speech response
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R. A. Kautkar

Conversational agents, also known as chatbots, are automated systems for engaging in two-way dialogue with human users. Nowadays the use of Chatbots is very popular in a large scale of applications especially in systems that provide an intelligence support to the user. In fact, to speed up the assistance, in many cases, these systems are equipped with Chatbots that can interpret the user questions and provide the right answers, in a fast and correct way. Chatbots typically provide a text-based user interface, allowing the user to type commands and receive text as well as text to speech response. When chat bot technology is integrated with popular web services it can be utilized securely by an even larger audience. The student information chat bot will analyse user’s queries and understand user’s message for appropriate response generation. This System will be a web application which provides answer to the query of the student very effectively. Students just have to put their query to the bot which is used for chatting. The system will use the algorithms to give appropriate answers to the user. If the answer is found invalid, then there is an option to report to admin so that the users query will be satisfied. These invalid questions can be deleted or modified by the admin of the system and an appropriate answer can be embedded in the database. The student will not have to go to the college for enquiring something. Student can use the chat bot to get the answers to their queries. Students can use this web based system for making enquiries at any point of time. This system may help students to stay updated with the college activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-57
Ekaterina M. Alekseeva

The article describes a cross-cultural study of associative oral representation of mental states. 32 Russian and 33German students – 53 female and 12 male aged from 20 up to 24 years participated in the research. The experimental procedure was developed on the basis of the DMDX program allowed to measure the time of speech response to the shown stimuli – names of 25 mental states. In the conditions of time deficiency probands had to call free and estimated associations (adjectives). The mean reaction time was calculated, quantitative content of associative fields was analyzed. In the Russian group associations (both free and estimated in the form of an adjective) to names of mental states were more quickly named. The average time of free oral associative reaction in the Russian group was 2114.6 ms, in the German - 2163.6 ms. The estimated associative response proved slower than the free associative response in both groups: the average time of the estimated oral associative reaction in the Russian group was 2246.9 ms, in the German – 2384.6 ms. During the experiment more evaluation associations in the form of adjectives were named than free ones. The vast majority of free associations to names of mental states were nouns. Most of the associations to names of mental states are unique.

User interfaces for computer code applications will are available in a range of formats, starting from command-line, graphical, net application, and even voice. whereas the foremost well-liked user interfaces embody graphical and web-based applications, often the requirement arises for an alternate interface. whether or not thanks to multi-threaded complexness, synchronic property, or details encompassing execution of the service, a conversation larva primarily based interface might suit the requirement.Chat bots usually give a text-based computer program, permitting the user to kind commands and receive text furthermore as text to speech response. Chat bots square measure sometimes a stateful services, basic cognitive process previous commands (and maybe even conversation) so as to produce practicality. once chat larva technology is integrated with well-liked net services it may be utilised firmly by a fair larger audience.

User interfaces for computer code applications will are available in a range of formats, starting from command-line, graphical, net application, and even voice. whereas the foremost well-liked user interfaces embody graphical and web-based applications, often the requirement arises for an alternate interface. whether or not thanks to multi-threaded complexness, synchronic property, or details encompassing execution of the service, a conversation larva primarily based interface might suit the requirement. Chat bots usually give a text-based computer program, permitting the user to kind commands and receive text furthermore as text to speech response. Chat bots square measure sometimes a stateful services, basic cognitive process previous commands (and maybe even conversation) so as to produce practicality. once chat larva technology is integrated with well-liked net services it may be utilised firmly by a fair larger audience.

