oxygen nitrous oxide
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2021 ◽  
Mathias Flieder ◽  
Joy Buongiorno ◽  
Craig W. Herbold ◽  
Bela Hausmann ◽  
Thomas Rattei ◽  

AbstractAcidobacteriota are widespread and often abundant in marine sediments, yet their metabolic and ecological properties are poorly understood. Here, we examined metabolisms and distributions of Acidobacteriota in marine sediments of Svalbard by functional predictions from metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA and dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrB) genes and transcripts, and gene expression analyses of tetrathionate-amended microcosms. Acidobacteriota were the second most abundant dsrB-harboring (averaging 13%) phylum after Desulfobacterota in Svalbard sediments, and represented 4% of dsrB transcripts on average. Meta-analysis of dsrAB datasets also showed Acidobacteriota dsrAB sequences are prominent in marine sediments worldwide, averaging 15% of all sequences analysed, and represent most of the previously unclassified dsrAB in marine sediments. We propose two new Acidobacteriota genera, Candidatus Sulfomarinibacter (class Thermoanaerobaculia, “subdivision 23”) and Ca. Polarisedimenticola (“subdivision 22”), with distinct genetic properties that may explain their distributions in biogeochemically distinct sediments. Ca. Sulfomarinibacter encode flexible respiratory routes, with potential for oxygen, nitrous oxide, metal-oxide, tetrathionate, sulfur and sulfite/sulfate respiration, and possibly sulfur disproportionation. Potential nutrients and energy include cellulose, proteins, cyanophycin, hydrogen, and acetate. A Ca. Polarisedimenticola MAG encodes various enzymes to degrade proteins, and to reduce oxygen, nitrate, sulfur/polysulfide and metal-oxides. 16S rRNA gene and transcript profiling of Svalbard sediments showed Ca. Sulfomarinibacter members were relatively abundant and transcriptionally active in sulfidic fjord sediments, while Ca. Polarisedimenticola members were more relatively abundant in metal-rich fjord sediments. Overall, we reveal various physiological features of uncultured marine Acidobacteriota that indicate fundamental roles in seafloor biogeochemical cycling.

2021 ◽  
pp. 265-272
A Kurzová ◽  
L Hess ◽  
J Slíva ◽  
J Málek

It has been suggested that sympathetic activity, measured as changes in electrical skin impedance (SI), can be used to assess the adequacy of general anesthesia. Our prospective study investigated if measurements of skin impedance can determine levels of sedation induced by midazolam. Twenty-seven patients scheduled for arthroscopy requiring general anesthesia were served as their own control. These were blinded to the order of injections by telling them that they will be randomly administered a placebo (saline) or sedative agent. A DM 3900 multimeter was used for SI measurements. The degree of sedation was measured using the modified Observer’s Assessment of Alertness and Sedation (mOAAS) scale. Resting SI values were noted, and all participants were then administered the placebo followed 5 min later by midazolam 2 mg i.v. Five min after that, patients were administered standard general anesthesia with propofol, oxygen, nitrous oxide 60 %, and isoflurane 1 MAC via a laryngeal mask, and sufentanil 5 – 10 µg. SI significantly increased after administration of midazolam and induction of anesthesia. There were no significant differences between pre-administration (baseline) and placebo and end of surgery and end of anesthesia with closed eyes. There were highly significant differences (p<0.001) between pre-administration vs. midazolam, placebo vs. midazolam, pre-administration vs. induction of anesthesia. We found slight correlation between mOAAS and SI. There were no significant changes between the end of surgery and the end of anesthesia with closed eyes, but SI significantly decreased (p<0.01) after eyes opened.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Paschale N. Bégin ◽  
Yukiko Tanabe ◽  
Milla Rautio ◽  
Maxime Wauthy ◽  
Isabelle Laurion ◽  

AbstractIce cover persists throughout summer over many lakes at extreme polar latitudes but is likely to become increasingly rare with ongoing climate change. Here we addressed the question of how summer ice-cover affects the underlying water column of Ward Hunt Lake, a freshwater lake in the Canadian High Arctic, with attention to its vertical gradients in limnological properties that would be disrupted by ice loss. Profiling in the deepest part of the lake under thick mid-summer ice revealed a high degree of vertical structure, with gradients in temperature, conductivity and dissolved gases. Dissolved oxygen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane rose with depth to concentrations well above air-equilibrium, with oxygen values at > 150% saturation in a mid-water column layer of potential convective mixing. Fatty acid signatures of the seston also varied with depth. Benthic microbial mats were the dominant phototrophs, growing under a dim green light regime controlled by the ice cover, water itself and weakly colored dissolved organic matter that was mostly autochthonous in origin. In this and other polar lakes, future loss of mid-summer ice will completely change many water column properties and benthic light conditions, resulting in a markedly different ecosystem regime.

