consonant phoneme
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2021 ◽  
pp. 57-63
М. Джусупов

В статье рассматривается проблема постановки русского литературного произношения учащихся казахской аудитории, в родном языке которых функционирует лингвальный сингармонизм. Русский язык несингармонический. Просодическая доминанта слова – ударение. Строение слога и слова в сопоставляемых языках различается: в русском языке до пяти сочетаний согласных; в казахском языке – из двух и трех согласных. Русская фонема и казахская сингармофонема как классы позиционных разновидностей неэквивалентны (в традиционных сопоставительных работах они представлены как эквиваленты). В русском языке, например, гласная фонема /о/ реализуется в 9 позиционных разновидностях, в казахском сингармофонема /о/ – в одной, т. е. в инварианте, а вариации и вариантов у нее нет. Фонема /н/ в русском языке реализуется в двух позиционных разновидностях, в казахском языке сингармофонема /н/ только по лингвальному сингармонизму реализуется в 6 позиционных разновидностях. Различия языков порождают звуковую интерференцию. В работе предлагается последовательность подачи языкового материала русского языка с учетом лингвоконтрастивных особенностей сопоставляемых языков. The article deals with the problem of formation of the Russian literary pronunciation of students of the Kazakh audience. Lingual harmonism functions in native language of the Kazakh students. The Russian language is non-harmonic. The pro-dominant feature of a word is the stress. The structure of a syllable and a word in the compared languages has a big difference. For example: in the Russian language, the combination of consonants less than five. In the Kazakh language there are two and three consonants. The phonemes of the Russian language and the syngarmophonemes of the Kazakh language as classes of positional types are nonequivalent (although in traditional comparative studies, they are presented as equivalents). In Russian, for example, the vowel phoneme /O/ is realized in 9 positional varieties (in the invariant, in variations and in variants). In the Kazakh language synharmophone /O/ is realized in one position and it has no variations and variants. And vice versa: the consonant phoneme of the Russian language /H/ is realized in two positional varieties. In the Kazakh language the syngarmophoneme /H/, only by lingual synharmonism, is realized in 6 positional varieties. The above mentioned distinctions of the Russian and Kazakh languages, as well as other Turkic languages, generate sound interference, which makes mastering Russian literary pronunciation difficult. The sequence of presentation of the language material of Russian, taking into account linguocontrastive features of the compared languages are worked out and presented in the paper.

Aksara ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-168
Jusmianti Garing ◽  
Nuraidar Agus ◽  
Nurlina Arisnawati ◽  
Ramlah Mappau

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan mengonservasi sistem fonologi bahasa Limola. Data dikumpulkan melalui instrumen berisikan 200 kosakata swadesh dan 200 kosakata budaya. Kosakata tersebut berbahasa Indonesia dan diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Limola berdasarkan kebutuhan data. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mentranskripsikan data dalam bentuk fonetis. Setelah data ditranskripsikan, dilakukan pembuktian klasifikasi dan distribusi fonem. Selanjutnya menelaah penyukuan dan perubahan bunyi dalam bahasa Limola. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahasa Limola memiliki lima buah fonem vokal dasar dan tiga belas vokal variasi, sehingga secara keseluruhan terdapat delapan belas vokal yang berfungsi sebagai pembeda makna. Lima vokal dasar bahasa Limola adalah /i/, /e/, /a/, /u/, /o/ dan tiga belas vokal variasi atau alofon dari lima vokal dasar, yaitu adalah /i/ = [i:], [ii], [I]; /e/= [e:], [ɛ], {ɛ:]; /a/= [a:], [aa]; /o/= [o:], [oo], [ɔ]; dan /u/=[u:], [uu]. Uniknya, bahasa Limola selain memiliki diftong, seperti [ia], [ea], [ai], [oɛ], [ua] dan lainnya, juga memiliki diftong yang disebut sebagai diftong kembar atau identik yang terdapat pada bunyi vokal tertentu, yakni bunyi /ii/, /aa/, /oo/, dan /uu/. Keempat bunyi tersebut merupakan bunyi vokal depan /aa/ dan /ii/ dan vokal belakang /oo/ dan /uu/. Selanjutnya, fonem konsonan bahasa Limola terdiri atas tujuh belas konsonan dan ada enam fonem yang tidak ditemukan di dalam bahasa Limola, yaitu, /f/, /h/, /x/, /z/, /q/, dan /v/. Penyukuan bahasa Limola adalah V, VK, KV, KVK, KVV. Selanjutnya, perubahan bunyi bahasa Limola berdasarkan pada proses fonologis melalui asimilasi, diftongisasi, monoftongisasi, anaptiksis, protesis, epentesisi, paragoge, dan zeroisasi. Kata kunci: konservasi, fonologi, bahasa Limola AbstractThe research aims to conserve the phonology system of the Limola language. The data collected using an instrument containing 200 words of Swadesh and 200 words of culture. The words in the Indonesian language were translated into the Limola language based on the data needs. Data analysis was conducted by transcribing data in phonetic form. After the data transcribed, it was proving the classification and distribution of phonemes. Next, the researchers examined the syllable and sound changes that occurred in the Limola language. The results show that the Limola language has five basic vowel phonemes and thirteen vowels of variation, thus in total, eighteen Limola vowels function as distinctive meaning. The five basic vowels are /i/, /e/, /a/, /u/, /o/ and the thirteen vowels are /i/ = [i:], [ii], [I]; /e/= [e:], [ɛ], {ɛ:]; /a/= [a:], [aa]; /o/= [o:], [oo], [ɔ]; and /u/=[u:], [uu]. Apart from diphthongs such as [ia], [ea], [ai], [o], [ua], and others, the Limola language also has diphthongs known as twin or identical diphthongs, which are found in some vowels, i.e., [ii], [aa], [oo], and [uu]. The four sounds are the front vowel, namely [aa] and [ii], and the back vowel, namely [oo] and [uu]. Furthermore, the Limola consonant phoneme consists of seventeen consonants and there are six phonemes that are not found in the Limola language, namely, /f/, /h/, /x/, /z/, /q/, and /v/. The syllables of the Limola language are V, VK, KV, KVK, KVV. Then, the phonological process of assimilation, diphthongization, monophthongization, anaptyxis, prosthesis, epenthesis, paragoge, and zeroization is being used to demonstrate the sound changes throughout the Limola language. Keywords: conservation, phonology, the Limola language

