general climate
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2021 ◽  
Carl Wunsch

Abstract. In sequential estimation methods often used in general climate or oceanic calculations of the state and of forecasts, observations act mathematically and statistically as forcings as is obvious in the innovation form of the equations. For purposes of calculating changes in important functions of state variables such as total mass and energy, or in volumetric current transports, results are sensitive to mis-representation of a large variety of parameters including initial conditions, prior uncertainty covariances, and systematic and random errors in observations. Errors are both stochastic and systematic, with the latter, as usual, being the most intractable. Here some of the consequences of such errors are first analyzed in the context of a simplified mass-spring oscillator system exhibiting many of the issues of far more complicated realistic problems. The same methods are then applied to a more geophysical barotropic Rossby wave plus western boundary current system. The overall message is that convincing trend and other time-dependent determinations in "reanalyis" like estimates requires a full understanding of both models and observations.

Earth ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 1038-1045
John Rennie Short ◽  
Abbey Farmer

This review paper considers the disjuncture between the rapid pace of climate change and the more sluggish ability of cities to fully implement effective strategies of climate change adaptation and mitigation. We will refer to this as the ‘slow city–quick climate change’ dilemma. Climate change is accelerating, quickly rendering obsolete previous urban forms inadequate, while structural adjustments to cities are slower moving. Cities around the world were largely built for previous climate regimes. In the short to medium term, there is a mismatch between the climate regime that cities were designed for and the climate regime they now inhabit. The paper is divided into four parts: a brief review of climate change in general; climate change in cities; a review of climate change adaptation and mitigation in cities; and finally, a discussion of urban futures in the time of climate regime change.

Vaibhav Julakanti

Captioning pictures naturally is one of the significant aspects of the human visual framework. There are numerous benefits if there is a model which consequently inscription the scenes or climate encompassed by them and offers back the subtitle as a plain book. In this paper, we present a model dependent on CNN-LSTM neural organizations which naturally identifies the items in the pictures and creates inscriptions for the pictures. It utilizes Inception v3 pre-prepared model to play out the errand of distinguishing items and utilizations LSTM to produce the subtitles. It utilizes the method of Transfer Learning on pre-prepared models for the undertaking of item Detection. This model can perform two activities. The first is to recognize objects in the picture utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks and the other is to subtitle the pictures utilizing RNN based LSTM (Long Short Term Memory). It additionally utilizes a bar look for anticipating the inscriptions for example choosing the best words from the accessible corps. In this, we take top k expectations, feed them again in the model and afterward sort them utilizing the probabilities returned by the model. A portion of the product prerequisites of this undertaking is Tensor Flow V2.0, pandas, NumPy, pickle, PIL, OpenCV. A little GUI is made to transfer the picture to the model to create the inscription. The fundamental use instance of this undertaking is to help outwardly debilitated to comprehend the general climate and act as per that. The inscription age is one of the intriguing and centred fields of Artificial Intelligence which has numerous difficulties to survive. Inscription age includes different complex situations beginning from picking the dataset, preparing the model, approving the model, making pre-prepared models to test the pictures, identifying the pictures lastly producing the individual picture-based subtitles.

Mr. Atul S Lavhate

A robot has been created which can be utilized for multipurpose applications identified with observation with a remote intention. It is essentially carried out for observing different conditions in the general climate. We propose a financially savvy four wheels reconnaissance robot utilizing Arduino microcontroller which utilize servomotor including DC Motor, RC beneficiary and transmitter, different sorts of various sensors and so on. A high goal camcorder is appended with the robot for securing of pictures and video from the encompassing. By watching the situational pictures and recordings, the client can find out about climate. This framework is valuable for checking in zones where there is no Internet association and furthermore the breakdown of the correspondence framework during any fiasco. Our venture "Wireless cARdrONE Surveillance Robot" portrays the degrees and strategies referenced previously

Sakam Nagi Reddy, Et. al.

