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Mohanish Bawane

Abstract: MERN stack is one of the well known web stack that has acquired significance over other stack. This is a direct result of its UI delivering and execution, Cost-Adequacy, Open Source and is not difficult to switch among customer and server. Its essential target is to improve the general exhibition of the application. This stack, as well as utilizing superior execution and tweaked advances, considers web applications and programming to be grown rapidly. MERN stack is an assortment of strong and amazing innovations used to foster adaptable expert web applications, containing front-end, back-end, and data set parts. It is an innovation stack that is an easy to understand full-stack JavaScript structure for building dynamic sites and applications. This is the explanation it is the most favored stage by new businesses. This paper will depict MERN Stack involving 4 advancements to be specific: Mongo DB, Express, Respond and Node.js. Every one of these 4 incredible advancements gives a start to finish system for the designers to work in and every one of these advances have a major influence in the improvement of web applications. Index Terms: MERN STACK, Mongo DB, Express JS, React JS, Node JS platform

2022 ◽  
Abdullah Al-Enezi ◽  
Mohammed Al-Othman ◽  
Mishari Al-Shtail ◽  
Yousef Al-Sadeeqi ◽  
Kutbuddin Bhatia ◽  

Abstract The unconventional Bahrah field is a high potential field which poses several challenges in terms of hydrocarbon flow assurance through highly heterogeneous tight carbonate intervals with poor reservoir quality and curtailed mobility. Due to this, the field development strategies have prioritized well completion using horizontal acid fracturing technology over vertical wells. During fracturing, the acid system tends to form highly conductive channels in the formation. Most of the fluid will flow into the path of least resistance leaving large portions of the formation untreated. As a result, the fracturing treatment options dwindle significantly, thus reservoir stimulation results are not optimum in each stage. Achieving complete wellbore coverage is a challenge for any acid frac treatment performed in long lateral with variations in reservoir characteristics. The multistage acid fracturing using Integrated Far-field Diversion (IFD) is performed using selective openhole completion, enabling mechanical annular segmentation of the wellbore using swellable packers and sliding sleeves. The mechanical as well as chemical diversion in IFD methodology is highly important to the overall stimulation success. The technique includes pumping multiple self-degrading particle sizes, considering the openhole annular space and wide presence of natural fractures, followed by in-situ HCL based crosslinked system employed for improving individual stage targets. A biomodal strategy is employed wherein larger particles are supplemented with smaller that can bridge pore throats of the larger particles and have the desired property of rigidity and develop a level of suppleness once exposed to reservoir conditions. The IFD diversion shifts the fracture to unstimulated areas to create complex fractures that increase reservoir contact volume and improving overall conductivity. This paper examines IFD in acid fracturing and describes the crucial diversion strategy. Unlike available diverters used in other fields, the particulates are unaffected at low pH values and in live acids. Proper agent selection and combination with in-situ crosslink acid effectively plug the fracture generated previously and generate pressure high enough to initiate another fracture for further ramification. The optimization and designing of the IFD diversion in each stage plays a key role and has helped to effectively plug fractures and realize segmentation. Concentration of diversion agents, volume of fluid system and open-hole stage length sensitivity plays vital role for the success of this treatment. The application of IFD methodology is tuned as fit-for-purpose to address the unique challenges of well operations, formation technical difficulties, high-stakes economics, and untapped high potential from this unconventional reservoir. A direct result of this acid fracturing treatment is that the post-operation data showed high contribution of all fractured zones along the section in sustained manner. Furthermore, this methodology can be considered as best practice for application in unconventional challenges in other fields.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 512
Salvatore Brischetto ◽  
Roberto Torre