2019 ◽  
D Lesenfants ◽  
T Francart

AbstractMany active neuroimaging paradigms rely on the assumption that the participant sustains attention to a task. However, in practice, there will be momentary distractions, potentially influencing the results. We investigated the effect of focal attention, objectively quantified using a measure of brain signal entropy, on cortical tracking of the speech envelope. The latter is a measure of neural processing of naturalistic speech. We let participants listen to 44 minutes of natural speech, while their electroencephalogram was recorded, and quantified both entropy and cortical envelope tracking. Focal attention affected the later brain responses to speech, between 100 and 300 ms latency. By only taking into account periods with higher attention, the measured cortical speech tracking improved by 47%. This illustrates the impact of the participant’s active engagement in the modeling of the brain-speech response and the importance of accounting for it. Our results suggests a cortico-cortical loop that initiates during the early-stages of the auditory processing, then propagates through the parieto-occipital and frontal areas, and finally impacts the later-latency auditory processes in a top-down fashion. The proposed framework could be transposed to other active electrophysiological paradigms (visual, somatosensory, etc) and help to control the impact of participants’ engagement on the results.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (7) ◽  
pp. 2082-2098 ◽  
Jason A. Whitfield ◽  
Daryush D. Mehta

Purpose The purpose of the current study was to characterize clear speech production for speakers with and without Parkinson disease (PD) using several measures of working vowel space computed from frequently sampled formant trajectories. Method The 1st 2 formant frequencies were tracked for a reading passage that was produced using habitual and clear speaking styles by 15 speakers with PD and 15 healthy control speakers. Vowel space metrics were calculated from the distribution of frequently sampled formant frequency tracks, including vowel space hull area, articulatory–acoustic vowel space, and multiple vowel space density (VSD) measures based on different percentile contours of the formant density distribution. Results Both speaker groups exhibited significant increases in the articulatory–acoustic vowel space and VSD 10 , the area of the outermost (10th percentile) contour of the formant density distribution, from habitual to clear styles. These clarity-related vowel space increases were significantly smaller for speakers with PD than controls. Both groups also exhibited a significant increase in vowel space hull area; however, this metric was not sensitive to differences in the clear speech response between groups. Relative to healthy controls, speakers with PD exhibited a significantly smaller VSD 90 , the area of the most central (90th percentile), densely populated region of the formant space. Conclusions Using vowel space metrics calculated from formant traces of the reading passage, the current work suggests that speakers with PD do indeed reach the more peripheral regions of the vowel space during connected speech but spend a larger percentage of the time in more central regions of formant space than healthy speakers. Additionally, working vowel space metrics based on the distribution of formant data suggested that speakers with PD exhibited less of a clarity-related increase in formant space than controls, a trend that was not observed for perimeter-based measures of vowel space area.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 68
Ekaterina M. Alekseeva ◽  
Galiya M. Gatiyatullina

<p>The article is devoted to the problem of mental state associative speech representation. The study involved 31 Russian-speaking subjects (27 females and 4 males) at the age of 18 - 22 years old. The experimental procedure using DMDX program allowed to measure the time of speech response to stimuli - the concepts of 25 mental states. The average reaction time to the concepts of mental states, shown on the computer monitor, made 2114.68 milliseconds. The most rapid associative speech response was the response to the following stimuli: "ecstasy" (1452.54 msec), "meditation" (1569.26 msec), "tranquility" (1685.21 msec), the slowest response is the response to "interest" (2517.5 msec) and "indecision" (2454.63 msec). In total, 448 associations were given to the concepts of 25 mental states by tested subjects - speech reactions, i.e. 17.9 associations per mental state on the average. The greatest number of speech associations (24) was given to the concept of love. The smallest number was given to the concept of ecstasy (11 associations). Associative fields of mental states (meditation, ecstasy, melancholy, tiredness, loneliness) have the most pronounced core. The prospects of the study consist in the performance of a similar associative experiment among the representatives of another culture, as well as in the studying of an estimated and situational associative representation of mental states.</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22 ◽  
Lisa A. Pufpaff

Children with little or no functional speech are at risk for literacy acquisition. Assessment of early literacy skills is particularly challenging among this population due to the need for children to provide a spoken response to tasks. This study explored the effects of adapted response modes on measures of phonological sensitivity. Assessment tasks were administered in three response conditions to 12 typically developing kindergarten students with 4 participants in each response condition. Identical tasks were administered in the speech response condition, speech response condition combined with picture response arrays, and nonspeech response condition whereby participants pointed to answers on picture response arrays. Results revealed no statistically significant differences in scores across the three response conditions for 11 of 12 tasks, suggesting that nonspeech assessment of phonological sensitivity should continue to be explored as a feasible option for use among individuals with little or no functional speech.

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