adobe photoshop
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Ahmad Takhfif ◽  
Rohmani Nur Indah ◽  
Galuh Nur Rohmah

The development of technology may impact educational field. Research on technology and language learning shows that technology may provide some opportunities for students to get an easy access in information, integrated learning, and easy way to practice what they learn. The language created in the computer program can be used as a communication tool for its application, including in teaching English. Nowadays, using computer can support language learning. Regarding this point, this study aims to analyze new terms found in Adobe Photoshop Program. Further, the researchers also described morphological processes of the new terms in Adobe Photoshop program in teaching English vocabulary. While, the design of this research is descriptive qualitative design. The result shows compound and derived words can be classified as new terms in Adobe Photoshop CS4. Related to teaching vocabulary, the results show that teaching English vocabulary through word formation found in new terms in Adobe Photoshop Program may give an impact on students’ vocabulary development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Tatiana E. Patina ◽  
Ol’ga V. Kovaleva

The article presents the concept of industrial ornament, gives stylistic features. The main trends in the art of post-revolutionary Russia, which were the ideological and methodological basis for the formation of industrial ornament, are considered. The main features that should be reflected in the construction of an industrial ornament are identified: the motif of an ornament based on geometry, industrial objects, sports subjects, objects from a computer gaming environment; a three-dimensional spatial image of the motif of an ornament in three dimensions; a colouristic solution of an ornamental composition. The classification of compositional drawings for the construction of a rapport grid of avant-garde fabrics, as a basis for the con-struction of an industrial ornament, is given. In the course of the study, a method for constructing a textile industrial ornament was developed. Recommendations for the development of an ornament are presented Adobe Photoshop CC program with elements of 3D modelling. The author’s ornamental drawings have been developed according to the given recommendations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (16) ◽  
pp. e192101623338
Rudys Rodolfo de Jesus Tavarez ◽  
Etevaldo Matos Maia-Filho ◽  
Adriana Santos Malheiros ◽  
Oswaldo Serra Santos-Neto ◽  
Shelon Cristina Souza Pinto ◽  

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the linear dimensional stability of four extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloids (EPIHs). Material and Methods: Five samples per material (Cavex ColorChange, Cavex Orthotrace, Jeltrate Plus, and Orthoprint) were prepared following the manufacturers’ instructions. The samples were prepared using a cylindrical matrix coupled with a nylon-polyamide ring. Two parallel, 25-mm equidistant lines were made on its surface following ANSI/American Dental Association (ADA) Specification 18 for plaster reproducibility and compatibility and Specification 19 for linear dimensional change. The samples were stored in an environment with a relative humidity of 70% (± 3) and temperature of 28°C (± 2). Photo images were obtained using a digital camera to record images for 120 hours, with a standardized distance of 80cm between the lens and the specimen. Adobe Photoshop CS3 software was used for the measurement of the recorded images. The measurements refer to the equivalent distance between the two parallel lines printed on the samples. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test for multiple comparisons between the means of the groups. Results: There was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) when EPIHs were compared at the same time of evaluation. Orthoprint, Cavex Orthotrace, and Cavex Colorchange presented with least dimensional stability up to 24 hours (p > 0.05) of storage, followed by Jeltrate Plus (48 hours). Conclusions: Storage of EPIHs for more than 24 hours for Cavex ColorChange and 48 hours for others EPIHs studied produces significant dimensional changes in the impressions stored at a humidity of 70% (± 3) and temperature of 28°C (± 2). Extended storage times produce large dimensional changes.