This paper presents the steady-state stress analysis of single-layered and multilayered plates and shells embedding Functionally Graded Material (FGM) layers under moisture conditions. This solution relies on an exact layer-wise approach; the formulation is unique despite the geometry. It studies spherical and cylindrical shells, cylinders, and plates in an orthogonal mixed curvilinear coordinate system (α, β, z). The moisture conditions are defined at the external surfaces and evaluated in the thickness direction under steady-state conditions following three procedures. This solution handles the 3D Fick diffusion equation, the 1D Fick diffusion equation, and the a priori assumed linear profile. The paper discusses their assumptions and the different results they deliver. Once defined, the moisture content acts as an external load; this leads to a system of three non-homogeneous second-order differential equilibrium equations. The 3D problem is reduced to a system of partial differential equations in the thickness coordinate, solved via the exponential matrix method. It returns the displacements and their z-derivatives as a direct result. The paper validates the model by comparing the results with 3D analytical models proposed in the literature and numerical models. Then, new results are presented for one-layered and multilayered FGM plates, cylinders, and cylindrical and spherical shells, considering different moisture contents, thickness ratios, and material laws.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 910-915
Elis Roslianti ◽  
Yanti Srinayanti ◽  
Rosmiati Rosmiati

In general, family planning can be defined as an effort to regulate the number of pregnancies in such a way that it will have a positive impact on the mother, baby, father and family concerned and will not cause harm as a direct result of the pregnancy. Family planning is an attempt to regulate the population or the use of methods to regulate fertilization to help a person or family achieve certain goals. The purpose referred to here is an intentional arrangement of pregnancy by the family, which is not against the applicable laws or regulations and also the morals of Pancasila and for the welfare of the family. Giving understanding to couples of childbearing age that there are various kinds of contraceptives and their benefits, so that people can choose any contraceptive that suits the individual. With more benefits than side effects, especially to keep the pregnancy distance, and a prosperous family can be achieved. It is hoped that with careful family planning, pregnancy is something that is really expected so that it will avoid the act of terminating a pregnancy with abortion. Ciamis Regency is in the province of West Java, where the area is directly adjacent to two regencies, namely Banjar and Tasikmalaya. Its location in the center of the city makes the Benteng village not like a village in general.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 916-919
Yanti Srinayanti ◽  
Jajuk Kusumawaty ◽  
Rosmiati Rosmiati ◽  
Yudha Hendriana ◽  
Rizky Melaty Sukma ◽  

In general, family planning can be defined as an effort to regulate the number of pregnancies in such a way that it will have a positive impact on the mother, baby, father and family concerned and will not cause harm as a direct result of the pregnancy. Family planning is an attempt to regulate the population or the use of methods to regulate fertilization to help a person or family achieve certain goals. The purpose referred to here is an intentional arrangement of pregnancy by the family, which is not against the applicable laws or regulations and also the morals of Pancasila and for the welfare of the family. Giving understanding to couples of childbearing age that there are various kinds of contraceptives and their benefits, so that people can choose any contraceptive that suits the individual. With more benefits than side effects, especially to keep the pregnancy distance, and a prosperous family can be achieved. It is hoped that with careful family planning, pregnancy is something that is really expected so that it will avoid the act of terminating a pregnancy with abortion. Ciamis Regency is in the province of West Java, where the area is directly adjacent to two regencies, namely Banjar and Tasikmalaya. Its location in the center of the city makes the Benteng village not like a village in general.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-30
Shiva Tripathi ◽  
Munukutla Venkata ◽  
James Hill ◽  
Joanna Harrison

Pain is a complex and common issue within older adults. This complexity can be a direct result of comorbidities and the subsequent polypharmacy. The effective control of pain in older adults needs more than just pharmacological management. Non-pharmacological interventions have been demonstrated to be beneficial when combined with pain medications. This commentary critically appraises a systematic review that examines the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for the management of pain in community dwelling older adults.

