chemical abundances
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Universe ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Mario Cirillo ◽  
Luciano Piersanti ◽  
Oscar Straniero

Little is known about the first stars, but hints on this stellar population can be derived from the peculiar chemical composition of the most metal-poor objects in the Milky Way and in resolved stellar populations of nearby galaxies. In this paper, we review the evolution and nucleosynthesis of metal-poor and extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars with low and intermediate masses. In particular, new models of 6 M⊙ with three different levels of metallicity, namely Z=10−4, 10−6 and 10−10, are presented. In addition, we illustrate the results obtained for a 2 M⊙, Z=10−5 model. All these models have been computed by means of the latest version of the FuNS code. We adopted a fully coupled scheme of solutions for the complete set of differential equations describing the evolution of the physical structure and the chemical abundances, as modified by nuclear processes and convective mixing. The scarcity of CNO in the material from which these stars formed significantly affects their evolution, their final fate and their contribution to the chemical pollution of the ISM in primordial galaxies. We show the potential of these models for the interpretation of the composition of EMP stars, with particular emphasis on CEMP stars.

Arthur Alencastro Puls ◽  
Luca Casagrande ◽  
Stephanie Monty ◽  
David Yong ◽  
Fan Liu ◽  

Abstract In this work we combine information from solar-like oscillations, high-resolution spectroscopy and Gaia astrometry to derive stellar ages, chemical abundances and kinematics for a group of seven metal-poor Red Giants and characterise them in a multidimensional chrono-chemo-dynamical space. Chemical abundance ratios were derived through classical spectroscopic analysis employing 1D LTE atmospheres on Keck/HIRES spectra. Stellar ages, masses and radii were calculated with grid-based modelling, taking advantage of availability of asteroseismic information from Kepler. The dynamical properties were determined with Galpy using Gaia EDR3 astrometric solutions. Our results suggest that underestimated parallax errors make the effect of Gaia parallaxes more important than different choices of model grid or – in the case of stars ascending the RGB – mass-loss prescription. Two of the stars in this study are identified as potentially evolved halo blue stragglers. Four objects are likely members of the accreted Milky Way halo, and their possible relationship with known accretion events is discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 211
Zexi Niu ◽  
Haibo Yuan ◽  
Song Wang ◽  
Jifeng Liu

Abstract Based on the large volume Gaia Early Data Release 3 and LAMOST Data Release 5 data, we estimate the bias-corrected binary fractions of the field late G and early K dwarfs. A stellar locus outlier method is used in this work, which works well for binaries of various periods and inclination angles with single-epoch data. With a well-selected, distance-limited sample of about 90,000 GK dwarfs covering wide stellar chemical abundances, it enables us to explore the binary fraction variations with different stellar populations. The average binary fraction is 0.42 ± 0.01 for the whole sample. Thin-disk stars are found to have a binary fraction of 0.39 ± 0.02, thick-disk stars have a higher one of 0.49 ± 0.02, while inner halo stars possibly have the highest binary fraction. For both the thin- and thick-disk stars, the binary fractions decrease toward higher [Fe/H], [α/H], and [M/H] abundances. However, the suppressing impacts of [Fe/H], [α/H], and [M/H] are more significant for the thin-disk stars than those for the thick-disk stars. For a given [Fe/H], a positive correlation between [α/Fe] and the binary fraction is found for the thin-disk stars. However, this tendency disappears for the thick-disk stars. We suspect that it is likely related to the different formation histories of the thin and thick disks. Our results provide new clues for theoretical works on binary formation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
A. F. Marino ◽  
A. P. Milone ◽  
A. Renzini ◽  
D. Yong ◽  
M. Asplund ◽  

Abstract Recent work has revealed two classes of globular clusters (GCs), dubbed Type I and Type II. Type II GCs are characterized by both a blue and a red red giant branch composed of stars with different metallicities, often coupled with distinct abundances in the slow neutron-capture elements (s-elements). Here we continue the chemical tagging of Type II GCs by adding the two least massive clusters of this class, NGC 1261 and NGC 6934. Based on both spectroscopy and photometry, we find red stars in NGC 1261 to be slightly enhanced in [Fe/H] by ∼0.1 dex and confirm that red stars of NGC 6934 are enhanced in iron by ∼0.2 dex. Neither NGC 1261 nor NGC 6934 show internal variations in the s-elements, which suggests a GC mass threshold for the occurrence of s-process enrichment. We found a significant correlation between the additional Fe locked in the red stars of Type II GCs and the present-day mass of the cluster. Nevertheless, most Type II GCs retained a small fraction of Fe produced by SNe II, lower than the 2%; NGC 6273, M54, and ω Centauri are remarkable exceptions. In the Appendix, we infer for the first time chemical abundances of lanthanum, assumed as representative of the s-elements, in M54, the GC located in the nucleus of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. Red-sequence stars are marginally enhanced in [La/Fe] by 0.10 ± 0.06 dex, in contrast with the large [La/Fe] spread of most Type II GCs. We suggest that different processes are responsible for the enrichment in iron and s-elements in Type II GCs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Shu Wang ◽  
Xiaodian Chen

