production house
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Marina Rospitasari

The development of the digital world provides ample scope to activists who are also engaged in Documentary Film Industry. In line with the democratic and deliberative spirit, YouTube, one of the social media platforms, has become an alternative media with a strategic positioning to be used by film activists to distribute their works. This research applied literature review and descriptive quantitative content analysis as a methodology. Based on alternative media theory, YouTube is alternative media that filmmakers utilise in the documentary film creative industry. Documentary films are products of the film industry and aspiration, identity struggle, and artistic expression. As a media representation of communication technology, YouTube provides ample opportunities for art activists to convey their critical ideas to voicing marginal groups’ aspirations. Based on reviewing the Watchdoc YouTube account, this research findings that YouTube supports filmmakers to develop interactive documentary and collaborative actions with other strategic stakeholders, such as Production House, NGO, individual activists, social communities, and educational institutions. According to the practising of digital activism, this phenomenon gives another perspective about building an activist network. Activism through the creative documentary industry is not reflected as people mobilisations but building engagement through the product (documentary film).

2021 ◽  
Vol 925 (1) ◽  
pp. 012031
F Y Prabawa ◽  
R Bramawanto

Abstract The current national salt demand in 2021 is 4.6 million tons, 84% of it: for manufacturing purposes. The volume of imported salt reaches 50.29 percent of the national saltavailability. This high import is caused by lack of the industrial salt. In the 2020-2024 RPJMN, the total national salt production target in 2021 is 3 million tons, not enough, due to the natural conditions of high rainfall. KKP and Kemenkomarves are targeting to increase production through intensification and extensification of salt pond land, which is planned to be carried out in Flores and Sumbawa. However, according to our rough calculation, to meet the amount of national salt need, if the choice is the extensification: this will need 20 thousand hectares of newponds. This is hard option to proceed, because there are obstacles: limited land, not all types of land can be used for salt farming, high costs, long land clearing time, and dependence on weather. Plus, the negative impact on the environment from the land conversion. What is the alternative solution?This study aims to figure the solution for improving the industrial salt production. Methods are the analytical descriptive study, collecting data with reference studies, then compiling data for the formulation of the model. Study results: the suitable option to do is the intensification of the salt production. More efforts are needed on the intensification, by increasing the quantity of salt production, parallel with improving its quality, and could continuously producing salt in a full year. To fulfill this, this study recommends a technological engineering approachment, by using a combination of the Japanese Method with the closed system called: the Salt Production House (SPH). The SPH is green and sustainable concept, because it consumes renewable energy, effective and require a small area. This method requires no new land clearing since it could be constructed on the existing salt ponds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  
pp. 545-560
Nurfaiz Firdauzi Ilyas ◽  
Atika Irawan

Raiment is an MSME company engaged in clothing convection which aims to provide convenience through online sales and ordering. However, currently it still does not have its own production house and is still outsourcing by collaborating with other companies in its production, as Raiment's business is considered not to meet expectations from stagnant growth and unstable revenue. Raiment wants to open its own production house so that it does not depend on other companies in its production and can maximize profits. The purpose of this study was to determine the financial feasibility of Raiment to open its own production house. This study uses a qualitative approach through interviews and company historical data as primary data, as well as secondary data from literature reviews, journals, and books. In this study, an analysis of the industry was also carried out through PESTEL analysis and porter's five forces, as well as about the company through SWOT and financial reports. To analyse the problems that exist in the company, a fishbone diagram is used. And to analyse the financial feasibility of the company's strategy to open its own production house using the payback period, net present value, and internal rate of return. The investment in opening a production house will be financed by equity of Rp66,500,000. The results show that Raiment is feasible to open its own production house, with a payback period of 1.4 years, a positive NPV of IDR 235,260,441, and an IRR of 36.08% which is more than the cost of capital of 4.18%. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 731-739
Asima Trismawati Situmeang ◽  
Saidin . ◽  
T. Keizerina Devi A

