Transekonomika: Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Keuangan
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Published By PT. Transpublika Jaya Abadi

2809-6851, 2809-7866

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 567-577
Neni Hardiati ◽  
Yoyok Prasetyo ◽  
Nana Herdiana Abdurrahman

Rapid product development is carried out by Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS) in providing alternative services to the needs of the community which are carried out based on sharia principles. The development of these services is provided both in the form of banks and non-banks as well as in the form of storage or other types of services as well as in the form of financing. However, due to more complex customer needs, LKS requires innovation in order to get convenience in its operational activities. So, in innovating with hybrid contracts, it becomes an important thing. This research uses a literature study with a normative juridical approach, which is carried out by collecting, studying and reviewing books, scientific magazines and documents related to this research such as theses and scientific articles. The results of the study state that in the application of hybrid contracts in multi-service financing products at Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS) generally use ijarah contracts according to the DSN-MUI fatwa. In this case, if the LKS uses the ijarah contract, it must comply with the provisions of the fatwa as the service provider or the benefits obtained from the LKS. Meanwhile, if in a hybrid contract one or more contracts are added, in this case it is added with a wakalah contract, then the customer has the power to carry out his own costs. However, if there are customers who still have to pay ujrah for the ijarah contract, it is called usury. Because this is not justified in sharia principles and is not in accordance with the ijarah fatwa concerning the multiservice, the bank does not fulfill its service obligations as the fatwa regarding multiservice as well as the kafalah contract. Thus, there is an alternative in this multi-service financing, namely by using hawalah bil ujrah and wakalah contracts which are more flexible and their implementation as an innovation, namely combining these contracts with the aim of making banking operations easier, reaching wider and able to meet the needs of more customers.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 560-566
Pandu Dewanata ◽  
Kasful Anwar US

This article contains an explanation of the management of Islamic finance in modern literacy in Indonesia, nowadays it is understood that Indonesia still has a literacy level which is considered quite low, so it needs to be reviewed. This journal only describes descriptively about the material and theories regarding financial literacy and financial management in a person which is an important science to be able to improve his financial well-being.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 544-549
Meisya Nurul Maulina ◽  
Arjuna Rizaldi

The era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is dubbed the era of digitalization. All data will be interconnected by technology. This causes the age range of human resources to affect the effectiveness of cooperative work. Millennials have an innovative and creative mindset. Utilization of modern information technology must be supported by competent human resources. Competent human resources will create a good cooperative. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cooperative resource age in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and to determine the quality of cooperative human resources needed in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. This research formulates the problem of why the age of cooperative resources has an effect on the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and the quality of cooperative human resources needed in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Data collection techniques were obtained from electronic literature, books, journals, articles, and other sources. The results of the study show that the age of human resources has an influence on cooperatives in the industrial era 4.0 because the skills needed in this era are owned by the millennial generation.     Keywords: Cooperatives, Human Resources, Technology, Age and Quality

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 536-542
Naufal Zimly Assiddiq

The culture of discipline and hard work is very important in the lives of all of us, especially in the world of work. Because the culture of discipline and hard work plays a very important role in advancing employee welfare and improving the quality of the company. In this case the cooperative as written and explained in Law number 25 of 1992 article 3, namely promoting the welfare of members. Currently, in Indonesia there are still many people who have not made a culture of discipline and hard work as a benchmark or benchmark in carrying out their work. Like going from home to office just to fill attendance, playing truant while at work and so on. Then in cooperatives such as lack of coordination and cooperation between members and administrators so that the results of the cooperatives that are run are less than optimal and not in accordance with the target. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to find solutions and suggestions for the lack of a culture of discipline and hard work of Indonesian cooperatives in the industrial era 4.0.      

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 528-535
Nabila Edyliana Putri ◽  
Arjuna Rizaldi

Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah dalam perkembangannya di era globalisasi koperasi semakin memiliki banyak tantangan.  Hal tesebut terjadi karena perubahan gaya hidup generasi milenial yang begitu cepat dan tidak menentu (disruptif), akibat perkembangan teknologi informasi, robotic, artifical intelligence, transportasi, dan komunikasi yang sangat pesat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan (library research). Data yang ada dan yang dianalisis ialah data sekunder yang berasal dari berbagai sumber seperti buku maupun artikel jurnal. Dan selama ini, menurut status koperasi dalam sistem perekonomian Indonesia, koperasi mendapat dukungan pemerintah. Hasil kajian menggambarkan bahwa Adanya perkembangan teknologi, informasi, komunikasi dan perubahan  gaya serta pola pikir masyarakat seharusnya tidak menjadi sebuah ancaman bagi koperasi, justru koperasi harus menangkap dampak positif dari perkembangan tersebut sehingga dampak positif yang menjadi peluang koperasi untuk meningkatkan perannya dalam pembangunan ekonomi bangsa dalam revolusi industri 4.0 di era globalisasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 498-504
Doni Kurniawan ◽  
Kasful Anwar Us