Abstract Red clump stars (RCs) are useful tracers of distances, extinction, chemical abundances, and Galactic structures and kinematics. Accurate estimation of RC parameters—absolute magnitude and intrinsic color—is the basis for obtaining high-precision RC distances. By combining astrometric data from Gaia; spectroscopic data from APOGEE and LAMOST; and multiband photometric data from Gaia, APASS, Pan-STARRS1, 2MASS, and WISE surveys, we use a Gaussian process regression to train machine learners to derive the multiband absolute magnitudes M λ and intrinsic colors ( λ 1 − λ 2 ) 0 for each spectral RC. The dependence of M λ on metallicity decreases from optical to infrared bands, while the dependence of M λ on age is relatively similar in each band. ( λ 1 − λ 2 ) 0 are more affected by metallicity than age. The RC parameters are not suitable to be represented by simple constants but are related to the Galactic stellar population structure. By analyzing the variation of M λ and ( λ 1 − λ 2 ) 0 in the spatial distribution, we construct (R, z) dependent maps of mean absolute magnitudes and mean intrinsic colors of the Galactic RCs. Through external and internal validation, we find that using three-dimensional (3D) parameter maps to determine RC parameters avoids systematic bias and reduces dispersion by about 20% compared to using constant parameters. Based on Gaia's EDR3 parallax, our 3D parameter maps, and extinction–distance profile selection, we obtain a photometric RC sample containing 11 million stars with distance and extinction measurements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (6) ◽  
pp. 291
Emiliano Jofré ◽  
Romina Petrucci ◽  
Yilen Gómez Maqueo Chew ◽  
Ivan Ramírez ◽  
Carlos Saffe ◽  

Abstract Wide binary stars with similar components hosting planets provide a favorable opportunity for exploring the star–planet chemical connection. We perform a detailed characterization of the solar-type stars in the WASP-160 binary system. No planet has been reported yet around WASP-160A, while WASP-160B is known to host a transiting Saturn-mass planet, WASP-160B b. For this planet, we also derive updated properties from both literature and new observations. Furthermore, using TESS photometry, we constrain the presence of transiting planets around WASP-160A and additional ones around WASP-160B. The stellar characterization includes, for the first time, the computation of high-precision differential atmospheric and chemical abundances of 25 elements based on high-quality Gemini-GRACES spectra. Our analysis reveals evidence of a correlation between the differential abundances and the condensation temperatures of the elements. In particular, we find both a small but significant deficit of volatiles and an enhancement of refractory elements in WASP-160B relative to WASP-160A. After WASP-94, this is the second stellar pair among the shortlist of planet-hosting binaries showing this kind of peculiar chemical pattern. Although we discuss several plausible planet formation and evolution scenarios for WASP-160A and B that could explain the observed chemical pattern, none of them can be conclusively accepted or rejected. Future high-precision photometric and spectroscopic follow-up, as well as high-contrast imaging observations, of WASP-160A and B might provide further constraints on the real origin of the detected chemical differences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 278
Shuai Liu ◽  
Liang Wang ◽  
Jian-Rong Shi ◽  
Zhen-Yu Wu ◽  
Hong-Liang Yan ◽  

