temperature lapse rate
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2022 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-86

Thermodynamic structure of atmospheric boundary layer during October - December covering southwest and northeast monsoon activities over interior Tamilnadu (ITN), coastal Tamilnadu (CTN) and adjoining Bay of Bengal (BOB) has been studied using  TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) data of 1996-98. Heights of neutral stratified mixed layer, cloud layer and planetary boundary layer (PBL) have been estimated through available standard pressure level data. Highest PBL occurs during active northeast monsoon. Cloud layer thickness during weak northeast monsoon over interior Tamilnadu  is significantly higher than that over coastal Tamilnadu and  also over Bay of Bengal. Convective stability (instability)  of the atmosphere in 850-700 hPa layer is associated with weak / withdrawal (active) phase of northeast monsoon. One of  the plausible reasons for  subdued rainfall activity during weak northeast monsoon over interior Tamilnadu could be convective instability  seen over this region in 850-700 hPa layer. But the same is absent in CTN and BOB where no rainfall activity exists during weak monsoon phase. Virtual temperature lapse rate in 850-700 hPa layer exceeding (less than) 6oK/km is associated with active (weak) phase of northeast monsoon over the interior, coastal Tamilnadu and Bay of Bengal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 162
Marcela Rosas-Chavoya ◽  
Pablito Marcelo López-Serrano ◽  
José Ciro Hernández-Díaz ◽  
Christian Wehenkel ◽  
Daniel José Vega-Nieva

Mountain ecosystems provide environmental goods, which can be threatened by climate change. Near-Surface Temperature Lapse Rate (NSTLR) is an essential factor used for thermal and hydrological analysis in mountain ecosystems. The aims of the present study were to estimate NSTLR and to identify its relationship with aspect, Local solar zenith angle (LSZA) and Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) for two seasons of the year in a mountain ecosystem at the North of Mexico. Normalized Land Surface Temperature (NLST) was estimated using environmental and topographical variables. LSZA was calculated from slope to consider the effect of solar position. NSTLR was estimated through simple linear models. Observed NSTLR was 9.4 °C km−1 for the winter and 14.3 °C km−1 for the summer. Our results showed variation in NSTLR by season. In addition, aspect, LSZA and ESI also influenced NSTLR regulation. In addition, Northwest and West aspects exhibited the highest NSTLR. LSZA angles closest to 90° were related with a decrease in NSTLR for both seasons. Finally, ESI values associated with less evaporative stress were related to lower NSTLR. These results suggest potential of Landsat-8 LST and ECOSTRESS ESI to capture interactions of temperature, topography, and water stress in complex ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 417-428

This paper investigates long term (30 yrs) altitudinal variations of surface air temperatures based on air temperature data of countrywide scattered 22 stations (15 synoptic and 7 climate stations) in Nepal. Several researchers have reported that rate of air temperature rise (long term trend of atmospheric warming) in Nepal is highest in the Himalayan region (~ 3500 m asl or higher) compared to the Hills and Terai regions. Contrary to the results of previous researchers, however this study found that the increment of annual mean temperature is much higher in the Hills (1000 to 2000 m asl) than in the Terai and Mountain Regions. The temperature lapse rate in a wide altitudinal range of Nepal (70 to 5050 m asl) is -5.65 °C km-1. Warming rates in Terai and Trans-Himalayas (Jomsom) are 0.024 and 0.029 °C/year respectively.  

2021 ◽  
Surendra P. Singh ◽  
Ripu Daman Singh ◽  
Surabhi Gumber

Though the highest treelines of the northern hemisphere occur in the Himalaya, the terms treeline and timberline have until very recently been missing from the literature on this region. This book, largely based on research in the Indian Himalaya, attempts to fill the gap on Himalayan treelines. It covers ecology, tree water relations, temperature lapse rate, dendrochronology, tree phenology, distribution patterns, and spatial dimensions of climate warming over the decades. The project, led by the Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA) involved 6 research organizations, 11 investigators, and 20 research scholars. Treeline research is providing new and valuable insights into how biota respond to climate change, the relationship between tree-ring growth and climate change in various seasons, the role of growth in relation to stress, seasonal variation in temperature lapse rate and the impact of elevation dependent warming, tree water relations and water conduits in trees, effects of early snow melt, endemism, and future changes.