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-57
Subagia I Ketut ◽  
Dyah Pertiwi Putri Dewa Ayu

This study aims to investigate the phonological variations of the Balinese language in Tabanan Regency and to map them. Observations were made in four villages, namely Bongan, Berembeng, Sanda, and Wangaya Gede. Data were collected by using interview and observation methods.The data are swadesh words spoken by the informants during the interview. The results obtained were that the phoneme /ə/ in the final open position has two realizations, namely [a] and [ə]. Each sound has a different area. [ə] found at the observation point 1,2,4 and [a] found at the observation point 3. The phoneme /e/ at the open end position has two variations, namely [e] and [ε], while the phoneme /o/ realized by [o] and [ɔ]. [e] and [o] were found at the observation point 1,2 4, while [ε ] and [ɔ] were found in TP 3. In addition, there was also difference in the realization of the /k/ consonant phoneme. The phoneme /k/ is realized by [k] and [?]. [k] was used in TP3, while [?] used in TP 1,2,4. In TP 1,2,4 there was not phoneme /a/ in the final distribution, while TP 3 has a complete /a/ distribution. Areas that have a complete phoneme /a/ distribution, [ə] would not be found in the final distribution. In areas where the phoneme /a/ has incomplete distribution, [ə] has a complete distribution there. [k] in the final distribution was unknown at TP3, but known in TP 1,2,4. Meanwhile [?] in the final distribution was known merely in TP 1,2,4 but not in TP 3.   Keywords: phoneme; consonant; vowel; Dialectology

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-148
Irma Diani ◽  
Azwandi Azwandi

Phonological change is a language phenomenon that occurs because language users change the distribution of phonemes in a language. The aims of this study are to explain the phonological processes that occur in English and Indonesian and to explain the differences in phonological forms between English and Indonesian. The method used in this study is a contrasting-descriptive method by comparing two languages, namely English and Indonesian. The data were taken from the speech of students taking Indonesian and English courses at the University of Bengkulu, totaling 40 students in the first semester. The results show that five types of phonological change processes occurred in English and Indonesian, namely assimilation, metathesis, epenthesis, epithesis, and deletion. The phonological change in English often occurred when two vowel phonemes meet, such as /ea/ shift to /e/, or /i/, phoneme /y/ shift to /i/. Phoneme /e/ was pronounced when two vowel phonemes meet, such as /s/ and /n/ becomes /sen/. Phoneme /g/ is pronounced multiply when it meets the sound/ng/. Phoneme /u/ is pronounced when it meets phoneme /o/ + a consonant. Phoneme /h/ is unpronounced when it meets a vowel phoneme or more vowel phonemes in the words. Meanwhile, phonological changes in Indonesian often occurred from consonant phonemes to other consonant phonemes that have almost the same sound such as phoneme /z/ shift to /s/ and /j/. Phoneme /k/ was pronounced after phoneme /u/ and phoneme /h/ is pronounced after phoneme /a/at the end of words. Phoneme /y/ was pronounced between phonemes /i/ and /a/. Phoneme /h/ was unpronounced when it meets phonemes /a/, /i/, and /u/ in words. In conclusion, the process of phonological change that occurs in English and Indonesian is due to the influence of adjacent phoneme sounds that resemble nearby sounds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
R C Paat

