Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne
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Published By Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan


Dawid Aristotelis Fusiek ◽  
Cecilia Marconi

The paper aims at investigating the relationship between Trumpism and the European far-right parties. The combination of shared ideological cores with the confrontation of similar “enemies” has resulted in the creation of an unprecedented relationship, wherein Trump takes the role of “international godfather” and inspiration for the European far right. To examine this relation, the paper focuses on references to Donald Trump and his policies and statements from 2016 to 2020 in the discourse of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), Hungarian Civilian Alliance (Fidesz), and Lega Nord (Lega). The examination of the discourse of the three parties about security, immigration, foreign policy, and corruption shows that these parties have utilised Trumpism in three manners. Firstly, they have employed Trumpism to normalise certain pre-existing far-right ideologies and practices within their national and European context. Secondly, they have emulated Trump’s discourse and policies to capitalise on his popularity and support their national endeavours. Thirdly, they have used Trump’s fight and ideas to justify national measures, beliefs, criticism, or political goals. This paper thus aims to establish the leitmotifs governing the use of Trumpism by European far right to set the framework for future more critical analyses and a better understanding of this unprecedented relationship.

Oleksandr Trukhachov

The article focuses on elements of social engineering (SI) that could be used by the states in their own interests during the COVID-19 pandemic. These elements were used to form negative public opinion, change the political landscape, and reduce citizens’ trust in their own governments. These elements are influence and persuasion. Traditional media and social networks play a major role in the use of these SI elements. SI has a long history of theoretical study as a scientific phenomenon. Practical elements of SI have a large arsenal, from government tools to influencing individuals. The article aims to demonstrate using SI elements, influence, and persuasion by the interested states and governments to obtain certain preferences for both foreign and domestic policies.

Nataliia Krokhmal

The article is devoted to the analysis of changes in society during and after the coronavirus pandemic. The general features of epidemics and pandemics in the human history have been considered, the similarity of the main forms and methods of fighting against pandemics accumulated by society in different periods of history has been shown. Some trends in the development of modern society have been outlined and described, which could be seen even before the COVID-19 pandemic that has become their catalyst and intensified their manifestation. In other words, it has become the impetus for their further development. In particular, the transformation of society into an information and knowledge society; reorientation of the economy and business in the context of COVID-19; the changing role of the labor force and the labor market; character in social connections and communications; the phenomenon of social responsibility of citizens, business and the state in a pandemic; changes in the nature of education has been analyzed. The emphasis is made on the fact that society will not return to its usual pre-coronavirus lifestyle, but will gradually expand (deepen) the described trends in all areas, will make a transition to a new state.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101-112
Krzysztof Fedorowicz

Celem artykułu jest przedstawione podejścia władz Republiki Białoruś wobec pandemii COVID-19. Główna hipoteza badawcza przyjęta przez autora głosi, iż Białoruś od początku pandemii zdecydowała się na świadome ignorowanie pojawiającego się zagrożenia epidemiologicznego, przyjmując strategię uspokajania społeczeństwa i bagatelizowania globalnego niebezpieczeństwa. Na podstawie analizy danych dowiedziono, iż większość Białorusinów podczas pandemii COVID-19 całkowicie utraciło zaufanie do państwa i jego organów, które ich zdaniem okazały się niezdolne do podjęcia ochrony swoich obywateli przed negatywnymi skutkami (zdrowotnymi, ekonomicznymi) pandemii.

Martyna Woźniak

Zintegrowany Przegląd został opublikowany 16 marca 2021 roku wraz z przedmową premiera, jednak nie był on jedynym dokumentem na temat polityki zagranicznej i bezpieczeństwa. Towarzyszył mu wydany tydzień później akt zatytułowany Obrona w konkurencyjnym wieku. Jak sam Boris Johnson twierdzi, jest to najambitniejszy plan strategiczny, jaki Wielka Brytania opracowała od czasów zakończenia zimnej wojny. Poza zwracaniem uwagi na swe ambicje bycia potęgą naukową i technologiczną, przodowania w dziedzinie cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz ochrony środowiska, Brytyjczycy w Przeglądzie Strategicznym określają, jak widzą obecne i przyszłe stosunki na arenie międzynarodowej z innymi państwami. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza wizji Globalnej Brytanii, przedstawionej w postaci dokumentu pt. Globalna Brytania w dobie konkurencyjności: zintegrowany przegląd bezpieczeństwa, obrony, rozwoju i polityki zagranicznej, pod kątem jego znaczenia dla Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej.

