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2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 125-136
Jiří Ambros ◽  
Zuzana Křivánková ◽  
Robert Zůvala ◽  
Kateřina Bucsuházy ◽  
Jindřich Frič

Traffic safety is influenced, among other factors, by characteristics of the roads, which include the width of the shoulder. Shoulder width was noted to have a large effect on crash frequency, as well as on traffic speed. In this paper, we focused on paved shoulders. Previous studies confirmed that increasing the width of the paved shoulder is associated with a decrease in crash frequency. However, wider shoulders may encourage higher driving speed, which is related to an increase of impact speed and crash severity – this issue was hypothesized, but not statistically investigated. Thus, conclusions based on crashes and speeds contradict each other, and there is no simple answer to the question of the safety impact of wide shoulders. To address this gap, we analyzed a sample of two most typical categories of Czech secondary roads, which differ only in the paved shoulder width (S9.5 roads with 0.75m-wide shoulder, and S11.5 roads with 1.75m-wide shoulder) and thus present a suitable example for studying the safety impact of paved shoulder width. We used generalized linear models of crash frequency, and multinomial logistic models of crash severity (separately for single-vehicle and multi-vehicle crashes), as well as a statistical test of differences in speed for the two road categories. The results showed that: Firstly, there were fewer crashes on S11.5 roads compared to S9.5 roads; this was true for both single-vehicle and multi-vehicle crashes. Secondly, single-vehicle crashes on S11.5 roads were more severe compared to S9.5 roads; the change of severity in multi-vehicle crashes was not statistically significant. Thirdly, driving speeds on S11.5 roads were approx. by 7 km/h higher compared to S9.5 roads. These findings support the hypothesis of an association between wider shoulders, higher speeds, and increased crash severity, especially in the case of single-vehicle crashes. As a practical solution, various speed management measures, including widening to a 2+1 road, may be recommended.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Xuemei Zhou ◽  
Jiaojiao Xi ◽  
Zhen Guan ◽  
Xiangfeng Ji

Proper vehicle operation and route planning are critical for achieving the best match between bus operation and passenger services. In order to enhance the attractiveness of public transportation, a new type of the public transportation dispatching method based on passenger reservation data is proposed. This mode can meet the requirements of multiple lines in urban centers during peak hours, which can realize direct service between two stations. Then, taking the lowest operating cost of the enterprise and the lowest passenger waiting cost as the optimization goal, a customized dynamic dispatching model of multiline and hybrid vehicles was established. Finally, a calculation example is designed and the genetic algorithm is used to solve the model. The results show that the hybrid vehicle solution is more reasonable than the traditional single-vehicle solution and reveal that the model is feasible to optimize scheduling plan. The conclusions obtained in this research lay a theoretical foundation for APP setup and operation plan formulation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-44
Yixuan Liu ◽  
Chen Jiang ◽  
Xiaoge Zhang ◽  
Zissimos P. Mourelatos ◽  
Dakota Barthlow ◽  

Abstract Identifying a reliable path in uncertain environments is essential for designing reliable off-road autonomous ground vehicles (AGV) considering post-design operations. This paper presents a novel bio-inspired approach for model-based multi-vehicle mission planning under uncertainty for off-road AGVs subjected to mobility reliability constraints in dynamic environments. A physics-based vehicle dynamics simulation model is first employed to predict vehicle mobility (i.e., maximum attainable speed) for any given terrain and soil conditions. Based on physics-based simulations, the vehicle state mobility reliability in operation is then analyzed using an adaptive surrogate modeling method to overcome the computational challenges in mobility reliability analysis by adaptively constructing a surrogate. Subsequently, a bio-inspired approach called Physarum-based algorithm is used in conjunction with a navigation mesh to identify an optimal path satisfying a specific mobility reliability requirement. The developed Physarum-based framework is applied to reliability-based path planning for both a single-vehicle and multiple-vehicle scenarios. A case study is used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methods and algorithms. The results show that the proposed framework can effectively identify optimal paths for both scenarios of a single and multiple vehicles. The required computational time is less than the widely used Dijkstra-based method.

