cluster pattern
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Harun Al Azies ◽  
Anwar Efendi Nasution

This article will identify the mean years of schooling in East Java as a control for achieving RPJMD. Inequality in the development of education leads to inequalities between the regions of East Java. This is due to the different regional characteristics, it is, therefore, necessary to respond to it by carrying out a regional mapping based on the education indicators listed in the RPJMD of each region using a statistical analysis approach, namely spatial autocorrelation. The variable that becomes the indicator in this study is the Mean Years of Schooling (MYS), the unit of observation being the regencies/cities of East Java. The results of the research that has been conducted can be concluded that the mean years of schooling for the population of East Java Province is seven years where urban areas have a better average length of schooling than in districts, and there are only nine areas in East Java that have MYS exceeding the RPJMD target. In the Global Moran's I test, there is a positive autocorrelation or cluster pattern that exhibits similar characteristics in adjacent locations, and the results of the local Morans’ show that there are nine regions that have spatial relationships with their most significant areas relatives based on the MYS indicator. These areas are Bondowoso Regency, Bangkalan Regency, Pamekasan Regency, Gresik Regency, Jember Regency, Probolinggo Regency, Sampang Regency, Sidoarjo Regency and Surabaya City

2021 ◽  
Ruben Shrestha ◽  
Andres V. Reyes ◽  
Peter R. Baker ◽  
Zhi-Yong Wang ◽  
Robert J. Chalkley ◽  

Metabolic labeling using stable isotopes is widely used for the relative quantification of proteins in proteomic studies. In plants, metabolic labeling using 15N has great potential, but the associated complexity of data analysis has limited its usage. Here, we present the 15N stable-isotope labeled protein quantification workflow utilizing open-access web-based software Protein Prospector (PP). Further, we discuss several important features of 15N labeling required to make reliable and precise protein quantification. These features include ratio adjustment based on labeling efficiency, median and interquartile range for protein ratios, isotope cluster pattern matching to flag incorrect monoisotopic peak assignment, and caching of quantification results for fast retrieval.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 012026
Osama Mohammed Saleh Abdullah ◽  
Ammar Jassim Mohammed

Abstract The spatial pattern of species is an important feature to understand why these species coexist and remain in position or not, and using the single Ripley function and the L(r) function, we analyzed the spatial pattern of types of broad-leaf tree and tree covers and the needles for mixed brawls in the forests of Mount Gara, using PASSAGE V.2, L(r) analysis of the species under study showed a variation in the pattern distribution of trees and gave the highest percentage of random form distribution pattern with a cluster pattern of 11.25%, Through the ratios and forms of distribution of the L(r) function of the various samples of the study, we find that these stands generally tend to be regular, indicating that these species remain at the end of the life cycle in the structure of a more stable stand.

G. Yu. Gagarina ◽  
L. N. Chaynikova ◽  
N. Yu. Sorokina

Industrial clusters, on the one hand, act as a tool of today's industrial policy pursued in sectoral and territorial aspects and, on the other hand, they are the object of state support, which is carried out within the frames of the program of cluster policy. Nowadays state support of industrial clusters includes mainly measures encouraging production localization aimed at product output within the frames of sectoral plans of import substitution and national projects. It is shown that key difficulties arising in using the cluster approach in Russia are the absence of methodology needed to estimate potential cluster market, restricting the cluster by borders of entity of the Federation or a group of municipal structures, underdeveloped forms of interaction between enterprises - cluster participants, absolutization of cluster pattern and the absence of concrete steps aimed at cluster development on the part of its participants, bodies of regional administration and other concerned parties. It is proven that state support of industrial clusters in the Russian Federation should target at cutting administrative, institutional and other barriers for cluster participants and promoting the development of their industrial competences. In this case cluster policy in the aspect of industrial cluster support can become an important driver of building spots of national economy growth, raising competitiveness of regions and sectors on the international level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7637
Taekyoung Lee ◽  
Jieun Cha ◽  
Sohyun Sung

