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Published By Office Of Religious Research And Development

2528-553x, 2460-6294

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-253
Muhammad Nabil Fahmi ◽  
Muqowim Muqowim

During the classical period, Islamic education in the Indonesian archipelago (Nusantara) could not be separated from the literature used. One of the earliest pieces of literature that have been used in the Nusantara since the 16th century AD is Asmarakandi book by Abū al-Laiṡ as-Samarqandī. This research aims to explain the significance and characteristics of the Asmakarakandi book related to its function as a learning resource and its implications for the implementation of early Islamic education in the Nusantara. This research is a literature review using the integration-interconnection scientific paradigm, namely the historical approach in Islamic studies. This research finds that the Asmarakandi book is a popular basic level of Islamic education learning resource used by Muslim communities from different socio-cultural backgrounds. The distinctive format of the Asmarakandi book also shows implications regarding its function as a learning resource for Islamic education. First, the used of the Asmarakandi book makes Islamic education take place systematically, effectively, and efficiently. Second, the suitability of the material with the level of religious understanding of the early Muslim community in the Nusantara. Third, the dialogue-based book format can encourage the critical power of the reviewers. Furthermore, fourth, the transformation of the book into local texts helps the general public understand the content of the Asmarakandi book.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-183
Dwi Martiningsih ◽  
Arif Zamhari

The management of zakat is dynamic dealing with the socio-political context in a country, including Indonesia. Zakat regulation  change from UU/38/1999 to UU/23/2011 pratically require adaptation from the role of zakat institutions in Indonesia. Zakat management institution in the community such as NU-Care LAZISNU and LAZISMU as zakat management institutions with civil society-based in programs and activities certainly cannot be separated from these regulatory changes. The regulation change was responded by changing its role as a zakat management institution. This article aims to describe the activities of NU-Care LAZISNU and LAZISMU and their position in responding zakat law. This research uses a case study approach and is designed in the form of a descriptive analysis to reveal field findings. The results of this research reveal that changes in national zakat management bring opportunities as well as challenges for zakat management institutions, both government zakat institutions and non-government zakat institutions. NU-care LAZISNU and LAZISMU build some adjustments by modernizing their institutions. These two civil society-based zakat institutions carry out various strategies in collecting, distributing and empowering zakat, infaq, and sedekah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. ii-x

Halaman Depan

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 208-217
Syamsurijal Syamsurijal

Dalam beberapa  penelitian tentang kerukunan beragama di  kota Samarinda, selalu tergambar kota ini memiliki beberapa persoalan. Secara umum masyarakat memang terlihat hidup tenang dan damai, tetapi relasi antara penganut agama di grass root tidak akrab.  Hanya melebur saat ada acara-acara resmi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, tetapi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari cenderung berjarak satu sama lain.   Tulisan ini ingin menunjukkan, bahwa di tengah-tengah masyarakat yang hubungannya terlihat canggung, masih ada komunitas tertentu yang mempraktikkan kerukunan beragam secara tulus. Praktik semacam itu perlu dituliskan karena bisa menjadi energi positif bagi komunitas lainnya untuk membangun kerukunan beragama yang serupa.  Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif, peneliti menelusuri kehidupan dan relasi masyarakat beda agama di salah satu kelurahan di kota Samarinda.  Hasilnya, ditemukan fakta yang menarik,  ternyata masih ada komunitas tertentu di Samarinda yang mempraktikkan toleransi agama secara tulus. Masyarakat di kampung itu  tidak hanya rela bertetangga dengan orang yang berbeda agama, tetapi juga menyambutnya dengan mesra untuk menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar di kampung itu. Suatu kehidupan yang bisa menghormati perbedaan karena merasa perbedaan justru menjadi modal sosial mereka untuk membangun kampung halaman. Kehidupan yang tidak hanya harmonis, tapi saling menyapa dan tolong menolong antara pemeluk agama yang berbeda. Itulah praktik kerukunan beragama di kelurahan Lempake-Samarinda Utara, Kota Samarinda. Praktik kerukunan beragama ini boleh dikatakan sebentuk model Best Practice Toleransi yang masih berlangsung di tengah denyut kehidupan masyarakat Samarinda yang semakin berjarak satu sama lain.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-229
Mahmudah Nur ◽  
Novita Siswayanti ◽  
Nurrahmah Nurrahmah