Melita J. Giummarra ◽  
Rongbin Xu ◽  
Yuming Guo ◽  
Joanna F. Dipnall ◽  
Jennie Ponsford ◽  

Road trauma remains a significant public health problem. We aimed to identify sub-groups of motor vehicle collisions in Victoria, Australia, and the association between collision characteristics and outcomes up to 24 months post-injury. Data were extracted from the Victorian State Trauma Registry for injured drivers aged ≥16 years, from 2010 to 2016, with a compensation claim who survived ≥12 months post-injury. People with intentional or severe head injury were excluded, resulting in 2735 cases. Latent class analysis was used to identify collision classes for driver fault and blood alcohol concentration (BAC), day and time of collision, weather conditions, single vs. multi-vehicle and regional vs. metropolitan injury location. Five classes were identified: (1) daytime multi-vehicle collisions, no other at fault; (2) daytime single-vehicle predominantly weekday collisions; (3) evening single-vehicle collisions, no other at fault, 36% with BAC ≥ 0.05; (4) sunrise or sunset weekday collisions; and (5) dusk and evening multi-vehicle in metropolitan areas with BAC < 0.05. Mixed linear and logistic regression analyses examined associations between collision class and return to work, health (EQ-5D-3L summary score) and independent function Glasgow Outcome Scale - Extended at 6, 12 and 24 months. After adjusting for demographic, health and injury characteristics, collision class was not associated with outcomes. Rather, risk of poor outcomes was associated with age, sex and socioeconomic disadvantage, education, pre-injury health and injury severity. People at risk of poor recovery may be identified from factors available during the hospital admission and may benefit from clinical assessment and targeted referrals and treatments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Qichao Liu ◽  
Wei Wang ◽  
Xuedong Hua

Recently, electric vehicles (EVs) have received more and more attention, but the problem of the insufficient range is still the main reason that hinders electric vehicles to travel long distances. Under the premise of the battery capacity without technological innovation, the path planning method can ensure the safety and efficiency of electric vehicles in long-distance travel. This paper studies the actual freeway network to optimize the vehicle driving path and give the charging strategy based on the shortest travel time of a single vehicle. In this paper, a path and charging strategy planning model is proposed. In this model, the shortest travel time of a single vehicle is taken as the objective function, and the state of charging equipment in the actual road network and the safe electric quantity are considered as constraints. And the genetic algorithm is used to solve the model. Through case analysis, the rationality and optimization efficiency of the model proposed in this paper are verified. Finally, the sensitivity analysis of the three parameters of traffic volume, temperature, and travel speed is carried out with the Shanghai-Nanjing freeway network. The experimental results can get the nodes with the highest service pressure in the network, which can provide a theoretical basis for charging nodes’ expansion in the freeway network in the future.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (19) ◽  
pp. 6547
Nan Xu ◽  
Xiaohan Li ◽  
Qiao Liu ◽  
Di Zhao

Constrained by traditional fuel-saving technologies that have almost reached the limit of fuel-saving potential, the difficulty in changing urban congestion, and the low market penetration rate of new energy vehicles, in the short term, eco-driving seems to be an effective way to achieve energy-saving and emissions reduction in the transportation industry. This paper reviews the energy-saving theory and technology of eco-driving, eco-driving capability evaluation, and the practical application of eco-driving, and points out some limitations of previous studies. Specifically, the research on eco-driving theory mostly focuses on a single vehicle in a single scene, and there is a lack of eco-driving research for fleets or regions. In addition, the parameters used to evaluate eco-driving capabilities mainly focus on speed, acceleration, and fuel consumption, but external factors that are not related to the driver will affect these parameters, making the evaluation results unreasonable. Fortunately, vehicle big data and the Internet of Vehicles (V2I) provides an information basis for solving regional eco-driving, and it also provides a data basis for the study of data-driven methods for the fair evaluation of eco-driving. In general, the development of new technologies provides new ideas for solving some problems in the field of eco-driving.

Subasish Das ◽  
Xiaoduan Sun ◽  
Bahar Dadashova ◽  
M. Ashifur Rahman ◽  
Ming Sun

Sun glare is one of the major environmental issues contributing to traffic crashes. Every year, many traffic crashes in the United States are attributed to sun glare. However, quantitative analysis of the influence of sun glare on traffic crashes has not been widely undertaken. This study used traffic crash narrative data for 7 years (2010–2016) from Louisiana to identify crash reports that provided evidence of drivers indicating sun glare as the primary contributing factor of the crashes. Additional geometry and traffic information was collected to identify the list of key crash-contributing factors. This study used cluster correspondence analysis to perform the data analysis. After performing several iterations, six clusters were identified that provided additional insight in relation to sun glare-related crashes. The six clusters are associated with mixed (business and residential) localities, intersection-related crashes on U.S. roadways, single-vehicle crashes on residential two-lane undivided roadways, curve-related crashes on parish roadways in residential localities, interstate-related crashes in open country localities, and curve-related crashes in open country localities. The findings of the current study can add insights to the ongoing safety analysis on sun glare-related crashes.

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