This research is aimed to describe: 1) Form of Infix {um-} in Tondano dialect of Tolour Language, 2) in-the function of infix {-um-} in Tondano dialect of Tolour Language, 3) the meaning of infix {-um-} in Tondano dialect of Tolour Language. This research used quantitative methods. Data collection technique used for this research was trigger (basic technique) and interview (advance technique). Resea2rcher used list of questions that were related to infix problem in Tolour Language. Other than that, in obtaining supporting data, 3 (three) informants from Seretan Village were chosen. Ata analysis technique was undertaken by identifying finding of interview, combined to data from written source. The next step, the data of kind were classified and analyzed according to its form, function and the meaning, the cause of the attachment of infix in the basic form. At the end, the finding from data analysis showed that infix arrangement {-um-} at the basic form had experienced changes. The forms of infix {-um-} in Tondano dialect of Tolour Language cover: (1) if it was attached to the basic form which has vocal (a, i, u, e, o), so the assimilation and position change would happen, (2) if it was attached to the basic form preceded by bilabial phoneme /p,w/, change would happen which was infix {-um-}would move prefix position and the first phoneme in its assimilated form, (3) if it was attached to the basic preceded by consonant phoneme, there would be no change. Infix {-um-} is aimed to form transitive and intransitive verb from basic forms of varied categories either pre-category, nominal, adjective, and numerical. He purpose of infix attachment in its basic form changed according to the purpose of the basic from attached, which (1) means an action that would happen, (2) determines the purpose of an continuous action that related to what is said in the basic form, (3) determines the meaning of becoming like it in the basic form, and (4) determines the meaning of would become as said in the basic form. Keywords: Infix, Tolour Language.


Gangguan bahasa ialah produk pemindahan bahasa yang berbentuk negatif daripada bahasa pertama (Kadazandusun) kepada bahasa sasaran (Arab). Berdasarkan perbezaan fonem konsonan yang terdapat dalam sistem bunyi kedua-dua bahasa tersebut, penutur jati Kadazandusun dijangka menghadapi kesukaran ketika menyebut huruf-huruf tertentu. Justeru, kajian ini bertujuan untuk merungkai hakikat gangguan bahasa dari sudut fonetik yang berlaku ketika penutur jati Kadazandusun menyebut huruf tersebut. Oleh itu, objektif pertama kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti huruf bahasa Arab yang sukar untuk disebut berdasarkan gangguan bunyi bahasa Kadazandusun dan sebabnya. Objektif yang kedua pula ialah mengenal pasti huruf bahasa Arab yang mudah disebut oleh etnik Kadazandusun dan sebabnya. Kajian ini berbentuk kajian tindakan yang menggunakan satu set ujian sebutan yang diubah suai berasaskan teori Mahjub untuk mendapatkan skor sebutan sembilan bunyi fonem Arab. Responden kajian seramai 21 orang penutur jati Kadazandusun yang terdiri daripada kalangan remaja, dewasa dan warga tua. Pemilihan responden berasaskan keupayaan membaca al-Quran, penguasaan bahasa ibunda dan kawasan penempatan. Hasil ujian dinilai dengan khidmat nasihat daripada penilai yang pakar dalam bidang ilmu al-Quran dan Qiraat. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa   Language interference is the negative language transfer product from the first language (Kadazandusun) to the target language (Arabic). Based on consonant phoneme differences in the sound system of both languages, native speakers of Kadazandusun are expected to have difficulty in pronouncing certain Arabic letters. This study therefore was aimed atinvestigating language interference specifically on the aspect of phonetic that occurred when Kadazandusun native speakers pronounced these particular Arabic letters. The first objective of the study was to identify Arabic letters that posed difficulty in pronunciation due to Kadazandusun language interference and ascertain the reasons for this problem. The second objective was to identify Arabic letters that were easy for Kadazandusun speakers to pronounce and the reasons for this non-difficulty. This action research study utilised an adapted pronunciation test set based on theMahjub theory in order to obtain scores for nine Arabic pronunciations. The respondents consisted 21 Kadazandusun native speakers comprising teenagers, adults and the elderly. The selection of respondents was based on their ability to read the Quran, mother tongue mastery and their locality. Test results were evaluated with consultation from experts in Quran and Qira’at. Findings revealed [ ,[ ط ] ,[ ض ] ,[ صع ] ,[ ظ] ] and [ ح ] as letters that the speakers tend to mispronounce whereas [ أ ] ,[ ز ] ,[ ت ] ,[ د ] ,[ س ] ,[ غ ] ,[ خ ] ,[ ق ] and [ ه ] were easy to vocalise. This study has demonstrated that the level of similarities and differences between the  phonetic systems of the Kadazandusun and Arabic languages determine the level of interference during language transfer process. Hence it is recommended that the learning of Arabic pronunciation among Kadazandusun native speakers should begin with easier-topronounce letters initially and end with those that are more difficult.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 155-158
Rujab Muchahary ◽  