2021 ◽  
Rajesh Joshi ◽  
Ninchhen Dolma Tamang ◽  
Surendra Pratap Singh

Abstract There are emergent evidences that the rise in temperature in high altitude regions in comparison to low altitude of the Himalaya is more rapid than other parts of the World. This Elevation-dependent warming (EDW) can accelerate the rate of change in mountain ecosystems, including cryosphere, hydrology, biodiversity and socio-economic systems. In this paper, we present Temperature Lapse Rates (TLRs) from 20 stations for three treeline transects representing different climate regimes along the Himalayan arc. TLRs were calculated based on high temporal resolution data collected for two year (2017-18) from complex mountain terrain of treeline environment. The annual mean TLR increased with decreasing moisture, being markedly high at dry WH transect (-0.66℃/100 m) and lowest (-0.50℃/100 m) for moist EH transect. The One-Way ANOVA confirms that the TLR varied spatially, declining from West to East across the Himalayan arc, and significantly differ among seasons (F=3.2175; P = 0.03). The lowest mean TLRs were found during the winter season (EH: -0.46℃/100m; CH: -0.40℃/100m; WH: -0.31℃/100m). The monthly TLR varied within a narrow range (-0.49℃/100m to -0.54℃/100m) at EH transect, -0.24℃/100m to -0.68℃/100m at CH transect and from -0.26℃ to -0.90℃ at WH transect with lowest monthly TLR in December (-0.24 to -0.32℃/ 100m) for all three sites. Study shows moisture, snow albedo and reflectance play a key role as controlling factors on TLR in treeline environments. Higher growing season temperatures observed for treelines in Himalaya (8.4±1.8℃, 10.3±1.4℃, and 7.5±2.7℃) shows warmer treeline in Himalaya. The EDW may impact the dynamics of treeline, snow and moisture regime, surface energy balance, increased water stress, species distribution, and growing season of alpine vegetation in the Himalaya. The findings of the study could provide useful insight (ground-based) to re-parameterize the climate models over the Himalayan region. This study can facilitate improving interpolation of air temperature for ecological modeling studies in ungauged and the data-sparse regions, especially for the higher Himalaya where ground based station data are extremely scarce.

John M. Peters ◽  
Jake P. Mulholland ◽  
Daniel R. Chavas

AbstractCommon assumptions in temperature lapse rate formulas for lifted air parcels include neglecting mixing, hydrostatic balance, the removal of all condensate once it forms (pseudoadiabatic), and/or the retention of all condensate within the parcel (adiabatic). These formulas are commonly derived from the conservation of entropy, which leads to errors when non-equilibrium mixed-phase condensate is present. To evaluate these assumptions, a new general lapse rate formula is derived from an expression for energy conservation, rather than entropy conservation. This new formula incorporates mixing of the parcel with its surroundings, relaxes the hydrostatic assumption, allows for non-equilibrium mixed-phase condensate, and can be formulated for pseudoadiabatic or adiabatic ascent. The new formula is shown to exactly conserve entropy for reversible ascent. Predictions by the new formula are compared to that of older and less general formulas. The errors in previous formulas arise from the assumption of hydrostatic balance, which results in considerable warm biases due to the neglect of the energy sink from buoyancy. Predictions of ascent with entrainment using the new formula are then compared to parcel properties along trajectories in large eddy simulations. Simulated parcel properties are better predicted by the formula using a diluted analogy to adiabatic ascent, wherein condensate is diluted at the same rate as other parcel properties, than by the diluted analogy to pseudoadiabatic ascent, wherein all condensate is removed. These results suggest that CAPE should be computed with adiabatic, rather than pseudoadiabatic, parcel ascent.

Jeana Mascio ◽  
Stephen S. Leroy ◽  
Robert P. d’Entremont ◽  
Thomas Connor ◽  
E. Robert Kursinski