The Ngareremokeun ritual is a form of indigenous community belief in the Kasepuhan Cisungsang who live around the Mount Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) Lebak Regency, Banten Province toward customary law as the embodiment of ancestral mandates. The Ngareremokeun tradition is also evidence of various cultures acculturation without eliminating another cultural element. This paper aims to understand the meaning of moderation as reflected in the Ngareremokeun ritual and to show its relevance to the context of the community that owns the tradition and Indonesian society in general. This descriptive study emphasizes on qualitative data with a structuralist approach that aims to describe the moderation values reflected in the Ngareremokeun ritual. Data was collected through interviews with cultural actors and direct observation on the Ngareremokeun ritual. The results of this study indicate that the Ngareremokeun ritual is the evidence of knowledge resource and cultural expression of indigenous people in the Kasepuhan Cisungsang to maintain the sustainability of their traditions. The meaning of the symbols embodied in this tradition, the moderation values in the Ngareremokeun ritual is appropriate with the four indicators of religious moderation, namely national commitment, tolerance, non-violence, and accommodating to local culture. The moderation value can also be found in the attitudes and behavior of the Ngararemokeun’s actors and the indigenous people in Kasepuhan Cisungsang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-207
Herman Hendrik

Keragaman yang ada di  Indonesia tak jarang menjadi wahana konflik horizontal. Sebagai contoh misalnya konflik yang membawa nama agama. Dunia pendidikan pun tak lepas dari permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan keragaman agama. Untuk itu, diperlukan pengelolaan keragaman. Tulisan ini menganalisis berbagai praktik pengelolaan keragaman agama yang ada di sekolah-sekolah. Berdasarkan suatu penelitian kualitatif dengan FGD sebagai teknik pengumpulan data, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa ragam praktik pengelolaan keragaman agama di sekolah mencakup aspek-aspek: kurikulum, ekstrakurikuler, kokurikuler, sarana dan prasarana, pengelolaan kelas, rekrutmen GTK, acara selebrasi, dan aksi sosial. Faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap lahirnya praktik-praktik tersebut yaitu intervensi dari kepala daerah, intervensi dari organisasi nonpemerintah, intervensi tokoh agama, visi lembaga, dan inisiatif guru. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, tulisan ini mengemukakan empat model pengelolaan keragaman agama di sekolah; yaitu model normatif, mandiri, maju, dan inovatif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-169
Ardiyamsi Sarmoko Saridi ◽  
Yoga Setyo Wibowo ◽  
Era Anggela

In the Covid-19 pandemic era, all national to international aspects has been affected, including religious activities such as the implementation of Hajj and Umrah. Saudi Arabia through The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah only allows domestic pilgrims in 2020. This has caused the Indonesian Government to cancel Hajj departures, thus prolonging the queue of pilgrims in Indonesia. The Indonesian Ministry of Religion needs to adjust the Hajj and Umrah policies in the pandemic era, by designing a message communication strategy, innovation and Hajj mitigation for prospective pilgrims. Problems and challenges in communicating the message, including differences knowledge of prospective pilgrims regarding Hajj procedures, the dominance of elderly prospective pilgrims, education levels, and various demographic characteristics of socio-economic need to be considered. This article aims to describe the expectations of prospective pilgrims for the 2021 hajj departure and how the right model of communication, innovation and mitigation strategy for hajj and umrah during the pandemic. This research method uses a mix-method approach through a survey involving 1201 prospective pilgrims from 34 provinces in Indonesia using telesurvey methods and literature studies. This research found that prospective pilgrims have high expectations (9.17 from 10) for the 2021 Hajj departure. In communicating information related to the implementation of the hajj and umrah pilgrimages during the pandemic, the government needs to produce clear, meaningful, one narrative, empathetic, consistent and contextual message. In addition, it also build harmonization of communication through the family system between government institutions, as well as providing guidance related to health protocols and emotional support by hajj officers and scholars to prospective pilgrims who get cancelation on hajj departure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-264
Sefrianus Juhani ◽  
Antonius Denny Firmanto

