scholarly journals The urgence of the code of conduct of the professional advocate in Indonesia

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 368-373
Citra Alambara ◽  
Made Warka ◽  
Slamet Suhartono

This research is a normative legal research, namely research that focuses on the study or study of positive law. The Advocate profession is related to the task of serving the community to help solve the legal problems it faces.  In carrying out their duties, advocates are guided by the Law on Advocates, but the norms of the law are considered insufficient, because the advocate profession is related to behavior that is not infrequently influenced by the moral ethics of advocates in every decision making. For this reason, in carrying out their duties, they still need an ethical guide as a guide in carrying out their professional duties. In this regard, the Advocate Professional Code of Ethics is very much needed in guiding the behavior of Advocates in making decisions and ethical behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Pipin Nur Janah

ABSTRAKHakim merupakan salah satu penegak hukum yang menurut Undang-Undang bertugas mengadili perkara di Pengadilan. Dalam Menjalankan Profesinya harus sesuai dengan aturan yang disebut juga dengan Kode Etik Hakim. Adanya ketentuan Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim diatur dalam Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) Nomor 047/KMA/SKB/IV/2009 dan Nomor 02/SKB/P.KY/IV/2009 tentang Kode Etik dan Pedoman Perilaku Hakim yang menerangkan mengenai Kode etik yang harus di patuhi oleh hakim dan harus ada keefektifan dalam menajalankan profesinya. Walaupun terdapat kode etik, tidak menutut kemungkinan bahwa ada hakim yang nantinya lalai  yang kemudian melanggar kode etik profesi hakim itu sendiri. Dalam penerapan sanksinya pun harus sepadan dan sesuai dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan. Artikel ilmiah ini menggunakan  metode penelitian  ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan hukum normatif atau penelitian kepustakaan. Sedangkan metode pengumpulan data dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah ini dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap pihak yang terkait.Kode etik tersebut menjadi suatu keefektifan tersendiri bagi hakim khususnya di Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan dalam menjalankan profesinya, dilihat dari hakim yang memang melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang sesuai dengan Kode Etik Profesi Hakim. Namun. apabila melanggar terdapat sanksi yang diberikan walaupun hakim juga termasuk salah satu penegak umum dilingkup Mahkamah Agung, sanksi yang diberikan berbeda-beda yakni sanksi ringan, sanksi sedang dan sanksi berat. Hal ini disesuaikan dengan ringan beratnya pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh hakim. Tidak ada sanksi pelaporan pelanggaran yang diajukan masyarakat Bangkalan ke Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan, hal ini membuktikan hakim dilingkup Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan mematuhi kode etik yang berlaku. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan keefektifan dalam mengimplementasikan adanya Kode Etik Profesi sesuai dengan Pedoman memang benar-benar dipatuhi serta tidak ada sanksi pula yang dilanggar oleh Hakim yang ada di Pengadilan Agama Bangkalan.Kata Kunci : Hakim, Kode Etik, Efektivitas, Sanksi.  ABSTRACTThe judge is one of the law enforcers who according to the Law is tasked with hearing cases in the Court. In carrying out his profession must be in accordance with the rules, also called the Judges' Code of Ethics. The provisions of the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Judges are regulated in the Joint Decree (SKB) Number 047 / KMA / SKB / IV / 2009 and Number 02 / SKB / P.KY / IV / 2009 concerning the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct for Judges which explains the Code ethics that must be obeyed by the judge and there must be effectiveness in managing his profession. Even though there is a code of ethics, it does not undermine the possibility that there will be judges who will be negligent who then violate the professional code of justice itself. In applying the sanctions must be commensurate and in accordance with the violations committed. This scientific article uses this research method, the author uses a normative legal approach or library research. While the method of collecting data in writing scientific articles is by conducting interviews with related parties.The code of ethics has become a special effectiveness for judges, especially in the Bangkalan Religious Court in carrying out their profession, seen from judges who indeed carry out their duties and authority in accordance with the Professional Code of Ethics for Judges. However. if there is a sanction violated, even though the judge is also included as one of the general enforcers in the scope of the Supreme Court, the sanctions are different, namely mild sanctions, medium sanctions and severe sanctions. This is adjusted to the severity of the violations committed by the judge. There are no sanctions for reporting violations submitted by Bangkalan people to the Bangkalan Religious Court, this proves that judges in Bangkalan Religious Courts comply with the applicable code of ethics. So it can be concluded that the Bangkalan Religious Court's effectiveness in implementing the existence of the Professional Ethics Code in accordance with the Guidelines was really obeyed and there were no sanctions that were violated by Judges in the Bangkalan Religious Court.Keywords: Judge, Code of Ethics, Effectiveness, Sanctions.

