problem setting
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2022 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Jonas Zehnder ◽  
Stelian Coros ◽  
Bernhard Thomaszewski

We present a sparse Gauss-Newton solver for accelerated sensitivity analysis with applications to a wide range of equilibrium-constrained optimization problems. Dense Gauss-Newton solvers have shown promising convergence rates for inverse problems, but the cost of assembling and factorizing the associated matrices has so far been a major stumbling block. In this work, we show how the dense Gauss-Newton Hessian can be transformed into an equivalent sparse matrix that can be assembled and factorized much more efficiently. This leads to drastically reduced computation times for many inverse problems, which we demonstrate on a diverse set of examples. We furthermore show links between sensitivity analysis and nonlinear programming approaches based on Lagrange multipliers and prove equivalence under specific assumptions that apply for our problem setting.

Yevhen Povzyk

Problem setting. One of the basic human rights, enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine, is the right to inviolability of housing or other possession. The Basic Law stipulates that no penetration into a home or other possession of a person, inspection or search in them is allowed differently than according to a motivated court decision. This provision means that the state is authorized to reasonably restrict the above law. However, according to law enforcement practice, such restriction of the right to inviolability of housing or other possession is not always reasonable and there is an unequal and improper application of regulatory provisions regulating the procedure for carrying out this investigative (investigative) action. This, in turn, requires a comprehensive analysis of problematic issues that arise during the search and a unified approach to their solution. The object of research is legal relations arising during a search of housing or other possession of a person. The subject of the study are regulations that regulate the grounds, conditions and procedural procedure for conducting a search of housing or other possession of a person. Analysis of recent researches and publications. In the scientific literature, certain aspects of the search of housing or other possession were the subject of scientific research of such scientists as: V. Goncharenko, I. Hlovyuk, V. Zaborovsky, V. Noor, O. Kaplina, O. Komarnytska, O. Shvykova, M. Shumylo etc. Target of research is to study problematic issues arising during the search of housing or other possession of a person and to develop on its basis proposals for improving the current criminal procedural legislation. The scientific novelty of the research is to express proposals for improving the current criminal procedural legislation, which relate to the procedural procedure for the search of housing or other possession of a person, the announcement of a break in its conduct and the peculiarities of fixing its results. Article’s main body. The scientific research is devoted to the analysis of the grounds, conditions and procedural procedure for conducting a search in a dwelling or other possession of a person, guarantees of protection of the rights and freedoms of a person during this investigative (search) action, features of fixing the course of conducting a search of a home or other possession of a person. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Based on the analysis, we conclude that it is appropriate to apply to the decision of the Supreme Court of 02.09.2020. № 591/4742/16-k, which states that the protocol of the search of housing is unacceptable evidence, if it does not contain information about the employees of the operational units involved in it, the sequence of all actions during the search and packaging of seized items, as well as if during the search at the time of detection of equipment intended for the manufacture of narcotic drugs (subject of crime), were not present understood, invited investigators after the discovery of such equipment.

Artem Kotenko ◽  
Mykola Mishyn

Problem setting. The approach proposed by the legislator to the definition of the tax system as a set of national and local taxes and fees in the procedure established by the TC of Ukraine, constitutes the tax system of Ukraine (para. 6.3 of Article 6 of the TC of Ukraine), raises the question of the place of transfer pricing in the tax system. If you approach the tax system as a set of taxes and fees, the transfer pricing is actually excluded from the tax system. Analysis of recent researches and publications. Among the scientists involved in the research of the tax system, it is possible to distinguish M. Kucheryavenko, D. Getmantsev, N. Pryshva, O. Barin and others. Some problems of legal regulation of transfer pricing were dealt with by M. Mishin, M. Bondarenko, K. Broyakov and others. The target of the research is to analyze and determine the place of transfer pricing in the tax system. Article’s main body. The article is devoted to determining the place of transfer pricing in the tax system. We propose our own view on the tax system. It is stated that a broad approach to understanding the tax system excludes contradictions laid down in para. 6.3 of Article 6 of the TC of Ukraine. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Transfer pricing involves the application of special methods for determining the compliance of the conditions of the controlled transaction with a certain criterion – the “arm’s length” principle, drawing up and submitting reports, exercising control and bringing to responsibility for violation of transfer pricing requirements. The legislative approach to the content of the tax system as an aggregate of taxes and fees actually excludes transfer pricing from the tax system. Instead, our proposed broad approach eliminates such contradiction.

2021 ◽  
pp. 108128652110520
Elizaveta Zipunova ◽  
Evgeny Savenkov

In this paper, we present a consistent derivation of the phase field model for electrically induced damage. The derivation is based on Gurtin’s microstress and microforce theory and the Coleman–Noll procedure. The resulting model accounts for Ohmic currents, includes charge conservation law and allows for finite electric permittivity and conductivity distribution in the medium. Special attention is devoted to the case when the damaged region is a codimension-two object, i.e., a curve in three dimensions. It is shown that in this case the free energy of the model necessarily includes a high-order term, which ensures the well-posedness of the problem. A special problem setting is proposed to account for the prescribed charge distribution. Local features of the phase field distribution are illustrated with one-dimensional axisymmetric numerical experiments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-28
Maria Vrij

Abstract This article considers a period of Byzantine numismatic history where production at its main mint, in Constantinople, appears to cease altogether for at least 24 years, and arguably 26 or more years. It almost needs no stating that this is extraordinarily unusual in the numismatic record, and yet the topic has never been covered in more than a paragraph before. In this article, based upon my paper of the same title given to the International Congress of Byzantine Studies in Nicosia in January 2020, I will explore the problem, setting it in its historical context and contrasting this cessation with others that scholars are aware of. I will argue that the pause in production was not accidental and can neither be explained in the context of the monetary contraction of the late seventh to early ninth centuries, nor by archaeological quirk. Rather, I will contend that this apparent cessation was a deliberate policy of the Empress Theodora and the regency council for Michael III, and that its subsequent continuation under the Caesar Bardas was perhaps more incidental, until the coronation of Basil brought the drive to restart production in Michael and Basil’s names.

