denoised image
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2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (5) ◽  
pp. 1385-1401
Chao Liu ◽  
Jing Yang ◽  
Weinan Zhao ◽  
Yining Zhang ◽  
Cuiping Shi ◽  

Face images, as an information carrier, are rich in sensitive information. Direct publication of these images would cause privacy leak, due to their natural weak privacy. Most of the existing privacy protection methods for face images adopt data publication under a non-interactive framework. However, the E-effect under this framework covers the entire image, such that the noise influence is uniform across the image. To solve the problem, this paper proposes region growing publication (RGP), an algorithm for the interactive publication of face images under differential privacy. This innovative algorithm combines the region growing technique with differential privacy technique. The privacy budget E is dynamically allocated, and the Laplace noise is added, according to the similarity between adjacent sub-images. To measure this similarity more effectively, the fusion similarity measurement mechanism (FSMM) was designed, which better adapts to the intrinsic attributes of images. Different from traditional region growing rules, the FSMM fully considers various attributes of images, including brightness, contrast, structure, color, texture, and spatial distribution. To further enhance algorithm feasibility, RGP was extended to atypical region growing publication (ARGP). While RGP limits the region growing direction between adjacent sub-images, ARGP searches for the qualified sub-images across the image, with the aid of the exponential mechanism, thereby expanding the region merging scope of the seed point. The results show that our algorithm can satisfy E-differential privacy, and the denoised image still have a high availability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yuqin Li ◽  
Ke Zhang ◽  
Weili Shi ◽  
Yu Miao ◽  
Zhengang Jiang

Medical image quality is highly relative to clinical diagnosis and treatment, leading to a popular research topic of medical image denoising. Image denoising based on deep learning methods has attracted considerable attention owing to its excellent ability of automatic feature extraction. Most existing methods for medical image denoising adapted to certain types of noise have difficulties in handling spatially varying noise; meanwhile, image detail losses and structure changes occurred in the denoised image. Considering image context perception and structure preserving, this paper firstly introduces a medical image denoising method based on conditional generative adversarial network (CGAN) for various unknown noises. In the proposed architecture, noise image with the corresponding gradient image is merged as network conditional information, which enhances the contrast between the original signal and noise according to the structural specificity. A novel generator with residual dense blocks makes full use of the relationship among convolutional layers to explore image context. Furthermore, the reconstruction loss and WGAN loss are combined as the objective loss function to ensure the consistency of denoised image and real image. A series of experiments for medical image denoising are conducted with the denoising results of PSNR = 33.2642 and SSIM = 0.9206 on JSRT datasets and PSNR = 35.1086 and SSIM = 0.9328 on LIDC datasets. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, the superior performance of the proposed method is outstanding.

Muna Majeed Laftah

<p class="0abstract">Image denoising is a technique for removing unwanted signals called the noise, which coupling with the original signal when transmitting them; to remove the noise from the original signal, many denoising methods are used. In this paper, the Multiwavelet Transform (MWT) is used to denoise the corrupted image by Choosing the HH coefficient for processing based on two different filters Tri-State Median filter and Switching Median filter. With each filter, various rules are used, such as Normal Shrink, Sure Shrink, Visu Shrink, and Bivariate Shrink. The proposed algorithm is applied Salt&amp; pepper noise with different levels for grayscale test images. The quality of the denoised image is evaluated by using Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). Depend on the value of PSNR that explained in the result section; we conclude that the (Tri-State Median filter) is better than (Switching Median filter) in denoising image quality, according to the results of applying rules the result of the Shrinking rule for each filter shows that the best result using first the Bivariate Shrink.</p>

