Ath Thariq Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi
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Published By IAIN Metro Lampung

2614-8439, 2580-1651

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 215
Mat Jalil

Sinergitas filsafat dan agama dua hal prinsip hidup setiap orang untuk bersungguh sunguh Berfilsafat bukanlah merupakan pekerjaan yang setiap saat dapat saja  dimulai dan yang semauanya dapat dihentikan,berfilsafat  lebih merupakan suatu mentalitas berpikir suatu sikap dan penyesuaian pribadi yang dibiasakan secara perlahan-lahan dan dengan susah payah sehingga oleh karena itu menjadi milik kita secara tetap,belajar berfilsafat belajar membuka diri dan bersedia untuk itu (membuka diri), sedamgkanberagama atau berkeyakinan adalah suatu fitrah bagi manusia.  Hal ini bertolak dari kesadaran manusia akan ketidak-berdayaan dirinya dan adanya sesuatu yang transenden yang patut diunggulkan. Agama, sebagai pegangan hidup manusia, tentu tidak hanya berhenti sebagai pemikiran ideal belaka, melainkan, seiring perjalanan waktu, harus diterjemahkan dalam bingkai realitas kehidupan manusia. Agama kemudian mencari posisinya yang apresiatif terhadap realitas, namun tanpa mereduksi prinsip-prinsipnya

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Fathur Rohman

Saat ini aktifitas dakwah tidka hanya melalui mimbar-mimbar masjid, pengajian, dan ceramah saja. Pada tulisan ini telah menyoroti bahwa adanya metode dakwah bil kitabah  yaitu melaui tulisan. Tulisan yang mampu mempengaruhi semua yang membaca tulisan tersebut dengan tujuan menyeru kepada allah SWT, maka tulisan tersebut adalah dakwah.  Komunikasi persuasif bukan saja hanya bisa dilakukan dengan lisan saja, namun bisa juga di terapkan dalam sebuah tulisan dan  bisa di jadikan sebagai media dakwah.  Sebuah karya tulis berupa novel karya  Ahmad Fuadi, adalah karya tulis yang di dalamnya menyampaikan pesan menggunakan teknik komunikasi persuasif dengan gaya bahasa yang sangat renyah mudah di pahami sehingga menjadi sebuah pesan dakwah yang mudah diterima oleh masyarakat yang kemudian dituangkan dalam karya tulis berupa novel yang berjudul “Anak Rantau”.  Hasil analisis dalam novel tersebut adalah dakwah yang dilakukan oleh Ahmad Fuadi melalui karya novelnya yang  berjudul Novel Islami Anak Rantau terdapat lima teknik komunikasi persuasif  yaitu: teknik asosisasi, teknik fear arrousing, teknik pay of idea, teknik icing device, teknik cognitive dissonance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Wawan Trans Pujianto

Kecenderungan kaum perempuan pada saat ini yang banyak menyibukkan dirinya dengan hal duniawiyah perlu dipandu dengan arahan yang benar dan tepat dalam menghadapi arus hedonisme yang terus berkuasa agar kecenderungan kaum perempuan tersebut sedikit demi sedikit dapat untuk dirubah menjadi lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, perlu kiranya untuk mengatahui bagaimana keberhasilan komunikasi persuasif yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah Shallalahu 'Alaihi Wasallam terhadap kaum perempuan (Shahabiyah) sehingga bisa diterapkan pada masa sekarang ini.             Tulisan ini pada intinya bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebuah kajian teoretis mengenai komunikasi persuasif Rasulullah SAW terhadap kaum perempuan perspektif hadits tarbawi sekaligus mengatahui apa penyebab terjadinya kegagalan dalam mendakwahi kaum perempuan.             Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode kepustakaan. Dalam usaha untuk mendapatkan data sekunder untuk menyusun kerangka teoritis dan konseptual dengan cara mengkaji bahan-bahan primer seperti buku Majelis Perempuan, Pesan dan Wasiat Rasulullah Kepada Kaum Perempuan, Perempuan Bertanya Nabi Menjawab, Arba'in Ad-Da'awiyah, Teladan Aplikatif Dakwah Rasulullah.                 Dari studi analisis dapat di simpulkan bahwa dalam memberikan pencerahan kapada kaum perempuan akan pentingnya ilmu syari'at perlu kiranya menggunakan strategi yang baik sehingga mereka dengan mudah menerima ajakan tersebut. Seperti halnya dalam menghadapi kaum perempuan dalam proses berdakwah harus banyak melakukan dialog bukan sekedar monolog, menunjukkan sikap empati, menyentuh emosi dan perasaan karena target dakwah pada perempuan terletak pada emosi dan perasaannya, memberikan jawaban yang memuaskan terhadap berbagai permasalahan yang dilontarkan, dalam berdakwah kepada kaum perempuan harus bisa menyesuaikan antara waktu dan tempat untuk menyampaikan materi sehingga dakwah mudah untuk diterima, memberikan peluang kepada kaum perempuan untuk berdialog berupa pertanyaan atau curahan isi hati, memberikan kesan dan motivasi kuat untuk komitmen terhadap agama.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Mualimin Mualimin

This study aims to analyze the message of da'wah in the tradition of besaprah (eating together). This research is a qualitative interpretive paradigm. Data were collected in three ways, through observation, interviews, and document studies. While the method used to analyze data is the semiotics method. Based on the analysis that has been done, can be concluded that the teachings of Islam are conveyed through cultural symbols that are packaged properly in the tradition of besaprah. The message of da'wah in the tradition of besaprah is conveyed through cultural symbols. In general the message of da'wah can be divided into three aspects of Islamic teachings. First, the message of faith is related to monotheism and the pillars of faith. Second, the message of sharia is related to observance of implementing Islamic teachings in daily life. Third, the moral message related to friendship, mutual help, glorify humans, and equality between human beings. Keywords : Da'wah Message, Makan Besaprah, Sambas Malay