S. M. Marchyshyn ◽  
O. Ya. Skrynchuk ◽  
D. B. Rakhmetov ◽  
O. L. Demydiak

Мета роботи: визначення мікроскопічних діагностичних ознак підземних органів катрану коктебельського (C. koktebelica (Junge) N. Busch). Матеріали і методи. Мікропрепарати кореня готували зі свіжозібраної, фіксованої в суміші етанол-гліцерин-вода очищена (1:1:1) та висушеної, а потім розмоченої сировини. Анатомічну будову вивчали на препаратах із поверхні та поперечних зрізах, які робили за загальноприйнятою методикою. Використовували світловий мікроскоп «БІОЛАМ ЛОМО» (Росія) при збільшенні у 80, 120, 160, 400, 600 та 800 разів. Отримані дані фіксували цифровою фотокамерою OLYMPUS SH – 21. Фотографії обробляли за допомогою комп’ютерної програми «Adobe Photoshop CS3». Результати й обговорення. Анатомічна будова кореня. Корінь на поперечному зрізі округлої форми. Перидерма представлена 2–4 шарами паренхімних клітин. Добре розвинута корова паренхіма, яка утворена паренхімними тонкостінними клітинами. У коренях другого і наступних років серед клітин корової паренхіми зустрічаються невеликі скупчення склереїд, які відсутні в коренях першого року. Тип будови центрального циліндра безпучковий. Камбій добре помітний. Запасною речовиною кореня картану коктебельського є крохмаль, а в оболонках судин первинної та вторинної ксилеми – білок. Анатомічна будова видозміни кореня (стеблекорінь, каудекс). Осьовий орган на поперечному зрізі округлої форми. Покривна тканина – багатошарова епідерма, клітини якої паренхімні, товстостінні. Опушення рідке, представлене простими одноклітинними волосками. Добре розвинена корова паренхіма, яка складається з паренхімних тонкостінних клітин. У коровій частині зустрічаються луб’яні волокна. Центральний осьовий циліндр безпучкової будови, камбій добре виражений. Домінуюча тканина ксилеми – лібриформ. Серцевина виражена, виповнена. Клітини корової паренхіми та серцевини накопичують крохмаль у вигляді простих крохмальних зерен, оболонки клітин судин та деяких клітин серцевини – білок. Висновки. Досліджено анатомічну будову підземних органів катрану коктебельського (коренів і стеблокореня) та виявлено основні мікроскопічні діагностичні ознаки, які будуть використані для розробки методів контролю якості на нову лікарську рослинну сировину.  Діагностичними ознаками кореня є: скупчення склереїд у коровій паренхімі кореня другого, третього та наступних років; прості крохмальні зерна з тріщинкою, або з вираженими денними і нічними шарами; білок у клітинах ксилеми.  Діагностичними ознаками стеблокореня є: покривна тканина – багатошарова епідерма; рідке опушення простими одноклітинними волосками; наявність луб’яних волокон у коровій паренхімі; домінування у ксилемі механічної тканини.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2129 (1) ◽  
pp. 012041
Siti Malihah Mohd Yusof ◽  
Munirah Mohd Yusof ◽  
Hanayanti Hafit

Abstract Smartphone Application Control is a project designed to block other phone applications that have excessive use by users. Excessive phone use is often experienced by children aged 7-18 years old. At the same time, many parents nowadays do not have time all day long to monitor and limit the use of their children’s phone due to work. The efforts of the mass media to advise on the use of phone do not give much positive impact on these children. Therefore, a robust alternative such as Smartphone Application Control is essential to curb these issues. To develop this application, a methodological approach has been used namely the Evolutionary Prototyping model. Android Studio version 3.6.2 is used to develop this application while SQLite Database acts as a database for storing all application usage statistics and Google-Cloud Firebase is used to store user-related information for user authentication purposes. To create an attractive user interface, Adobe Photoshop CS6 is used to design background and interface buttons. This app is able to track usage hours of other apps and block them if they exceed their daily usage limits. The time limit for such use can only be set by parents. Additionally, notification of excess usage will be sent to parents via email as a notification. A pop-up alert notification will be issued when user has reached his or her application limit. Smartphone Application Control is very important in helping user to control their phone usage behaviour.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Ahmad Zainuri Fachri ◽  
Hamidillah Ajie ◽  
Vina Oktaviani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan video pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Dasar Desain Grafis kelas X SMK Negeri 40 Jakarta.  Dengan dibuatnya video pembelajaran ini diharapkan mampu membuat peserta didik dapat lebih mudah memahami fungsi-fungsi dasar tools pada toolbox Adobe Photoshop. Banyaknya tools pada Adobe Photoshop membuat proses pembelajaran yang membahas tentang Adobe Photoshop membutuhkan waktu lama. Oleh karna itu dikembangkanlah media pembelajaran berupa video pembelajaran yang dapat diakses dimanapun sehingga peserta didik dapat mempelajarinya diluar pembelajaran sekolah. Pengembangan video pembelajaran ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu: (1) perencanaan produk, (2) desain produk, (3) perencanaan konsep, (4) perancangan desain, (5) pengumpulan bahan, (6) pembuatan, (7) pengujian, dan (8) pendistribusian. Pada tahap pengujian oleh ahli materi hasil persentase nilai yang didapat yaitu 100% dan pada tahap pengujian oleh ahli media hasil persentase nilai yang didapat yaitu 89,3%. Setelah dinyatakan layak oleh ahli materi dan ahli media, selanjutnya video pembelajaran diuji kepada responden yaitu peserta didik bidang keahlian Multimedia kelas X SMK Negeri 40 Jakarta dan mendapatkan hasil persentase nilai 91,85%. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa video pembelajaran pengenalan dan pengguanaan dasar toolbox pada Adobe Photoshop layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Dasar Desain Grafis kelas X SMK Negeri 40 Jakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (15) ◽  
pp. e177101522870
Maria Clara Santos Silva ◽  
Anna Elisa Souza Simeão ◽  
Caio Cesar Souza ◽  
Matheus Almeida Rodrigues ◽  
Edeilton Santana de Oliveira Júnior e Bezerra ◽  