Moral Rights and Economic Rights are Exclusive Rights that cannot be separated in relation to Copyrights. Copyright protects all forms of work, one of which is Film Script Writing as referred to in Article 40 paragraph (1) of Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright (UUHC). One of the forms of infringement on the copyrighted work of the film script is the reuse of the film script without the permission of the creator, resulting in the loss of the moral rights and economic rights of the creator. The problems in this study are: how to use the principles of Moral Rights and Economic Rights of the Author in claiming protection against Copyright infringement on Film Script Writing, how legal remedies can be taken in the form of legal protection for the Author of Film Script Writing used without permission, and how analysis of the Judge's decision on the violation of Moral Rights for the Creator in the dispute of the film "Benyamin Biang Kerok" based on the decision of the Panel of Judges Number 09/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Cipta/2018/PN Niaga Jkt. Pst. This research is descriptive analytical with a normative juridical approach. Qualitative analysis methods are used to process and analyze research data and then draw conclusions using deductive methods through a normative framework. The results of the research show: the use of the Principles of Moral Rights and Economic Rights of the Creator as a claim for infringement of Copyright is listed in Article 4, Article 5. This right will continue to exist and is eternally attached to the Creator and will continue to apply indefinitely. Legal efforts as a form of legal protection for Film Scripts that are used without permission are to follow the provisions in Article 95 to Article 109 of the UUHC, namely by preventing violations from occurring and through alternative dispute resolution through arbitration or through the Commercial Court. The Plaintiff's lawsuit was declared defeated by the Panel of Judges, due to lack of parties. But the production of the film "Benyamin Biang Kerok" is not determined as a violation of the exclusive rights of the Creator. This decision has not provided justice and provided legal protection for the Plaintiff as the author of the original manuscript and it is feared that the same violation will continue to occur in the future. Suggestions that can be given include: in providing explanations and strengthening the importance of the Creator's Exclusive Rights, it is necessary to have awareness, socialization and public education so as not to use other people's creations carelessly. Legal efforts to prevent infringement of film script writing is to conduct socialization in the film industry and other related creative industries. Against a decision that has not provided legal protection for the Plaintiff, the Panel of Judges must also determine that the defendant has violated the exclusive rights of the Plaintiff's written film script and stipulates compensation for the violation of exclusive rights committed. Keywords: Legal Protection, Moral Rights, Economic Rights, The Author, Copyrights,Film Script Writing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 390
Nurul Safiqah Jonit ◽  
Mardona Mardona ◽  
Gustia Herliana ◽  
Sari Wulan ◽  
Nadia Fathurrahmi Lawita