Mech (Bodo) is one of the regional Bodo dialects and it falls under the group of Western Bodo Dialect. The dialect is mainly spoken in Darjeeling, AlipurDooars, Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar districts of North Bengal of West Bengal (India). As a dialect, it has been maintaining some linguistic variety in different levels of linguistics. This variety can be displayed by comparing with standard form of Bodo spoken in Kokrajhar district and its adjacent areas of Assam, India. There are some examples in Mech, where extra sounds are found inserted in the beginning of words without changing the structure of word and the meaning. For example, the word ɔkha (rain) of standard Bodo is termed as nɔkha (rain) in Mech. Here, an extra sound nasal alveolar voiced consonant /n/ has been inserted in the beginning of word in Mech. Likewise, some examples of elision are also present in this dialect. For example, the word barsin (jump upon) used in standard Bodo is termed as basin (jump upon) in Mech. In this example, trill alveolar voiced consonant phoneme /r/ has been found deleted from the medial position of word. The main purpose of this paper is to observe and show up the prothesis and Elision present in Mech Dialect.

Al-Ma rifah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-204
Muhammad Jamil

This study aims to determine the change in the consonant phoneme that is found only in the Indonesian language which occurs in the Indonesian region when it is transliterated into the Arabic language. The research method uses a qualitative method of descriptive with review literature techniques. The data obtained from various regional names in Indonesia contained in the Arabic version of Google Maps and then grouped by certain criteria. Five consonant phonemes are only available in the Indonesian language and are not found in Arabic, such as: /c/,/g/,/p/,/η/, and /ñ/, so variations appear in the Indonesian transliteration symbols to the Arabic. The results showed that phoneme /c/ could be represented by the phoneme <س> <ك>, or grapheme <تش>, Phoneme /g/can be represented by the phoneme <غ> or <ج>, phoneme /p/ can be represented by the phoneme <ب> or <ف>, phonemes/η/or grapheme <ng> can be represented by the grapheme <نج>, <نغ>, <نق>, or <نك>, for the phonemes /ñ/ or grapheme <ny> can be represented by the grapheme <ني>. The phoneme changes are based on the proximity of articulation points. This research is a preliminary study to map the transcription symbol of Indonesian phonemes into Arabic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Andriyana Andriyana