2021 ◽  
Bhawna Goyal ◽  
Ayush Dogra ◽  
Arun Kumar Sangaiah

Abstract Image denoising is a fundamental task in computer vision and image processing system with an aim of estimating the original image by eliminating the noise and artifact from the noise-corrupted version of the image. In this study, a nonlocal means (NLM) algorithm with NSST (non-subsampled shearlet transform) has been designed to surface a computationally simple image denoising algorithm. There are three steps in our process; First, NSST is employed to decompose source image into coarser and finer layers. The number of decomposition level of NSST is set to two, resulting in one low frequency coefficient (coarser layer) and four high frequency coefficients (finer layers). The two levels of decomposition are used in order to preserve memory, reduce processing time, and reduce the influence of noise and misregistration errors. The finer layers are then processed using NLM algorithm, while the coarser layer is left as it is. The NL-Means algorithm reduces noise in finer layers while maintaining the sharpness of strong edges, such as the image silhouette. When compared to noisy images, this filter also smoothes textured regions, resulting in retaining more information. To obtain a final denoised image, inverse NSST is performed to the coarser layer and the NL-means filtered finer layers. The robustness of our method has been tested on the different multisensor and medical image dataset with diverse levels of noise. In the context of both subjective assessment and objective measurement, our method outperforms numerous other existing denoising algorithms notably in terms of retaining fine image structures. It is also clearly exhibited that the proposed method is computationally more effective as compared to other prevailing algorithms.

Theingi Zin ◽  
Yusuke Nakahara ◽  
Takuro Yamaguchi ◽  
Masaaki Ikehara

AbstractIn recent years, accurate Gaussian noise removal has attracted considerable attention for mobile applications, as in smart phones. Accurate conventional denoising methods have the potential ability to improve denoising performance with no additional time. Therefore, we propose a rapid post-processing method for Gaussian noise removal in this paper. Block matching and 3D filtering and weighted nuclear norm minimization are utilized to suppress noise. Although these nonlocal image denoising methods have quantitatively high performance, some fine image details are lacking due to the loss of high frequency information. To tackle this problem, an improvement to the pioneering RAISR approach (rapid and accurate image super-resolution), is applied to rapidly post-process the denoised image. It gives performance comparable to state-of-the-art super-resolution techniques at low computational cost, preserving important image structures well. Our modification is to reduce the hash classes for the patches extracted from the denoised image and the pixels from the ground truth to 18 filters by two improvements: geometric conversion and reduction of the strength classes. In addition, following RAISR, the census transform is exploited by blending the image processed by noise removal methods with the filtered one to achieve artifact-free results. Experimental results demonstrate that higher quality and more pleasant visual results can be achieved than by other methods, efficiently and with low memory requirements.

Rusul H. Altaie

The development of complex life leads into a need using images in several fields, because these images degraded during capturing the image from mobiles, cameras and persons who do not have sufficient experience in capturing images. It was important using techniques differently to improve images and human perception as image enhancement and image restoration etc. In this paper, restoration noisy blurred images by guided filter and inverse filtering can be used for enhancing images from different types of degradation was proposed. In the color images denoising process, it was very significant for improving the edge and texture information. Eliminating noise can be enhanced by the image quality. In this article, at first, The color images were taken. Then, random noise and blur were added to the images. Then, the noisy blurred image passed to the guided filtering to get on denoised image. Finally, an inverse filter applied to the blurred image by convolution an image with a mask and getting on the enhanced image. The results of this research illustrated good outcomes compared with other methods for removing noise and blur based on PSNR measure. Also, it enhanced the image and retained the edge details in the denoising process. PSNR and SSIM measures were more sensitive to Gaussian noise than blur.

Susant Kumar Panigrahi ◽  
Supratim Gupta

Thresholding of Curvelet Coefficients, for image denoising, drains out subtle signal component in noise subspace. In effect, it also produces ringing artifacts near edges. We found that the noise sensitivity of Curvelet phases — in contrast to their magnitude — reduces with higher noise level. Thus, we preserved the phase of the coefficients below threshold at coarser scale and estimated the corresponding magnitude by Joint Bilateral Filtering (JBF) technique. In contrast to the traditional hard thresholding, the coefficients in the finest scale is estimated using Bilateral Filtering (BF). The proposed filtering approach in the finest scale exhibits better connectedness among the edges, while removing the granular artifacts in the denoised image due to hard thresholding. Finally, the use of Guided Image Filter (GIF) on the Curvelet-based reconstructed image (initial denoised image in spatial domain) ensures the preservation of small image information with sharper edges and textures detail in the final denoised image. The lower noise sensitivity of Curvelet phase at higher noise strength accelerates the performance of proposed method over several state-of-the-art techniques and provides comparable outcome at lower noise levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Orlaith Mc Grath ◽  
Mohammad W. Sarfraz ◽  
Abha Gupta ◽  
Yan Yang ◽  
Tariq Aslam

