essential form
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Łukasz Smyrski

The paper analyzes landscapes of indigenous societies. Howard Morphy, in his work focusing on the Aborigines, treated the landscape as a representation of past mythical events. Such an approach involves taking a closer look at the material aspects of landscape and emphasizes the existence of realties between contemporary Aborigines and the past. A different theoretical approach was developed by Tim Ingold, conceptualizing landscape as a human-land relationship based on essence, where all beings derive their essential form and substance directly from the land, which embodies the creative forces of the ancestors. Ingold’s understanding of landscape led me to rethink my research in the Altai Mountains of Southern Siberia, conducted 25 years ago. I argue that the relationship with the land is crucial for the Altaian people. The land’s essence is not changeable and all living beings are its emanation. The landscape is therefore not a record of the past, but an active field in which the relationship between human and non-human subjects and the land is established.

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 496
Omar Hussain ◽  
Emad Felemban ◽  
Faizan Ur Rehman

Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam, is held annually in the month of Dhul Al-Hijjah, the twelfth month, in the Islamic calendar. Pilgrims travel to Makkah and its neighbouring areas—Mina, Muzdalifah, and Arafat. Annually, about 2.5 million pilgrims perform spatiotemporally restricted rituals in these holy places that they must execute to fulfil the pilgrimage. These restrictions make the task of transportation in Hajj a big challenge. The shuttle bus service is an essential form of transport during Hajj due to its easy availability at all stages and ability to transport large numbers. The current shuttle service suffers from operational problems; this can be deduced from the service delays and customer dissatisfaction with the service. This study provides a system to help in planning the operation of the service for one of the Hajj Establishments to improve performance by determining the optimal number of buses and cycles required for each office in the Establishment. We will also present a case study in which the proposed model was applied to the non-Arab Africa Establishment shuttle service. At the same time, we will include the mechanism for extracting the information required in the tested model from the considerably large GPS data of 20,000+ buses in Hajj 2018.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jani Pavlič ◽  
Tina Tomažič ◽  
Ines Kožuh

PurposeInteractive marketing (IM) has influenced commercial communication, including product placement (PP), which has become an essential form of integrating brands within the mass media. Existing research on PP has exceeded traditional TV and movies, and there is a lack of reviews considering the advanced technological perspectives. This scoping study aims to investigate PP in the context of IM and explore relations between technology-related factors and the effects of placement.Design/methodology/approachThe scoping study follows a systematic approach with strictly defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, research questions and a search strategy to identify relevant studies and extract the data. A two-stage screening process on 713 publications resulted in 42 studies for the final examination.FindingsThe results complemented existing theory by identifying and synthesizing the essential technology-related factors and their (un)favorable impacts on PP effectiveness, where interactivity was examined the most frequently. The results also outlined the (un)explored concepts of PP according to media technology and related factors, and show a prevailing research interest in in-game advertising and cognitive responses. Accordingly, the study provides implications for marketers and directions for future research.Originality/valueThis review is the first to examine PP studies in the context of IM and technology-related factors influencing the effect of placement.

Xian Wang ◽  
Huixian Li

A Study of the Language Characteristics of Types of Business English Speeches from the Perspective of Functional LinguisticsBusiness English speeches are an essential form of business communication, and the question of how to improve their effectiveness is essential to successful business communication. Based on a self-built corpus of Business English speeches, this paper studies the relationship of sentence structure, business vocabulary, and speech type with business speeches by using a quantitative statistical method. It reveals that the sentence structure used by the speaker changes according to the content and type of speech, while the proportion of business vocabulary relative to the type of business speech stays at a low level of 5%, with little variance. Sentence structure and the frequency of business vocabulary should be adapted according to the type of speech so that positive effectiveness can be ensured. Charakterystyka lingwistyczna typów angielskich wystąpień biznesowych w świetle językoznawstwa funkcjonalnegoPrzemówienia biznesowe w języku angielskim są podstawową formą komunikacji biznesowej, a pytanie o to, jak poprawić ich efektywność, jest kluczowe dla udanej komunikacji biznesowej. Na podstawie samodzielnie zbudowanego korpusu przemówień biznesowych w języku angielskim badany jest związek struktury zdań, słownictwa biznesowego i typu wypowiedzi z przemówieniami biznesowymi z zastosowaniem statystycznej metody ilościowej. Okazuje się, że struktura zdania używana przez mówiącego zmienia się w zależności od treści i typu wypowiedzi, podczas gdy udział słownictwa biznesowego w stosunku do typu wypowiedzi biznesowej pozostaje na niskim, 5 procentowym poziomie, z niewielkimi odchyleniami. Struktura zdania i częstość użycia słownictwa biznesowego powinny być dostosowane do rodzaju wypowiedzi, aby zapewnić jej skuteczność.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-136
G. A. Klyachkin

In his report, made at the Scientific Meeting of Doctors of the Kazan Military Hospital, the speaker dwells on a special form of disorder of the act of urination, the so-called. neurosis of incontinence, operating on significant material from the nervous department of the said hospital.