AbstractThis study aims to explain whether the variables of career development and motivationwork has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction at PT. SourceAlfaria Trijaya and knowing which variable is more dominant between the two.From the results of the data analyzed by using qualitative methods and quantitative methods,found results that show that together or simultaneously, the two factors thatIn this study, it has a positive effect on the independent variable, namely job satisfaction.employee with the result Y= ,???????????? + ,???????????? + , + . Then when in reviewFrom the results of the coefficient of determination, it is found that the magnitude of the contribution of the two variables isThis impact on performance satisfaction reached 59.9% and the rest was influenced by other factors, whichThus, it is concluded that the studied variable has an effect on job satisfactionemployees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 505-510
Alwan Septiandito Saputra

Masa era industry 4.0 teknologi semakin canggih mengingat bahwa zaman sudah berkembang pesat. Hal ini menyebabkan memajukan perekonomian di masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Hal ini memberikan dampak pada koperasi juga. Tujuan penelitian yakni untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara teknologi informasi dengan koperasi di masa era revolusi industry 4.0, pengaruh teknologi informasi terhadap koperasi di masa era revolusi industry 4.0 dan dampak teknologi informasi bagi koperasi di masa era revolusi industry 4.0. Adapun penelitian ini merumuskan masalah bagaimanakah keterkaitan antara teknologi informasi dengan koperasi dimasa era revolusi industry 4.0, bagaimanakah pengaruh teknologi informasi terhadap koperasi di masa era revolusi industry 4.0 dan dampak teknologi informasi bagi koperasi di masa era revolusi industry 4.0. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi literatur. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari literatur elektronik buku, jurnal, artikel, dan sumber lainnya. hasil menunjukkan bahwa teknologi benar-benar sangat berpengaruh pada koperasi karena itu salah satu poin terpenting dalam berkembangnya koperasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 520-529
Gilang Maulana ◽  
Kasful Anwar US

Abstract: Theory is a thing that is seen as monotonous and hinders fieldwork for people who are used to the field, but the real purpose of theory is to determine the professional nature of workers, just as management theory is needed to manage worker activities in order to get work agreements. which is good and does not burden one side, both from the workers and the company. This journal contains the stages of development of management theory in the world, compiled based on references that are owned even though they are limited     Keywords: Management, Workers, Professionalism

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 511-519

Petty cash has a vital part in the exercises/functional exercises of the organization. Trivial money is typically utilized in overseeing generally little ostensible exchanges that happen each day. The object of this exploration is CV. Mulia Frozindo, which is one of the companies engaged in the design, supply, install, and maintenance of frozen facilities/coolants. In cash management and accounting records, especially for petty cash funds in CV. Mulia Frozindo is still handled by one section, namely the admin section. With so much transaction data that occurs, if the information assortment is done physically, a ton of time is squandered on monetary information handling in light of the fact that there are numerous stages that should be finished. The resulting information isn't really exact and proper. That way the web accounting application has been created to make it easier to make decisions on the business being run. The use of web accounting applications is very efficient and effective for an entrepreneur in running his business. Financial data processing, which only inputs transaction data, can produce the desired reports for decision making.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 523-527
Ronald Rizki Akbar Ambarisan ◽  
Arjuna Rizaldi

Pada era industri 4.0 perubahan terjadi diberbagai bidang pekerjaan dan kegiatan organisasi seperti pada kegiatan teknologi dan ekonomi. Koperasi salah satu bidang yang terdampak kemajuan zaman ini, agar bisa berkembang koperasi pun harus mengikuti perkembangan ini dengan menghadirkan aplikasi yang bisa menaungi anggota dan pengurusnya. Masalah  utama yang terjadi para koperasi saat ini adalah tidak efektifnya kegiatan pendaftaran , pendataan, dan  pengelolaan anggota & pengurus koperasi. Maka koperasi diharuskan berkembang, hal ini dilakukan agar memberikan kemudahan kepada anggota dan pengurus dalam menjalakan kegiatan koperasi baik itu pendaftaran, pendataa, maupun transaksi yang terjadi. Metode yang dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dimana Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tektik literatur yaitu dengan cara mengumpulkan data-data dari berbagai macam sumber. Bekerja sama dengan pemerintah dan perusahaan teknologi harus dilakukan agar peningkatan sumber daya koperasi bisa dilakukan secara maksimal.  Harapan yang penulis inginkan setelah membaca artikel ini adalah tersadarnya para pelaku kegiatan koperasi akan pentingnya mengikui perkembangan zaman

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