PEDAS AJAR merupakan singkatan dari Pemulung Cerdas Muara Fajar yang  menjadi mitra pada program yang dilaksanakan. Kegiatan ini menjadi bentuk perhatian pemuda selaku mahasiswa  terhadap perekonomian masyarakat kecil yang notabennya adalah pemulung, dalam agenda yang direncanakan berlangsung selama tiga bulan, tim PEDAS AJAR  bermaksud untuk memberikan pelatihan atau mentoring kepada kelompok pemulung yang  berdasarkan yang dikategorikan sebagai masyarakat dengan pendapatan minim, dengan demikian TIM PEDAS AJAR memberikan pendampingan dan pelatihan dengan bantuan mentor untuk mengelola dan mengolah sampah plastik menjadi barang yang bernilai jual tinggi, sehingga pola perekonomian masyarakat berubah yang awalnya hanya mengumpulkan kemudian dijual, namun  menjadi mengumpulkan, menggolah dan menjual sehingga hasil produk olahan dapat memiliki nilai jual yang lebih tinggi. Pada kegiatan nantinya akan ada peresmian rumah produksi sebagai luaran dari kegiatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat pengelolan dari daur ulang sampah plastik oleh mitra. Dalam pelaksanaannya target yang ditetapakan tidak hanya pemulung dalam ketegori remaja hingga dewasa namun juga mentargetkan anak-anak pemulung untuk diberikan motivasi agar tetap bersekolah dan melanjutkan pendidikan hingga menggapai impian yang diinginkan, dimana sesi motivasi ini juga diselingi dengan games serta sharing pengalaman yang didampingi oleh tim, program ini disebut Program Kakak Asuh. Selain program Mentoring Pemulung dan program Kakak Asuh, program lain yang dilaksanakan  adalah program sosialisasi dan pemeriksaan kesehatan hal ini dianggap penting untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat yang kesehariannya berbaur dengan sampah yang ada di TPA ( Tempat Pembuangan Akhir ) agar tetap memelihara kebersihan lingkungan sekitar untuk terciptanya masyarakat sehat yang produktif. Program- program yang diusung dalam PEDAS AJAR ini juga sebagai bentuk dari pengimplementasian mewujudkan SDGs / TPB atau Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan.Kata Kunci: Mentoring, Kakak Asuh, Sosialisasi dan Periksaan kesehatan, meningkatkan pendapatan , mengapai impian dan lingkungan sehat, SDGs/TPB.Intelligent Scavengers of Estuary of Dawn ABSTRACTPEDAS AJAR stands for Smart Pemulung Muara Fajar who is a partner in the program being implemented. This activity is a form of attention from youth as students to the economy of small communities who in fact are scavengers, in an agenda that is planned to last for three months, the PEDAS AJAR team intends to provide training or mentoring to scavenger groups based on those categorized as people with minimal income, thus The PEDAS AJAR TEAM provides assistance and training with the help of mentors to manage and process plastic waste into items of high selling value, so that the community's economic pattern changes which initially only collects and then sells, but becomes collecting, processing and selling so that the processed products can have a selling value. higher. In the activity, there will be an inauguration of a production house as an output of the activity that can be used as a place for managing plastic waste recycling by partners. In its implementation, the targets set are not only scavengers in the category of teenagers to adults but also targeting scavengers' children to be given motivation to stay in school and continue their education to achieve the desired dreams, where this motivational session is also interspersed with games and sharing experiences accompanied by the team. , this program is called Foster Sister Program. In addition to the Scavenger Mentoring program and the Foster Brothers program, other programs implemented are the socialization program and health checks. These are considered important to provide education to the community who mix with the waste in the TPA (Final Disposal Site) in order to maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment for productive healthy society. The programs carried out in PEDAS AJAR are also a form of implementing the SDGs/TPB or Sustainable Development Goals.Keywords: Mentoring, Foster Brothers, Socialization and Health Checkups, increasing income, achieving dreams and a healthy environment, SDGs/TPB.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Rizki Azandika Erdiantama ◽  
Hafid Setyo Hadi

Domade Maha Promosindo merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa advertising / periklanan, event production house. Berdasarkan yang diutarakan oleh bapak (Jati, 2020). Domade memfokuskan terjun kedalam dunia media branding Out Of Home ( OOH ) karena dari 2018 – 2019 mereka sudah berhasil memasarkan beberapa produk tersebut. Selain itu Domade juga ingin menambah akses media iklan mereka dalam bidang sarana dan prasarana. Karena beberapa klien mereka beranggapan bahwa mereka membutuhkan media yang baru untuk dapat menarik konsumen bagi brand mereka. Melihat dari sisi ini, Domade mulai merambat media iklan mereka ke dalam fasilitas umum. Halte menjadi salah satu sasaran utama Domade dalam memasarkan suatu brand. Karena halte dianggap memiliki engagement yang berbeda dari media iklan lainnya.Dalam mempromosikan media halte ini, Domade menggunakan media rate card yang berbentuk booklet dan juga menjadi target marker pada aplikasi media promosi berbasis Augmented Reality. Domade akan memberikan gambaran sketsa kasar model halte yang akan dijadikan kedalam bentuk objek 3D. Selanjutnya dalam proses produksi pembuatan aset 3D dikerjakan menggunakan software Cinema 4D dan aset 2D menggunakan Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, untuk proses pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan software Unity 3D beserta plugin Vuforia sebagai database Augmented Reality dengan software pendukung pembuatan aplikasi android seperti SDK, JDK, dan software lainnya. Aplikasi ini telah diuji coba pada empat perangkat dengan rincian percobaan mulai dari loading screen, membuka info, menu tutorial, mendeteksi hingga kembali ke menu utama. Karya ini adalah gagasan utama dari penulis yang dapat diperbaharui lagi kedepannya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-38
Sharan Sharmila ◽  
Jha Vibhuti