Trees’ ability to capture atmospheric Particular Matter (PM) is related to morphological traits (shape, size, and micro-morphology) of the leaves. The objectives of this study were (1) to find out whether cluster pattern of the leaves is also a parameter that affects trees’ PM capturing performance and (2) to apply the cluster patterns of the leaves on architectural surfaces to confirm its impact on PM capturing performance. Two series of chamber experiments were designed to observe the impact of cluster patterns on PM capturing performance whilst other influential variables were controlled. First, we exposed synthetic leaf structures of different cluster patterns (a large and sparsely arranged cluster pattern and a small and densely arranged cluster pattern) to artificially generated PM in a chamber for 60 min and recorded the changing levels of PM2.5 and PM10 every minute. The results confirmed that the small and densely arranged cluster pattern has more significant effect on reducing PM2.5 and PM10 than the large and sparsely arranged cluster pattern. Secondly, we created three different types of architectural surfaces mimicking the cluster patterns of the leaves: a base surface, a folded surface, and a folded and porous surface. The surfaces were also exposed to artificially generated PM in the chamber and the levels of PM2.5 and PM10 were recorded. The results confirmed that the folded and porous surface has a more significant effect on reducing PM2.5 and PM10 than other surfaces. The study has confirmed that the PM capturing performance of architectural surfaces can be improved by mimicking cluster pattern of the leaves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 18-20
Jiaxu Li ◽  

In the offshore cluster pattern adjustment well operation, casing-opening sideslapping technology can save time and cost by using the original well groove and the old hole section. It has become one of the conventional means to tap the potential of the old well area. In casing-opening operation, the difficulty of milling 13-3/8 "casing is higher than that of other casing sizes. The main reason is that the wall thickness of casing and the window length are relatively long, and the wear of shoes in actual operation is also larger than other sizes. The 13-3/8 "casing window opening of Qikou 17-2-4DH1 well adopts Weatherford's new type of fast one-run window opening tool with carbon tungsten carbide cutting block for shoe grinding. Meanwhile, window opening parameters and window repairing parameters are optimized, so that the whopper, window opening and geological guide drilling can be mounted in one trip, and the passability of the window can be ensured. It provides an effective technical practice for the sidetracking of 13-3/8 "casing in the future.

Kishwar Munir

A voting cluster is a connotation that denotes party loyalty rather than ethnic and social cleavages. The theory of voting cluster surfaces when the units of analysis are characterized by political parties and the voter instead of their nomenclatures. This makes this study significant and different given that it highlights the value of shifting the primary focus away from the nomenclature. With the nomenclature changing in every election, it is likely that political parties, their features, and trajectories are misconstrued. Thus, looking at the voting cluster of each political party and analyzing of these clusters data, gathered from different surveys and reports, provide a deeper and accurate understanding of voting patterns.  This approach of voting cluster provides us an additional platform for analysis along with the conventional focus on nomenclatures of political parties. The focus of study is to evaluate the changing pattern of voting clusters and their shift from one party to another. The qualitative content analysis research method has been used to understand the cluster pattern and why a voting cluster make or break from one party to other. The study maintains that there is no standalone factor that helps a political party to sustain a voting cluster.

2021 ◽  
Daniel H. M. Richards ◽  
Samuel S. Pegler ◽  
Sandra Piazolo

Abstract. Ice fabrics are key for understanding and predicting ice flow dynamics. Despite its importance, the characteristics and evolution of ice fabrics beyond pure and simple shear flow has largely been neglected. However, 80 % of the flow of ice in Antarctica is outside the regimes of pure and simple shear. We use a new validated numerical model (SpecCAF), which has been shown to accurately reproduce experimentally observed fabrics in both compression and simple shear, to explore the fabrics produced between pure and simple shear, as well as those that are highly rotational. We present a definitive classification of all fabric patterns. We find that intermediate deformations between pure and simple shear result in a smooth transition between a fabric characterised by a cone-shape and a secondary cluster pattern. Highly-rotational fabrics are found to produce a weak girdle fabric. In addition we obtain complete predictions for the strain required for any fabric under a 2D deformation to reach steady state at any given temperature. Use of our data in current ice flow models as well as for ice core fabric and seismic anisotropy interpretation will enhance the communities' ability to predict future ice flow in a changing climate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-124
NA Gorkhali ◽  
R Dhakal ◽  
S Sapkota ◽  
P Koirala ◽  
BR Pokhrel ◽  

A study was conducted to evaluate genetic polymorphism in three Sakini chicken populations using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) with seven highly polymorphic primers. All populations showed polymorphism with these primers that generates 59 different bands with an average of 8.4 bands per primer with 78.6% polymorphism nature. Primer OPA-16 produced the highest number of polymorphism bands 47 % and the lowest number of bands was produced by the OPA-05 primer 24 %. Differences for genetic distance (D) among populations were significant (P<0.05). A consensus dendogram was therefore developed to show the phylogenetic relationship among the populations. The cluster pattern is well supported by the principle component analysis that also separates all three populations of Sakini chicken into six major groups. The results provide evidence of the applicability of RAPD to determining genetic relatedness within and among different poultry populations and in developing reproducible markers useful in evaluating individual variation in poultry. SAARC J. Agri., 18(2): 115-124 (2020)

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