scholarly journals Studi Literatur Kode Etik Konseling Online

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 168
Mariana Puspa Sari ◽  
Happy Karlina Marjo

This study aims to explain the code of ethics for online counseling by integrating information technology in guidance and counseling services. This research method is a literature study using secondary data sources collected through textbooks, e-books, scientific articles, websites, and other sources relevant to the research problem which are then analyzed descriptively. The result of this study is the rapid development of technology in various fields, which has an impact on the integration of the counseling process in the technology. Through technological intermediaries, counseling no longer has to be done face-to-face. Among the advantages and disadvantages of online counseling, the professional code of ethics for counselors still needs to be maintained. One form of supervision is supervision. Counselors, both online and face-to-face counseling, are required to improve their ability to deal with counselee problems in accordance with the provisions of Permendikbud No. 111 of 2014.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-21
Resti Okta Sari

During in COVID-19 pandemic, counselors switched the face-to-face counseling process to online counseling or in terms of guidance and counseling, namely cyber counseling. The application of cyber counseling services can be the right solution when psychological problems require immediate resolution. This cyber counseling service can also be applied by education counselors. This research was conducted to determine the application of cyber counseling during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the counseling process and media used by counselors. The method used in this research a literature study. The results show that the cyber counseling process is almost the same as the face-to-face counseling process, but several things need to be considered, such as the preparation stage which includes the availability of supporting and adequate hardware and software. Furthermore, the media used by cyber counseling can be in the form of applications, websites, telephones, chat what apps and video conferencing, and other social media. The advantages of cyber counseling can be accessed anywhere and in an adjustable time, the counselor can reach a wider range of counselees. Counselees and counselors can carry out the counseling process when and where by mutual agreement, although in the counseling process it is sometimes without signs and physical the counselee is easier to express thoughts and feelings. The weakness is that the diagnosis is less accurate and the intervention is less effective because the instructions and directions are given are less specific and non-verbal information becomes difficult to provide. Keywords: Cyber Counseling, COVID-19 Pandemic.  

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Mardy Handika ◽  
Happy Karlina Marjo

This study aims to describe the ethics of implementing online-based counseling using media and technology during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method uses literature review by collecting reading materials from various sources with readings, comparing theories and research results regarding the use of technology media in the implementation of counseling, which are then analyzed descriptively. The result of this literature review is that the implementation of guidance and counseling using media and technology provides advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are related to the convenience obtained by BK / Counselor teachers in pre, implementation and post implementation of BK activities related to administration or guidance and counseling services. While the disadvantages are regarding public trust regarding the competence of implementing online counseling and the limitations of the media in its implementation, so that the maximum application of ethics in the implementation of online counseling is needed in order to anticipate the losses incurred.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rizqi Lestari ◽  
Budi Astuti ◽  
Caraka Putra Bhakti

Online learning is one of education methods that uses internet access and technological devices as a medium of communication between teachers and students. The teacher can use online learning during a pandemic that requires students and teachers to do physical distancing or during the industrial revolution 4.0 that implements technology in various fields of life. Online learning has several advantages and disadvantages, especially concerning the student conditions and learning effectiveness. This research was a literature review of the teacher’s strategy to achieve successful online learning. Teachers need to develop strategies for successful online learning. Teachers can use audio-visual show to attract students' interests, not give too many assignments, and provide contextual tasks that are relevant to students’ daily life. Guidance and counseling teachers can carry out preventive services in collaboration with school principals and teachers to collect data of students who do not have access to technology devices. The teacher also could conduct online group discussions to increase students’ interaction and reduce boredom learning. Furthermore, the teacher could implement curative services through online counseling services to overcome problems in online learning.

10.29210/1400 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Ifdil Ifdil ◽  
Zadrian Ardi

The development of technology has changed the lives of the world as well as counseling. Counseling is not only face to face (FTF) in a confined space, but it can be done through distance format in assistive technology that online counseling. Counseling is an integral part of e-counseling services. Various applications have been developed to support the implementation of BK in Indonesia, as well as with use of other technologies that can support the implementation of guidance and counseling services. E-counseling services in general and in particular online counseling are an alternative attempt to do by counselors in an effort to prevent, reduce and eliminate the problem. Counselors should have a mastery of the technology and has a minimum competency in the administration of e-counseling services, at least insights about e-counseling services. This article will present a variety of things with regard to e-counseling service specifically about online counseling