Being universal phenomenon, stress is experienced in everyday human life especially among individuals who work in different industrial set-ups at various levels of jobs. With changing work expectations, competition & environment, increasing workloads and work place politics, stress has become an integral part of employees’ life and affects individual performance. Also, due to an employee’s psychological and physiological reactions to work situation factors directly or indirectly influence the stress to appears, as resultant. Though certain level of work stress instigates the efficiency of work in positive but more stress causes negative impact on individual employee and in turn to organization too. Employees handle such stress without letting it influence their performances but fail to do so with growing work stress beyond certain level. On organization side, it also depends upon type of industry and nature of competition faced by the organization in market. On individual side, this stress impact on performance varies with work experience, demographics and length of service years. In order or assess workplace stress and its influence on individual employee, this study is done on a garment manufacturing organization in India, which is prone to high work stress due to its competitive nature of business.

Panji Nandiasa Ananda Mukadis

<p>Tidak setiap saat bisa kita temukan sebuah film pendek Indonesia menghasilkan perbincangan yang masif seperti film <em>Tilik</em>. Film pendek karya dari sutradara Wahyu Agung Prasetyo dan diproduki oleh Ravacana Films, sebuah rumah produksi berbasis komunitas di Yogyakarta memperoleh dua juta <em>views </em>di Youtube per 21 Agustus 2020. Awal diunggah sejak 17 Agustus 2020 film <em>Tilik</em> telah menarik banyak penonton hingga menghasilkan puluhan ribu <em>views</em>. Setelah beberapa hari jumlah <em>views</em> meningkat berkali lipat usai mendapat beragam reaksi dan akhirnya menghasilkan <em>views</em> beratus kali lipat,  juga perbincangan yang terus berdengung di media sosial. Perbincangan yang terus bergulir mengenai <em>Tilik</em> kemudian menghasilkan peliputan lanjutan di media daring, cetak, maupun liputan di televisi yang tidak main-main nilainya bila dihitung secara <em>nilai Public Relations (PR Value).</em> Apa yang terjadi pada <em>Tilik</em> bukan lahir begitu saja melainkan hasil hasil dari strategi digital dan didasari teknis yang memadai serta pilihan-pilihan dalam alur cerita yang membuatnya menjadi bahan perbincangan di media sosial. Bicara tentang jumlah views dan perbincangan seputar film Tilik kita juga perlu memperhatikan kondisi sosial masyarakat saat film ini beredar secara daring  Tidak lupa sebagai sebuah film, <em>Tilik</em> juga harus dilihat konteks yang dibawa, konteks yang memberinya bekal yang cukup untuk menanamkan menghasilkan traksi pada awal dan berbagai modal untuk jadi bahan perbincangan hari-hari pertama sejak film ini ditayangkan di Youtube.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Film Pendek, Youtube, Media Sosial, Konten Viral, Pemasaran Digital</p><p> </p><p><em>An Indonesian short film produced massive conversations like the film Tilik which is rarely found in our daily lives.A film directed by Wahyu Agung Prasetio and produced by Ravacana Films, a community-based production house in Yogyakarta had gained two million views on YouTube per 21 August 2020. The first day it was uploaded 17 August 2020, it had gained many tractions until around 30K views, and then different kind of reactions multiply the number of viewers and conversation that also attract coverages from national media, online, offline, and also chose to be content for several television program, some coverage that is so pricey if we talk about Public Relations (PR) Value aspect.. The phenomena of Tilik is not for coming without reason, it came from some specific situation and then supported with good product material, and digital strategy. Talking about the number of its views we cannot cease to discuss the social condition around the society at that time. As a film, we cannot ignore the context of Tilik, context that had given it enough resource to gain traction from relevant people and communities. Context that had also gave it enough conversation materials the first days it was published on YouTube.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Short Film</em><em>, Youtube, </em><em>Social Media</em><em>, </em><em>Viral Content</em><em>, Digital Marketing</em></p>