Authentica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-118
Putri Mayasari

Notarial Legal Services for free to people cannot afford is one of the notary obligations which regulated in the Statute and Notary Code of Ethics, even tough most people assume that people who use Notary services are usually those who are financially capable, so it is very rare to find anyone not able to ask for free notary services, but the rule still exists and until now there has been no further explanation about the limits and procedures for its application, so giving rise to different comprehension in each of the Notaries, likewise happen in Cilacap Regency. Need to know wheter the regulation has comply the purposive of the law and the application of the regulation in Cilacap Regency. Study with the legal research with the statute approach and conceptual approach then analyzed qualitatively. The government should be able to immediately make implementing regulations from these provisions, the organization should also be more aggressive in socializing. This rule is expected to be applied to the deed of establishment of business entities in accordance with government programs.Keywords: Free Notariatan Legal Services, Notaries

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-40
Haris Djayadi

The purpose of this study is first to find out the pattern of dispute resolution in the franchise practice of Teh Poci, the second is to describe what the ideal pattern should be. In accordance with the characteristics of the existing problems, the most relevant form of approach to analyzing the above problems is empirical legal research. This research sees law as a reality in society, meaning how the law is practiced. The settlement of default on the agreement in the Tea Poci product franchise business in Ponorogo is the cancellation of the contract as a result of default and is settled on the principle of peace, namely by consulting and negotiation techniques. Ideally, under such a mechanism the franchisor should develop an internal procedure for handling complaints. However, this procedure is not stipulated in the franchise agreement and meets certain minimum standards. This standard should provide a procedure for resolving disputes. If a dispute arises, either party can initiate a complaint handling procedure under the Code of Conduct, or under a franchise agreement.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah pertama untuk mengetahui pola penyelesaian sengketa dalam praktek waralaba Teh Poci, kedua untuk mendeskripsikan pola yang ideal yang seharusnya. Sesuai dengan karakteristik permasalahan yang ada, bentuk pendekatan yang paling relevan untuk menganalisis permasalahan di atas adalah penelitian hukum empiris. Penelitian ini melihat hukum sebagai realitas dalam masyarakat, artinya bagaimana hukum itu dipraktikkan. Penyelesaian wanprestasi atas kesepakatan dalam usaha waralaba produk Teh Poci di Ponorogo adalah batalnya akad akibat wanprestasi dan diselesaikan dengan prinsip damai yaitu dengan teknik konsultasi dan negosiasi. Idealnya, di bawah mekanisme seperti itu pemilik waralaba harus mengembangkan prosedur internal untuk menangani keluhan. Namun, prosedur ini tidak diatur dalam perjanjian waralaba dan memenuhi standar minimum tertentu. Standar ini harus menyediakan prosedur untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan. Jika timbul perselisihan, salah satu pihak dapat memulai prosedur penanganan keluhan berdasarkan Kode Etik, atau berdasarkan perjanjian waralaba.

Yasir Nasution ◽  
Alyasa’ Abubakar ◽  

The development of waqf assets in the form of adding the function of waqf is a new phenomenon in the problems of Islamic law jurisprudence even in positive law in Indonesia. In national law (positive), Indonesia has regulated this issue with the existence of laws and government regulations regarding waqf both movable and immovable waqf assets, even in its development every property in waqf must have an Deed and / or certificate. Whereas in Islamic jurisprudence, the development of waqf assets in the form of additional functions is one of the problems that can be said to be new, it needs legal conclusions and even has to be seen from various theoretical concepts such as maqashidu sharia. Therefore this research will examine the issue of developing waqf assets based on the Waqf Law and maqashid syari'ah. This research is an empirical legal research using a sociological legal approach, with data collection through documentation and interviews. The results of the research show that the development of waqf assets is permitted according to the law, but with the stipulated conditions, besides that the development of waqf assets is also permissible in Islamic jurisprudence as long as it is solely for reasons in accordance with the concept of maqasidu syari'ah and the point is to seek maslahat.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 314
Andi Pratono ◽  
Tjempaka Tjempaka