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 275
Dedi Putra

The implementation of court in Indonesia has not fulfilled as expected because any parties involving in court has a lack of capacity, consistency, and integrity to provide legal service seriously. Some people assume that court services are not still optimal. To settle the problems, the Supreme Court just has officially issued Regulation No. 1 of 2019 regarding the Administration of Cases and Legal Proceedings in Courts via Electronic Means on 8 August 2019. This regulation is believed as an appropriate solution to face those problems. To elaborate more, this study illustrates a judicial reform in Indonesia, e-court, and access to justice, the conception of e-court including the performance of e-court and its drawbacks and challenges in the digital era. The research method uses normative research by approaching legal review and literature study. The technique of primary data collection applies Supreme Court regulation while means of secondary data are collected from concept or theory as set out under bibliography. Judicial reform in Indonesia is indicated by issuing new regulation regarding e-Court and e-Litigation, the implementation e-Court itself has been attributed to 32 courts consisting of general religious, and state administrative courts. Through e-Court, access to justice more transparent and accessible. Besides, justice seekers have no worries regarding distance issues as of e-Court may allow them to fight in court without face to face. Parties have no doubt relating to the acceleration of court to settle any dispute in Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 68 ◽  
Adel Tannous

Technology and the use of internet has taken counseling service beyond the face-to-face to online counseling services. Online counseling has been available and widely used as more people are going online. Therefore this research aims to examine the perceptions of University of Jordan students toward online counseling. A sample of 210 respondents were selected to complete online questionnaire that contains two aspects of knowledge about and attitude toward online Counseling. The results of the study indicated that respondents have adequate information about the field of online counseling. However, face to face counseling was not the first preferences for most of the respondents. They have a positive attitude and a high level of preferring toward online counseling, and they believe that online counseling is an essential part of their way to deal with daily life problems. The results also indicated that social media is most effective way that help respondents to get online counseling, and it has tremendous effect on respondent's life. 

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Gracela Neoh ◽  
Roswita Oktavianti

Sexual harassment of women often occurs in Indonesia and is disturbing to society. Based on Komnas Perempuan's 2016 Annual Records, there were 16,217 documented cases of sexual harassment. Along with the times, sexual harassment has penetrated into the digital realm, namely one case of sexual harassment in cyberspace that occurred in 2020 by X baristas. The employee uses Closed Circuit Television to peek at the breasts of female customers and spreads through social media. Based on this case, Komnas Perempuan conducted organizational communication by stating that the actions of former X employees included sexual harassment by means of violence by verbally displaying women's bodies without consent. The formulation of the research problem is how Komnas Perempuan's organizational communication is in addressing the resolution of cases of sexual harassment by X baristas. Based on the theoretical study, this research has used organizational communication theory, public relations, and Komnas Perempuan. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods through case studies by collecting data in the form of interviews, documentation, and literature study. The results of this study, Komnas Perempuan conducted internal communication by suggesting X to restore a safe space and external communication by responding to journalists through groups on instant messaging applications by maintaining a code of ethics to protect victims.Pelecehan seksual kepada kaum perempuan kerap terjadi di Indonesia dan meresahkan masyarakat. Berdasarkan Catatan Tahunan Komnas Perempuan tahun 2016 terdapat 16.217 kasus pelecehan seksual yang berhasil didokumentasikan. Seiring perkembangan zaman, pelecehan seksual merambah ke ranah digital. Salah satu kasus pelecehan seksual di dunia maya terjadi pada tahun 2020 dilakukan oleh barista kafe X. Pegawai tersebut menggunakan kamera pengawas untuk mengintip payudara pelanggan perempuan dan menyebarkan melalui media sosial. Berdasarkan kasus tersebut, Komnas Perempuan melakukan komunikasi organisasi dengan menyatakan tindakan mantan pegawai kafe X tersebut termasuk pelecehan seksual dengan bentuk kekerasan, dengan cara mempertontonkan secara verbal tubuh perempuan tanpa persetujuan. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana komunikasi organisasi Komnas Perempuan dalam menyikapi penyelesaian kasus pelecehan seksual barista X. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskripsif kualitatif melalui studi kasus dengan mengumpulkan data berupa wawancara, dokumentasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Komnas Perempuan melakukan komunikasi internal dengan menyarankan perusahaan atau kafe X mengembalikan ruang aman pada pelanggan. Komunikasi eksternal dilakukan dengan memberikan tanggapan kepada wartawan melalui grup pada aplikasi pesan instan. Tanggapan tersebut diberikan dengan tetap menjaga kode etik untuk melindungi korban.

