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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-27
Rui Quan ◽  
Yousheng Yue ◽  
Zikang Huang ◽  
Yufang Chang ◽  
Yadong Deng

Abstract The maximum generated power of automobile exhaust thermoelectric generator (AETEG) can be enhanced by applying inserted fins to its heat exchanger, for the temperature difference of thermoelectric modules (TEMs) is increased. However, the heat exchanger will result in undesired backpressure, which may deteriorate the performance of the internal combustion engine (ICE). To evaluate the backpressure on the performance of both the ICE and the AETEG, the model of ICE integrated with AETEG was established with the GT-power software and validated with the AETEG test bench. The heat exchangers with chaos shape and fishbone shape were proposed, their pressure drop with different engine speeds was studied, and their effects on the performance of both the AETEG and the ICE were analyzed. The results showed that compared with the fishbone-shaped structure, the pressure drop of chaos-shaped heat exchanger is larger at the same engine speed, which contributes to the increased maximum power and hot side temperature of the AETEG. Moreover, compared with the ICE without heat exchanger, the brake torque, brake power, volumetric efficiency and pumping mean effective pressure of the ICE assembled with chaos-shape and fishbone-shape heat exchanger reduce, and the corresponding brake specific fuel consumption, CO emission and CO2 emission increase because of the raised backpressure caused by the heat exchanger.

Machines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Diming Lou ◽  
Guokang Lou ◽  
Bo Wang ◽  
Liang Fang ◽  
Yunhua Zhang

Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) can improve the fuel economy of gasoline direct-injection (GDI) engines, but at the same time it will have a significant impact on emissions. In this paper, the effects of low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation (LP-EGR) and its rate on the main gaseous and particulate emission characteristic of a GDI engine were investigated. The results showed that the particle size distribution of the GDI engine presented bimodal peaks in nucleation and accumulation mode, and the nucleation mode particles comprised the vast majority of the total particles. The effect of LP-EGR on emissions depended on the engine conditions. At low and medium speed, the particle emissions increased with the increase in the EGR rate, while at high speed, a reduction in the particle emission was observed. When the engine operated in full load condition, an increase in the EGR rate reduced the particle number (PN) concentration significantly, but increased the particle mass (PM) concentration. In terms of the gaseous emission, the EGR could reduce as much as 80% of the NOx emission; however, the total hydrocarbons (THC) emission presented an increased trend, and the maximum increase reached 23.5%. At low and medium loads, the EGR could reduce the CO emission, but at high load, the CO emission worsened with the EGR.

2021 ◽  
Satyadileep Dara ◽  
Salisu Ibrahim ◽  
Abhijeet Raj ◽  
Ibrahim Khan ◽  
Eisa Al Jenaibi

Abstract The oxidation of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes (BTEX) in the furnace of SRUs at high temperature is an effective solution to prevent Claus catalyst deactivation in the downstream catalytic converters. However, the existing SRUs do not have the means to monitor BTEX emissions from Claus furnace due to lack of commercial online analyzers in the market. This often leads to excessive temperatures up to 1150 °C in the furnace to ensure BTEX destruction. Such high temperatures increase fuel gas consumption and CO emission and reduce sulfur recovery efficiency. To obtain continuous BTEX indication at the furnace exit, an online BTEX soft sensor model is developed to predict BTEX concentration at furnace exit. Subsequently, this soft sensor will be implemented in one of the SRUs of ADNOC Gas Processing. The BTEX soft sensor has been developed by constructing a compact kinetic model for aromatics destruction in the furnace based on the understanding of BTEX oxidation mechanisms derived using a detailed and well validated kinetic model developed previously. The kinetic model, including its rate parameters were incorporated into Hysys/Sulsim software, where both the reaction furnace and catalytic converters were simulated. The BTEX soft sensor has been validated with plant data from different ADNOC Gas Processing SRU trains under a wide range of feed conditions (particularly, with varying relative concentrations of H2S, CO2, and hydrocarbons in acid gas feed) in order to ensure its robustness and versatile predictive accuracy. The model predicts BTEX emissions from the reaction furnace under a wide range of operating conditions in the furnace with deviation not exceeding +/- 5 ppm. It also predicts the reaction furnace temperature (with a deviation of +/- 5%) and species composition from the furnace exit within a reasonable error margin. Presently, the model is in the process of being deployed in one of the SRUs of ADNO Gas Processing as an online soft sensor, where it can read the feed conditions, predict the BTEX exit concentration and write this value to the DCS. Thus, plant operators can monitor BTEX exit concentration on continuous basis and use it as a reliable basis to lower fuel gas co-firing rate in the furnace to achieve optimum furnace temperature that provide efficient BTEX destruction and low CO emission. The online soft analyzer, when deployed in SRU, will continuously predict BTEX emission from SRU furnace with high accuracy, which cannot be done experimentally in the plant or reliably using most of the existing commercial software. This approach can be used to seek favorable means of optimizing BTEX destruction to enhance sulfur recovery, while decreasing fuel gas consumption and carbon footprint in sulfur recovery units to reduce operating cost.

