resource collaboration
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Young-Heung Kim ◽  
Seung-Il Na

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to investigate the structural relationship between technology teachers’ attitudes toward STEAM education and the cooperation of instructional resources collaboration, school educational change receptivity, and instructional expertise and instructional efficacy. The population comprised about 3500 technology teachers working in middle schools in Korea, and the sample size was set at 650. Data were collected in parallel with postal surveys and online surveys. A total of 650 copies were distributed, of which 409 were recovered, and 283 copies were used for analysis after data cleaning. The Mplus 7 program was used for data analysis, and the significance level was set at 5%. First, we found that the suitability of the structural model established to clarify technology teachers’ attitudes toward STEAM education, instructional resource collaboration, school educational change receptivity, instructional expertise, and instructional efficacy was generally good, so the relationship between the variables was reasonably confirmed. Second, school educational change receptivity and instructional efficacy were found to have a direct effect on attitudes toward STEAM education. Third, the teachers’ instructional resources collaboration was confirmed to influence their attitudes toward STEAM education by mediating the school educational change receptivity and instructional efficacy, and their instructional expertise mediated their instructional efficacy. Fourth, school educational change receptivity was confirmed to influence attitudes toward STEAM education through the dual media of instructional expertise and instructional efficacy. Finally, instructional resource collaboration was confirmed to influence attitudes toward STEAM education through school educational change receptivity, instructional expertise, and instructional efficacy.

2021 ◽  
Erhun Özkan

We study scheduling control of parallel processing networks in which some resources need to simultaneously collaborate to perform some activities and some resources multitask. Resource collaboration and multitasking give rise to synchronization constraints in resource scheduling when the resources are not divisible, that is, when the resources cannot be split. The synchronization constraints affect the system performance significantly. For example, because of those constraints, the system capacity can be strictly less than the capacity of the bottleneck resource. Furthermore, the resource scheduling decisions are not trivial under those constraints. For example, not all static prioritization policies retain the maximum system capacity, and the ones that retain the maximum system capacity do not necessarily minimize the delay (or, in general, the holding cost). We study optimal scheduling control of a class of parallel networks and propose a dynamic prioritization policy that retains the maximum system capacity and is asymptotically optimal in diffusion scale and a conventional heavy-traffic regime with respect to the expected discounted total holding cost objective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Yanbing Yin ◽  
Chen Liu

Aiming at the problems that the current education practice of intangible cultural heritage is not fully implemented, and the campus curriculum system of intangible cultural heritage is not perfect, this paper puts forward some relevant policy suggestions, such as the construction of intangible cultural heritage education inheritance system, modular curriculum design, building resource collaboration platform and so on. It strengthens the important role of campus in the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage, and provides a good scientific development system for the inheritance and protection of intangible cultural heritage in the campus channel

Kuncoro Galih Pambayun

Problem Statement: The high cost of e-journal subscriptions makes it difficult for universities to have several databases for scientific disciplines. Meanwhile, database subscriptions is one of the library accreditation assessment points that create prestige for universities. Purpose: This study aims to determine the ineffectiveness of e-Journal subscriptions in the IPDN Library. Method: Method: Data were collected by interviewing 13 respondents out of a survey of 90 with the Convergent Parallel Mixed Method.  The obtained data were further analyzed using a technique adapted from Sin and Kim's research, which is based on the factors influencing a person's desire to use electronic journal database facilities. This technique analyzed the readiness of human resources, infrastructure, budget, and legal protection. Result: The result showed that the librarian's human resource's support is in the very good category. Furthermore, users possess very good computer and software skills, good motivation and electronic search skills, and moderate foreign language skills. However, university libraries still lack infrastructure support due to insufficient search equipment, inadequate internet network, and limited content. Although budget support is included in the lacking category, institutional support related to the legal protection is sufficient, while sharing and using e-resources are carried out with the National Library. In addition, due to the numerous academic institutions in Asia, sharing and use of e-resources have become difficult, with poor collaborations among universities within the country.  Conclusion: The causes of ineffective e-journal subscriptions are budget constraints, limited supporting devices, poor internet network, limited content, as well as lack of e-resource collaboration and sharing with other university libraries.  Keywords: E-Journal Subscription; e-Resources; Library Services; Academic Library, IPDN Library     Abstrak Permasalahan: Tingginya biaya langganan e-journal menyebabkan tidak semua perguruan tinggi mampu memiliki banyak database disiplin ilmu, bahkan banyak yang tidak mampu memiliki satu pun. Sementara itu, menjadi salah satu poin penilaian akreditasi perpustakaan dan menjadikan prestise tersendiri bagi perguruan tinggi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan mengapa langganan E Journal di Perpustakaan IPDN kurang efektif. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan Convergent Parallel Mixed Method. Pengambilan data melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap 13 informan dan survey terhadap 90 responden. Teknik analisa datanya menggunakan analisis yang telah diadaptasi dari model penelitian Sin dan Kim mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keinginan seseorang untuk menggunakan fasilitas pangkalan data jurnal elektronik dan menganalisa faktor kesiapan SDM, infrastruktur, anggaran, dan payung hukum. Hasil: Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berkaitan dengan dukungan SDM pustakawan sangat baik, kemampuan menggunakan komputer dan software pemustaka sangat baik, motivasi dan keterampilan penelusuran elektronis tergolong baik, serta kemampuan bahasa asing sedang. Adapun berkaitan dengan infrastruktur masih sangat kurang, yang disebabkan karena perangkat pendukung penelusuran masih sangat kurang, jaringan internet sangat kurang, dan konten yang disediakan terbatas. Selanjutnya dalam hal dukungan anggaran termasuk dalam kategori kurang. Dukungan kelembagaan berkaitan dengan payung hukum tergolong cukup, akan tetapi sharing dan pemanfaatan e-resource hanya terlaksana dengan Perpustakaan Nasional saja, sementara dengan beberapa lembaga akademik di asia tidak berjalan baik, bahkan belum dilakukan kolaborasi dengan universitas di dalam negeri. Kesimpulan: Penyebab langganan e-journal menjadi kurang efektif di IPDN diantaranya adalah keterbatasan anggaran, keterbatasan perangkat pendukung, jaringan internet yang buruk, konten yang terbatas, serta belum dilakukannya kolaborasi sharing/pemanfaatan e-resource dengan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi lain. Kata kunci: Langganan e-Journal, e-Resources, Layanan Perpustakaan; Perpustakaan Akademik; Perpustakaan IPDN