Indonesia is the law of state or law state, as a law state country, Indonesia must have 3(three) important element such as legal certainty, justice, and expediency. Those main elements represent all the law state. In community, people everyday acts always relate to legal act, such as contract, buying or selling object that promised. To ensure those legal act have the ability perfect proof power, those legal act poured in the form of deed. In buying and selling land, a deed of sale and purchase must be made in front authorized official like land deed officer. However land deed officer as public official do make mistake on duty, with the result that party at a disadvantage. Party that loss because of mistake land deed officer, do ask for responsibility by suing the land deed officer to compensate the losses. Land deed officer in carrying out their duties must apply the precautionary principle so as to minimize any mistakes in making the deed. Author is using normative legal research methods, supported by a data which is theory and interviews some expert in land deed officer and Code of Ethics. The legal consequences to the land deed officer due the legal acts are against the law, which is a sanction will be given. The sanction will divided in three types such as sanction according to the Civil Law, Criminal Law and Code of Ethics or Government Regulation about land deed officer.


Positive law states, drug users are criminals because it has met the qualifications in the law of narcotics, narcotic offenses such as drug abuse in the study of criminology can be classified as a crime without a victim or a victimless crime. This is because they will become dependent on illicit goods (narcotics), the way it deems appropriate to cure the addiction is to rehabilitate the victims of drug abuse For law journal writing, the writer uses normative legal research with one character is using secondary data, where the data consists of primary legal materials, legal materials and secondary legal materials tertiary. And the theoretical foundation that is used is the law, norms and theories appropriate to the problem The results reveal the writing on the rehabilitation policy on Narcotics has been strictly regulated in Chapter IX legislation, policies were aimed at drug addicts and victims of drug abuse, arguing that victims of drug abuse is a victim of crime narcotics and therefore the appropriate sanctions to be meted out to him is the rehabilitation of the victims will be able to return to society and become useful

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Anne Rusiana ◽  
Jamal Wiwoho ◽  
Adi Sulistiyono

This research studies the legal status of a material guarantee for the bankruptcy process of Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to find out the legal status of whether the material guarantee that has been declared bankrupt by the appraisal because of not fulfill of repayment of the debtor to the creditor can be transferred on non-bankruptcy status? Moreover, what is the creditor's execution rights to the debtor's material guarantee? This research uses a normative legal research method, namely: legal research that is done with the purpose of discovering the principles and philosophical base (dogma or doctrine) of positive law, and the research of legal discovery efforts in concreto that is suitable to be implemented to solve a particular legal case. The result of this research is that material guarantees that have been determined as Bankruptcy cannot be transferred to their status when they are sold with a non-bankrupt status before a written decision by the judge justified the status. This shows obedience to the principles of legality and legal certainty, that selling the bankrupt assets with the status of (non-bankrupt assets) cannot be justified according to the law. If the curator still continues to sell the bankrupt assets, that process is illegal, including the execution of the selling according to the law. When it was being declared of bankrupt the total value of the material guarantee is assessed by the appraisal to be sufficient for paying all debts to the creditor, then it became the guarantee of repayment of the debtor, but if the value of the material guarantee valued by the appraisal is smaller than the debt, then there must be a reassessment in order to make justice for debtors and creditors. Mortgage-holding creditors, fiduciary guarantees, mortgage rights, mortgages, or other collateral rights, can execute their rights as if Bankruptcy did not occur, but there are several receivables that must be matched before executing their separatist rights.