Introdução: A limpeza e modelagem, são etapas de extrema importância na instrumentação dos canais radiculares para que se tenha um tratamento endodôntico feito com excelência. Com o objetivo de otimizar o tempo de trabalho e apresentar um material de qualidade, foram criadas as limas de NiTi (Niquel Titânio) que asseguram um tratamento endodôntico com sucesso. Os blocos de acrílico são usados para que tenha uma padronização dos canais simulados. Objetivo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo comparar as limas Reciproc Blue e V-File, após o seu segundo uso. Métodos: foram utilizados 40 blocos de acrílico, divididos em quatro grupos (n=10) de acordo com o número de usos de cada instrumento: REC1, REC2, VF1 e VF2. Antes do preparo do canal radicular, a patência dos canais foi verificada com uma lima K #10. Imagens fotográficas do pré e pós-operatório foram obtidas para posterior sobreposição e análise em software de imagem (Adobe Photoshop CS5.1). A análise estatística foi feita utilizando teste T e o teste Mann Whitney. Resultados: mais resina foi removida do lado externo no começo da curva pelo instrumento Reciproc Blue em todos os pontos examinados (p < 0.05). Em relação a distância de transporte do canal, não houve diferenças significativas em nenhum dos pontos. O instrumento Reciproc Blue apresentou preparos mais largos e menos conservadores. Conclusão: Ambos os instrumentos (Reciproc Blue e V-File) são seguros para o preparo de canais curvos, oferecendo uma limpeza e modelagem eficaz. Contanto o instrumento V-File apresentou preparos mais conservadores.

Horas Karlos Pasaribu ◽  
Sahat Siagian

Abstract This research is generally a research that aims to develop learning multimedia. Multimedia learning is very important in the learning process, good learning multimedia is very effective in the teaching and learning process. Researchers try to develop interactive learning multimedia that can be used in the form of interactive CDs, using several software consisting of Adobe Flash CS6, Adobe Photoshop CS5. Aims to make it easier for students to understand the lesson and also make it easier for educators to deliver lessons. Multimedia learning in this study uses the ADDIE model by using five stages in it which was adapted by Sugiyono. The target of this research is the Expert Lecturer at the State University of Medan. Tests on interactive multimedia by media validators, material validators, and user/acceptance validators showed that the resulting learning multimedia was good with a score of 4.33 for material validation, a score of 4.35 for media validation, and a score of 4.29 for user/acceptance validation. . Keywords: Interactive Multimedia Development, Adobe Flash CS6 Software, Electric Motor Installation. AbstrakPenelitian ini secara umum merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran. Multimedia pembelajaran termasuk hal yang sangat penting dalam proses pembelajaran, multimedia pembelajaran yang baik sangat efektif digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Peneliti mencoba mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif yang dapat digunakan dalam bentuk CD interaktif, menggunakan beberapa software yang terdiri dari Adobe Flash CS6, Adobe Photoshop CS5. Bertujuan untuk memudahkan peserta didik dalam memahami pelajaran dan juga memudahkan pendidik dalam menyampaikan pelajaran. Multimedia pembelajaran pada penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE denggan menggunakan lima tahap di dalamnya yang diadaptasi oleh Sugiyono. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah Dosen Ahli Universitas Negeri Medan. Pengujian terhadap multimedia interaktif oleh validator media, validator materi, dan validator user/akseptansi menunjukkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran yang dihasilkan  baik dengan skor 4,33 untuk validasi materi, skor 4,35 untuk validasi media, dan skor 4,29 untuk validasi user/akseptansi. Kata kunci: Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif, Software Adobe Flash CS6, Instalasi Motor Listrik.

