subsurface sediments
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2021 ◽  
Brandy Gartman ◽  
Ean Arnold ◽  
James Szecsody ◽  
Christopher Bagwell ◽  
Christopher Brown ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jenna M. Schmidt ◽  
Taylor M. Royalty ◽  
Karen G. Lloyd ◽  
Andrew D. Steen

Heterotrophic microorganisms in marine sediments produce extracellular enzymes to hydrolyze organic macromolecules, so their products can be transported inside the cell and used for energy and growth. Therefore, extracellular enzymes may mediate the fate of organic carbon in sediments. The Baltic Sea Basin is a primarily depositional environment with high potential for organic matter preservation. The potential activities of multiple organic carbon-degrading enzymes were measured in samples obtained by the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 347 from the Little Belt Strait, Denmark, core M0059C. Potential maximum hydrolysis rates (Vmax) were measured at depths down to 77.9mbsf for the following enzymes: alkaline phosphatase, β-d-xylosidase, β-d-cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase, β-glucosidase, α-glucosidase, leucyl aminopeptidase, arginyl aminopeptidase, prolyl aminopeptidase, gingipain, and clostripain. Extracellular peptidase activities were detectable at depths shallower than 54.95mbsf, and alkaline phosphatase activity was detectable throughout the core, albeit against a relatively high activity in autoclaved sediments. β-glucosidase activities were detected above 30mbsf; however, activities of other glycosyl hydrolases (β-xylosidase, β-cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, and α-glucosidase) were generally indistinguishable from zero at all depths. These extracellular enzymes appear to be extremely stable: Among all enzymes, a median of 51.3% of enzyme activity was retained after autoclaving for an hour. We show that enzyme turnover times scale with the inverse of community metabolic rates, such that enzyme lifetimes in subsurface sediments, in which metabolic rates are very slow, are likely to be extraordinarily long. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests enzyme lifetimes are, at minimum, on the order of 230days, and may be substantially longer. These results lend empirical support to the hypothesis that a population of subsurface microbes persist by using extracellular enzymes to slowly metabolize old, highly degraded organic carbon.

2021 ◽  
Ekundayo Joseph Adepehin ◽  
Bamidele Samuel Oretade ◽  
Peter Sunday Ola

Abstract Presented in this study are the findings of a cross-examination of the subsurface stratigraphic successions (1500-4600 m) penetrated by the Gaibu-1 well, Bornu Basin, NE Nigeria to understand the palaeoenvironmental settings and the palaeoclimatic conditions of the sediments. Sedimentological/textural description, lithological identification and palynological analysis were carried out using standard laboratory procedures and wireline (gamma-ray and SP) logs. The sediments consist predominantly of sandstone, siltstone, sandy shale, and shale. The sandstones range from fine-coarse, angular to sub-rounded, moderate to poorly sorted, and are texturally immature. Five (5) stratigraphic sub-divisions; the Bima, the Yolde, the Gongila, the Fika (Upper, Middle and Lower members) and the Gombe formations were identified. The palynozonation enabled four distinctive zones: (i) A (1) Triorites africaensis Assemblage Zone, (ii) A (2) Cretacaeiporites scabratus / Odontochitina costata Assemblage Zone, (iii) A (3) Droseridites senonicus Assemblage Zone, A (4) Syncolporites/Milfordia spp. Assemblage Zone. These suggest the well penetrated Cenomanian – Maastrichtian (younger) successions, interpreted to have been deposited in a series of continental to marginal marine environments. The sediments are characterised by palynofloral assemblages that are indicative of a tropical to subtropical climate condition that is warm and humid, which correspond to the late Cretaceous Palmae Province of Africa – Southern America.

