temperature contrast
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Abstract This study investigated the diurnal cycle of convection over Sumatra Island in an active phase of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during the Pre-Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC) observation campaign in December 2015 based on in-situ and satellite observations and a convection-permitting numerical model. Observations suggest that before the active phase of the MJO in early December, convection occurred frequently over the island during the afternoon and at midnight. By contrast, during the active phase of the MJO in mid-December, afternoon convection over the island was delayed and suppressed, and midnight convection was suppressed. Numerical experiments also successfully replicated the main features of the observed modulations. In general, during the active phase of the MJO, the troposphere became drier in the Sumatra region. While the clouds reduced the solar radiation over the land, the sea breeze was also found to be delayed and weakened. As a result, the afternoon convection initiation was delayed and weakened. Further analyses suggested that the sea breeze was weakened mainly due to the orographic stagnation effect rather than the slightly reduced land-sea temperature contrast. On the other hand, the increased stratiform-anvil clouds induced the anomalous evaporative cooling in the mid-troposphere and generated island-scale subsidence during the nighttime, which finally led to the suppression of inland convection. Overall, our study reveals the modulation of diurnal convection over Sumatra Island by an active phase of the MJO and also shows the potential role of land-sea interaction in convection initiation and maintenance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 163 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Ben W. P. Lew ◽  
Dániel Apai ◽  
Yifan Zhou ◽  
Mark Marley ◽  
L. C. Mayorga ◽  

Abstract Many brown dwarfs are on ultrashort-period and tidally locked orbits around white dwarf hosts. Because of these small orbital separations, the brown dwarfs are irradiated at levels similar to hot Jupiters. Yet, they are easier to observe than hot Jupiters because white dwarfs are fainter than main-sequence stars at near-infrared wavelengths. Irradiated brown dwarfs are, therefore, ideal hot Jupiter analogs for studying the atmospheric response under strong irradiation and fast rotation. We present the 1.1–1.67 μm spectroscopic phase curve of the irradiated brown dwarf (SDSS1411-B) in the SDSS J141126.20 + 200911.1 brown dwarf–white dwarf binary with the near-infrared G141 grism of the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3. SDSS1411-B is a 50M Jup brown dwarf with an irradiation temperature of 1300 K and has an orbital period of 2.02864 hr. Our best-fit model suggests a phase-curve amplitude of 1.4% and places an upper limit of 11° for the phase offset from the secondary eclipse. After fitting the white dwarf spectrum, we extract the phase-resolved brown dwarf emission spectra. We report a highly wavelength-dependent day–night spectral variation, with a water-band flux variation of about 360% ± 70% and a comparatively small J-band flux variation of 37% ± 2%. By combining the atmospheric modeling results and the day–night brightness temperature variations, we derive a pressure-dependent temperature contrast. We discuss the difference in the spectral features of SDSS1411-B and hot Jupiter WASP-43b, as well as the lower-than-predicted day–night temperature contrast of J4111-BD. Our study provides the high-precision observational constraints on the atmospheric structures of an irradiated brown dwarf at different orbital phases.

Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1175-1189
Shaaban M. Shaaban ◽  
Marian Lazar ◽  
Peter H. Yoon ◽  
Stefaan Poedts ◽  
Rodrigo A. López

The ability of space plasmas to self-regulate through mechanisms involving self-generated fluctuations is a topic of high interest. This paper presents the results of a new advanced quasilinear (QL) approach for the instability of electromagnetic ion-cyclotron modes driven by the relative alpha-proton drift observed in solar wind. For an extended parametric analysis, the present QL approach includes also the effects of intrinsic anisotropic temperatures of these populations. The enhanced fluctuations contribute to an exchange of energy between proton and alpha particles, leading to important variations of the anisotropies, the proton-alpha drift and the temperature contrast. The results presented here can help understand the observational data, in particular, those revealing the local variations associated with the properties of protons and alpha particles as well as the spatial profiles in the expanding solar wind.