Januar Ivan ◽  
Agung Eko Budi Waspada ◽  
Elda Franzia Jasjfi

<p>Abstrak</p><p><em>YouTube </em>merupakan media video digital yang digunakan untuk melihat tayangan hiburan, berita, pembelajaran dan lain-lain, dimana penggunanya berada pada usia 19-34 tahun. Dengan banyaknya tayangan video yang tersebar, namun apakah memiliki edukasi yang sesuai dengan pembelajaran saat ini?. Mahasiswa saat ini sebagai generasi Z atau <em>iGeneration, </em>terutama mahasiswa bidang studi DKV<em> </em>sangat memaksimalkan <em>YouTube </em>sebagai kebutuhan belajar. Maka dari itu, dibutuhkannya video materi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (R.P.S) mahasiswa/i DKV. Metode yang digunakan adalah <em>Design Thinking.</em> Meninjau mahasiswa/i dikelas, dan media video <em>YouTube </em>konten pembelajaran<em>. </em>Wawancara dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa/i di kelas, kepada praktisi rumah produksi mengenai tahapan untuk membuat sebuah karya video. Pada akhirnya, bahwa mahasiswa/i mata kuliah Multimedia Dasar mendapati kesulitan, diantaranya dalam proses pencarian data di media video <em>YouTube, </em>menggunakan bahasa inggris, penjelasan yang sulit untuk diaplikasikan dalam tugas. Video yang sesuai dengan mahasiswa/i, yang dapat menyampaikan informasi dengan bahasa sederhana, agresif, visual yang menarik dan dinamis, dapat diterima melalui indera penglihatan dan pendengaran menurut sifat dan karakter generasi Z. Strategi video materi pembelajaran yang disampaikan menggunakan narasi materi pembelajaran (gaya video generasi Z) melalui tahap pembukaan, penjelasan materi, visualisasi materi dan penutup. Semua tahapan ini diolah menjadi karya visual video melalui produksi dan pasca produksi</p><p><strong><em>Keyword:</em> generasi z, strategi video, video pembelajaran, <em>Design Thinking, YouTube</em>.</strong></p><p> </p><p>Abstract</p><p><em>YouTube</em> is a digital video media platform where one can view entertainment, news, education, and many other shows with a userbase mostly in the age range of 19-34 years old. Considering the website has so many videos, does it have enough educational value for today’s learning process? Today’s university students are considered as part of <em>Generation Z</em> or <em>iGeneration</em>, and they use websites like <em>YouTube</em> as part of their studies, especially those majoring in Visual Communication Design. Therefore, it necessitates videos containing relevant subject matters for Visual Communication Design students. The method used is <em>design thinking</em>. Students of Basic Multimedia class are observed in class, including their learning content on <em>YouTube</em>. The students are then interviewed about any difficulties they might have had while using the platform, such as browsing through the website’s contents, using the English language, and any explanations or wordings that might be difficult to apply in their studies. A production house practitioner was also interviewed regarding the process of making videos. The videos need to be able to convey information with simple and aggressive language, along with interesting and dynamic visuals that can easily be accepted by <em>Generation Z</em> students. The strategy used for this type of learning is narration of subject matter (<em>Generation Z</em> video style) consisting of an opening, explanation of the subject matter, visualization of the subject matter, and a conclusion. All these steps are used to make educational videos through the processes of production and post-production.</p><p><strong>Keywords: <em>Generation Z</em>, video strategy, educational video, <em>design thinking, YouTube</em></strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 778 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
V K Putri ◽  
T S Pitana ◽  
W Setyaningsih

Abstract This research will reveal clarity about the sustainability of the traditional house of Kudus which is used as a house for the jenang industry. The Kudus traditional house or it can be called the joglo pencu house is a house that has a blend of acculturation with local Javanese Pesisiran characters. This character is the result of the cultural process of the Kudus community. The culture of making the traditional house of the Kudus as a residence has developed into a forum for household business activities or Home Based Enterprises (HBE), namely the Kudus jenang industry. The traditional house has been used for jenang industrial activities for generations. The Kudus traditional house is still used as a jenang production house, even though the development of buildings and technology is currently progressing. This paper discusses what factors make the jenang industry still maintain traditional houses for jenang production activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that make traditional houses still function as jenang industrial production houses. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method of the Kudus traditional house. The results of this study will show that there is an effort to maintain the traditional house of the Kudus by developing socio-economic activities.

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