AbstractRadio occultation (RO) measurements have little direct sensitivity to clouds, but recent studies have shown that they may have an indirect sensitivity to thin, high clouds that are difficult to detect using conventional passive space-based cloud sensors. We implement two RO-based cloud detection (ROCD) algorithms for atmospheric layers in the middle and upper troposphere. The first algorithm is based on the methodology of a previous study, which explored signatures caused by upper tropospheric clouds in RO profiles according to retrieved relative humidity, temperature lapse rate, and gradients in log-refractivity (ROCD-P), and the second is based on inferred relative humidity alone (ROCD-M). In both, atmospheric layers are independently predicted as cloudy or clear based on observational data, including high performance RO retrievals. In a demonstration, we use data from 10 days spanning seven months in 2020 of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2. We use the forecasts of NOAA GFS to aid in the retrieval of relative humidity. The prediction is validated with a cloud truth dataset created from the imagery of the GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) satellite and the GFS three-dimensional analysis of cloud state conditions. Given these two algorithms for the presence or absence of clouds, confusion matrices and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are used to analyze how well these algorithms perform. The ROCD-M algorithm has a balanced accuracy, which defines the quality of the classification test that considers both the sensitivity and specificity, greater than 70% for all altitudes between 6 and 10.25 km.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Pradeep Vashisht ◽  
Shresth Tayal

With climatic information from four stations in Rathong Chu valley for the period from 2017 to 2018, this study presents monthly and seasonal characteristics of the temperature lapse rate (TLR) in the eastern Himalayas. The station heights utilised in the study ranged from 1,742 to 4,450 m. The TLRs were assessed utilising a linear regression model. The mean yearly TLR for eastern Himalaya is less sheer (-0.52°C/100 m) beneath the tree line than (-0.47°C/100 m) over the tree line. The series of TLR exhibits two peaks in a year which confirms the distinctive controlling elements in the individual seasons. The highest TLR was found to be -0.60 °C/100 m during the pre-monsoon season below the tree line and -0.64 °C/100 m above the tree line. The post-monsoon has the second highest lapse rate change beneath the tree line (-0.58 °C/100 m) and in the monsoon (-0.57 °C/100 m) above the tree line. The minimum lapse rates were observed in the winter season below the treeline (-0.42 °C/100 m) and (-0.18 °C/100 m) above the tree line. The outcomes of this study add to the insight of elevation-dependent warming affected by worldwide climate change. Results also suggest that the climate and glacier modelling using the satellite temperature records or by applying the environmental lapse rate on temperature records from low altitudes may not be presenting the actual temperature trends.

2021 ◽  
Vicent Favà ◽  
Juan José Curto ◽  
Alba Gilabert

Abstract. In the early part of the 20th century, tracking a pilot balloon from the ground with an optical theodolite was one of the few methods that was able to provide information from the upper air. One of the most significant sources of error with this method, however, was involved in calculating the balloon height as a function of time, a calculation dependent on the ascent rate which was traditionally taken to be constant. This study presents a new thermodynamic model which allows us to compute the thermal jump between the surrounding environment and the lifting gas as a function of different parameters such as the atmospheric temperature lapse rate or the physical characteristics of the balloon. The size of the thermal jump and its effect on the ascent rate is discussed for a 30 g pilot balloon, which was the type used at the Ebro Observatory (EO) between 1952 and 1963. The meridional and zonal components of the wind profile from ground level up to 10 km altitude were computed by applying the model using EO digitized data for a sample of this period. The obtained results correlate very well with those obtained from the ERA5 reanalysis. A very small thermal jump with a weak effect on the computed ascent rate was found. This ascent rate is consistent with the values assigned in that period to the balloons filled with hydrogen used at the Ebro Observatory and to the 30 g balloons filled with helium used by the US National Weather Service.

Sukyoung Lee ◽  
Yohai Kaspi

AbstractThe structure and stability of Jupiter’s atmosphere is analyzed using transformed Eulerian mean (TEM) theory. Utilizing the ammonia distribution derived from microwave radiometer measurements of the Juno orbiter, the latitudinal and vertical distribution of the vertical velocity in the interior of Jupiter’s atmosphere is inferred. The resulting overturning circulation is then interpreted in the TEM framework to offer speculation of the vertical and meridional temperature distribution. In the extratropics, the analyzed vertical velocity field shows Ferrel-cell-like patterns associated with each of the jets. A scaling analysis of the TEM overturning circulation equation suggests that in order for the Ferrel-cell-like patterns to be visible in the ammonia distribution, the static stability of Jupiter’s weather layer should be on the order of 1 × 10−2 s−1. In the tropics, the ammonia distribution suggests strong upward motion which is reminiscent of the rising branch of the Hadley cell where the static stability is weaker. Taken together, the analysis suggests that the temperature lapse rate in the extratropics is markedly greater than that in the tropics. Because the cloud top temperature is nearly uniform across all latitudes, the analysis suggests that in the interior of the weather layer, there could exist a temperature gradient between the tropical and extratropical regions.

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