linear partial differential equations
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Sohaib Abdal ◽  
Imran Siddique ◽  
Dalal Alrowaili ◽  
Qasem Al-Mdallal ◽  
Sajjad Hussain

AbstractThe evolution of compact density heat gadgets demands effective thermal transportation. The notion of nanofluid plays active role for this requirements. A comparative account for Maxwell nanofluids and Williamson nanofluid is analyzed. The bioconvection of self motive microorganisms, non Fourier heat flux and activation energy are new aspects of this study. This article elaborates the effects of viscous dissipation, Cattaneo–Christov diffusion for Maxwell and Williamson nanofluid transportation that occurs due to porous stretching sheet. The higher order non-linear partial differential equations are solved by using similarity transformations and a new set of ordinary differential equations is formed. For numerical purpose, Runge–Kutta method with shooting technique is applied. Matlab plateform is used for computational procedure. The graphs for various profiles .i.e. velocity, temperature, concentration and concentration of motile micro-organisms are revealed for specific non-dimensional parameters. It is observed that enhancing the magnetic parameter M, the velocity of fluid decreases but opposite behavior happens for temperature, concentration and motile density profile. Also the motile density profile decrease down for Pe and Lb. The skin friction coefficient is enhanced for both the Williamson and Maxwell fluid.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
Higinio Ramos ◽  
Anurag Kaur ◽  
V. Kanwar

AbstractIn this paper, we develop an optimized hybrid block method which is combined with a modified cubic B-spline method, for solving non-linear partial differential equations. In particular, it will be applied for solving three well-known problems, namely, the Burgers equation, Buckmaster equation and FitzHugh–Nagumo equation. Most of the developed methods in the literature for non-linear partial differential equations have not focused on optimizing the time step-size and a very small value must be considered to get accurate approximations. The motivation behind the development of this work is to overcome this trade-off up to much extent using a larger time step-size without compromising accuracy. The optimized hybrid block method considered is proved to be A-stable and convergent. Furthermore, the obtained numerical approximations have been compared with exact and numerical solutions available in the literature and found to be adequate. In particular, without using quasilinearization or filtering techniques, the results for small viscosity coefficient for Burgers equation are found to be accurate. We have found that the combination of the two considered methods is computationally efficient for solving non-linear PDEs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 712-716
Zainab Mohammed Alwan

In this survey, viewed integral transformation (IT) combined with Adomian decomposition method (ADM) as ZMA- transform (ZMAT) coupled with (ADM) in which said ZMA decomposition method has been utilized to solve nonlinear partial differential equations (NPDE's).This work is very useful for finding the exact solution of (NPDE's) and this result is more accurate obtained with compared the exact solution obtained in the literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 955-960
M.C. Kemparaju ◽  
Bommanna Lavanya ◽  
Mahantesh M. Nandeppanavar ◽  
N. Raveendra

In this paper an examination is completed to explore the influence of variable thickness and variable thermal conductivity on MHD stream. We have considered the governing stream and heat transfer conditions as partial differential equations. These non-linear partial differential equations are changed to non-linear ordinary differential equations at that point explained numerically utilizing fourth order RK strategy with shooting procedure. The influence of governing factors on velocity and temperature is concentrated through diagrams and numerical estimations of skin frictions and wall temperature inclination are determined, classified and examined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Lohans de Oliveira Miranda ◽  
Lossian Barbosa Bacelar Miranda

We disclose a simple and straightforward method of solving single-order linear partial differential equations. The advantage of the method is that it is applicable to any orders and the big disadvantage is that it is restricted to a single order at a time. As it is very easy compared to classical methods, it has didactic value.

Michael Hinz ◽  
Melissa Meinert

AbstractWe consider linear partial differential equations on resistance spaces that are uniformly elliptic and parabolic in the sense of quadratic forms and involve abstract gradient and divergence terms. Our main interest is to provide graph and metric graph approximations for their unique solutions. For families of equations with different coefficients on a single compact resistance space we prove that solutions have accumulation points with respect to the uniform convergence in space, provided that the coefficients remain bounded. If in a sequence of equations the coefficients converge suitably, the solutions converge uniformly along a subsequence. For the special case of local resistance forms on finitely ramified sets we also consider sequences of resistance spaces approximating the finitely ramified set from within. Under suitable assumptions on the coefficients (extensions of) linearizations of the solutions of equations on the approximating spaces accumulate or even converge uniformly along a subsequence to the solution of the target equation on the finitely ramified set. The results cover discrete and metric graph approximations, and both are discussed.

2021 ◽  
David T. Sandwell

David Sandwell developed this advanced textbook over a period of nearly 30 years for his graduate course at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The book augments the classic textbook Geodynamics by Don Turcotte and Jerry Schubert, presenting more complex and foundational mathematical methods and approaches to geodynamics. The main new tool developed in the book is the multi-dimensional Fourier transform for solving linear partial differential equations. The book comprises nineteen chapters, including: the latest global data sets; quantitative plate tectonics; plate driving forces associated with lithospheric heat transfer and subduction; the physics of the earthquake cycle; postglacial rebound; and six chapters on gravity field development and interpretation. Each chapter has a set of student exercises that make use of the higher-level mathematical and numerical methods developed in the book. Solutions to the exercises are available online for course instructors, on request.

Stephane Malek

We examine a family of linear partial differential equations both singularly perturbed in a complex parameter and singular in complex time at the origin. These equations entail forcing terms which combine polynomial and logarithmic type functions in time and that are bounded holomorphic on horizontal strips in one complex space variable. A set of sectorial holomorphic solutions are built up by means of complete and truncated Laplace transforms w.r.t time and parameter and Fourier inverse integral in space. Asymptotic expansions of these solutions relatively to time and parameter are investigated and two distinguished Gevrey type expansions in monomial and logarithmic scales are exhibited.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 2234
Zu-Guang Ying ◽  
Yi-Qing Ni

A response analysis method for nonlinear beams with spatial distribution parameters and non-periodic supports was developed. The proposed method is implemented in four steps: first, the nonlinear partial differential equation of the beams is transformed into linear partial differential equations with space-varying parameters by using a perturbation method; second, the space-varying parameters are separated into a periodic part and a non-periodic part describing the periodicity defect, and the linear partial differential equations are separated into equations for the periodic and non-periodic parts; third, the equations are converted into ordinary differential equations with multiple modes coupling by using the Galerkin method; fourth, the equations are solved by using a harmonic balance method to obtain vibration responses, which are used to discover dynamic characteristics including the amplitude–frequency relation and spatial mode. The proposed method considers multiple vibration modes in the response analysis of nonlinear non-periodic structures and accounts for mode-coupling effects resulting from structural nonlinearity and parametric non-periodicity. Thus, it can handle nonlinear non-periodic structures with a high parameter-varying wave in wide frequency vibration. In numerical studies, a nonlinear beam with non-periodic supports (resulting in non-periodic distribution parameters or periodicity defect) under harmonic excitations was explored using the proposed method, which revealed some new dynamic response characteristics of this kind of structure and the influences of non-periodic parameters. The characteristics include remarkable variation in frequency response and spatial mode, and in particular, vibration localization and anti-localization. The results have potential applications in vibration control and the support damage detection of nonlinear structures with non-periodic supports.

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