Mehdi Akbari ◽  
Mohammad Seydavi ◽  
Marcantonio M. Spada ◽  
Shahram Mohammadkhani ◽  
Shiva Jamshidi ◽  

AbstractOnline gaming has become an essential form of entertainment with the advent of technology and a large sway of research has been undertaken to understand its various permutations. Previous reviews have identified associations between the Big Five personality traits and online gaming, but a systematic review and meta-analysis on the association between these constructs has yet to be undertaken. In the current study we aimed to fill this gap in the literature through a systematic review and meta-analysis comprising of 17 studies and 25,634 individuals (AgeMean = 26.55, males = 75%). The findings showed that agreeableness, extraversion, openness to experience, and neuroticism were not ubiquitously associated with online gaming. The findings showed that only conscientiousness, across samples, had a protective role in online gaming. Furthermore, there were non-significant variations in the Big Five personality traits associations with online gaming when comparing gamers to the general population, younger versus older participants, casual versus ‘hardcore’ gamers, and high versus low traits (with the exception of neuroticism). As a result of our observations, the underlying mechanisms of individual differences in online gaming remain unclear. Limitations and future directions for research are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 6777
Javier Villalba-Diez ◽  
Martin Molina ◽  
Daniel Schmidt

The goal of this work is to evaluate a deep learning algorithm that has been designed to predict the topological evolution of dynamic complex non-Euclidean graphs in discrete–time in which links are labeled with communicative messages. This type of graph can represent, for example, social networks or complex organisations such as the networks associated with Industry 4.0. In this paper, we first introduce the formal geometric deep lean learning algorithm in its essential form. We then propose a methodology to systematically mine the data generated in social media Twitter, which resembles these complex topologies. Finally, we present the evaluation of a geometric deep lean learning algorithm that allows for link prediction within such databases. The evaluation results show that this algorithm can provide high accuracy in the link prediction of a retweet social network.

Paul K.J. Han

This book offers a multidimensional, multidisciplinary perspective on the challenging problem of uncertainty in medicine. Adopting a textbook approach to the problem, it analyzes the nature, etiology, natural history, and management of medical uncertainty. It draws on insights from a wide range of fields—including clinical medicine as well as anthropology, behavioral economics, philosophy, psychology, and sociology—to develop a set of conceptual frameworks that provide a new way of thinking about medical uncertainty and approaching its management. It makes the case that uncertainty is an essential form of knowledge that should be maintained rather than eliminated, and that the goal of managing uncertainty is to promote uncertainty tolerance among clinicians and patients. The book identifies system-level strategies that can help make uncertainty tolerance a more central focus of medical care.

Kevin Scott Jobe

Drawing upon Martha Fineman’s vulnerability theory, the paper argues that the legal claims of homeless appellants before and during the COVID-19 pandemic illustrate our universal vulnerability which stems from the essential, life-sustaining activities flowing from the ontological status of the human body. By recognizing that housing availability has constitutional significance because it provides for life-sustaining activities such as sleeping, eating and lying down, I argue that the legal rationale reviewed in the paper underscores the empirical, ontological reality of the body as the basis for a jurisprudence of universal vulnerability. By tracing the constitutional basis of this jurisprudence from Right to Travel to Eighth Amendment grounds during COVID-19, the paper outlines a distinct legal paradigm for understanding vulnerability in its universal, constant and essential form – one of the central premises of vulnerability theory.

Musselina Oktavanya Widiyanto ◽  
Nina Carina

Dwelling is an essential form of conscious human activity. The form, aesthetics or beauty, and organization of environment that build become part of how a person lives. The concept of dwelling itself closely related to time and space. Therefore, the concept may shift or replaced according to the phenomena that occurred during the period of time. It is the same thing that we feel today in the presence of COVID – 19. Newly promoted health protocols, such as social isolation creates domino effect. Outdoor activities must be carried out in the dwelling, causing the shelter to need a place to accommodate these new needs. This also creates new problems with the existence of various age groups in one family. With the aim of creating a family ecosystem in one dwelling based on issue of social isolation that interferes with how to interact, the Architectural Programming (Cherry, 2009) method are applied and also points from MASS : Designing senior housing for safe interaction (2020). The application of this method produces programs that suit the needs of each age group in a family as well as paying attention to initial issue, in this case social isolation. One for Three: Multigenerational House is a new shared space concept that combines the needs of three generation and attention to safe interaction in social isolation. In addition, One for Three: Multi-generational House retains the value of independence and identity in all group of age.  Keywords : group of age; multigeneration; safe interaction; shared space; social isolationAbstrak Berhuni merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan manusia secara sadar yang esensial. Bentuk, estetika, dan organisasi lingkungan binaan semuanya menjadi bagian dari bagaimana seseorang tinggal. Konsep berhuni memiliki kaitan yang erat dengan waktu dan ruang. Oleh karena itu, konsepnya akan tergeser atau digantikan sesuai dengan fenomena yang terjadi pada kurun waktu yang dimaksud. Sama hal nya yang kita rasakan saat ini yaitu adanya COVID – 19. Protokol kesehatan yang baru digalakan seperti sosial isolation dan menimbulkan efek domino. Kegiatan outdoor harus dilakukan di dalam hunian sehingga menyebabkan hunian memerlukan tempat untuk menampung kebutuhan baru tersebut. Hal ini juga menimbulkan masalah baru dengan adanya kelompok usia yang bervariasi pada satu keluarga. Dengan tujuan menciptakan ekosistem keluarga dalam satu hunian berdasarkan isu terhadap social isolation yang mengganggu cara berinteraksi, maka diterapkan metode Architectural Programming (Cherry, 2009) dan poin dari MASS : Designing senior housing for safe interaction (2020). Penerapan metode ini kemudian menghasilkan program yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan setiap kelompok usia dalam suatu keluarga, serta memperhatikan isu awal yaitu social isolation. Satu untuk Tiga : Hunian Multigenerasi merupakan konsep berhuni shared space yang baru dengan menyatukan kebutuhan tiga generasi dan memperhatikan poin safe interaction in social isolation. Selain itu, . Satu untuk Tiga : Hunian Multigenerasi tetap mempertahankan nilai kemandirian dan identitas pada segala usia. 

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