2022 ◽  
Declan P Moran ◽  
Sara Montero Pires ◽  
Grant MA Wyper ◽  
Brecht Devleesschauwer ◽  
Sarah Cuschieri ◽  

Objectives Burden of Disease frameworks facilitate estimation of the health impact of diseases to be translated into a single measure, such as the Disability-Adjusted-Life-Year (DALY). Methods DALYs were calculated as the sum of Years of Life Lost (YLL) and Years Lived with Disability (YLD) directly associated with COVID-19 in the Republic of Ireland (RoI) from March 01, 2020, to February 28, 2021. Life expectancy is based on the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study life tables for 2019. Results There were 220,273 confirmed cases with a total of 4,500 deaths as a direct result of COVID-19. DALYs were estimated to be 51,532.1 (95% Uncertainty Intervals [UI] 50,671.6, 52,294.3). Overall, YLL contributed to 98.7% of the DALYs. Of total symptomatic cases, 6.5% required hospitalisation and of those hospitalised 10.8% required intensive care unit treatment. COVID-19 was likely to be the second highest cause of death over our study's duration. Conclusion Estimating the burden of a disease at national level is useful for comparing its impact with other diseases in the population and across populations. This work sets out to standardise a COVID-19 BoD methodology framework for the RoI and comparable nations in the EU.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1197-1216
Ruixia Yan

With the constantly rising multilingualism in the United States, cultural and linguistic diversity is gradually becoming more and more present at schools throughout the country. Therefore, there is a critical need for resources to support speech-language pathologists (SLPs) to work with culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) clients. This case study examines a CLD client with a diagnosis of specific learning disability (SLD). SLD is a disorder characterized by one or more significant impairments in reading, spelling, writing, or arithmetical skills, which are not the direct result of other disorders or inadequate schooling. This chapter discusses approaches to appropriately assess the client's language skills and provides intervention suggestions to account for the CLD nature of the client and her SLD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Wayne L. Nicholson ◽  
Patricia Fajardo-Cavazos ◽  
Caleb Turner ◽  
Taylor M. Currie ◽  
Geoffrey Gregory ◽  

The major factor influencing the behavior of microbes growing in liquids in space is microgravity. We recently measured the transcriptomic response of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis to the microgravity environment inside the International Space Station (ISS) in spaceflight hardware called Biological Research in Canisters-Petri Dish Fixation Units (BRIC-PDFUs). In two separate experiments in the ISS, dubbed BRIC-21 and BRIC-23, we grew multiple replicates of the same B. subtilis strain in the same hardware, growth medium, and temperature with matching ground control samples (npj Micrograv. 5:1.2019, doi: 10.1038/s41526-018-0061-0). In both experiments we observed similar responses of the transcriptome to spaceflight. However, we also noted that the liquid cultures assumed a different configuration in microgravity (a toroidal shape) compared with the ground control samples (a flat disc shape), leading us to question whether the transcriptome differences we observed were a direct result of microgravity, or a secondary result of the different liquid geometries of the samples affecting, for example, oxygen availability. To mitigate the influence of microgravity on liquid geometry in BRIC canisters, we have designed an insert to replace the standard 60-mm Petri dish in BRIC-PDFU or BRIC-LED sample compartments. In this design, liquid cultures are expected to assume a more disk-like configuration regardless of gravity or its absence. We have: (i) constructed a prototype device by 3D printing; (ii) evaluated different starting materials, treatments, and coatings for their wettability (i.e., hydrophilicity) using contact angle measurements; (iii) confirmed that the device performs as designed by drop-tower testing and; (iv) performed material biocompatibility studies using liquid cultures of Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Future microgravity testing of the device in the ISS is planned.

Economies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 205
Olga Gorodetskaya ◽  
Yana Gobareva ◽  
Mikhail Koroteev

The problem of forecasting time series is very widely debated. In recent years, machine learning algorithms have been very prolific in this area. This paper describes a systematic approach to building a machine learning predictive model for solving optimization problems in the banking sector. A literature analysis on applying such methods in this particular area is presented. As a direct result of the described research, a universal scenario for forecasting various non-stationary time series in automatic mode was developed. The developed scenario for solving specific banking tasks to improve business efficiency, including optimizing demand for ATMs, forecasting the load on the call center and cash center, is considered. A machine learning methodology in economics that can yield robust and reproducible results and can be reused in solving other similar tasks is described. The methodology described in the article was tested on three cases and showed the ability to generate models that are superior in accuracy to similar predictive models described in the literature by at least three percentage points. This article will be helpful to specialists dealing with the problem of forecasting economic time series and students and researchers due to a large number of links to systematic literature reviews on this topic.

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