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10.29007/bg75 ◽  
2022 ◽  
Nguyen Xuan Nguyen Pham ◽  
Thi Tham Tran ◽  
Minh Thang Do ◽  
Ngoc Bao Duy Tran

As society develops, many aspects of life are concerned by people, including facial skincare, avoiding acne-related diseases. In this work, we will propose a complete solution for treating acne at home, including 4 processors. First, the anomaly detector uses image processing techniques by Multi-Threshold and Color Segmentation, depending on each color channel corresponding to each type of acne. The sensitivity of the detector is 89.4%. Second, the set of anomalies classifiers into 6 main categories, including 4 major acne types and 2 non-acne types. By applying the convolutional neural model, the accuracy, sensitivity, and F1 are 84.17%, 81.5%, and 82%, respectively. Third, the acne status assessment kit is based on the mGAGS method to classify the condition of a face as mild, moderate, severe, or very severe with an accuracy of 81.25%. Finally, the product recommender, which generalizes from the results of the previous processors with an accuracy of 70-90%. This is the premise that helps doctors as well as general users to evaluate the level of acne on a face effectively and save time.

Jalal Hejazi

Abstract. Having an accurate dietary assessment tool is a necessity for most nutritional studies. As a result, many validation studies have been carried out to assess the validity of commonly used dietary assessment tools. Since based on the energy balance equation, among individuals with a stable weight, Energy Intake (EI) is equal to Energy Expenditure (EE) and there are precise methods for measurement of EE (e.g. doubly labeled water method), numerous studies have used this technique for validating dietary assessment tools. If there was a discrepancy between measured EI and EE, the researchers have concluded that self-reported dietary assessment tools are not valid or participants misreport their dietary intakes. However, the calculation of EI with common dietary assessment tools such as food frequency questionnaires (FFQs), 24-hour dietary recalls, or weighed food records, is based on fixed factors that were introduced by Atwater and the accuracy of these factors are under question. Moreover, the amount of energy absorption, and utilization from a diet, depends on various factors and there are considerable interindividual differences in this regard, for example in gut microbiota composition. As a result, the EI which is calculated using dietary assessment tools is likely not representative of real metabolizable energy which is equal to EE in individuals with stable weight, thus validating dietary assessment tools with EE measurement methods may not be accurate. We aim to address this issue briefly and propose a feasible elucidation, albeit not a complete solution.

2022 ◽  
pp. 669-682
Pooja Deepakbhai Pancholi ◽  
Sonal Jayantilal Patel

The artificial neural network could probably be the complete solution in recent decades, widely used in many applications. This chapter is devoted to the major applications of artificial neural networks and the importance of the e-learning application. It is necessary to adapt to the new intelligent e-learning system to personalize each learner. The result focused on the importance of using neural networks in possible applications and its influence on the learner's progress with the personalization system. The number of ANN applications has considerably increased in recent years, fueled by theoretical and applied successes in various disciplines. This chapter presents an investigation into the explosive developments of many artificial neural network related applications. The ANN is gaining importance in various applications such as pattern recognition, weather forecasting, handwriting recognition, facial recognition, autopilot, etc. Artificial neural network belongs to the family of artificial intelligence with fuzzy logic, expert systems, vector support machines.

Preet Jayendrakumar Modi

Abstract: Insurance Management with Premium Prediction system is a web application which is developed for tracking the details of the insurance policy, customer details and company details. This web site is an online insurance Analysis and information management system that provides easy access to information regarding the people and resources of insurance. Users can view their own personal details when login into the Policy Holder module. This project is useful for any kind of insurance company to manage the insurance details, to sanction the insurance for customers, process the insurance policy details and all kinds of insurance processes online. The Insurance management system is a complete solution for organizations, which need to manage insurance for their vehicles, equipment, buildings, and other resources. This insurance management website has facilities like search tools for insurance awareness articles, guidelines, illustrations through images for visitors. This insurance management system can efficiently manage the company, records, provides instant access and one that improves productivity. In this online process the user enters into the website it will show details about insurance and its types, also it will show the details about different duration schemes to the corresponding insurance type or insurance policy. The main objective of the developed system is to allow admin users to register insured persons with their name, date of birth, residence address, medical history and also policy details.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 356-371
Anton Romanovich Gnatenko ◽  
Vladimir Anatolyevich Zakharov