Energy ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 123009
Rafał Stanisławski ◽  
Robert Junga ◽  
Marek Nitsche

2021 ◽  
Vol 257 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Lixia Yuan ◽  
Ji Yang ◽  
Fujun Du ◽  
Xunchuan Liu ◽  
Shaobo Zhang ◽  

Abstract We attempt to visually classify the morphologies of 18,190 molecular clouds, which are identified in the 12CO(1–0) spectral line data over ∼450 deg2 of the second Galactic quadrant from the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting project. Using the velocity-integrated intensity maps of the 12CO(1–0) emission, molecular clouds are first divided into unresolved and resolved ones. The resolved clouds are further classified as nonfilaments or filaments. Among the 18,190 molecular clouds, ∼25% are unresolved, ∼64% are nonfilaments, and ∼11% are filaments. In the terms of the integrated flux of 12CO(1–0) spectra of all 18,190 molecular clouds, ∼90% are from filaments, ∼9% are from nonfilaments, and the remaining ∼1% are from unresolved sources. Although nonfilaments are dominant in the number of the discrete molecular clouds, filaments are the main contributor of 12CO emission flux. We also present the number distributions of the physical parameters of the molecular clouds in our catalog, including their angular sizes, velocity spans, peak intensities of 12CO(1–0) emission, and 12CO(1–0) total fluxes. We find that there is a systematic difference between the angular sizes of the nonfilaments and filaments, with the filaments tending to have larger angular scales. The H2 column densities of them are not significantly different. We also discuss the observational effects, such as those induced by the finite spatial resolution, beam dilution, and line-of-sight projection, on the morphological classification of molecular clouds in our sample.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
V. Villanueva ◽  
A. Bolatto ◽  
S. Vogel ◽  
R. C. Levy ◽  
S. F. Sánchez ◽  

Abstract We measure the star formation rate (SFR) per unit gas mass and the star formation efficiency (SFEgas for total gas, SFEmol for the molecular gas) in 81 nearby galaxies selected from the EDGE-CALIFA survey, using 12CO (J = 1–0) and optical IFU data. For this analysis we stack CO spectra coherently by using the velocities of Hα detections to detect fainter CO emission out to galactocentric radii r gal ∼ 1.2r 25 (∼3R e) and include the effects of metallicity and high surface densities in the CO-to-H2 conversion. We determine the scale lengths for the molecular and stellar components, finding a close to 1:1 relation between them. This result indicates that CO emission and star formation activity are closely related. We examine the radial dependence of SFEgas on physical parameters such as galactocentric radius, stellar surface density Σ⋆, dynamical equilibrium pressure P DE, orbital timescale τ orb, and the Toomre Q stability parameter (including star and gas Q star+gas). We observe a generally smooth, continuous exponential decline in the SFEgas with r gal. The SFEgas dependence on most of the physical quantities appears to be well described by a power law. Our results also show a flattening in the SFEgas–τ orb relation at log [ τ orb ] ∼ 7.9 – 8.1 and a morphological dependence of the SFEgas per orbital time, which may reflect star formation quenching due to the presence of a bulge component. We do not find a clear correlation between SFEgas and Q star+gas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Kazuki Tokuda ◽  
Hiroshi Kondo ◽  
Takahiro Ohno ◽  
Ayu Konishi ◽  
Hidetoshi Sano ◽  

Abstract We have analyzed the data from a large-scale CO survey toward the northern region of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) obtained with the Atacama Compact Array (ACA) stand-alone mode of ALMA. The primary aim of this study is to comprehensively understand the behavior of CO as an H2 tracer in a low-metallicity environment (Z ∼ 0.2 Z ⊙). The total number of mosaic fields is ∼8000, which results in a field coverage of 0.26 deg2 (∼2.9 ×105 pc2), corresponding to ∼10% of the area of the galaxy. The sensitive ∼2 pc resolution observations reveal the detailed structure of the molecular clouds previously detected in the single-dish NANTEN survey. We have detected a number of compact CO clouds within lower H2 column density (∼1020 cm−2) regions whose angular scale is similar to the ACA beam size. Most of the clouds in this survey also show peak brightness temperature as low as <1 K, which for optically thick CO emission implies an emission size much smaller than the beam size, leading to beam dilution. The comparison between an available estimation of the total molecular material traced by thermal dust emission and the present CO survey demonstrates that more than ∼90% of H2 gas cannot be traced by the low-J CO emission. Our processed data cubes and 2D images are publicly available.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Richard Teague ◽  
Charles L. H. Hull ◽  
Stéphane Guilloteau ◽  
Edwin A. Bergin ◽  
Anne Dutrey ◽  