The aim of this paper is to investigate the clinical utility of the application of deep learning denoise algorithms on standard wide-field Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCT-A) images. This was a retrospective case-series assessing forty-nine 10 × 10 mm OCT-A1 macula scans of 49 consecutive patients attending a medical retina clinic over a 6-month period. Thirty-seven patients had pathology; 13 had none. Retinal vascular layers were categorised into superficial or deep capillary plexus. For each category, the retinal experts compared the original standard image with the same image that had intelligent denoise applied. When analysing the Superficial Capillary Plexus (SCP), the denoised image was selected as “best for clinical assessment” in 98% of comparisons. No difference was established in the remaining 2%. On evaluating the Deep Capillary Plexus (DCP), the denoised image was preferred in 35% of comparisons. No difference was found in 65%. There was no evidence of new artefactual features nor loss of anatomical detail in denoised compared to the standard images. The wide-field denoise feature of the Canon Xephilio OCT-A1 produced scans that were clinically preferable over their original OCT-A images, especially for SCP assessment, without evidence for causing a new artefactual error.

Xiaofen Jia ◽  
Chen Wang ◽  
Yongcun Guo ◽  
Baiting Zhao ◽  
Yourui Huang

Background: To preserve sharp edges and image details while removing noise, this paper presents a denoising method based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) ensemble for detecting noise. Methods: The proposed method ISVM can be divided into two stages: noise detection and noise recovery. In the first stage, local binary features and weighted difference features are extracted as input features vector of ISVM, and multiple sub-SVM classifiers are integrated to form the noise classification model of ISVM by iteratively updating the sample weight. The pixels are divided into noise points and signal points. In the noise recovery stage, according to the classification results of the previous stage, only the gray value of the noise point is replaced, and the replacement value is the weighted mean value with the reciprocal of the quadratic square of the distance as the weight. Results: Finally, the replacement value at the noise point and the original pixel value of the signal point are reconstructed to get the denoised image. Conclusion: The experiments demonstrate that ISVM can achieve a noise detection rate of up to 99.68%. ISVM is highly effective in the denoising task, produces a visually pleasing denoised image with clear edge information, and offers remarkable improvement compared to that of the BPDF and DAMF.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (17) ◽  
pp. 4922
Like Cao ◽  
Jie Ling ◽  
Xiaohui Xiao

Noise appears in images captured by real cameras. This paper studies the influence of noise on monocular feature-based visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). First, an open-source synthetic dataset with different noise levels is introduced in this paper. Then the images in the dataset are denoised using the Fast and Flexible Denoising convolutional neural Network (FFDNet); the matching performances of Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) which are commonly used in feature-based SLAM are analyzed in comparison and the results show that ORB has a higher correct matching rate than that of SIFT and SURF, the denoised images have a higher correct matching rate than noisy images. Next, the Absolute Trajectory Error (ATE) of noisy and denoised sequences are evaluated on ORB-SLAM2 and the results show that the denoised sequences perform better than the noisy sequences at any noise level. Finally, the completely clean sequence in the dataset and the sequences in the KITTI dataset are denoised and compared with the original sequence through comprehensive experiments. For the clean sequence, the Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) of ATE after denoising has decreased by 16.75%; for KITTI sequences, 7 out of 10 sequences have lower RMSE than the original sequences. The results show that the denoised image can achieve higher accuracy in the monocular feature-based visual SLAM under certain conditions.

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