policy analysis matrix
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. e0256832
Saptana ◽  
Endro Gunawan ◽  
Atika Dyah Perwita ◽  
Syahrul Ganda Sukmaya ◽  
Valeriana Darwis ◽  

Shallot is a national strategic commodity in Indonesia, but it is development has a fundamental technical, socioeconomic, and policy support problems. Therefore, it is essential to know the competitiveness of shallot in Indonesia and the incentive policy to implement the comparative advantage to become a sustainable competitive advantage. The purposes of this study are to (1) analyze the profitability of shallot farming privately and socially, (2) analyze the competitiveness of shallot farming from a competitive and comparative advantage perspective, (3) review the impact of government policy on shallot farming, and (4) formulate incentive policies in the development of shallot commodities. The empirical results of the Policy Analysis Matrix revealed that shallot farming in production centers in Indonesia has both competitive and comparative advantages. The highest competitive and comparative advantages were found in the dry season in the upland of Malang district with the coefficient values of PCR (Private Cost Ratio) of 0.268–0.508 and DRCR (Domestic Resource Cost Ratio) of 0.208–0.323. The lowest competitive advantage was found in the lowland of East Lombok district in the dry season with a coefficient value of PCR 0.728–0.844. The lowest comparative advantage in the dry season was found in East Lombok district with a DRCR of 0.448, while in the rainy season, it was found in Wonosobo district with a DRCR of 0.522. These results mean that it is more profitable for Indonesia to increase domestic shallot production than to import. Improving shallot competitiveness can be carried out by implementing advanced technology, agricultural infrastructure, capacity building of farmers’ resources, and government incentive policies to increase productivity and competitiveness sustainability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-245
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain ◽  
Wan Abbas Zakaria ◽  
Dwi Haryono ◽  
Ktut Murniati

Ubi kayu merupakan tanaman multifungsi yang berperan sebagai bahan baku sumber energi alternatif, pangan serta pakan. Produksi ubi kayu harus ditingkatkan supaya berdaya saing tinggi. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis biaya transaksi usahatani ubi kayu; menganalisis komoditas unggulan; menganalisis daya saing ubi kayu; dan menganalisis dampak alternatif kebijakan dalam sistem komoditas di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah dengan menggunakan metode survei kepada 131 petani ubikayu yang diambil secara purposive. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu Transaction Cost (TrC); Location Quotient; PAM (Policy Analysis Matrix); dan Sensitivitas. Hasil penelitian (1) biaya transaksi ubi kayu sebesar Rp. 356.507,40/ha/petani/musim, (2) usahatani ubi kayu memiliki nilai LQ sebesar 1,06 artinya tanaman ubi kayu termasuk tanaman unggulan yang berdaya saing, (3) usahatani ubi kayu memiliki daya saing dalam produksi ubi kayu sehingga usahatani ubi kayu layak untuk terus dikembangkan, (4) analisis sensitivitas ubi kayu peka terhadap perubahan penurunan harga output dan peka terhadap perubahan kenaikan harga input dengan nilai persentase maksimal. Sarannya adalah pemerintah harus membuat kebijakan harga output untuk petani ubi kayu yang berupa Harga Minimum Regional (HMR) supaya daya saing ubi kayu lebih meningkat dan berkelanjutan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 211-220
Chanifah Chanifah ◽  
Dewi Sahara ◽  
Joko Triastono

