complete test
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1431-1438
Nur Fitryana ◽  
Nasruddin Syam ◽  
Mansur Sididi

Hygiene adalah usaha kesehatan preventif  yang menitik baratkan kegiatannya pada usaha kesehatan individu, maupun usaha kesehatan pribadi hidup manusia. Personal hygiene adalah perawatan diri dimana individu mempertahankan kesehatannya, dan di pengaruhi oleh nilai serta keterampilan. Menurut Mosby bahwa : “keberssihan seseorang adalah suatu tindakan untuk memelihara kebersihan dasar kesehatan seseorang untuk kesehatan fisik dan kesehatan psikis” Escherichia coli adalah salah satu bakteri yang tergolong coliform dan hidup secara normal di dalam kotoran manusia maupun hewan, oleh karna itu disebut juga koliform fekal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan bakteriologis E.coli pada minuman es dawet yang dijual disepanjang Jalan Panaikang Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode observasional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan bakteriologis, kebersihan peralatan, tempat pengolahan minuman dan penyimpanan bahan. Teknik pengambilan sampel ini adalah purposive random sampling. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah es dawet yang dijual disepanjang Jalan Panaikang Kota Makassar. Pada pemeriksaan uji laboratorium peneliti menggunakan kualitatif dengan metode complete test. Sampel es dawet diambil dari 10 pedagang yang terdapat di pinggi jalan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 sampel es dawet yang diuji terdapat 7 sampel yang positif mengandung Eschericia coli dan 3 sampel yang negatif. Dari hasil penelitian ini, maka disarankan bagi Dinas Kota Makassar untuk melakukan pengawasan dan pemeriksaan kandungan bakteriologis kepada pedagangan kaki lima secara regular sehingga makanan dan minuman yang dijual tetap memenuhi syarat kesehatan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 676-693
Behailu Getachew Wolde ◽  
Abiot Sinamo Boltana

Cloud offers many ready-made REST services for the end users. This offer realizes the service composition through implementation somewhere on internet based on Service Level Agreement (SLA). For ensuring this SLA, a software testing is a useful means for attesting a non-functional requirement that guarantees quality assurance from end user's perspective. However, test engineer experiences only what goes in and out through an interface that contains a high level behaviors separated from its underlying details. Testing with these behaviors become an issue for classical testing procedures. So, REST API through composition is an alternative new promising approach for modeling behaviors with parameters against the cloud. This new approach helps to devise test effectiveness in terms of REST based behavior-driven implementation. It aims to understand functional behaviors through API methods based on input domain modeling (IDM) on the standard keyboard pattern. By making an effective REST design the test engineer sends complete test inputs to its API directly on application, and gets test responses from the infrastructure. We consider NEMo mobility API specification to design an IDM, which represents pattern match of mobility search URL API path scope. With this scope, sample mobility REST API service compositions are used. Then, the test assertions are implemented to validate each path resource to test the components and the end-to-end integration on the specified service.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Gergely Vassányi ◽  
Mátyás Gede

Abstract. Archive topographical maps are a key source of geographical information from past ages, which can be valuable for several science fields. Since manual digitization is usually slow and takes much human resource, automatic methods are preferred, such as deep learning algorithms. Although automatic vectorization is a common problem, there have been few approaches regarding point symbols. In this paper, a point symbol vectorization method is proposed, which was tested on Third Military Survey map sheets using a Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network (MRCNN). The MRCNN implementation uses the ResNet101 network improved with the Feature Pyramid Network architecture and is developed in a Google Colab environment. The pretrained network was trained on four point symbol categories simultaneously. Results show 90% accuracy, while 94% of symbols detected for some categories on the complete test sheet.

2021 ◽  
pp. 345-355
Mousum Handique ◽  
Amrit Prasad ◽  
Hiren Kumar Deva Sarma

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 1264
Emiliano Gorr-Pozzi ◽  
Héctor García-Nava ◽  
Marco Larrañaga ◽  
Melissa G. Jaramillo-Torres ◽  
Manuel G. Verduzco-Zapata

Most wave energy converters (WECs) are designed to operate in high-latitude energetic seas, limiting their performance in regions usually dominated by milder conditions. The present study assesses the performance of complete test-stage WECs in farms that satisfy a decentralized energy scheme (DES) on the coast of Baja California, which is considered one of the most energetic regions along the Mexican Pacific. A high-resolution 11-year nearshore wave hindcast was performed and validated with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) data to characterize the wave energy resource in the study area. Two hotspots were identified from the wave power climatology. In these sites, the extractive capacities of seven well-known WEC technologies were determined based on their power matrices. Finally, the power extracted by small WEC farms, with the minimum number of devices required to satisfy a DES, was estimated. The studied region has moderate wave power availability with marked seasonality and low inter-annual variability. Out of all the evaluated devices, WaveDragon extracts the highest wave power; however, Pelamis has the best performance, with maximum monthly mean capacity factors up to 40%. Coupling WEC farms with storage modules or hybrid renewable systems are recommended to satisfy a continuous DES during the less energetic summer months.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 1099-1103 ◽  
M. Mougeot ◽  
D. Atanasov ◽  
J. Karthein ◽  
R. N. Wolf ◽  
P. Ascher ◽  