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-175
Rahmat Hidayat ◽  
Syamsuddin Syamsuddin

The purpose of this study is to examine the cause of the ineffectiveness of resource collaboration in preventing and handling trafficking victims in West Java Province. This research method is a qualitative study that focuses on human and social problems through primary and secondary data collection. The results of this study indicate that the collaboration of resources in the prevention and handling of victims of trafficking in persons in West Java Province has not been effective. It triggered by the leading sector, problems of coordination of sharing resources, overlapping problems, roles, and resources, political factors, constraints of responsiveness of policymakers, and administrative issues.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-106 ◽  
V.K. Zaretsky ◽  
A.B. Kholmogorova

The article reflects on the authors’ professional journey to problematizing the relationship between Education, Development and Health. This journey consisted of 4 stages or steps: 1) from research on cognitions in creative problem solving in healthy and pathological samples to identification of the role of reflection in cognitive self-regulation and coping with challenges; 2) from the practice of helping to overcome learning difficulties and psychological maladjustment to making meaning of these practices using cultural-historical concepts; 3) from using the cultural-historical framework to understand the relations within the Education- Development and Health-Development dyads to considering complex relations within the Education-Development-Health triad; 4) from relations within the triad to “a new parallelogram of development”, i.e. creating the basis for helping practitioners’ (educators’; psychologists’; psychotherapists’) efforts that would account for “a tripartite goal” using a conceptual framework of cultural-historical psychology, including the reflection-activity approach (the zone of proximal development; the multidimensional model of the zone of proximal development; dual resource; collaboration; reflection; problem epicenter, a subjectness position; self-development). When discussing each step, the authors identify gaps in efforts invested by specialists working in every dimension and provide evidence to an essential contribution of cultural-historical psychology theory and practice to bridging these gaps and establishing an evidence-based practice of education aiming at students’ development and health enhancement.

IEEE Access ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 10971-10980 ◽  
Longyu Zhou ◽  
Supeng Leng ◽  
Qiang Liu ◽  
Sun Mao ◽  
Yinhua Liao

Ratnadewi Novie Theresia Br. Pasaribu ◽  
Agus Prijon ◽  
Aan Darmawan Hangkawidjaj ◽  
Erwani Merry Sartika

The number of Indonesian women entrepreneurs is increasing, including women entrepreneurs in West Java. But the obstacles faced include not getting an education to do marketing; one solution is marketing using online media. This was overcome through online marketing literacy for women entrepreneurs, especially in West Java. Electrical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Kristen Maranatha in collaboration with the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Office of West Java Province and Online partner has increased capacity in the form of online media use literacy. The method used was Participatory Action Research, namely participants were given lectures, training, practices, discussions, and questionnaires directly. The Participatory Action Research is a step in a community or social group scientifically resolves their problem by conducting direction, improvement, and evaluating decisions on the steps they take. There are six steps in Participatory Action Research, namely critical reflection, critical dialectics, resource collaboration, risk awareness, plural structures, theory, practice, and transformation. From the results of the questionnaire, it was found that the participants' abilities improved from before the training. Participants felt that this workshop was very useful and useful, which was around 90%. This indicates that the workshop was successful and beneficial for the participants

2019 ◽  
Vol 127 ◽  
pp. 225-239
Inessa Ainbinder ◽  
Gabriel David Pinto ◽  
Gad Rabinowitz

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