2020 ◽  
Mathias Flieder ◽  
Joy Buongiorno ◽  
Craig W. Herbold ◽  
Bela Hausmann ◽  
Thomas Rattei ◽  

AbstractAcidobacteriota are widespread and often abundant in marine sediments, yet their metabolic and ecological properties are poorly understood. Here, we examined metabolisms and distributions of Acidobacteriota in marine sediments of Svalbard by functional predictions from metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA and dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrB) genes and transcripts, and gene expression analyses of tetrathionate-amended microcosms. Acidobacteriota were the second most abundant dsrB-harboring (averaging 13%) phylum after Desulfobacterota in Svalbard sediments, and represented 4% of dsrB transcripts on average. We propose two new Acidobacteriota genera, Candidatus Sulfomarinibacter (class Thermoanaerobaculia, ‘sub-division 23’) and Ca. Polarisedimenticola (‘sub-division 22’), with distinct genetic properties that may explain their distributions in biogeochemically distinct fjord sediments. Ca. Sulfomarinibacter encodes flexible respiratory routes, with potential for oxygen, nitrous oxide, metal-oxide, tetrathionate, sulfur and sulfite/sulfate respiration, and possibly sulfur disproportionation. Potential nutrients and energy include cellulose, proteins, cyanophycin, hydrogen and acetate. A Ca. Polarisedimenticola MAG encodes enzymes to degrade proteins, and to reduce oxygen, nitrate, sulfur/polysulfide and metal-oxides. 16S rRNA gene and transcript profiling showed Ca. Sulfomarinibacter members were relatively abundant and transcriptionally active in sulfidic fjord sediments, while Ca. Polarisedimenticola members were more relatively abundant in metal-rich fjord sediments. Overall, we reveal various physiological features of uncultured marine Acidobacteriota that indicate fundamental roles in seafloor biogeochemical cycling.

2019 ◽  
Vol 130 (3) ◽  
pp. 492-501 ◽  
Teresa S. Jones ◽  
Ian H. Black ◽  
Thomas N. Robinson ◽  
Edward L. Jones

Abstract Operating room fires are rare but devastating events. Guidelines are available for the prevention and management of surgical fires; however, these recommendations are based on expert opinion and case series. The three components of an operating room fire are present in virtually all surgical procedures: an oxidizer (oxygen, nitrous oxide), an ignition source (i.e., laser, “Bovie”), and a fuel. This review analyzes each fire ingredient to determine the optimal clinical strategy to reduce the risk of fire. Surgical checklists, team training, and the specific management of an operating room fire are also reviewed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-7
Valerie Brueton ◽  
Richard Brueton

Improving hospital safety is challenging in resource-poor countries. Before a new hospital opened in Malawi, we simulated a patient’s pathway from admission to discharge, through which we identified associated administrative and clinical activities. Newly recruited hospital personnel enacted the simulation: admission procedures; preoperative clinical assessment; patient preparation for theatre and surgery; safety checks of surgical and anaesthetic equipment; adherence to aseptic technique; postoperative care; and hospital discharge. Hospital personnel were familiar with their clinical and administrative roles. Some essential equipment required repair/recalibration. Additional supplies of oxygen, nitrous oxide and anaesthetic drugs were needed. Policies requiring clarification, forms requiring amendment and general maintenance tasks for completion were identified. The simulation exercise identified areas for safety improvement and thus could be replicated to promote hospital safety elsewhere.

Natacha Zamor

In the modern anesthesia machine, there are various safety checks in place to help prevent the delivery of a hypoxic gas mixture to the patient. They include the pin index safety system (PISS), diameter index safety system (DISS), failsafe valve, oxygen-nitrous oxide proportioning system, oxygen supply failure alarm, flowmeter sequence, and, most distally, the oxygen analyzer. The PISS is a feature in the high-pressure system. The DISS, failsafe valve, and oxygen failure alarm are in the intermediate-pressure system. The flowmeters, proportioning system, and oxygen analyzer are in the low-pressure system. This chapter undertakes a discussion of the distinct role of each feature and their limitations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
Naila Asad ◽  
Khawar Ali

Objective: To evaluate the occurrence of postoperative sore throat after the use of LMA among patients undergoing surgery on intermittent positive pressure ventilation and those on spontaneous mode. Methods: hundred adult patients of ASA I or II status were included and divided into two equal groups. Group I patients were randomly assigned for positive pressure ventilation and group II patients for spontaneous breathing. Anaesthesia was administered with propofol, oxygen nitrous oxide and halothane. The LMA of appropriate size was placed.After completion of surgery, LMA was removed when the patient regained deglutition reflex. Patient was questioned postoperatively for variables of sore throat for three days. Results: In group I, 12% patients complained of mild sore throat in comparison to group II where 6% suffered from mild sore throat (p>0.05). There was no difference in the discomfort levels among males and females. Conclusion: Pharyngolaryngeal discomfort is less after use of LMA under spontaneous ve ntilation in comparison to controlled ventilation.

2015 ◽  
Vol 73 (7) ◽  
pp. 578-581 ◽  
Francisco Moreira Mattos Júnior ◽  
Rafael Villanova Mattos ◽  
Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira ◽  
Silvia Regina Dowgan Tesseroli de Siqueira ◽  
Jose Tadeu Tesseroli de Siqueira

The objective was to investigate the effect of nitrous/oxygen in chronic pain. Seventy-seven chronic pain patients referred to dental treatment with conscious sedation with nitrous oxide/oxygen had their records included in this research. Data were collected regarding the location and intensity of pain by the visual analogue scale before and after the treatment. Statistical analysis was performed comparing pre- and post-treatment findings. It was observed a remarkable decrease in the prevalence of pain in this sample (only 18 patients still had chronic pain, p < 0.001) and in its intensity (p < 0.001). Patients that needed fewer sessions received higher proportions of nitrous oxide/oxygen. Nitrous oxide may be a tool to be used in the treatment of chronic pain, and future prospective studies are necessary to understand the underlying mechanisms and the effect of nitrous oxide/oxygen in patients according to the pain diagnosis and other characteristics.

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