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 792
Weronika Goraj ◽  
Anna Szafranek-Nakonieczna ◽  
Jarosław Grządziel ◽  
Cezary Polakowski ◽  
Mirosław Słowakiewicz ◽  

Methane and carbon dioxide are one of the most important greenhouse gases and significant components of the carbon cycle. Biogeochemical methane transformation may occur even in the extreme conditions of deep subsurface ecosystems. This study presents methane-related biological processes in saline sediments of the Miocene Wieliczka Formation, Poland. Rock samples (W2, W3, and W4) differed in lithology (clayey salt with veins of fibrous salt and lenses of gypsum and anhydrite; siltstone and sandstone; siltstone with veins of fibrous salt and lenses of anhydrite) and the accompanying salt type (spiza salts or green salt). Microbial communities present in the Miocene strata were studied using activity measurements and high throughput sequencing. Biological activity (i.e., carbon dioxide and methane production or methane oxidation) occurred in all of the studied clayey salt and siltstone samples but mainly under water-saturated conditions. Microcosm studies performed at elevated moisture created more convenient conditions for the activity of both methanogenic and methanotrophic microorganisms than the intact sediments. This points to the fact that water activity is an important factor regulating microbial activity in saline subsurface sediments. Generally, respiration was higher in anaerobic conditions and ranged from 36 ± 2 (W2200%t.w.c) to 48 ± 4 (W3200%t.w.c) nmol CO2 gdw−1 day−1. Methanogenic activity was the highest in siltstone and sandstone (W3, 0.025 ± 0.018 nmol CH4 gdw−1 day−1), while aerobic methanotrophic activity was the highest in siltstone with salt and anhydrite (W4, 220 ± 66 nmol CH4 gdw−1 day−1). The relative abundance of CH4-utilizing microorganisms (Methylomicrobium, Methylomonas, Methylocystis) constituted 0.7–3.6% of all taxa. Methanogens were represented by Methanobacterium (0.01–0.5%). The methane-related microbes were accompanied by a significant number of unclassified microorganisms (3–64%) and those of the Bacillus genus (4.5–91%). The stable isotope composition of the CO2 and CH4 trapped in the sediments suggests that methane oxidation could have influenced δ13CCH4, especially in W3 and W4.

2021 ◽  
Julia M. Kurth ◽  
Masaru K. Nobu ◽  
Hideyuki Tamaki ◽  
Nadieh de Jonge ◽  
Stefanie Berger ◽  

AbstractMethane-generating archaea drive the final step in anaerobic organic compound mineralization and dictate the carbon flow of Earth’s diverse anoxic ecosystems in the absence of inorganic electron acceptors. Although such Archaea were presumed to be restricted to life on simple compounds like hydrogen (H2), acetate or methanol, an archaeon, Methermicoccus shengliensis, was recently found to convert methoxylated aromatic compounds to methane. Methoxylated aromatic compounds are important components of lignin and coal, and are present in most subsurface sediments. Despite the novelty of such a methoxydotrophic archaeon its metabolism has not yet been explored. In this study, transcriptomics and proteomics reveal that under methoxydotrophic growth M. shengliensis expresses an O-demethylation/methyltransferase system related to the one used by acetogenic bacteria. Enzymatic assays provide evidence for a two step-mechanisms in which the methyl-group from the methoxy compound is (1) transferred on cobalamin and (2) further transferred on the C1-carrier tetrahydromethanopterin, a mechanism distinct from conventional methanogenic methyl-transfer systems which use coenzyme M as final acceptor. We further hypothesize that this likely leads to an atypical use of the methanogenesis pathway that derives cellular energy from methyl transfer (Mtr) rather than electron transfer (F420H2 re-oxidation) as found for methylotrophic methanogenesis.

2021 ◽  
S Vishnupriya ◽  
K.P Krishnan ◽  
Abdulla Mohamed Hatha

Abstract Kongsfjorden, an Arctic fjord is significantly affected by the glacier melt and Atlantification, both the processes driven by accelerated warming in the Arctic. This has lead to changes in primary production, carbon pool and microbial communities, especially that in the sediment. In this study, we have examined the bacterial community structure of surface (0–2 cm) and subsurface (3–9 cm) sediments of Kongsfjorden using the high throughput sequencing analysis. Results revealed that bacterial community structure of Kongsfjorden sediments were dominated by phylum Proteobacteria followed by Bacteroidetes and Epsilonbacteraeota. While α- and γ- Proteobacterial class were dominant in surface sediments; δ- Proteobacteria were found to be predominant in subsurface sediments. The bacterial community structure in the surface and subsurface sediments showed significant variations (p ≤ 0.05). Total organic carbon could be one of the major parameters controlling the bacterial diversity in the surface and subsurface sediments. Functional prediction analysis indicated that the bacterial community could be involved in the degradation of complex organic compounds such as glycans, glycosaminoglycans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and also in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites.

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