One of the problems suspected to be faced by human is environmental problems. Whereas in various traditions generated by the ancestors, it encourages harmony between human life and nature through mythology, including the teachings of eschatology. The ecological crisis that occurred because of leaving the concept of eco-eschatology in religion and culture. This paper aims to find the ecoeschatological dimension in the creation myth of the Manggarai Community, NTT. The study used qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. Data were obtained through interviews with several key informants from several villages in Manggarai. The results of the study found two myths that have the eco-eschatological  local wisdom, namely the myth of the origin of humans and the origin of plants. There are several eco-eschatological meanings in the creation myth, those are everything was created by Morin, all creations have an eschatological future, and there is continuity and discontinuity between the old creation in the world and the new creation in the eschatological world. These meanings bear some resemblance to the teachings in Catholic theology of creation. This finding contributes to the Church in efforts to sensitize the people in relation to the ecological crisis. In addition, local wisdom is also the basis for the environmental conservation movement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-155
Wahidah R Bulan ◽  
Kustini Kosasih

The high divorce rate encourages the Ministry of Religion to make various efforts to maintain family resilience. The Service Center Program of Sakinah Family or Program Pusat Layanan Keluarga Sakinah (Pusaka Sakinah) is one of the Ministry of Religion’s effort through the transformation of KUA’s role into a more significant in protecting Indonesian families from divorce. This article aims to get an overview of KUA's activities in implementing the Pusaka Sakinah program including the forms of innovation and initiative in pursuing program sustainability. The research method uses qualitative methode through case study type with the locus at KUA Kiaracondong representing program implementation in urban areas, and at KUA Cipeundeuy representing program implementation in rural areas. This study uses the theory of AGIL Structural Functionalism (Adaptation, Goal-attainment, Integration, Latency). This research results several findings: first, although the increasing role of KUA in facilitating the people to actualize sakinah family can be realized through the implementation of the Pusaka Sakinah program, efforts to maintain program sustainability are not an easy way due to KUA's high dependency on the institution in financing the program. Second, initiative and innovation are relatively limited because the concept of the Pusaka Sakinah program has not been understood and there has even been a misinterpretation on transforming KUA, causing disorientation, reduction, and even rejection of programs that are seen as burdensome to KUA. Third, the synergy of implementation program with similar programs carried out by other ministries and local governments is still low. In this regard, the Ministry of Religion needs to make efforts to increase the intended synergy which will also have a positive impact on the availability of resources in program implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-241
Moch Lukluil Maknun ◽  
Dedik Subroto ◽  
Fathurozi Fathurozi

Salah satu dampak pandemi covid adalah minimnya intensitas tatap muka pembelajaran. Di tengah tuntutan siswa aktif belajar dari berbagai sumber, novel biografi merupakan salah satu sumber belajar yang cukup relevan sebagai sarana transfer keilmuan. Novel Sang Pencerah yang menceritakan biografi tokoh K.H. Ahmad Dahlan belum digali pada aspek konsep rahmatan lil alamin yang sedang digalakkan untuk dikuatkan di kalangan muslim Indonesia. Memanfaatkan metode hermenutika Schleiermacher dan Gadamer, kajian ini berupaya menjawab dua permasalahan utama: rumusan konsep rahmatan lil alamin dalam novel dan relevansinya dengan konteks pendidikan Islam saat ini. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa keteladanan konsep rahmat yang dicontohkan oleh sang tokoh jika dipadatkan maka membahas empat hal: bersosialisasi, menebar cinta kasih, belajar, dan mengajar yang masing-masing terjabarkan dalam indikator atau kata kunci yang diceritakan sepanjang teks. Konsep pembelajaran dan dakwah rahmatan lil alamin yang diterapkan dan dicontohkan oleh tokoh secara umum sangat relevan dengan konteks pendidikan Islam saat ini, meskipun tidak kesemuanya harus diadopsi.

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