Nur'aeni Nasifah ◽  
Siska Lis Sulistiani ◽  
Yayat Rahmat Hidayat

Abstract. Sale and purchase is transaction that often done by individual or group because there is a transfer of ownership between goods and assets. In practice, sale and purchase is not only done by face to face but also can be done online, as in the case of the sale and purchase of suppliers data at Agen Fashion. This study aims to find out how the transaction practice is and how Islamic law and ITE Law point of view are, whether it is accordance to the laws or not. This research uses qualitative method with normative juridical approach and literature study. The main sources in this study are secondary data that support this research, such as Alquran, Hadith, and the ITE Law. The interviews as data collection techniques are conducted as supplementary data. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis. The results of this study are the transaction is not  accordance with the terms of sale and purchase in Islamic law because there is a lack of clarity (gharar) on the quality of the object and is not accordance as well as the clause no. 9 of the ITE Law because the seller did not explain the object completely.Keywords: Sale and Purchase, Islamic Law, ITE Law, GhararAbstrak. Jual beli merupakan bentuk transaksi yang sering dilakukan oleh tiap individu atau kelompok karena dalam jual beli terdapat perpindahan kepemilikan antara barang dan harta untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Pada praktiknya, jual beli tidak hanya dilakukan secara bertatap muka melainkan dapat dilakukan secara online, seperti halnya pada jual beli data supplier di Agen Fashion. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktik jual beli data supplier di Agen Fashion serta bagaimana hukum Islam dan Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik memandang praktik jual beli data supplier tersebut, apakah telah sesuai dengan hukum yang menjadi pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini atau belum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan studi kepustakaan. Sumber utama dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang mendukung penelitian ini, yaitu Alquran, Hadis, dan UU ITE. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara dilakukan sebagai data pelengkap. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu descriptive analysis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah transaksi yang terjadi di Agen Fashion tidak sesuai dengan syarat jual beli dalam hukum Islam karena terdapat ketidakjelasan (gharar) pada kualitas objek transaksi, dan tidak sesuai dengan Pasal 9 dalam UU ITE karena pelaku usaha tidak menjelaskan secara lengkap terkait objek yang ditawarkan.Kata Kunci: Jual Beli, Hukum Islam, UU ITE, Gharar

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-101
Desi Alawiyah ◽  
Hayatul Khairul Rahmat ◽  
Syahti Pernanda

The complexity of the problems faced by students today, of course, is followed by the endurance of the individual both physically and psychologically. Therefore, a counselor should have sufficient insight, knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes in carrying out guidance and counseling services for all types of diversity in order to create a professional counselor. Therefore, this paper tries to identify the ethical concepts and attitudes of professional counselors in guidance and counseling so that later professional counselors are formed in terms of ethics, attitudes, and personal qualities of the counselors. This writing uses a literature study approach and content analysis techniques. The findings in this paper are (1) the counselor's professional ethics are the rules of behavior that become a reference for the counselor in carrying out his duties or responsibilities in providing guidance and counseling services to the counselee; (2) the counselor's professional attitude includes being responsible, caring about professional identity and professional development, having an awareness of commitment, being skilled at using special techniques developed on the basis of broad insights and scientific principles, understanding and managing personal and professional strengths and limitations. and maintaining objectivity and maintaining the counselee's problems, and (3) the efforts made by the counselor in developing his professional attitude and ethics, namely by developing attitudes during pre-service education and developing attitudes during his tenure

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
Awalya Awalya ◽  
Yudhi Purwa Nugraha ◽  
Endang Rifani ◽  
Angga Yuda Meilanda ◽  
Rudianto Jati Widigdo

<p>During the COVID-19 pandemic, guidance and counseling teachers are demanded to keep running counseling services using various alternatives of online learning applications. At the same time, parents as the main assistants in the online counseling process should actively encourage their children to have active participation. It is because the majority of parents consider that all the things related to school activities are totally teachers’ responsibility. Thus, the present study attempted to find, reveal, and describe the role of parents in the implementation of supporting technology for online counseling services during the COVID-19 pandemic. To do so, the researchers adopted an online survey method and cross-sectional technique to analyze the data of 350 student's parents in Semarang Regency as the respondents of this study. Generally, the findings indicated that parents with high level of understanding tend to provide great support for the online counseling services given to their children.</p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0952/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

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