Abstract Based on high resolution, high signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio spectra from Keck/HIRES, we have determined abundances of 20 elements for 18 Ba candidates. The parameter space of these stars is in the range of 4880 ≤ T eff ≤ 6050 K, 2.56 ≤ log g ≤ 4.53 dex and − 0.27 ≤ [Fe/H] ≤ 0.09 dex. It is found that four of them can be identified as Ba stars with [s/Fe] > 0.25 dex (s: Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce and Nd), and three of them are newly discovered, which include two Ba giants (HD 16178 and HD 22233) and one Ba subgiant (HD 2946). Our results show that the abundances of α, odd and iron-peak elements (O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, Mn, Ni and Cu) for our program stars are similar to those of the thin disk, while the distribution of [hs/ls] (hs: Ba, La, Ce and Nd, ls: Sr, Y and Zr) ratios of our Ba stars is similar to those of the known Ba objects. None of the four Ba stars show clear enhancement in carbon including the known CH subgiant HD 4395. It is found that three of the Ba stars present clear evidence of hosting stellar or sub-stellar companions from the radial velocity data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Jhon Yana Galarza ◽  
Ricardo López-Valdivia ◽  
Jorge Meléndez ◽  
Diego Lorenzo-Oliveira

Abstract Binary stars are supposed to be chemically homogeneous, as they are born from the same molecular cloud. However, high-precision chemical abundances show that some binary systems display chemical differences between the components, which could be due to planet engulfment. In this work, we determine precise fundamental parameters and chemical abundances for the binary system HIP 71726/HIP 71737. Our results show that the pair is truly conatal, coeval, and comoving. We also find that the component HIP 71726 is more metal-rich than HIP 71737 in the refractory elements such as iron, with Δ[Fe/H] = 0.11 ± 0.01 dex. Moreover, HIP 71726 has a lithium abundance 1.03 dex higher than HIP 71737, which is the largest difference in Li detected in twin-star binary systems with ΔT eff ≤ 50 K. The ingestion of 9.8 − 1.6 + 2.0 M ⊕ of rocky material fully explains both the enhancement in refractory elements and the high Li content observed in HIP 71726, thereby reinforcing the planet-engulfment scenario in some binary systems.

José N Espíritu ◽  
Antonio Peimbert

Abstract We present a spectrum of the planetary nebula M 2-36 obtained using the Ultra Violet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). 446 emission lines are detected. We perform an analysis of the chemical composition using multiple electron temperature (Te) and density (ne) diagnostics. Te and ne are computed using a variety of methods, including collisionally excited line (CEL) ratios, O++ optical recombination lines (ORLs), and measuring the intensity of the Balmer jump. Besides the classical CEL abundances, we also present robust ionic abundances from ORLs of heavy elements. From CELs and ORLs of O++, we obtain a new value for the Abundance Discrepancy Factor (ADF) of this nebula, being ADF(O++) = 6.76 ± 0.50. From all the different line ratios that we study, we find that the object cannot be chemically homogeneous; moreover, we find that two-phased photoionization models are unable to simultaneously reproduce critical ${\rm O\, \small {II}}$ and [${\rm O\, \small {III}}$] line ratios. However, we find a three-phased model able to adequately reproduce such ratios. While we consider this to be a toy model, it is able to reproduce the observed temperature and density line diagnostics. Our analysis shows that it is important to study high ADF PNe with high spectral resolution, since its physical and chemical structure may be more complicated than previously thought.

A F Monteiro ◽  
O L Dors

Abstract For the first time, the argon abundance relative to hydrogen abundance (Ar/H) in the narrow line region of a sample of Seyfert 2 nuclei has been derived. In view of this, optical narrow emission line intensities of a sample of 64 local Seyfert 2 nuclei (z < 0.25) taken from Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 and measured by the MPA/JHU group were considered. We adopted the Te-method for AGNs, which is based on direct determination of the electron temperature, together with a grid of photoionization model results, built with the Cloudy code, to obtain a method for the derivation of the Ar/H abundance. We find that for a metallicity range of $\rm 0.2 \: \lesssim \: (Z/{\rm Z_{\odot }}) \: \lesssim \: 2.0$, Seyfert 2 nuclei present Ar/H abundance ranging from ∼0.1 to ∼3 times the argon solar value, adopting $\rm log(O/H)_{\odot }=-3.31$ and $\rm log(Ar/H)_{\odot }=-5.60$. These range of values correspond to $\rm 8.0 \: \lesssim \: (12+log(O/H) \: \lesssim \: 9.0$ and $\rm 5.4 \: \lesssim \: (12+log(Ar/H) \: \lesssim \: 6.9$, respectively. The range of Ar/H and Ar/O abundance values obtained from our sample are in consonance with estimations from extrapolations of the radial abundance gradients to the central parts of the disk for four spiral galaxies. We combined our abundance results with estimates obtained from a sample of H ii galaxies, which were taken from the literature, and found that the Ar/O abundance ratio decreases slightly as the O/H abundance increases.

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