Sholpan Zabikh

In this article, the author analyzes the difficult situation in the world associated with the spread of the coronavirus. The pandemic negatively affected all spheres of human life and significantly worsened the economic condition of many states. Their governments have spent colossal funds to combat the coronavirus pandemic, improve their economies, and stabilize the political situation in the world. The author analyzes laws and regulations adopted by the Republic of Kazakhstan, aimed at combating the spread of the coronavirus, improving the social and political situation in the country. The coronavirus pandemic has had a negative impact on business. Thus, companies in various sectors began to close, and many people lost their jobs. That has led to further deterioration in the social and political situation in the country. Therefore, laws were adopted to stabilize the situation in Kazakhstan. The author also examines the experience of other states in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and conducts a comparative analysis.

Daniela Pastarmadzhieva ◽  
Mina Angelova

At the beginning of 2020, the world faced a new and unexpected challenge. Such a harmful situation has a potential to increase tensions in societies and create citizens’ distrust in their own governments and the European Union. In relation to these observations, the main hypothesis assumes that citizens’ trust in the Union decreased during the pandemic, compared to previous periods. Thus, the aim of the study is to identify the dynamics of trust in the EU in the member states. The research’s object is the citizens of the EU member states and the focus on dynamics in the levels of trust in 2016–2020, measured based on selected indicators. The data for analysis comes from the Eurobarometer. Statistical methods (frequencies and cross tables) and comparative approach are used for the analysis. On the macrolevel, it seemed that European leaders could do better, especially in the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the results of the Eurobarometer survey performed in the summer of 2020 show that average trust in the Union did not decreased. Тhe data shows that there is a variety across the countries, which was not presented in the current study. Thus, a further examination focused on the context in each of the countries is required, namely policies and measures stringency.

Anastasia Kravets

Biopolitics focuses on the impact of globalization on the well-being of the individual and society as a whole. Accordingly, issues of human security and the threats posed by the process of globalization, as well as the transition from a disciplinary regime to a regime of governance at the global level, which, based on democratic values and liberal norms, are raised. That is why the problem of social justice and equality is solved. The issue of human safety within global governance should be emphasized. It is about a sense of security as a basic human need. Moreover, it is about the global security necessary for the survival and reproduction of humanity as a whole. As well as the study of potential socio-political consequences of the development of biotechnology and genetic engineering in the global dimension. This huge set of issues must be concretized, systematized, and logically structured through the analysis of the impact of globalization on the state of the individual, its relationship with the concept of bios; introduction at the international level of the doctrines of social justice, protection of human and civil rights at the global level; study of potential socio-political consequences of the development of biotechnology in the global dimension; introduction of new biopolitical models of power, governance and international relations; analysis of the theory of global evolution.

Remigiusz Rosicki

The scope of the research problem encompasses selected issues concerning the content and sense of the elements characterizing the offense of espionage in Polish criminal law. In the legislation currently in force, the offense of espionage is criminalized under Art. 130 § 1–4 of the Criminal Code. The main purpose of the analysis is to perform a substantive criminal examination of the offense of espionage under Polish law, considering a practical case study and an assessment of the legal provisions regarding state security. In order to elaborate the material scope of the research problem and present the conclusions, the paper asks the following research questions: (1) To what extent are the de lege lata legal solutions in Poland effective in counteracting espionage offenses?, (2) What de lege ferenda solutions ought to be proposed to improve effective counteraction of espionage offenses? The paper includes an institutional and legal analysis aided by textual, functional, and historical interpretations, supplemented with the author’s conclusions and opinions concerning de lege lata and de lege ferenda solutions. The institutional and legal analysis is supplemented with a case study of espionage activity. The case study helps consider selected legal problems and presents example legal classifications of the described acts associated with espionage activity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-125
Beata A. Orłowska

Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na kwestię gwarantowania bezpieczeństwa edukacyjnego dla cudzoziemskich dzieci. Trudności po stronie uczniów, szkolnych administracji czy nauczycieli świadczą o tym, że nie można ich zignorować. Nie można też pominąć bezpieczeństwa kulturowego, będącego podstawą bezpieczeństwa edukacyjnego. Artykuł został podzielony na kilka głównych części. Pierwsza stanowi wprowadzenie do zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa kulturowego i edukacyjnego. Kolejne części zawierają próby wyszczególnienia obszarów wsparcia dla cudzoziemskich uczniów w celu podjęcia dyskusji na temat sytuacji cudzoziemskich dzieci w polskich szkołach.

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