2021 ◽  
Juan D. Olarte-Plata ◽  
Jordan Gabriel ◽  
Pablo Albella ◽  
Fernando Bresme

Janus Nanoparticles (JNP) feature heterogeneous compositions bringing opportunities in technological and medical applications. We investigate using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations the temperature field generated around heated spherical Janus Nanoparticles to assess the performance of the particles in the generation of anisotropic heating. We demonstrate that the contrasting interfacial thermal conductances of the fluid-material interfaces arising from the heterogeneous composition of the JNP can be exploited to control the thermal fields around the nanoparticle leading to a temperature difference between both sides of the nanoparticle (temperature contrast) that is significant for particles comprising regions with disparate hydrophilicity. We illustrate this idea using simplified atomistic and complex models of gold nanoparticles passivated with hydrophobic and hydrophilic ligands in water. Furthermore, we introduce a continuum model to predict the temperature contrast as a function of the interfacial thermal conductance and nanoparticle size. We further show that, unlike homogeneous nanoparticles, the interfacial fluid temperature depends on the interfacial thermal conductance of Janus nanoparticles.

G Cracchiolo ◽  
G Micela ◽  
G Morello ◽  
G Peres

Abstract This paper is part of an effort to correct the transmission spectra of a transiting planet orbiting an active star. In Paper I (Cracchiolo et al. 2020) we have demonstrated a methodology to minimize the potential bias induced by unocculted star spots on the transmission spectrum, assuming a spot model parameterized by filling factor and temperature. In this work we introduce the limb darkening effect, therefore the position of the spot in the stellar disk and the impact parameter of the transiting planet now play a key role. The method is tested on simulations of planetary transits of three representative kinds of planetary systems, at ARIEL resolution. We find that a realistic treatment of the limb darkening is required to reliably estimate both the spots parameters and the transmission spectrum of the transiting planet. Furthermore, we show that the influence of the spots on the retrieval of the planetary transmission spectrum is significant for spots close to the center of the star, covering a fraction greater than 0.05 and with a temperature contrast greater than 500 K, and that for these cases our method can confidently extract the transmission spectrum and the impact parameter of the transiting planet for both cases of occulted and not occulted spots, provided that we have an accurate characterization of the stellar parameters and a reliable simulator of the instrument performances.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-47
Xiuhua Zhu

AbstractThis work proposes a framework to examine interactions of climate modes that are identified as leading EOF modes; their coupling structure is unveiled through correlation analysis and helps constructing a regression model, whose performance is compared across GCMs, thereby providing a quantitative overview of model performances in simulating mode-interaction. As demonstration surface temperature is analyzed for five CMIP5 PiControl simulations. Along with the seasonal land and ocean modes, four interannual modes are identified: Tropical Mode (TM) associated with the Hadley circulation, Tropical Pacific Mode (TPM) characterizing a zonal temperature contrast between the eastern tropical Pacific and the Atlantic-Indian ocean, and two annular modes: Arctic Mode (AM) and Ant-arctic Mode (AAM). All GCMs converge on the following: 1) TM strongly couples with seasonal signals of the previous year; 2) TPM leads TM by 1 year, thus a weaker zonal temperature contrast in the tropics contributes to warming in the entire tropical band one year later; 3) AM weakly couples to TM at a one-year lead, suggesting a colder north pole may contribute to colder tropics. In addition, all GCMs do not support a linear coupling between AAM and TM. The above-learned coupling structure is incorporated to construct an optimum regression model that demonstrates considerable predictive power. The proposed approach may both serve as a useful tool for dynamical analysis and lend insight into GCM differences. Its merit is demonstrated by the finding that different representations of the mean seasonal cycle in GCMs may account for the GCM-dependence of relative contributions of seasonal and inter-annual modes to TM variability.

2021 ◽  
Tobias G. Meier ◽  
Dan J. Bower ◽  
Tim Lichtenberg ◽  
Paul J. Tackley ◽  
Brice-Olivier Demory

