masses urges the composer to use entire orchestra. The logic of changes of emotional states in the solo part is quite clear. It is a personification of a “lyrical hero”, who is in a state of an inner dialogue, and that engenders a conflict situation, largely contributing to the dramatism of further events in the music. Employments of the ensemble are sporadic and are usually illuminated by a background of the orchestra. In Second concerto, while the strategy of chamberness of orchestra and raising the significance of the soloist remains stable, on the contrary, different means of ensemble communication are developed, including those involving “satellite” instruments. Their activity is revealed in the very first bars of Allegro non troppo, where French horn and piano resemble quiet and leisurely conversation. This duet in its further appearances marks the borders of large chapters of the structure, therefore acquiring compositional significance. Ensemble qualities are intrinsic for Andante from this Concerto, where another soloist appears, singled out from the group of cellos, and later oboe, clarinets make their entrance, and the score turns into sheer dialogue of soloists. Conclusions. Comparison of two Piano concertos by J. Brahms allows to state that composer simultaneously has firm understanding of this genre and favours different traits of chamberness in each of them. In the latter one “satellite” timbres are used, ensemble structures are more significant. And this paves the way for ensemble differentiation of the orchestra, that can be regarded as one of the first portents of modern understanding of concerto genre and abovementioned processes of “mixing”.

Neophilology ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 21-28
Petr A. Semenov

The research is aimed at revealing the nature of the grammatical norm of the literary language of the transition period and is dedicated to the memory of Nadezhda Gainullina, my favorite teacher and friend. Nadezhda Ivanovna research interests focused on the literary language of the Peter the Great’s era. The development of loanword vocabulary on the material of “letters and papers of Peter the Great” was devoted to her candidate dissertation and doctoral research, articles and monographs containing a deep understanding of the role and place of Peter the Great in the history of the Russian literary language and revealing the deep meaning of the processes taking place during this period in the literary language and, in particular, the state of the language norm. We comprehend this far from us period of the history of the Russian literary language, which has a special theoretical significance, since it is a literary language of the transition period. We have established that such historical periods provide an opportunity to understand the dialectic development of the literary language, the right to raise the question of the relationship between the critical categories of historical styles as a norm, language usage, style. It is approved that findings, which comes to N.I. Gainullina, have important theoretical value. It is concluded that the proposed N.I. Gainullina understanding of the norms of the transition period can be of theoretical importance not only for the Peter the Great's era, but also for any transition period in the history of any literary language, in particular, for understanding the language situation of our time, which is characterized by a sharp change of cultural and historical paradigms, definitely reflected in the modern Russian language, in the language of our days in the form of multilayered innovative layering on the relatively traditional forms of expression.

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