In large numbers of the industrial sectors, wireless networking technologies are acquiring rapid endorsement on account of their cost-adequacy, improved unwavering quality, and adaptability. A wireless network can be characterized as a network of devices, meant as hubs. Their essential usefulness is to corporately detect, accumulate, measure, and distribute data in the general climate. Wireless methods communication without the utilization of wires other than the recieving wire, the Ethernet, and the ground replacing wires. For a few industrial activities, wireless technology bears the cost of savvy and compelling availability arrangements. Utilizing wireless technology there are numerous advantages, for example, distant offices, cycles and field activity which brings about improving productivity, personal time, quicker and more accurate data assortment.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 103
Ilkka Ratinen

Humanity is living in a climate emergency where climate change should be significantly mitigated; additionally, greater efforts should be made to adapt to it. To date, relatively little research has been carried out on young people’s skills in terms of them mitigating and, in particular, adapting to the changes caused by climate change. The complex climate change issues of mitigation and adaptation are conceptually difficult for children because climate change is not directly evidenced in their daily lives. This study focuses on looking at mitigation and adaptation from the perspective of children. Meaning-making coping strategies enable the maintenance of constructive hope regarding climate change. In the present study, elementary and secondary students (n = 950) responded to an online questionnaire. Statistical methods were used to gather data on how students’ general knowledge of climate change and their mitigation and adaptation knowledge predicted their constructive hope regarding climate change. This study reveals that the students had a relatively high level of constructive hope and that general climate change knowledge predicted students’ constructive hope well.

2021 ◽  
Ji Nie ◽  
jing Han ◽  
yongyun hu

<p><br>The tropical rainfall, which contributes on about half of global rainfall, is manifested as a quasi-global rain belt called the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). This study examines the linkage between continental configurations and the annual mean latitude of ITCZ over the tectonic timescale. Over the past 250Ma, the break of supercontinent Pangea led to dramatic changes of continental mass distribution driven by tectonic dynamics. With a series of slicewise general climate model (GCM, CESM1.0) simulations over the past 250Ma, we investigate how is the latitude of ITCZ changes over time and how do the continental configurations set the latitude of ITCZ. With an energetic framework of the ITCZ latitude, we examined the contributions of the hemispheric asymmetry of radiation budget and ocean heat transport on the ITCZ latitude, and further demonstrate that those factors are largely driven by the continental configurations.</p>

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Joaquín Calatayud ◽  
Magnus Neuman ◽  
Alexis Rojas ◽  
Anton Eriksson ◽  
Martin Rosvall

Climate regions form the basis of many ecological, evolutionary, and conservation studies. However, our understanding of climate regions is limited to how they shape vegetation: they do not account for the distribution of animals. Here, we develop a network-based framework to identify important climates worldwide based on regularities in realized niches of about 26,000 tetrapods. We show that high-energy climates, including deserts, tropical savannas, and steppes, are consistent across animal- and plant-derived classifications, indicating similar underlying climatic determinants. Conversely, temperate climates differ across all groups, suggesting that these climates allow for idiosyncratic adaptations. Finally, we show how the integration of niche classifications with geographical information enables the detection of climatic transition zones and the signal of geographic and historical processes. Our results identify the climates shaping the distribution of tetrapods and call for caution when using general climate classifications to study the ecology, evolution, or conservation of specific taxa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Luis-Mauricio Calvo-Rubio ◽  
María-José Ufarte-Ruiz

Esta investigación analiza la presencia de las megaciudades iberoamericanas en los medios de comunicación digitales extranjeros en el campo específico del cambio climático. El objetivo es determinar el uso de este canal para influir en la opinión pública y en órganos de decisión. Para ello, se estudia la representación de 30 ciudades iberoamericanas en textos periodísticos relacionados con el cambio climático en los medios digitales de mayor penetración (Spiegel, 20Minuten, DR News Het Laatste Nieuws) en los países que albergan algunas de las principales instituciones de gobernanza global en asuntos medioambientales: la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (Alemania), el Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático (Suiza), la Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente (Dinamarca) y la Dirección General Climate Action de la Comisión Europea (Bruselas). Los resultados evidencian el escaso protagonismo que acaparan y que la organización de grandes eventos es el mecanismo más efectivo para ocupar espacio mediático. Estas conclusiones coinciden con los resultados obtenidos para cuatro redes de ciudades: C40, Eurocities, Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos y 100 Resilient Cities.

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