Sequential reactive systems are computer programs or hardware devices which process the flows of input data or control signals and output the streams of instructions or responses. When designing such systems one needs formal specification languages capable of expressing the relationships between the input and output flows. Previously, we introduced a family of such specification languages based on temporal logics $LTL$, $CTL$ and $CTL^*$ combined with regular languages. A characteristic feature of these new extensions of conventional temporal logics is that temporal operators and basic predicates are parameterized by regular languages. In our early papers, we estimated the expressive power of the new temporal logic $Reg$-$LTL$ and introduced a model checking algorithm for $Reg$-$LTL$, $Reg$-$CTL$, and $Reg$-$CTL^*$. The main issue which still remains unclear is the complexity of decision problems for these logics. In the paper, we give a complete solution to satisfiability checking and model checking problems for $Reg$-$LTL$ and prove that both problems are Pspace-complete. The computational hardness of the problems under consideration is easily proved by reducing to them the intersection emptyness problem for the families of regular languages. The main result of the paper is an algorithm for reducing the satisfiability of checking $Reg$-$LTL$ formulas to the emptiness problem for Buchi automata of relatively small size and a description of a technique that allows one to check the emptiness of the obtained automata within space polynomial of the size of input formulas.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (24) ◽  
pp. 8278
Edoardo Longo ◽  
Fatih Alperen Sahin ◽  
Alessandro E. C. Redondi ◽  
Patrizia Bolzan ◽  
Massimo Bianchini  ◽  

Future university campuses will be characterized by a series of novel services enabled by the vision of Internet of Things, such as smart parking and smart libraries. In this paper, we propose a complete solution for a smart waste management system with the purpose of increasing the recycling rate in the campus and provide better management of the entire waste cycle. The system is based on a prototype of a smart waste bin, able to accurately classify pieces of trash typically produced in the campus premises with a hybrid sensor/image classification algorithm, as well as automatically segregate the different waste materials. We discuss the entire design of the system prototype, from the analysis of requirements to the implementation details and we evaluate its performance in different scenarios. Finally, we discuss advanced application functionalities built around the smart waste bin, such as optimized maintenance scheduling.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (24) ◽  
pp. 3149
Dingwei Zheng ◽  
Guofei Ye ◽  
Dawei Liu

In this paper, we prove a Sehgal–Guseman-type fixed point theorem in b-rectangular metric spaces which provides a complete solution to an open problem raised by Zoran D. Mitrović (A note on a Banach’s fixed point theorem in b-rectangular metric space and b-metric space). The result presented in the paper generalizes and unifies some results in fixed point theory.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (23) ◽  
pp. 3148
Babak Samadi ◽  
Ismael G. Yero

This work is aimed to continue studying the packing sets of digraphs via the perspective of partitioning the vertex set of a digraph into packing sets (which can be interpreted as a type of vertex coloring of digraphs) and focused on finding the minimum cardinality among all packing partitions for a given digraph D, called the packing partition number of D. Some lower and upper bounds on this parameter are proven, and their exact values for directed trees are given in this paper. In the case of directed trees, the proof results in a polynomial-time algorithm for finding a packing partition of minimum cardinality. We also consider this parameter in digraph products. In particular, a complete solution to this case is presented when dealing with the rooted products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Renan Jardel Treter ◽  
Ivan Ricardo Carvalho ◽  
Danieli Jacoboski Hutra ◽  
Murilo Vieira Loro ◽  
Mariluci Cavinatto ◽  

Nutrients have differences in their functions as metabolic and structural constituents in plant organs. The specific identification of the symptoms of excess or deficiency of nutrients is essential for the correct management to be carried out in order to avoid production losses. In this context, this research aimed to evaluate the symptoms of deficiency and excess of nutrients in soybean. The experiment was carried out on a bench, with 3-liter containers, in which uniformly germinated seedlings were selected for implantation. Initially, the seedlings were subjected to a complete nutrient solution to allow for a uniform and unrestricted initial development over a period of one week. Then, the plants were subjected to solutions with twice as much nutrient, absence of nutrients, complete solution and nutrient restriction, individual omissions resulted in morphological changes, which translated into visual symptoms characteristic of the nutritional deficiency of the respective nutrient. The solution with twice the nutrient concentration of the complete solution showed an increase in the absorption of N, Mg, K and Fe, for Cu it was twice the absorption and for Zn five times more. There was a decrease in the absorption of Ca and Mn and, with that, it is concluded that the availability of twice as many nutrients did not result in double their absorption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 101902
Kwang Ho Kim ◽  
Jong Hyok Choe ◽  
Sihem Mesnager

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