ABSTRAK: Fonologi sebagai kajian bunyi mentanskripsikan bunyi secara detail secara fonetik dari yang dihasilkan artikulator pembicara. Penelitian sebelumnya berkaitan dengan cadel cenderung memulul rata karena hanya menggunakan transkripsi ortografis dan fonemis namun tidak sampai melakukan transkripsi fonetik. Untuk penyebab dari cadel itu sendiri sudah banyak dibahas oleh peneliti lain sehingga penulis hanya melihat tanpa meneliti lebih dalam penyebab dari cadel. Gangguan cadel yang dialami oleh Aden Eka Pradana dan Ilham Maulana Irsyad yang akan dilihat perbedaan dan variasi pengucapan fonem /r/ yang mereka ucapkan untuk membedakan pendapat umum tentang cadel yang hanya merubah fonem /r/ menjadi /l/. Penelitian ini megunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dengan proses pencarian data menggunakan wawancara terbuka untuk mendalami kasus cadel dan wawancara tertutup utuk menguji pengucapan fonem /r/ dengan posisinya dalam kata. Data tersebut kemudian diolah menggunakan teknik Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan posisi /r/ dan konsisi individu membedakan pelafalan /r/ sehingga pada tes menggunakan fonem konsonan partisipan pertama menimbukan bunyi aspirasi dan partisipan kedua menimbulkan retopleks. Tes kedua dengan menggunakan kluster kembali memiliki perbedaan dimana partisipan pertama menyebutkan dengan sempurna sementara partisipan kedua masih memiliki gangguan yaitu lateral release. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa posisi dan jenis fonem /r/ mempengaruhi pengucapan pada penderita cadel.KATA KUNCI: cadel; fonologi; gangguan fonologi; trill apikoalveolar;�ANALYSIS OF PHONOLOGICAL DISORDERS AND VARIATIONS OF FONEM /R/ IN CADEL PATIENTS�ABSTRACT: Phonology as the study of sound describes sounds in phonetic detail from the speaker articulator. Previous research related to slurred tended to flatten because it only used orthographic and phonemic transcription but did not make phonetic transcription. For the cause of lisp itself has been widely discussed by other researchers so that the authors only look without examining deeper the causes of lisp. Slurred disorder experienced by Aden Eka Pradana and Ilham Maulana Irshad that will be seen differences and variations in pronunciation of the phonemes /r/ they say to distinguish general opinions about lisp which only changes the phoneme /r/ to /l/. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach with the process of finding data using open interviews to explore slurred cases and closed interviews to test phoneme /r/ pronunciation with its position in words. The data is then processed using Miles and Huberman techniques. The results showed that the position /r/ and individual conditions differentiate pronunciation /r/ so that in the test using the consonant phoneme the first participant raises the sound of aspiration and the second participant gives rise to retoplex. The second test using the cluster again has a difference where the first participant mentions perfectly while the second participant still has the disorder namely lateral release. This proves that the position and type of phoneme /r/ affect pronunciation in slurred sufferers.KEYWORDS: apicoalveolar trill; cadel; phonology; phonological disorders;

Kadera Bahasa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Nurul Masfufah

AbstractResearch on phonemic correspondence between Melayu Kutai and Tonyooi has never been done. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of phonemic correspondence between Melayu Kutai and Tonyooi. Data collection is done by the method of documentation with the technique of reading and taking notes. The data analysis using a comparison method with phonemic correspondence techniques. In this study found 10 phonemic correspondences between Melayu Kutai and Tonyooi, namely a~e/-k#, ŋ~kŋ/-#, ᴓ~q/-#, d~ᴓ/kv, b~ᴓ/kv , m~pm/-#, n~tn/-#, c~s/#-, s~h/-#, and u~o/k(v)-k. The vowels phoneme correspondence was only found in one device, while the consonant phoneme correspondence was found in nine devices. The phonemic correspondence set shows the kinship of the two languages. In addition, it can show the characteristics of each language from its phonological aspects, such as unique phonemes, namely /kŋ/, /pm/, and /tn/ at the end of words in Tonyooi, whereas in Melayu Kutai it is not found.Keywords: phonemic correspondence, vowels phonemes, consonant phonemes AbstrakPenelitian korespondensi fonemis antara bahasa Melayu Kutai dan bahasa Tonyooi belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk perangkat korespondensi fonemis antara bahasa Melayu Kutai dan bahasa Tonyooi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi dengan teknik baca dan catat. Penganalisisan data menggunakan metode perbandingan dengan teknik korespondensi fonemis. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan 10 perangkat korespondensi fonemis antara bahasa Melayu Kutai dan bahasa Tonyooi, yakni a~e/-k#, ŋ~kŋ/-#, ᴓ~q/-#, d~ᴓ/k-v, b~ᴓ/k-v, m~pm/-#, n~tn/-#, c~s/#-, s~h/-#, dan u~o/k(v)-k. Korespondensi fonem vokal hanya ditemukan satu perangkat saja, sedangkan korespondensi fonem konsonan ditemukan sembilan perangkat. Perangkat korespondensi fonemis tersebut menunjukkan adanya kekerabatan kedua bahasa tersebut. Selain itu, dapat menunjukkan karakteristik masing-masing bahasa dari aspek fonologinya, seperti ditemukan fonem unik, yaitu /kŋ/, /pm/, dan /tn/ di akhir kata dalam bahasa Tonyooi, sedangkan dalam bahasa Melayu Kutai tidak ditemukan.Kata kunci: korespondensi fonemis, fonem vokal, fonem konsonan

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