space concept
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 237-250
Taufan Hidjaz Ovan

Lombok is called the Island of Thousand Mosques. Its inhabitants from the Sasak ethnic group are Muslim, who have the concept of the Paer space. It is a place of the existential transience of life, and the center is a mosque. The Paer space is implemented to have a hierarchy from a family cluster environment called paer bale langgak, paer dusun, paer village, and paer cardinal area, which function as the places for worship and culture to spend their remaining time towards an eternal time in the afterlife. This study identifies how religious, social, and cultural activities in the Paer space are centered on the mosque's architecture and interprets the patterns of the community behavior that influence each other in it. The concept of Paer or temporary existential space is then reinterpreted using descriptive-analytical-qualitative methods to obtain a schematic environmental pattern that can be developed adaptively in Muslim communities with mosque as the center of orientation for worship and cultural activities.

Rawid Banchuin

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to comparatively analyze the electrical circuits defined with the conventional and revisited time domain circuit element definitions in the context of fractional conformable calculus and to promote the combined usage of conventional definitions, fractional conformable derivative and conformable Laplace transform. Design/methodology/approach The RL, RC, LC and RLC circuits described by both conventional and revisited time domain circuit element definitions has been analyzed by means of the fractional conformable derivative based differential equations and conformable Laplace transform. The comparison among the obtained results and those based on the methodologies adopted in the previous works has been made. Findings The author has found that the conventional definitions-based solution gives a physically reasonable result unlike its revisited definitions-based counterpart and the solutions based on those previous methodologies. A strong agreement to the time domain state space concept-based solution can be observed. The author has also shown that the scalar valued solution can be directly obtained by singularity free conformable Laplace transform-based methodology unlike such state space concept based one. Originality/value For the first time, the revisited time domain definitions of resistance and inductance have been proposed and applied together with the revisited definition of capacitance in electrical circuit analyses. The advantage of the combined usage of conventional time definitions, fractional conformable derivative and conformable Laplace transform has been suggested and the impropriety of applying the revisited definitions in circuit analysis has been pointed out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-81
Radka Stahr

This article focuses on the emotional perception of space in Stig Sæterbakkenʼs novel Gjennom natten (2012). Topoanalysis is used to examine the various emotions that the protagonist Karl feels about specific spaces – be it a house, an apartment, a part of an apartment, or a city. It turns out that space serves as a projection surface for Karlʼs feelings. Therefore, his descriptions of the respective spaces usually coincide with the narratorʼs mood, and in this sense, topoanalysis allows us to predict and better understand the motivations behind the protagonistʼs actions. Based on Gaston Bachelardʼs space concept and Yi-Fu Thuanʼs terminology, Karl's feelings are classified as topophilia (love of place) and topophobia (fear of place). However, the analysis has shown that the binary opposition topophilia-topophobia is not sufficient for determining the emotions presented and, therefore, the terms “topoaversion” and “topoanimosity” are introduced.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1351010X2110417
Naser Sharafkhani

A compact multi-layered structure is proposed based on the coiled-up space concept for power transformer noise absorption at 100 and 200 Hz. Current methods of constructing multi-band absorbers are impractical for power transformer noise control due to the high coupling effect deteriorating their performance. To overcome this shortcoming, the proposed structure is composed of multiple connected layers creating two separate coiled ducts with adjustable dimensions to minimise the coupling effect. In the modelling stage, the geometrical features are optimised using the genetic algorithm to maximise the absorption coefficient and minimise the thickness. The proposed dual-tone absorber has a thickness of 43.5 mm which is significantly thinner than the existing conventional absorbers. The measurement results on a 3D-printed structure demonstrate the feasibility of the design.

Musselina Oktavanya Widiyanto ◽  
Nina Carina

Dwelling is an essential form of conscious human activity. The form, aesthetics or beauty, and organization of environment that build become part of how a person lives. The concept of dwelling itself closely related to time and space. Therefore, the concept may shift or replaced according to the phenomena that occurred during the period of time. It is the same thing that we feel today in the presence of COVID – 19. Newly promoted health protocols, such as social isolation creates domino effect. Outdoor activities must be carried out in the dwelling, causing the shelter to need a place to accommodate these new needs. This also creates new problems with the existence of various age groups in one family. With the aim of creating a family ecosystem in one dwelling based on issue of social isolation that interferes with how to interact, the Architectural Programming (Cherry, 2009) method are applied and also points from MASS : Designing senior housing for safe interaction (2020). The application of this method produces programs that suit the needs of each age group in a family as well as paying attention to initial issue, in this case social isolation. One for Three: Multigenerational House is a new shared space concept that combines the needs of three generation and attention to safe interaction in social isolation. In addition, One for Three: Multi-generational House retains the value of independence and identity in all group of age.  Keywords : group of age; multigeneration; safe interaction; shared space; social isolationAbstrak Berhuni merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan manusia secara sadar yang esensial. Bentuk, estetika, dan organisasi lingkungan binaan semuanya menjadi bagian dari bagaimana seseorang tinggal. Konsep berhuni memiliki kaitan yang erat dengan waktu dan ruang. Oleh karena itu, konsepnya akan tergeser atau digantikan sesuai dengan fenomena yang terjadi pada kurun waktu yang dimaksud. Sama hal nya yang kita rasakan saat ini yaitu adanya COVID – 19. Protokol kesehatan yang baru digalakan seperti sosial isolation dan menimbulkan efek domino. Kegiatan outdoor harus dilakukan di dalam hunian sehingga menyebabkan hunian memerlukan tempat untuk menampung kebutuhan baru tersebut. Hal ini juga menimbulkan masalah baru dengan adanya kelompok usia yang bervariasi pada satu keluarga. Dengan tujuan menciptakan ekosistem keluarga dalam satu hunian berdasarkan isu terhadap social isolation yang mengganggu cara berinteraksi, maka diterapkan metode Architectural Programming (Cherry, 2009) dan poin dari MASS : Designing senior housing for safe interaction (2020). Penerapan metode ini kemudian menghasilkan program yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan setiap kelompok usia dalam suatu keluarga, serta memperhatikan isu awal yaitu social isolation. Satu untuk Tiga : Hunian Multigenerasi merupakan konsep berhuni shared space yang baru dengan menyatukan kebutuhan tiga generasi dan memperhatikan poin safe interaction in social isolation. Selain itu, . Satu untuk Tiga : Hunian Multigenerasi tetap mempertahankan nilai kemandirian dan identitas pada segala usia. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-62
Nadezhda Kudeyarova ◽  

The migration ties between Latin America and Europe at the beginning of the XXI century were manifested in a massive migration flow, resulting in the dramatic growth of the number of South American natives in Europe. The Migratory Space concept is applied to the current stage of transatlantic mobility, which makes it possible to determine the territorial limits of the involved states, to distinguish the transatlantic space from the general panorama of the Latin America migration movement as well as from the European migration context. At the present stage, the South American states are mainly the migration donors, while the European states are recipients. The historical ties between continents, their linguistic commonality and the social networks between migrants contributed to the transatlantic mobility. The majority of the Latin American migrants is localized in Spain and Italy. The high degree of integration into the host communities contributed to generally favorable public opinion about the migrants in the recipient countries. A large-scale migration presence also became an important factor in strengthening economic and political ties in the Iberoamerican Community of Nations.

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