<p>The vigour and style of mantle convection in tidally-locked super-Earths may be substantially different from Earth's regime where the surface temperature is spatially uniform and sufficiently cold to drive downwellings into the mantle. The thermal phase curve for super-Earth LHS 3844b suggests a solid surface and lack of a substantial atmosphere. The dayside temperature is around 1040 K and the nightside temperature is around 0 K, which is unlike any temperature contrast observed at present day for planets in the Solar System. On the other hand, the thermal phase curve of super-Earth 55 Cnc e suggests much hotter temperatures with a nightside temperature around 1380 K and a substellar point temperature around 2700 K. Both super-Earths have therefore temperature contrasts between the day- and nightside of more than 1000 K and we infer that this may also lead to a dichotomy of the interior mantle flow. <br>We run geodynamic simulations of the interior mantle flow using the mantle convection code StagYY. The models are fully compressible with an Arrhenius-type viscosity law where the mantle is modelled with an upper mantle, a perovskite-layer and a post-perovskite layer. The lithospheric strength is modelled through a plastic yielding criteria and the heating mode is either basal heating only or mixed heating (basal and internal heating). For LHS 3844b we find that the surface temperature dichotomy can lead to a hemispheric tectonic regime depending on the strength of the lithosphere and the heating mode in the mantle. In a hemispheric tectonic regime, downwellings occur preferentially on one side and upwellings rise on the other side. We compare these results to the case of 55 Cnc e, where large parts of the surface could be molten. At first order we expect that a magma ocean could homogenise the temperatures on the planet's surface and therefore reduce the likelihood of hemispheric tectonics operating on 55 Cnc e.<br>For LHS 3844b, the contribution of the interior flux to the thermal phase curve is on the order of 15-30 K, and therefore below the detecting capabilities of current and near-future observations. However, for hemispheric tectonics, upwellings might lead to preferential melt generation and outgassing on one hemisphere that could manifest as a secondary signal in phase curve observations. Such signals could also be produced on hotter planets such as 55 Cnc e where parts of the surface are hot enough to melt.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Abdelhamid Noufid ◽  
Sougrati Belattar ◽  

This article deals with the application of infrared thermography in the detection of anomalies in a reinforced concrete slab. This defect takes several forms, namely, horizontal, vertical, oblique, or spherical. In a previous article, in this journal (Vol 8, Issue 2), the case of inclined and spherical defect was investigated, while, in this one, it has studied the defect in horizontal and vertical positions, while varying, on one hand, the properties of the slab and, on the other hand, the characteristics of the defect. With finite element simulation software (COMSOL Multi-Physics), different simulations have been carried out to derive results on infrared thermography in reinforced concrete slabs. Following this study, the horizontal anomalies are easily detectable compared to the vertical ones, and the nature of the defect (air, water, and ice) influences the detection and that of the depth and width of the anomaly decides on the question of detectability, under the assumption that the infrared camera used in the detection is quite sensitive to the temperature contrast due to the presence of the anomaly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (23) ◽  
pp. 14903-14915
Jonathan K. P. Shonk ◽  
Andrew G. Turner ◽  
Amulya Chevuturi ◽  
Laura J. Wilcox ◽  
Andrea J. Dittus ◽  

Abstract. Anthropogenic aerosols are dominant drivers of historical monsoon rainfall change. However, large uncertainties in the radiative forcing associated with anthropogenic aerosol emissions, as well as the dynamical response to this forcing, lead to uncertainty in the simulated monsoon response. We use historical simulations from the “SMURPHS” project, run using HadGEM3-GC3.1, in which the time-varying aerosol emissions are scaled by factors from 0.2 to 1.5 to explore the monsoon sensitivity to historical aerosol forcing uncertainty (present-day versus preindustrial aerosol forcing in the range −0.38 to −1.50 W m−2). The hemispheric asymmetry in emissions generates a strong relationship between scaling factor and both hemispheric temperature contrast and meridional location of tropical rainfall. Averaged over the period 1950–2014, increasing the scaling factor from 0.2 to 1.5 reduces the hemispheric temperature contrast by 0.9 ∘C, reduces the tropical summertime land–sea temperature contrast by 0.3 ∘C and shifts tropical rainfall southwards by 0.28∘ of latitude. The result is a reduction in global monsoon area by 3 % and a reduction in global monsoon intensity by 2 %. Despite the complexity of the monsoon system, the monsoon properties presented above vary monotonically and roughly linearly across scalings. A switch in the dominant influence on the 1950–1980 monsoon rainfall trend between greenhouse gases and aerosol is identified as the scalings increase. Regionally, aerosol scaling has a pronounced effect on Northern Hemisphere monsoon rainfall, with the strongest influence on monsoon area and intensity located in the Asian sector, where local emissions are greatest.

2020 ◽  
Dennis Hartmann ◽  
Brittany D Dygert ◽  
Qiang Fu ◽  
Peter N Blossey

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