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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Damiano Anselmi

Abstract We prove spectral optical identities in quantum field theories of physical particles (defined by the Feynman iϵ prescription) and purely virtual particles (defined by the fakeon prescription). The identities are derived by means of purely algebraic operations and hold for every (multi)threshold separately and for arbitrary frequencies. Their major significance is that they offer a deeper understanding on the problem of unitarity in quantum field theory. In particular, they apply to “skeleton” diagrams, before integrating on the space components of the loop momenta and the phase spaces. In turn, the skeleton diagrams obey a spectral optical theorem, which gives the usual optical theorem for amplitudes, once the integrals on the space components of the loop momenta and the phase spaces are restored. The fakeon prescription/projection is implemented by dropping the thresholds that involve fakeon frequencies. We give examples at one loop (bubble, triangle, box, pentagon and hexagon), two loops (triangle with “diagonal”, box with diagonal) and arbitrarily many loops. We also derive formulas for the loop integrals with fakeons and relate them to the known formulas for the loop integrals with physical particles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Noraini Junoh ◽  
Abdul Manam Mohamad ◽  
Zanirah Mustafa@Busu ◽  
Nor Asmira Mat Jusoh

Critical thinking is a very important intellectual tool that could help a person form arguments, determine the credibility of sources, analyse presumptions or make decisions in various contexts. Hence, this study intended to examine the Western and Islamic critical thinking concepts as well as its significance according to the al-Quran and the views of scholars. The library research method was used extensively for collecting and analysing data, which was sourced from literature by philosophers, psychologists and Islamic scientists, especially those involved in the cognitive field. The conceptual framework was built using the content analysis method. According on the analysis, the importance of Islamic critical thinking based on the al-Quran and views of scholars in the cognitive field were extensively elaborated to assist in the practice of Islamic critical thinking.  The study found similarities and differences between Islamic and Western critical thinking. The similarities are from the rational utilization aspect and the difference is from the value of truth aspect, whereby Islamic critical thinking accepts divine deliverance (wahyu) as the main source of reference when thinking so that the product of thinking eventually becomes the absolute truth. Hence, the major significance of Islamic critical thinking is to enhance the faith (iman) and piousness (takwa) towards Allah SWT by contemplating and examining nature. At the same time, critical thinking helps a person to face contemporary challenges and solve problems related to every aspect of life. Moreover, critical thinking activities are greatly demanded in Islam so that the mind bestowed by Allah SWT is not neglected and is used properly without transgressing HIS divine deliverance (wahyu).

Maxime Peyrard ◽  
Robert West

Causal discovery, the task of automatically constructing a causal model from data, is of major significance across the sciences. Evaluating the performance of causal discovery algorithms should ideally involve comparing the inferred models to ground-truth models available for benchmark datasets, which in turn requires a notion of distance between causal models. While such distances have been proposed previously, they are limited by focusing on graphical properties of the causal models being compared. Here, we overcome this limitation by defining distances derived from the causal distributions induced by the models, rather than exclusively from their graphical structure. Pearl and Mackenzie [2018] have arranged the properties of causal models in a hierarchy called the ``ladder of causation'' spanning three rungs: observational, interventional, and counterfactual. Following this organization, we introduce a hierarchy of three distances, one for each rung of the ladder. Our definitions are intuitively appealing as well as efficient to compute approximately. We put our causal distances to use by benchmarking standard causal discovery systems on both synthetic and real-world datasets for which ground-truth causal models are available.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (13) ◽  
pp. 3895
Marcin Wójcik ◽  
Karolina Dmochowska-Dudek ◽  
Paulina Tobiasz-Lis

This article sought to present a process of abrupt transition where technological innovation is concerned. The matter taken up in particular was accelerating digitalisation, in the wider context of digital transformation, and in this case, in reference to spatial planning issues. This article offers an assessment of the level of digitalisation and digital transformation of spatial planning, with this, in turn, making it possible to define the potential at the disposal of rural areas, as they seek to bring in the idea of smart rural development. The empirical analyses present herein are founded upon secondary statistical data as well as our own primary data on the subject of geoportals and their functionality in rural parts of the Łódź region (Poland). The assessments of both planning coverage and geoportal functionality reported herein provide insight regarding the potential for rural areas to implement the concept of GeoDesign, as an integral part of “smart rural development”. The research carried out made it clear that only a fifth of rural gminas in the region are of high potential where GeoDesign is concerned, while every third gmina has only very low potential. A further key conclusion is that rural gminas heading along the path of “smart development” may break out of a spatial order existing thus far on the basis of disparities, and a division of regions into a centre and peripheries. This is of major significance in the context of the diffusion of innovation that digitalisation and digital transformation represent.