ABSTRAK Kedelai domestik lebih aman dikonsumsi dibandingkan kedelai transgenik, serta memiliki kadar protein lebih tinggi dibanding kedelai impor. Pengembangan kedelai domestik masih prospektif, namun daya saing kedelai domestik terhadap kedelai impor semakin berat akibat melimpahnya kedelai impor. Kebijakan pemerintah berupa input-output diharapkan mampu melindungi kedelai domestik agar mampu berdaya saing. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis daya saing kedelai domestik serta tingkat proteksi kebijakan pemerintah terhadap kedelai domestik di Kabupaten Grobogan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di sentra produksi kedelai, yaitu Desa Panunggalan, Kecamatan Pulokulon, Kabupaten Grobogan. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui survei terhadap 30 petani kedelai pada bulan April 2019. Data primer adalah data usahatani kedelai yang ditanam pada awal musim hujan tahun 2017/2018. Data dianalisis menggunakan Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa usahatani kedelai domestik di Kabupaten Grobogan terbukti memiliki keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif dengan nilai PCR 0,88 dan DRCR 0,92. Kebijakan pemerintah terhadap output, input dan output-input pada usahatani kedelai domestik bersifat memproteksi kedelai domestik dan menguntungkan petani sehingga petani memperoleh surplus lebih tinggi. Kebijakan pemerintah berupa subsidi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya saing kedelai domestik menjadi lebih kuat. kata kunci: Daya Saing, Kedelai, PAM Analisis. ABSTRACT Domestic soybeans are safer to consume than transgenic soybeans and have higher protein content than imported soybeans. Domestic soybean development is still prospective, but domestic soybeans' competitiveness is getting more massive due to the abundance of imported soybeans. Government policy in the form of input-output is expected to protect domestic soybeans from being competitive. This research analyzes the competitiveness and level of protection of government policies on domestic soybeans in Grobogan Regency. The research was conducted in soybean production centers, which is Panunggalan Village, Pulokulon District, Grobogan Regency. The research data was obtained through a survey of 30 soybean farmers in April 2019. Primary data is data on soybean farming planted at the beginning of the 2017/2018 rainy season. Data analyzed using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The results indicate that domestic soybean farming in Grobogan Regency is proven to have comparative and competitive advantages with PCR values 0.88 and DRCR 0.92. Government policy on output, input, and output-input of domestic soybean farming protects domestic soybeans and benefits farmers to get a higher surplus. Government policy in the form of subsidies is expected to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic soybeans. keywords: competitiveness, soybean, PAM analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 271
Sayu Hadiyati Iswara ◽  
Raden Hanung Ismono ◽  
Muhammad Irfan Affandi

 This study aims to analyze the comparative and competitive advantages of two varieties of cassava, and determine the sensitivity due to changes in output prices, production volumes, and input prices to the comparative and competitive advantages of cassava farming in Blambangan Pagar Sub-district of North Lampung Regency.  This research is a survey research involving 50 cassava farmers who were selected intentionally consisting of 25 farmers of Cassesart varieties and 25 farmers of Thailand varieties.  To answer these objectives, the study uses PAM analysis (Policy Analysis Matrix).  The results showed that Cassesart variety (UJ-5) cassava farming had a DRCR value of 0,15 and PCR of 0,46 so it was more competitive than Thailand variety (UJ-3) cassava farming which had a DRCR value 0f 0,18 and PCR of 0,57.  If there is a decrease in the output price for Cassesart variety (UJ-5) cassava by 4,93% and Thailand variety (UJ-3) cassava by 5,32%, a decrease in production volume is 4,70%, and an increase in input prices (Urea fertilizer 21,32%, SP-36 fertilizer 34,40%, and NPK Phonska fertilizer 54,01%) due to the removal of fertilizer subsidies by the government, cassava farming is insensitive, therefore, despite changes in output prices, production volume, and the price of these inputs, cassava farming still has a competitive edge.   Keywords : cassava, comparative, competitive, PAM

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 359-368
Saad Murdy ◽  
Saidin Nainggolan ◽  
Sri Rezeki. R Sihombing

The research objectives are: 1). to analyze the levels of private and social profitability of rice farming, 2). to analyze comparative advantage and competitive advantage rice farming, 3).to analyze the impact of input = output price policy on the competitiveness of rice farming. The study was conducted in rice production centers in the province of Jambi, named Kerinci, Sarolangun, Bungo and Tanjung Jabung Barat determined purposively. The sample size was 314 farmers with methods of Simple Random Sampling. Methods of data analysis used the Policy Analysis Matrix approach (PAM). The results showed that rice farming has high competitiveness. The increase in production input prices does not affect the declining competitiveness. The increase in the price of rice paddy resulted in more and more advantages.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Rusdarti Rusdarti ◽  
Wijang Sakitri

This research purposes is to analyze cooperative’s strategy to improve its competitiveness based on information technology utilization. This research employs a quantitative descriptive approach, analysis on cooperative competitiveness with Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) in consideration of input and output. Cooperative’s business development strategy employs an analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The analysis is conducted on active cooperatives with open data system (ODS) in Central Java Province. 64.82% of all cooperatives have utilized information technology in their business operation and 35.18% of all cooperatives have not utilized information technology in their business operation; Result of the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) using the Domestic Resources Cost Ratio (DRC) = 0.240 This Condition shows that the cooperatives business is efficient and has comparative advatage.  Private Cost Ratio (PCR) = 0.229, means the cooperative has been able to use its domestic use the actual price and has competitive advantage. Cooperative has comparative advantage and competitive advantage competitiveness. The results of AHP analysis with five development criteria show that the information technology criterion is the most prioritized criterion with weight value of 0.365; the capital criterion’s weight value is 0.218; the human resource criterion’s weight value is 0.195; the network criterion’s weight value is 0.164, and the marketing criterion’s weight value is 0.058. The cooperative competitiveness standard does not include export variable, thus further research needs to be conducted with different measuring tool from that of this research.

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