Geneses Tarmizi Manalu ◽  
Uli Basa Sidabutar

AbstrakPenelitian ini secara umum merupakan penelitian yang  bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran. Multimedia pembelajaran termasuk hal yang sangat penting dalam proses pembelajaran, multimedia pembelajaran yang baik sangat efektif digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Peneliti mencoba mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif yang dapat digunakan dalam bentuk CD interaktif, menggunakan beberapa software yang terdiri dari Lectora Inspire, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Bandycam, dan EKTS. Bertujuan untuk memudahkan peserta didik dalam memahami pelajaran dan juga memudahkan pendidik dalam menyampaikan pelajaran. Multimedia pembelajaran pada penelitian ini menggunakan model desain Borg and Gall yang diadaptasi oleh Sugiyono.Sasaran penelitian ini adalah Dosen Ahli Universitas Negeri Medan. Pengujian terhadap multimedia interaktif oleh validator media dan validator materi menunjukkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran yang dihasilkan baik pada validasi materi dengan skor rata-rata 4,6 dan untuk validasi media dengan skor rata-rata 4,3. Maka diperoleh kesimpulan media yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan. Kata Kunci : Pengembangan  Media Interaktif, Software Lectora, Instalasi Penerangan Listrik  Abstract This research is generally a study that aims to develop multimedia learning. Multimedia learning is very important in the learning process, good learning multimedia is very effectively used in the teaching and learning process. Researchers are trying to develop interactive learning multimedia that can be used in the form of interactive CDs, using several software consisting of Lectora Inspire, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Bandycam, and EKTS. It aims to facilitate learners in understanding the lessons and also facilitate educators in delivering lessons. Multimedia learning in this study uses borg and gall design model adapted by Sugiyono.The target of this research is Expert Lecturer of Medan State University. Testing of interactive multimedia by media validators and material validators showed that multimedia learning was generated both on material validation with an average score of 4.6 and for media validation with an average score of 4.3. Then the conclusion of the developed media is worth using.  Keywords: Interactive Media Development, Lectora Software, Electrical Lighting Installation

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. e541101321693
Marcely Reis Silva ◽  
Adolfo de Matos de Carvalho ◽  
Matheus Almeida Rodrigues ◽  
Edeilton Santana de Oliveira Júnior e Bezerra ◽  
Caio Cesar Souza ◽  

Objetivo: A limpeza e modelagem do canal radicular são etapas importantes do tratamento endodôntico, e pode influenciar no sucesso final do tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a modelagem dos instrumentos reciprocantes Wave One Gold (WOG – Dentisply, Maillefer, Baillagues, Suiça) e W-File (WF – TDK, Shenzlen superfine Technology Co, China) em canais radiculares simulados. Materiais e Métodos: foram utilizados 20 blocos de acrílico, divididos em dois grupos (n=10): grupo 1 - WOG; grupo 2 – WF. Antes do preparo do canal radicular, a patência dos canais foi verificada com uma lima K #10. Imagens fotográficas do pré e pós-operatório foram obtidas para posterior sobreposição e análise em software de imagem (Adobe Photoshop CS5.1). A análise estatística foi feita utilizando teste T e o teste Mann Whitney. Resultados: mais resina foi removida do lado externo da curva pelo instrumento Wave One Gold em todos os pontos examinados (p < 0.05). Em relação ao transporte do canal, houve diferenças significativas no orifício do canal (p < 0,05). O instrumento Wave One Gold apresentou preparos mais largos. Concluiu-se que tanto o instrumento Wave One Gold, tanto W-File são seguros para uso em canais curvos, promovendo boa limpeza e modelagem, sendo que o WF obteve preparos mais conservadores.

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