OR Spectrum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Christian Pfeiffer ◽  
Arne Schulz

AbstractThe paper investigates the static dial-a-ride problem with ride and waiting time minimization. This is a new problem setting of significant practical relevance because several ride-sharing providers launched in recent years in large European cities. In contrast to the standard dial-a-ride problem, these providers focus on the general public. Therefore, they are amongst others in competition with taxis and private cars, which makes a more customer-oriented objective necessary. We present an adaptive large neighbourhood search (ALNS) as well as a dynamic programming algorithm (DP), which are tested in comprehensive computational studies. Although the DP can only be used for a single tour and, due to the computational effort, as a restricted version or for small instances, the ALNS also works efficiently for larger instances. The results indicate that ride-sharing proposals may help to solve the trade-off between individual transport, profitability of the provider, and reduction of traffic and pollution.

2021 ◽  
pp. 30-34

Problem setting. When organizing an incentive-bonus system at the enterprise, along with determining the source of bonuses, indicators and conditions of bonuses, establishing the amount of bonuses and terms of bonuses, the grounds for depreciation of employees are established. Analysis of resent researches and publications. Most researchers who have studied bonuses have also paid attention to the problem of depressing employees. Among them A.Yu. Pasherstnik, O.D. Zaykin, S.S. Karinsky, R.Z. Livshits, OI Protsevsky, MI Kuchma, V.Ya. Gotz, P.D. Пилипенко, В.І. Prokopenko, VG Rotan and others. However, the problems that exist in this area determine the relevance of the topic, and their research - timely and practically necessary.Article’s main body. Due to the entry into the market economy, employers rejected almost everything that was proclaimed by the socialist society, although the principles of bonuses remained the same. If we look from the standpoint of compliance with the employee's right to timely and full payment, some approaches to bonuses should be found to violate the rights of the employee, especially the right to receive wages in full. We are talking about non-payment of bonuses for violation of labor discipline.Conclusions and prospects for the development. Each type of bonuses - conditioned and not conditioned by the system of remuneration - has its official purpose, which indicates its legal specificity. The bonuses set by the remuneration system include a clear system of guarantees for their payment, so they are more objective than other bonuses and meet the objectives of material incentives. Bonuses that are not determined by the pay system, leave more opportunities to encourage individual labor contributions of the employee, are more subjective.

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-84
Artem Kotenko

Problem setting. Since 2017, Ukraine has joined the International Enhanced Cooperation Program on the Implementation of the BEPS Action Plan and has undertaken obligations under the Association Agreement with the EU to introduce a number of rules, among which transfer pricing occupies a leading role. The legislator defines two types of criteria for determining transactions as controlled, in particular, it is about content and cost criteria. Given that each of these criteria is characterized by a certain peculiarity in practical application, the purpose of the article is to analyze the category of "controlled transactions," as well as the principles that affect the recognition of taxpayer's economic transactions controlled in accordance with the requirements of the current tax legislation. Article’s main body. The article considers the concept of controlled transactions in the context of transfer pricing. Cost and content criteria for determining transactions controlled were analyzed. It is emphasized that by declaring controlled transactions, the permanent representative office should take into account all funds received from a non-resident for the maintenance of such a representative office or transferred by the permanent representative office in favor of residents for the services rendered (performed works) for a non-resident. Conclusions. Taking into account the analysis, we state that in order to recognize the taxpayer's economic transactions as controlled, it is necessary to prove their compliance with the worthwhile and content criteria set by the legislator. At the same time, it should be noted that establishing the conformity of operations with the fixed criteria is a rather complicated process, since each of such regulated criteria (both worth and content) is characterized by a number of features, on some of them we focused our attention in this publication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 899 ◽  
pp. 486-492
Liubov I. Lesnyak ◽  
Vladimir I. Andreev ◽  
Serdar B. Yazyev ◽  
Arthur A. Avakov ◽  
Irina G. Doronkina

In conclusion, one should say that, to determine the approximate stress state in the body, it is quite enough to consider the problem in a linearized problem setting. When determining the deformed state, it is necessary to consider the problem exclusively in a nonlinear setting.

Mohammed Asad Karim ◽  
Vinay Kumar Verma ◽  
Pravendra Singh ◽  
Vinay Namboodiri ◽  
Piyush Rai

We propose a novel approach for class incremental online learning in a limited data setting. This problem setting is challenging because of the following constraints: (1) Classes are given incrementally, which necessitates a class incremental learning approach; (2) Data for each class is given in an online fashion, i.e., each training example is seen only once during training; (3) Each class has very few training examples; and (4) We do not use or assume access to any replay/memory to store data from previous classes. Therefore, in this setting, we have to handle twofold problems of catastrophic forgetting and overfitting. In our approach, we learn robust representations that are generalizable across tasks without suffering from the problems of catastrophic forgetting and overfitting to accommodate future classes with limited samples. Our proposed method leverages the meta-learning framework with knowledge consolidation. The meta-learning framework helps the model for rapid learning when samples appear in an online fashion. Simultaneously, knowledge consolidation helps to learn a robust representation against forgetting under online updates to facilitate future learning. Our approach significantly outperforms other methods on several benchmarks.

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