Abstract We report observations of polarized line and continuum emission from the disk of TW Hya using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. We target three emission lines, 12CO (3–2), 13CO (3–2), and CS (7–6), to search for linear polarization due to the Goldreich–Kylafis effect, while simultaneously tracing the continuum polarization morphology at 332 GHz (900 μm), achieving a spatial resolution of 0.″5 (30 au). We detect linear polarization in the dust continuum emission; the polarization position angles show an azimuthal morphology, and the median polarization fraction is ∼0.2%, comparable to previous, lower frequency observations. Adopting a “shift-and-stack” technique to boost the sensitivity of the data, combined with a linear combination of the Q and U components to account for their azimuthal dependence, we detect weak linear polarization of 12CO and 13CO line emission at a ∼10σ and ∼5σ significance, respectively. The polarization was detected in the line wings, reaching a peak polarization fraction of ∼5% and ∼3% for the two molecules between disk radii of 0.″5 and 1″. The sign of the polarization was found to flip from the blueshifted side of the emission to the redshifted side, suggesting a complex, asymmetric polarization morphology. Polarization is not robustly detected for the CS emission; however, a tentative signal, comparable in morphology to that found for the 12CO and 13CO emission, is found at a ≲3σ significance. We are able to reconstruct a polarization morphology, consistent with the azimuthally averaged profiles, under the assumption that this is also azimuthally symmetric, which can be compared with future higher-sensitivity observations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. L29
Jianrui Li ◽  
Bjorn H. C. Emonts ◽  
Zheng Cai ◽  
J. Xavier Prochaska ◽  
Ilsang Yoon ◽  

Abstract The link between the circumgalactic medium (CGM) and the stellar growth of massive galaxies at high-z depends on the properties of the widespread cold molecular gas. As part of the SUPERCOLD-CGM survey (Survey of Protocluster ELANe Revealing CO/[C i] in the Lyα-Detected CGM), we present the radio-loud QSO Q1228+3128 at z = 2.2218, which is embedded in an enormous Lyα nebula. ALMA+ACA observations of CO(4–3) reveal both a massive molecular outflow, and a more extended molecular gas reservoir across ∼100 kpc in the CGM, each containing a mass of M H2 ∼ 4–5 × 1010 M ⊙. The outflow and molecular CGM are aligned spatially, along the direction of an inner radio jet. After reanalysis of Lyα data of Q1228+3128 from the Keck Cosmic Web Imager, we found that the velocity of the extended CO agrees with the redshift derived from the Lyα nebula and the bulk velocity of the massive outflow. We propose a scenario where the radio source in Q1228+3128 is driving the molecular outflow and perhaps also enriching or cooling the CGM. In addition, we found that the extended CO emission is nearly perpendicular to the extended Lyα nebula spatially, indicating that the two gas phases are not well mixed, and possibly even represent different phenomena (e.g., outflow versus infall). Our results provide crucial evidence in support of predicted baryonic recycling processes that drive the early evolution of massive galaxies.

Yuan Tian ◽  
Youwen Sun ◽  
Tobias Borsdorff ◽  
Cheng Liu ◽  
Ting Liu ◽  

Abstract This work demonstrates for the first time the capability of Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) routine operations to quantify CO emission rates down to industrial point sources. We have quantified CO emission rates of four industrial point sources in Asia (i.e., Qianlishan industrial park (39.9°N, 106.9°E), Jiuyuan industrial park (40.7°N, 109.7°E) and Botian industrial park (42.2°N, 125.2°E) in China, and Jindal Factory (15.2°N, 76.7°E) in India) with TROPOMI CO observations from 2017 to 2020. The Qianlishan industrial park is a missing source in emission inventory and we quantify it to be ~14.0 kg/s. Our estimates for other three sources vary over 14.4 to 34.3 kg/s, which are within 37–69% of the inventory values. The plume inversion methods are presented in a manner that can be easily used to other fine-scale emission plumes observed from space. Though only a small number of CO plumes per year for any given industrial point source can be observed in conditions suitable for emission rates estimation, there are many industrial point sources can be captured by a good TROPOMI footprint. This work affirms that a constellation of future CO satellites could monitor individual CO point source emissions to support environment policy.

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