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Ajeng Wahyuni

Indonesian society is currently experiencing changes in the context of the missionary movement. A da’i celebrity in her missionary activities has not been oriented towards the resulting impact. Research on organizing da’i's da'wah message has the purpose of knowing the organization of messages in preaching. Based on the theme raised in this study formulate a problem about how to construct da'wah messages, how to form Al Habsyi's da'wah messages. Relevant to the objectives, this study uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. Da'wah messages conveyed by cleric Al Habsyi namely mubasyaroh. Organizing messages by increasing the attention of mad’u, through nasyid, the needs of mad’u, fulfillment of the material of mad’u preaching on religious messages, describes the contents of the message of da'wah, through stories. Utilizing stories and taking actions with persuasive communication, namely by carrying out the Sunnah.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 179
Eka Octalia

The da'wah propagation of Islam in the archipelago has shown such strong accommodation to the local traditions of the local community. This shows that the character of Indonesian Islam is able to dialogue with tradition and culture. This paper tries to examine the concept of cultural da'wah and the relationship between Islam and local culture. Cultural Da'wah is a da'wah that considers all forms of culture that are developing in society. Cultural propaganda is one of the da'wah approaches in dealing with heterogeneous societies of culture. Islam has an important role in facing cultural transformation. The process of Islamic dialogue with community traditions can be realized with cultural systems and mechanisms in dealing with local negotiations. From the display illustrates that in reality, Islam is in contact with local teachings (traditions) so as to form a new formulation of Islam and Islamic local culture.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Mutiara Cendekia Sandyakala

Professional muballigh observes the new things in order to follow the flow of globalization, and also can follow the increasing competition due to the progress of science and the development of more advanced age and competitive. Professional appearance constantly changing from year to year with the criteria of performance in accordance with the attitude, personality, and appearance is strongly influenced by the place and the environment where the person carrying out the profession. Da'wa should be able to sharpen the intellect object message. With today's challenges steps to be taken in a preacher or propaganda agencies in order to preach effectively. A professional who is successful in achieving his goal he must prioritize the responsibility to complete the task complete, and create schedules and working to meet the schedule to manage time. Professionals muballigh is an attitude that really shows the master, earnestly and serious profession, perform analysis, understand the work and also the confidence and skills in relating to others and to always perform continuous self-development so as not to abandoned or left behind. A person who has a professional attitude, only those who really have the courage and faith, and God only step that they lean. In addition they are earnest, not easily discouraged, also seriously pursue live, dare mengahapi challenges of the times, practice what is taught by Allah in the Qur'an and as-Sunnah always followed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Ika Selviana

Da'wah is basically an invitation in accordance with the origin of the Arabic word. Every invitation addressed to the da'wah target of religious knowledge has its own challenges and obstacles for a preacher. therefore it is necessary to have a touch of aesthetics in propaganda aimed at millennial generation through social media because they are more busy with cyberspace such as YouTube or Facebook. The aesthetic form of da'wah is the taste of a mad'u in enjoying da'wah from a preacher. A preacher must pay attention to maaddah (material), thoriqoh (method), and wasilah (media) in delivering his da'wah to mad'u. The method of preaching with the beauty of intonation of sounds, music, interludes of songs or blessings, as well as simple drawings is very popular with the millennial generation because it is more interesting and easy to understand, even the millennial generation likes young, outgoing, and pleasing to the eye lecturers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Mike Meiranti

Hijrah is a positive action to change a person's bad behavior to be better, or in Islamic religion means returning to fitraAllah SWTSWT, the current state of the millennial tends to be based on following trends so that the migration is limited to physical packaging or method dress is not essentially practiced properly, this happens because of the social media support factor that forces millennials to follow the trend directed by social media, considering that social media has become a life for millennials, if it does not follow trends on social media then his existence will not occur.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 159
Fethan Werdaty

Prophet as an actor first preaching in the life of Islam, with persistent and knows no despair, he delivered the message of Islam until his death. In connection with it as ukhairu ummah” then any Muslim either individually or in groups should inherit the position as the subject of preaching is not the object of propaganda let alone act as someone who does not do anything. Muslim communities must be at the core and is responsible for calling on people to take an active role of truth and prevent those things from falsehood, so that the goal can be achieved with the Islamic da’wah well and smoothly in accordance with what is expected. To carry out and deliver da'wah to its target objects, there are many methods or methods carried out by ulama, Da'i and da'wah practitioners, all of which rely on efforts to convey religious messages or Islamic values. In this regard, when the message of preaching will be delivered to the object, the thing that must be considered is the creation of a process of acceptance and understanding of da'wah messages in an atmosphere that is good and peaceful, does not lead to contra, divisive or even confusing understanding which results in no achieved the expected missionary purpose. On the one hand, the essence of da'wah in the socio-cultural system is to organize and provide direction for change. Changing the structure of society and culture from tyranny towards justice, ignorance towards progress / intelligence, poverty towards prosperity, all backwardness towards progress in order to improve the degree of humans and society towards the peak of humanity (tawa). The obligation to carry out Islamic da'wah, is certainly closely related to the commands of Allah SWT. In the A1-Qur'an, among the arguments that show the obligation of da'wah are listed in the which means the following: "And let there be among you a group of people who call upon virtue, send to those who speak and prevent from the poor, they are the lucky ones.

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