Herpin Hadat

The existence of positive law in force in the province of Bali is influenced by the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. This can occur because of the alignment between the values ??of life contained in Balinese society with various forms of rules that apply in general. Based on this background, it is then examined in connection with the existence of the tri hita karana philosophy as a guideline when establishing regulations and laws in the Province of Bali, which are reviewed from the perspective of the philosophy of science. This study aims to determine the existence and nature of the philosophy of tri hita karana as a guideline for establishing rules and laws in the Province of Bali both ontologically, epistemologically and axiologically. The implementation of research activities is carried out with a normative legal approach through the analysis of several legal concepts derived from various laws and regulations. From the results of the study, obtained information that there is the existence of the philosophy of tri hita karana in setting regulations and laws in the province of Bali in terms of the perspective of the philosophy of science provides a clear picture that the nature of the law born from the needs and feelings of the community in the local or customary scope can give a very big influence on the formation and validity of positive law itself to answer the legal problems faced by the community in their lives. Keberadaan dari hukum positif yang berlaku di provinsi Bali pada dasarnya dipengaruhi oleh falsafah Tri Hita Karana. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya penyelarasan antara nilai kehidupan yang terdapat dalam masyarakat Bali dengan berbagai bentuk aturan yang berlaku secara umum. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut kemudian dikaji terkait eksistensi falsafah tri hita karana sebagai pedoman saat menetapkan peraturan dan undang-undang di Provinsi Bali yang ditinjuau dari prespektif filsafat ilmu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksistensi dan hakekat falsafah tri hita karana sebagai pedoman menetapkan peraturan dan undang-undang di Provinsi Bali baik secara ontologi, epistemologi dan aksiologi. Pada pelaksanaan kegiatan dari penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan hukum yang bersifat normatif melalui kegiatan analisis kepada beberapa konsep hukum yang berasal dari berbagai aturan mengenai perundang-undangan. Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan informasi bahwa terdapat adanya eksistensi falsafah tri hita karana dalam menetapkan peraturan dan undang-undang di provinsi Bali ditinjau dari prespektif filsafat ilmu memberikan gambaran yang jelas bahwa pada hakekatnya hukum yang lahir dari kebutuhan dan perasaan masyarakat dalam lingkup lokal atau adat dapat memberikan pengaruh yang sangat besar kepada pembentukan dan keberlakuan hukum positif itu sendiri guna menjawab permasalahan hukum yang dihadapi masyarakat dalam kehidupannya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hasan Basri ◽  
Muhammad Azani

<p><em>This article analyzes the inheritance practices carried out by the community in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency Based on Islamic Law. The research method used is a sociological legal research that discusses the application of positive law regarding the practice of community inheritance in Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency. The results showed: a. The community in Bantan Subdistrict turned out to be wrong in understanding the principle of balanced justice which was considered to be contrary to the sense of justice for the heirs. They understand the principle of balanced justice must be in the same sense. Whereas the meaning of the principle is that each heir, both male and female, has the same rights in obtaining inheritance rights. Men get more rights which do not mean unfair, but in Islamic law it stipulates that men are responsible for the burden of the family; b. The community in Bantan District in understanding radd in Islamic law does not fully refer to the KHI which is a reference in determining the law. They divide radd based only on habits that can be shared with the heirs who want it or the mosque; c. The community in Bantan Subdistrict considers that the heirs who passed away first from the heir, cannot be replaced by the heir's child. Whereas based on Article 185 paragraph (1) the KHI position of the heir can be replaced by the offspring of both male and female.</em></p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
M Syamsudin

This study aims to reveal and then reconstruct the mindset of judges in deciding corruption cases based Progressive Law. Academic question posed is whether the condition of existing as the mindset of judges in deciding cases of corruption and how to build a new construction mindset of judges based on the principles of Progressive Law. This research is classified in the tradition of non-doctrinal legal research with sosiolegal approach. Data collected by interview, observation and document study and then analyzed following the interactive model of Mattew B. Miles and A. Michael Haberman. The results of study indicate the need for new construction mindset of judges based progressive law. This is based on the empirical reality that the judge handling the case of corruption by many experienced deterioration and failure to bring the law in a fair, useful and protect the interests of society. The mindset of the judge who figured positivistic needs to be reorganized under the new progressive mindset in deciding the various legal problems that emerged recently that the more complex and complicated, especially in deciding the case of corruption. Judges at all levels of education and environmental justice needs to be improved for the judge able to resolve various legal issues properly, fairly and wisely.

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