AbstractThe tin isotope 100Sn is of singular interest for nuclear structure due to its closed-shell proton and neutron configurations. It is also the heaviest nucleus comprising protons and neutrons in equal numbers—a feature that enhances the contribution of the short-range proton–neutron pairing interaction and strongly influences its decay via the weak interaction. Decay studies in the region of 100Sn have attempted to prove its doubly magic character1 but few have studied it from an ab initio theoretical perspective2,3, and none of these has addressed the odd-proton neighbours, which are inherently more difficult to describe but crucial for a complete test of nuclear forces. Here we present direct mass measurements of the exotic odd-proton nuclide 100In, the beta-decay daughter of 100Sn, and of 99In, with one proton less than 100Sn. We use advanced mass spectrometry techniques to measure 99In, which is produced at a rate of only a few ions per second, and to resolve the ground and isomeric states in 101In. The experimental results are compared with ab initio many-body calculations. The 100-fold improvement in precision of the 100In mass value highlights a discrepancy in the atomic-mass values of 100Sn deduced from recent beta-decay results4,5.

2021 ◽  
Robert Berg ◽  
Nicola Chiodo ◽  
Eric Georgin

Abstract. We describe the model and construction of a two-flow (or divided-flow) humidity generator, developed at LNE-CNAM, that uses mass flow controllers to mix a stream of dry gas with a stream of humid gas saturated at 28 °C. It can generate a wide range of humidity, with mole fractions in the range 0.7 × 10−6 < x < 9000 × 10−6, without using low temperature or high pressure. This range is suitable for calibrating balloon-borne instruments that measure humidity in the stratosphere, where x ~5 × 10−6. The generator’s novel feature is a saturator that comprises 5 m of silicone tubing immersed in water. Water enters the humid gas stream by diffusing through the wall of the tubing until the gas stream flowing through the tubing is saturated. This design provides a simple, low-cost humidity generator with an accuracy that is acceptable for many applications. The key requirement is that the tubing be long enough to ensure saturation, so that the saturator’s output is independent of the dimensions and permeability of the tube. A length of only a few meters was sufficient because the tube was made of silicone; other common polymers have permeabilities that are 1000 times smaller. We verified the model of the transition from unsaturated flow to saturated flow by measuring the humidity while using three tube lengths, two of which were too short for saturation. As a more complete test, we used the generator as a primary device after correcting the calibrations of the mass flow controllers that determined the mixing ratio. At mole fractions 50 × 10−6 < x < 5000 × 10−6, the generator’s output mole fraction xgen agreed to within 1 % with the value xcm measured by a calibrated chilled-mirror hygrometer; in other words, their ratio fell in the range xgen/xcm = 1.00 ± 0.01. At smaller mole fractions, their differences fell in range xgen − xcm = ±1 × 10−6.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Adilson Bonifacio ◽  
Arnaldo Vieira Moura

Manual testing can be rather time consuming and prone to errors specially when testing asynchronous reactive systems. Model based testing is a well-established approach to verify reactive systems specified by input output labeled transition systems (IOLTSs). One of the challenges stemming from model based testing is verifying conformance and, also, generating test suites, primarily when completeness is a required property. In order to check whether an implementation under test is in compliance with its respective specification one resorts to some form of conformance relation that guarantees the expected behavior of the implementations, given the behavior of the specification. The ioco relation is an example of such a conformance relation. In this work we study another conformance relation based on formal languages. We also investigate how to generate finite and complete test suites for IOLTS models, and discuss the complexity of the test generation mechanism under this new conformance relation. We also show that ioco is a special case of this new conformance relation. Further, we relate our contributions to more recent works, accommodating the restrictions of their classes of fault models as special cases, and we expose the complexity of generating any complete test suite that must satisfy their restrictions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Joko Santoso ◽  
Fatimatul Khikmiyah ◽  
Syaiful Huda

Implementation of this research was conducted in Oktober to Nopember 2020. The purpose of this study is to obtain information about student learning outcomes in the subject matter in the algebra class VIID SMPN 1 Margomulyo after using the method of giving gssignment model. The subject of this research is the students of class VIID SMPN 1 Margomulyo in odd semester of academic year 2020-2021 with the number of students 26 students consisting of 10 men and 16 women. This classroom action research is implemented in 3 cycles consisting of one meetings each. Data collection is done by using learning result test, observation, and student's response. Then the research analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. From the analysis results of third cycles obtained learners' learning completeness on the subject of Operation Calculate Algebraic Form is increased. This can be seen from the improvement of students' learning mastery that is the result of post test prasiklus value that experienced 15.38% completeness, in cycle 1 to 23.08%, in cycle 2 increased to 33.33%, and in cycle 3 increased to 92.31%.. This it can be concluded that from the third complete test result of learning as much as 92.31% so it can be said that learners learn mastery can be achieved. From the observation of the three cycles also experienced increased learning activities of learners, learners are increasingly more enthusiastic to follow the learning, active cooperative, daring to ask

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