2021 ◽  
Marc SOURIS ◽  
Daniel PARZY ◽  
Francine NTOUMI ◽  

Abstract More than a year after the emergence of COVID-19, significant regional differences in terms of morbidity persist, showing lower incidence rates in central Africa. The work reported here aims to test for a pre-pandemic natural immunity among populations in this region. To identify such pre-existing immunity, sera samples collected before the emergence of COVID-19 were tested to detect IgG antibodies reacting against SARS-CoV-2 proteins of major significance. Sera samples from blood donors of France were used as control. The results showed a statistically significant difference for antibodies prevalence between the samples collected in central Africa and the control samples. Our results suggest that in the central African sub-region the populations have been potentially pre-exposed before the COVID-19 pandemic to the antigens of a SARS-CoV-2-like virus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 21-38
Elaine Martin

This article arose from an error. In 2000, I began recording the story of myself and nine other university women with later stage breast cancer. Following the fifth death, I took on the task to make what I could of the archive. An introduction to Cathy Riessman and narrative research began to direct and support this work. Of major significance was the performative aspects of our storytelling, especially our vocality. Text and reason, not voice and utterance, is privileged in the academy, but still I committed to honouring vocality in telling our story. My initial attempts failed, but this paper begins the redress.

2021 ◽  
R P Soundararajan

Abstract Callosobruchus spp. are important pests of pulses. In tropical developing countries, where legume seeds are often the main source of protein in the human diet, the losses caused by these insects are of major significance. Infestation may start in the pods before harvest and carry over into storage where substantial losses may occur. In Nigeria, it has been estimated that 3% of the annual production in 1961/62 was lost due to attack by C. maculatus (Caswell, 1970).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (66) ◽  
pp. 15566-15576
Shivaji Balaku Desai

Education renders a significant contribution in leading to effective growth and development of the individuals and teachers. The major significance of teacher education is focused upon the impartment of training to the teachers, with the main purpose of achieving the desired academic outcomes. Therefore, to perform their job duties up to the required standard, they need to enhance their skills and abilities with innovations. The teachers have an important role to play in not only achieving the desired goals and objectives of the educational institutions but also in promoting the welfare of the community.The teacher is the key factor of all mental, social and spiritual development of children. Within the course of implementation of their job duties, they are required to cope with many challenges. They need to know the innovative practices to get desired outcomes.There exists a wide gap between theory and the knowledge and skills of teaching required in the actual classroom curriculum transaction. For this reason, a routine-bound teacher cannot act following the emerging needs unless he or she is trained and frequently oriented. The innovative practices will be useful to enhance teacher education.The main areas that have been taken into account in this research paper are, the scope of teacher education, changing context of teacher education with innovation in the Indian scenario, and challenges of teacher education

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Mustafa Cakmak

In classical diaspora literature, the “myth of return” has major significance. It is believed that the “myth of return” is embedded in the minds of immigrants from their arrival. This paper examines post-migration mobilities of the Turkish-speaking community in North London as well as the shift in narratives of homeland among diaspora communities; from the “myth of return” to ritual-like visits or mundane pilgrimages. My ethnographic study analyses the post-migration homeland visiting patterns of the Turkish-speaking community into four categories. I discuss how narratives of episodic homeland visits and the desire to be buried in the homeland have replaced the myth of return.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (41) ◽  
pp. 217-237
Meho Manjgo

Muhammad Šakir efendi Muidović, born and bred in Sarajevo, spent almost his entire working life serving as the mufti of Sarajevo. During his lifetime, he collected a valuable library of works from different scientific disciplines, and he bequeathed it in his will to his heirs as evladiyyat waqf (family endowment), provided that his most capable and competent descendants would look after the library. Considering that the descendants did not abide by the waqif’s (endower’s) last will and testament and that they sold out of the library by the middle of the 20th century, this paper focuses on the way in which Mufti Muidović’s library was sold out. Our goal in this paper was to determine the exact number of preserved manuscripts from Mufti Muidović’s library and the place where they are stored and kept today. Moreover, this paper presents the activities that the Islamic community had undertaken in order to safeguard and protect Mufti Muidović’s library, while the appendixes to this paper contain the title and type of the works in Mufti Muidović’s library, registered on the list made by Muhammad Enveri Kadić, which is, to be sure, of major significance, since hitherto conducted research mentions only the number of the works that Mufti Muidović had left to his library.

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